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windows windows windows
Просмотров: 285 | Автор: Варя | Дата: 21-01-2025, 00:10
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Windows 10 (x64/x86)

Windows 10 (x64/x86)
32-х и 64-битный образы русской Windows 10 с интегрированными обновлениями за декабрь 2024-го, включая .NET Framework 4.8.1, по 7 редакций системы в каждом.
В системах ничего не вырезано.
Не добавлено тоже ничего, кроме Просмотра фотографий Windows и Калькулятора.
Всё необходимое можно установить из Магазина Windows.

Версии LTSC поставляются без приложений, но также как и в LTSC 2024, есть возможность установить Магазин, если он вам необходим. Для этого выполнить в PowerShell от имени Администратора команду: "wsreset ‑i", дождаться загрузки и установки магазина.

Отключено: UAC, служба индексирования, служба DiagTrack.
Обновления работают, Защитник (сволочь) тоже.
Помимо образов в раздаче присутствуют следующие папки:
"Активация"; "Запись на флешку"; "Удалить Defender"; "Удалить EDGE".
Windows 10 (x64/x86) Версия программы: 22H2 19045.5247 и 21H2 19044.5247 LTSC
Официальный сайт: ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Лечение: в раздаче
Автор сборки: Sergei Strelec
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Windows 10 (x64/x86)

Windows 10 (x64/x86)
Загрузил: Варя (21 января 2025 00:10)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 55 | Размер: 7.68 Gb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 80 Качают: 43 Скачали: 65
80 43 65
Windows_10_Sergei_Strelec_12.12.2024 (613 файлов)
Активация (2 файла)
file MAS_AIO.cmd (435.62 Kb)
txt READMI.txt (163 b)
Запись на флешку (4 файла)
ISO to USB (8 файлов)
file 7z.dll (709 Kb)
jpg READMI.jpg (71.93 Kb)
exe bootsect_x64.exe (97 Kb)
exe bootsect_x86.exe (85.5 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (1.72 Mb)
exe isoinfo.exe (113.91 Kb)
exe isotousb.exe (1.89 Mb)
txt license.txt (1.43 Kb)
UltraISO (12 файлов)
drivers (6 файлов)
file ISODrive.sys (80.24 Kb)
file ISODrv64.sys (112.74 Kb)
exe IsoCmd.exe (28.33 Kb)
exe bootpart.exe (22.16 Kb)
file bootpart.sys (24.66 Kb)
file bootpt64.sys (32.66 Kb)
lang (1 файл)
file lang_ru.dll (98.07 Kb)
jpg 1.jpg (121.69 Kb)
jpg 2.jpg (171.05 Kb)
jpg 3.jpg (116.3 Kb)
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file isoshl64.dll (144.24 Kb)
file lame_enc.dll (479.5 Kb)
file uikey.ini (91 b)
file ultraiso.ini (336 b)
file vdrive.ini (168 b)
ventoy (11 файлов)
altexe (2 файла)
exe Ventoy2Disk_ARM.exe (564 Kb)
exe Ventoy2Disk_ARM64.exe (623.5 Kb)
boot (2 файла)
file boot.img (512 b)
file core.img.xz (444.52 Kb)
plugin (1 файл)
ventoy (3 файла)
theme (25 файлов)
icons (4 файла)
png deepin.png (1.41 Kb)
png red-hat.png (1.02 Kb)
png ubuntu.png (1.21 Kb)
png vtoyiso.png (916 b)
png background.png (240.93 Kb)
png menu_c.png (152 b)
png menu_e.png (154 b)
png menu_n.png (157 b)
png menu_ne.png (178 b)
png menu_nw.png (178 b)
png menu_s.png (157 b)
png menu_se.png (181 b)
png menu_sw.png (181 b)
png menu_w.png (154 b)
png select_c.png (318 b)
png slider_c.png (99 b)
png slider_n.png (190 b)
png slider_s.png (184 b)
png terminal_box_c.png (976 b)
png terminal_box_e.png (952 b)
png terminal_box_n.png (963 b)
png terminal_box_ne.png (1.09 Kb)
png terminal_box_nw.png (1.07 Kb)
png terminal_box_s.png (963 b)
png terminal_box_se.png (1.08 Kb)
png terminal_box_sw.png (1.08 Kb)
png terminal_box_w.png (952 b)
txt theme.txt (1.54 Kb)
file ventoy.json (1.53 Kb)
file ventoy_grub.cfg (509 b)
ventoy (5 файлов)
file languages.json (270.28 Kb)
file plugson.tar.xz (994.04 Kb)
file ventoy.disk.img.xz (12.85 Mb)
file ventoy_4k.disk.img.xz (5.59 Kb)
file version (7 b)
txt READMI.txt (150 b)
exe Ventoy2Disk.exe (589.5 Kb)
file Ventoy2Disk.ini (196 b)
exe Ventoy2Disk_X64.exe (633 Kb)
exe VentoyPlugson.exe (364 Kb)
exe VentoyPlugson_X64.exe (450 Kb)
exe VentoyVlnk.exe (148 Kb)
WinSetupFromUSB (4 файла)
files (8 файлов)
DPMS (4 файла)
txt CREDITS.txt (283 b)
iso DPMS.ISO (45.02 Mb)
txt E2B_DPMS2_ReadMe.txt (3.27 Kb)
txt README.txt (565 b)
grub4dos (19 файлов)
docs (4 файла)
txt ChangeLog_GRUB4DOS.txt (38.31 Kb)
txt ChangeLog_chenall.txt (27.08 Kb)
txt README_GRUB4DOS.txt (149.91 Kb)
txt README_GRUB4DOS_CN.txt (190.73 Kb)
sample (3 файла)
file config.sys (933 b)
file default (2 Kb)
file menu.lst (4.37 Kb)
file COPYING (17.57 Kb)
txt Get_Source_of_This_Build.txt (214 b)
exe badgrub.exe (281.91 Kb)
file bootlace.com (38.56 Kb)
file bootlace64.com (38.56 Kb)
file config.sys (933 b)
file default (2 Kb)
file eltorito.sys (1.67 Kb)
file grldr.mbr (9 Kb)
file grldr (265.87 Kb)
exe grub.exe (284.41 Kb)
file grub.pif (967 b)
exe grubinst.exe (68.24 Kb)
exe grubinst_gui.exe (42 Kb)
file hmload.com (1.81 Kb)
file menu.lst (3.27 Kb)
file unifont.hex.gz (907.09 Kb)
imdisk (14 файлов)
awealloc (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (20.55 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (31.52 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (34.55 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (29.16 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (46.8 Kb)
cli (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (52.12 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (54.19 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (62.19 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (52.62 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (96.83 Kb)
cpl (6 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (130.83 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (119.18 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (135.19 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (120.33 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (212.83 Kb)
file imdisk.cpl.manifest (674 b)
cplcore (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (60.32 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (48.69 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (56.69 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (54.32 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (107.82 Kb)
devio (2 файла)
amd64 (6 файлов)
exe devio.exe (40.98 Kb)
file libsmraw.dll (919.5 Kb)
file libsmraw_devio.dll (10.5 Kb)
file libvmdk.dll (585 Kb)
file libvmdk_devio.dll (9.5 Kb)
file zlib.dll (78.5 Kb)
i386 (5 файлов)
exe devio.exe (23.5 Kb)
file libsmraw.dll (792.5 Kb)
file libsmraw_devio.dll (9.5 Kb)
file libvmdk.dll (557.5 Kb)
file libvmdk_devio.dll (9 Kb)
svc (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (30.8 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (18.16 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (33.67 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (29.8 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (45.8 Kb)
sys (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (47.56 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (55.16 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (59.15 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (51.65 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (124.77 Kb)
txt gpl.txt (17.9 Kb)
file imdisk.inf (6.79 Kb)
file install.cmd (2.62 Kb)
exe msgboxw.exe (2 Kb)
txt readme.txt (2.96 Kb)
exe runwaitw.exe (3.5 Kb)
file uninstall_imdisk.cmd (1.51 Kb)
MULTIpartitionUSBstick (7 файлов)
exe DRVLOAD.EXE (419.5 Kb)
txt DRVLOAD.txt (1.39 Kb)
file InstallStartDummyDisk.cmd (123 b)
file StopRemoveDummyDisk.cmd (186 b)
file USEonXPor2003_32bitsSYSTEMSonly (0 b)
file dummy.sy_ (1.66 Kb)
file dummydisk.sys (3 Kb)
syslinux (8 файлов)
com32 (54 файла)
file advdump.c32 (5.04 Kb)
file cat.c32 (5.69 Kb)
file chain.c32 (37.79 Kb)
file cmd.c32 (800 b)
file complex.c32 (37.09 Kb)
file config.c32 (4.64 Kb)
file cpuid.c32 (5.39 Kb)
file cpuidtest.c32 (15.09 Kb)
file disk.c32 (5.39 Kb)
file display.c32 (13.4 Kb)
file dmitest.c32 (36.15 Kb)
file elf.c32 (28.08 Kb)
file entrydump.c32 (4.64 Kb)
file ethersel.c32 (28.33 Kb)
file fancyhello.c32 (8.94 Kb)
file gfxboot.c32 (21.68 Kb)
file gpxecmd.c32 (2.27 Kb)
file hdt.c32 (343.34 Kb)
file hello.c32 (4.91 Kb)
file host.c32 (4.39 Kb)
file ifcpu.c32 (19.72 Kb)
file ifcpu64.c32 (1.28 Kb)
file ifmemdsk.c32 (6.7 Kb)
file ifplop.c32 (2.39 Kb)
file kbdmap.c32 (5.09 Kb)
file keytest.c32 (11.13 Kb)
file kontron_wdt.c32 (8.56 Kb)
file linux.c32 (17.6 Kb)
file localboot.c32 (1.28 Kb)
file ls.c32 (9.29 Kb)
file lua.c32 (251.46 Kb)
file mboot.c32 (33.59 Kb)
file meminfo.c32 (5.18 Kb)
file menu.c32 (54.97 Kb)
file pcitest.c32 (31.97 Kb)
file pmload.c32 (12.84 Kb)
file prdhcp.c32 (12.45 Kb)
file pwd.c32 (1.89 Kb)
file pxechn.c32 (28.64 Kb)
file reboot.c32 (800 b)
file resolv.c32 (4.51 Kb)
file rosh.c32 (20.88 Kb)
file sanboot.c32 (2.39 Kb)
file sdi.c32 (25.58 Kb)
file serialinfo.c32 (4.52 Kb)
file simple.c32 (22.98 Kb)
file sysdump.c32 (39.48 Kb)
file test.c32 (34.91 Kb)
file test2.c32 (36.41 Kb)
file vesainfo.c32 (5.14 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (152.14 Kb)
file vpdtest.c32 (5.91 Kb)
file whichsys.c32 (2.89 Kb)
file zzjson.c32 (9.39 Kb)
win64 (1 файл)
exe syslinux64.exe (88 Kb)
file COPYING (17.58 Kb)
file NEWS (67.59 Kb)
file README (1.63 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
txt syslinux.txt (28.01 Kb)
file version (10 b)
tools (39 файлов)
Ext2Fsd (16 файлов)
txt COPYRIGHT (1) (1).TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt COPYRIGHT (1).TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt COPYRIGHT.TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt FAQ (1) (1).txt (7.15 Kb)
txt FAQ (1).txt (7.15 Kb)
txt FAQ.txt (7.15 Kb)
txt Mke2fs (1) (1).txt (825 b)
txt Mke2fs (1).txt (825 b)
exe Mke2fs.exe (115.14 Kb)
txt Mke2fs.txt (825 b)
txt notes (1) (1).txt (1.99 Kb)
txt notes (1).txt (1.99 Kb)
txt notes.txt (1.99 Kb)
txt readme (1) (1).txt (18.78 Kb)
txt readme (1).txt (18.78 Kb)
txt readme.txt (18.78 Kb)
RMPrepUSB (37 файлов)
FREEDOS (11 файлов)
file ATTRIB.COM (4.93 Kb)
txt COPYING.TXT (17.9 Kb)
exe EDIT.EXE (62.54 Kb)
file EDIT.HLP (29.48 Kb)
exe FDISK.EXE (35.04 Kb)
file FDISK.INI (8.25 Kb)
exe FORMAT.EXE (30.48 Kb)
exe PART.EXE (35.88 Kb)
file SYS.COM (21.15 Kb)
exe XCOPY.EXE (15.17 Kb)
exe himem.exe (7.87 Kb)
exe CHECKPCI.EXE (14.37 Kb)
file COMFREE.COM (66.76 Kb)
file FDAUTO.bat (201 b)
file FDCONFIG.SYS (76 b)
file KERNEL.SYS (44.2 Kb)
file menu.lst (2.65 Kb)
grub2 (3 файла)
file GRUB2_BOOT.IMG (512 b)
file GRUB2_CORE.IMG (31 Kb)
file core.img (34.04 Kb)
HashMyFiles (4 файла)
file HashMyFiles.chm (18.12 Kb)
exe HashMyFiles.exe (50.09 Kb)
file Hashmyfiles.cfg (671 b)
txt readme.txt (14.53 Kb)
LANG (26 файлов)
file Catalа.ini (20.47 Kb)
file Chinese Simplified.ini (9.24 Kb)
file Chinese Traditional.ini (13.37 Kb)
file English.ini (23.89 Kb)
file English204.ini (23.96 Kb)
file Espaсol.ini (26.15 Kb)
file Fonts, CharSets and LCIDs.rtf (16.88 Kb)
file French.ini (10.56 Kb)
file German.ini (25.83 Kb)
file Indonesia Gaul.ini (18.39 Kb)
file Indonesia Resmi.ini (23.63 Kb)
file Italian.ini (10.89 Kb)
file Nederlands.ini (29.83 Kb)
file Polski.ini (17.31 Kb)
file Portugues.ini (18.93 Kb)
file PortugueseBr.ini (26.66 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB.pdf (1.56 Mb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_Espaсol.pdf (354.16 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_French.pdf (205.27 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_German.pdf (330.27 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_Indonesia Resmi.pdf (434.86 Kb)
file Romanian.ini (11.4 Kb)
file Russian.ini (24.15 Kb)
file Serbian.ini (19.94 Kb)
file Swedish.ini (18.4 Kb)
file Tьrkзe.ini (21.73 Kb)
QEMU (34 файла)
License (3 файла)
file LICENSE (346 b)
txt README-SDL.txt (425 b)
txt README.TXT (5.06 Kb)
file ConvertImage.cmd (2.3 Kb)
file CreateImg.cmd (343 b)
txt README-en.txt (3.12 Kb)
txt README-ja.txt (3.46 Kb)
file RunHDDImage.cmd (529 b)
file RunIso.cmd (576 b)
file SDL.dll (475.5 Kb)
file StartFromUSB.cmd (2.26 Kb)
file StartFromUSB_RMPrep.cmd (780 b)
file StartFromUSB_WinSetup.bat (80 b)
file bios.bin (128 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (1.06 Mb)
file fmod.dll (159 Kb)
txt img_usage.txt (1.96 Kb)
file libusb0.dll (41.5 Kb)
file linux_boot.bin (512 b)
file makegrub4dosiso.cmd (6.1 Kb)
exe mkisofs.exe (357.5 Kb)
file pxe-e1000.rom (65.5 Kb)
file pxe-ne2k_pci.bin (32 Kb)
file pxe-pcnet.bin (32 Kb)
file pxe-rtl8139.bin (32 Kb)
file qemu-doc.html (140.83 Kb)
exe qemu-img.exe (213 Kb)
exe qemu-system-x86_64.exe (1.55 Mb)
file qemu-tech.html (47.13 Kb)
exe qemu.exe (713 Kb)
exe start_VM.exe (411 Kb)
exe sync.exe (19 Kb)
file test.img (976.56 Kb)
txt usage.txt (4.85 Kb)
file vgabios-cirrus.bin (34.5 Kb)
file vgabios.bin (37 Kb)
SYSLINUX (4 файла)
Syslinux_3.86 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (53.68 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (27.5 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (144.53 Kb)
Syslinux_4.06 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (54.97 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (152.14 Kb)
Syslinux_5.01 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (25.64 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (211 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (26.17 Kb)
txt readme.txt (772 b)
TESTMBR (9 файлов)
file MBR0P.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file MBR1P32S.BIN (16 Kb)
file MBR1P63S.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file MBR2P32S.BIN (16 Kb)
file MBR2P63S.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file ReadMe.html (5.43 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (516 b)
file TESTMBR.asm (20.76 Kb)
file makeall.bat (660 b)
WINCONTIG (17 файлов)
lang (29 файлов)
file WinContig_BG.lng (68.36 Kb)
file WinContig_BR.lng (75.51 Kb)
file WinContig_CN.lng (62.79 Kb)
file WinContig_CS.lng (236.78 Kb)
file WinContig_CT.lng (57.35 Kb)
file WinContig_CZ.lng (244.08 Kb)
file WinContig_DE.lng (72 Kb)
file WinContig_EL.lng (71.61 Kb)
file WinContig_EN.lng (68.17 Kb)
file WinContig_ES.lng (73.72 Kb)
file WinContig_FI.lng (71.33 Kb)
file WinContig_FR.lng (74.46 Kb)
file WinContig_HU.lng (72.18 Kb)
file WinContig_IT.lng (16.29 Kb)
file WinContig_JP.lng (73.96 Kb)
file WinContig_KA.lng (67.72 Kb)
file WinContig_KR.lng (68.98 Kb)
file WinContig_NL.lng (67.36 Kb)
file WinContig_PL.lng (68.57 Kb)
file WinContig_PT.lng (77.3 Kb)
file WinContig_RO.lng (70.68 Kb)
file WinContig_RU.lng (110.16 Kb)
file WinContig_SC.lng (57.53 Kb)
file WinContig_SE.lng (68.03 Kb)
file WinContig_SK.lng (83.96 Kb)
file WinContig_TR.lng (62.57 Kb)
file WinContig_TW.lng (60.48 Kb)
file WinContig_VI.lng (63.39 Kb)
file WinContig_ZA.lng (68.91 Kb)
txt Readme_DE.txt (3.71 Kb)
txt Readme_EN.txt (3.46 Kb)
txt Readme_ES.txt (4.01 Kb)
txt Readme_FR.txt (3.9 Kb)
txt Readme_IT.txt (3.96 Kb)
txt Readme_JP.txt (3.1 Kb)
txt Readme_KR.txt (2.9 Kb)
txt Readme_RU.txt (5.66 Kb)
txt Readme_TR.txt (2.86 Kb)
exe WinContig.exe (700 Kb)
txt _Leggimi_IT.txt (3.91 Kb)
txt _Liesmich_DE.txt (3.65 Kb)
txt _Readme_EN.txt (3.41 Kb)
txt _Readme_JP.txt (3.08 Kb)
txt _Readme_RU.txt (5.61 Kb)
file wincontig.ini (2.03 Kb)
WINPE_EXTRA (3 файла)
file MSVBVM60.DLL (1.32 Mb)
txt readme.txt (677 b)
exe showdrive.exe (28 Kb)
file 7z.dll (893 Kb)
exe 7zG.exe (233.5 Kb)
exe DiskDoctor.exe (292 Kb)
txt GPL.txt (18.53 Kb)
file InstallWee.cmd (1.22 Kb)
exe Mke2fs.exe (1.31 Mb)
exe RMBootSect.exe (224 Kb)
file RMPARTUSB.exe.manifest (628 b)
exe RMPARTUSB.exe (1.46 Mb)
file RMPREPUSB.exe.manifest (612 b)
exe RMPREPUSB.exe (628 Kb)
txt RMPartUSB.txt (6.38 Kb)
exe USB_Disk_Eject.exe (953.5 Kb)
file Windows_RO.cmd (1.51 Kb)
file cyggcc_s-1.dll (101.03 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (3.04 Mb)
file grldr (311.03 Kb)
exe grubinst.exe (151.16 Kb)
exe grubinst_new.exe (77.16 Kb)
txt readme.txt (3.03 Kb)
file rmprepusbxp.cmd (3.17 Kb)
file rmprepusbxp_German.cmd (3.2 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
exe touchdrv.exe (13.62 Kb)
exe uninstall.exe (47.73 Kb)
txt version.txt (226 b)
txt weemenu.txt (596 b)
exe weesetup.exe (34 Kb)
winisoutils (9 файлов)
txt credits.txt (38 b)
file cversion_remover.c (5.44 Kb)
exe cversion_remover.exe (4.5 Kb)
file cversion_remover.sha1 (126 b)
file eicfg_remover.c (5.41 Kb)
exe eicfg_remover.exe (4.5 Kb)
file eicfg_remover.sha1 (120 b)
txt readme_cversion_remover.txt (1.76 Kb)
txt readme_eicfg_remover.txt (1.95 Kb)
file 7-zip.chm (105.54 Kb)
file 7-zip.dll (53 Kb)
file 7z.dll (928 Kb)
exe 7z.exe (197 Kb)
exe 7zG.exe (263.5 Kb)
exe BOOTICEx64.exe (450 Kb)
exe BOOTICEx86.exe (405 Kb)
exe DFHL.exe (96 Kb)
txt DFHL_license.txt (17.59 Kb)
exe FFSJ.exe (395.5 Kb)
exe FbinstTool.exe (1.74 Mb)
exe HDHacker.exe (31.5 Kb)
txt License7zip.txt (3.9 Kb)
exe LockDismount.exe (68 Kb)
txt LockDismount_ReadMe.txt (1.53 Kb)
exe MbrFix.exe (121 Kb)
file MbrFix.htm (11.37 Kb)
exe MbrFix64.exe (130.5 Kb)
txt PLoP_README.TXT (1.46 Kb)
txt PLoP_licence.txt (2.18 Kb)
file descript.ion (366 b)
txt fb.txt (272 b)
exe fbinst.exe (74.94 Kb)
txt ffsj.txt (39 b)
exe grubinst_20hd.exe (63.46 Kb)
exe grubinst_gui_20hd.exe (61.54 Kb)
txt grubinst_readme.txt (1.45 Kb)
txt grubinst_switches.txt (5.34 Kb)
exe mkisofs.exe (336 Kb)
txt mkisofs.txt (10.5 Kb)
txt mkisofs_copying.txt (17.57 Kb)
file plpbt.bin (42.54 Kb)
file restore (0 b)
txt test.txt (223 b)
exe touchdrv.exe (5 Kb)
exe upx.exe (277 Kb)
wimlib (32 файла)
devel (2 файла)
file libwim.lib (47.75 Kb)
file wimlib.h (193.67 Kb)
doc (14 файлов)
pdf wimappend.pdf (56.77 Kb)
pdf wimapply.pdf (44.31 Kb)
pdf wimcapture.pdf (56.77 Kb)
pdf wimdelete.pdf (19.33 Kb)
pdf wimdir.pdf (17.46 Kb)
pdf wimexport.pdf (29.78 Kb)
pdf wimextract.pdf (27.26 Kb)
pdf wiminfo.pdf (19.25 Kb)
pdf wimjoin.pdf (18.34 Kb)
pdf wimlib-imagex.pdf (32.21 Kb)
pdf wimoptimize.pdf (25.16 Kb)
pdf wimsplit.pdf (17.79 Kb)
pdf wimupdate.pdf (32.28 Kb)
pdf wimverify.pdf (17.95 Kb)
txt COPYING.CC0.txt (7 Kb)
txt COPYING.GPLv3.txt (34.98 Kb)
txt COPYING.LGPLv3.txt (7.62 Kb)
txt COPYING.libdivsufsort-lite.txt (1.12 Kb)
txt COPYING.libxml2.txt (1.28 Kb)
txt COPYING.txt (1.77 Kb)
txt COPYING.winpthreads.txt (2.87 Kb)
txt NEWS.txt (44.41 Kb)
txt README.WINDOWS.txt (7.53 Kb)
txt README.txt (14.23 Kb)
file iconv.dll (47.52 Kb)
file libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll (117 Kb)
file libwim-15.dll (691.5 Kb)
file libwim-9.dll (310.5 Kb)
file libxml2-2.dll (515.5 Kb)
file pthreadGC2.dll (87.02 Kb)
file wimappend.cmd (44 b)
file wimapply.cmd (43 b)
file wimcapture.cmd (45 b)
file wimdelete.cmd (44 b)
file wimdir.cmd (41 b)
file wimexport.cmd (44 b)
file wimextract.cmd (45 b)
file wiminfo.cmd (42 b)
file wimjoin.cmd (42 b)
exe wimlib-imagex.exe (123.5 Kb)
file wimoptimize.cmd (46 b)
file wimsplit.cmd (43 b)
file wimupdate.cmd (44 b)
file wimverify.cmd (44 b)
winsetup (19 файлов)
DPinst (5 файлов)
file Copy of dpinst.xml (226 b)
file dpinst.xml (114 b)
exe dpinst_32.exe (900.38 Kb)
exe dpinst_64.exe (1 Mb)
txt eula.txt (96 b)
firadisk (9 файлов)
txt credits.txt (122 b)
file firadi64.cat (1.68 Kb)
file firadi64.sy_ (17.15 Kb)
file firadi64.sys (32.98 Kb)
file firadisk.cat (1.68 Kb)
file firadisk.inf (2.04 Kb)
file firadisk.sy_ (15.17 Kb)
file firadisk.sys (26.98 Kb)
file txtsetup.oem (564 b)
PyronSetup (4 файла)
amd64 (2 файла)
file setup.ex_ (4.53 Kb)
file setup_dbg.ex_ (4.53 Kb)
i386 (2 файла)
file setup.ex_ (2.44 Kb)
file setup_dbg.ex_ (2.45 Kb)
file setup.c (849 b)
file setup_dbg.c (852 b)
QDir (5 файлов)
i386 (1 файл)
exe Q-Dir.exe (764 Kb)
x64 (1 файл)
exe Q-Dir.exe (1.46 Mb)
txt CREDITS.txt (41 b)
txt LICENSE.txt (1.16 Kb)
file Q-Dir.ini (66 b)
usbbootwatcher (4 файла)
amd64 (1 файл)
file UsbBootW.ex_ (53.9 Kb)
I386 (1 файл)
file UsbBootW.ex_ (65.2 Kb)
file UsbBootW.cn_ (218 b)
txt readme.txt (182 b)
waitbt (6 файлов)
Orig (10 файлов)
.git (10 файлов)
hooks (10 файлов)
file applypatch-msg.sample (452 b)
file commit-msg.sample (896 b)
file post-commit.sample (160 b)
file post-receive.sample (552 b)
file post-update.sample (189 b)
file pre-applypatch.sample (398 b)
file pre-commit.sample (1.54 Kb)
file pre-rebase.sample (4.83 Kb)
file prepare-commit-msg.sample (1.21 Kb)
file update.sample (3.53 Kb)
info (1 файл)
file exclude (240 b)
logs (2 файла)
refs (1 файл)
heads (1 файл)
file master (399 b)
file HEAD (399 b)
objects (12 файлов)
3b (1 файл)
file 39ab42565521c4dfcd5d7bd1d66e9080fa244c (165 b)
8a (1 файл)
file a0985951534daecc1680dc15b29f5205df1929 (81 b)
8e (1 файл)
file 6a9b6cbeb5ffd6e2950c56b3fb7894d6b91732 (342 b)
09 (1 файл)
file c9071e7c5c211016541aa54158fec63b542372 (2.84 Kb)
89 (1 файл)
file 5de2f59a9fba9bdb1a2099d09ae9103a740c02 (56 b)
94 (1 файл)
file a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 (13.89 Kb)
96 (1 файл)
file 7922cd505bcee5993d1358ccc3a23664a7af8d (382 b)
a6 (1 файл)
file 1ced5a6d5e3274790ea70f5327ae97f350c941 (207 b)
be (1 файл)
file 937739fe759ba86bcb14b9824250afa79e099c (91 b)
df (1 файл)
file 9b29850656b77fd962e5207c9c56c464ac92ff (2.33 Kb)
e6 (1 файл)
file 452a653d2c0561b5222668ac4e98f8626f5153 (177 b)
ef (1 файл)
file 5e43f799813dd62acd7c3ccd21f1118654969b (342 b)
refs (1 файл)
heads (1 файл)
file master (41 b)
file COMMIT_EDITMSG (745 b)
file HEAD (23 b)
file config (111 b)
file description (73 b)
file index (480 b)
file .gitignore (85 b)
txt CREDITS.txt (189 b)
txt gpl.txt (34.32 Kb)
file sources (100 b)
file waitbt.c (8 Kb)
file waitbt.def (42 b)
file waitbt.rc (718 b)
file waitbt32.sy_ (2.54 Kb)
file waitbt64.sy_ (2.9 Kb)
txt CREDITS.txt (189 b)
txt gpl.txt (34.32 Kb)
file waitbt.c (8 Kb)
file waitbt32.sy_ (2.34 Kb)
file waitbt64.sy_ (2.76 Kb)
file MNT.EX_ (2.02 Kb)
exe WinPreSetup32.exe (1.09 Mb)
exe WinPreSetup64.exe (1.18 Mb)
file default (2 Kb)
exe grubinst.exe (77.16 Kb)
file menu.lst (470 b)
file setup.cmd (14.13 Kb)
file shifthd.bat (4.26 Kb)
file ubcd4win.lst (2.92 Kb)
file usbdrive.tag (0 b)
file vstdefault (2 Kb)
file windefault (2 Kb)
file winsetup.lst (443 b)
jpg READMI.jpg (96.47 Kb)
exe WinSetupFromUSB_1-10.exe (1.47 Mb)
exe WinSetupFromUSB_1-10_x64.exe (1.56 Mb)
Удалить Defender (3 файла)
Work (9 файлов)
exe 7z.exe (828 Kb)
zip DKTools.zip (1.29 Mb)
file Icon.ico (417.83 Kb)
exe NSudoLG.exe (174 Kb)
exe cecho.exe (25.5 Kb)
exe nhmb.exe (407 Kb)
exe nircmd.exe (117 Kb)
file null (0 b)
file nu (30 b)
file DefenderKiller.bat (46.74 Kb)
txt READMI.txt (114 b)
Удалить EDGE (3 файла)
data (2 файла)
exe Edge-setupx64.exe (3.89 Mb)
exe Edge-setupx86.exe (2.96 Mb)
file OpenInternetExplorer.vbs (61 b)
file Удалить EDGE.cmd (262 b)
iso 12.12.2024_B10_x64_str.iso (4.51 Gb)
iso 12.12.2024_B10_x86_str.iso (3.03 Gb)

Быстрый и удобный!

Разработчики MediaGet придумали свой алгоритм выбора источников контента,
поэтому файлы на компьютер скачиваются быстрее.
Подписаться на обновления
32-х и 64-битный образы русской Windows 10 с интегрированными обновлениями за декабрь 2024-го, включая .NET Framework 4.8.1, по 7 редакций системы в каждом.
В системах ничего не вырезано.
Не добавлено тоже ничего, кроме Просмотра фотографий Windows и Калькулятора.
Всё необходимое можно установить из Магазина Windows.

Версии LTSC поставляются без приложений, но также как и в LTSC 2024, есть возможность установить Магазин, если он вам необходим. Для этого выполнить в PowerShell от имени Администратора команду: "wsreset ‑i", дождаться загрузки и установки магазина.

Отключено: UAC, служба индексирования, служба DiagTrack.
Обновления работают, Защитник (сволочь) тоже.
Помимо образов в раздаче присутствуют следующие папки:
"Активация"; "Запись на флешку"; "Удалить Defender"; "Удалить EDGE".
Загрузил: Варя (21 января 2025 00:10)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 55 | Размер: 7.68 Gb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 80 Качают: 43 Скачали: 65
80 43 65
Windows_10_Sergei_Strelec_12.12.2024 (613 файлов)
Активация (2 файла)
file MAS_AIO.cmd (435.62 Kb)
txt READMI.txt (163 b)
Запись на флешку (4 файла)
ISO to USB (8 файлов)
file 7z.dll (709 Kb)
jpg READMI.jpg (71.93 Kb)
exe bootsect_x64.exe (97 Kb)
exe bootsect_x86.exe (85.5 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (1.72 Mb)
exe isoinfo.exe (113.91 Kb)
exe isotousb.exe (1.89 Mb)
txt license.txt (1.43 Kb)
UltraISO (12 файлов)
drivers (6 файлов)
file ISODrive.sys (80.24 Kb)
file ISODrv64.sys (112.74 Kb)
exe IsoCmd.exe (28.33 Kb)
exe bootpart.exe (22.16 Kb)
file bootpart.sys (24.66 Kb)
file bootpt64.sys (32.66 Kb)
lang (1 файл)
file lang_ru.dll (98.07 Kb)
jpg 1.jpg (121.69 Kb)
jpg 2.jpg (171.05 Kb)
jpg 3.jpg (116.3 Kb)
exe UltraISO.exe (5.23 Mb)
file isoshell.dll (71.24 Kb)
file isoshl64.dll (144.24 Kb)
file lame_enc.dll (479.5 Kb)
file uikey.ini (91 b)
file ultraiso.ini (336 b)
file vdrive.ini (168 b)
ventoy (11 файлов)
altexe (2 файла)
exe Ventoy2Disk_ARM.exe (564 Kb)
exe Ventoy2Disk_ARM64.exe (623.5 Kb)
boot (2 файла)
file boot.img (512 b)
file core.img.xz (444.52 Kb)
plugin (1 файл)
ventoy (3 файла)
theme (25 файлов)
icons (4 файла)
png deepin.png (1.41 Kb)
png red-hat.png (1.02 Kb)
png ubuntu.png (1.21 Kb)
png vtoyiso.png (916 b)
png background.png (240.93 Kb)
png menu_c.png (152 b)
png menu_e.png (154 b)
png menu_n.png (157 b)
png menu_ne.png (178 b)
png menu_nw.png (178 b)
png menu_s.png (157 b)
png menu_se.png (181 b)
png menu_sw.png (181 b)
png menu_w.png (154 b)
png select_c.png (318 b)
png slider_c.png (99 b)
png slider_n.png (190 b)
png slider_s.png (184 b)
png terminal_box_c.png (976 b)
png terminal_box_e.png (952 b)
png terminal_box_n.png (963 b)
png terminal_box_ne.png (1.09 Kb)
png terminal_box_nw.png (1.07 Kb)
png terminal_box_s.png (963 b)
png terminal_box_se.png (1.08 Kb)
png terminal_box_sw.png (1.08 Kb)
png terminal_box_w.png (952 b)
txt theme.txt (1.54 Kb)
file ventoy.json (1.53 Kb)
file ventoy_grub.cfg (509 b)
ventoy (5 файлов)
file languages.json (270.28 Kb)
file plugson.tar.xz (994.04 Kb)
file ventoy.disk.img.xz (12.85 Mb)
file ventoy_4k.disk.img.xz (5.59 Kb)
file version (7 b)
txt READMI.txt (150 b)
exe Ventoy2Disk.exe (589.5 Kb)
file Ventoy2Disk.ini (196 b)
exe Ventoy2Disk_X64.exe (633 Kb)
exe VentoyPlugson.exe (364 Kb)
exe VentoyPlugson_X64.exe (450 Kb)
exe VentoyVlnk.exe (148 Kb)
WinSetupFromUSB (4 файла)
files (8 файлов)
DPMS (4 файла)
txt CREDITS.txt (283 b)
iso DPMS.ISO (45.02 Mb)
txt E2B_DPMS2_ReadMe.txt (3.27 Kb)
txt README.txt (565 b)
grub4dos (19 файлов)
docs (4 файла)
txt ChangeLog_GRUB4DOS.txt (38.31 Kb)
txt ChangeLog_chenall.txt (27.08 Kb)
txt README_GRUB4DOS.txt (149.91 Kb)
txt README_GRUB4DOS_CN.txt (190.73 Kb)
sample (3 файла)
file config.sys (933 b)
file default (2 Kb)
file menu.lst (4.37 Kb)
file COPYING (17.57 Kb)
txt Get_Source_of_This_Build.txt (214 b)
exe badgrub.exe (281.91 Kb)
file bootlace.com (38.56 Kb)
file bootlace64.com (38.56 Kb)
file config.sys (933 b)
file default (2 Kb)
file eltorito.sys (1.67 Kb)
file grldr.mbr (9 Kb)
file grldr (265.87 Kb)
exe grub.exe (284.41 Kb)
file grub.pif (967 b)
exe grubinst.exe (68.24 Kb)
exe grubinst_gui.exe (42 Kb)
file hmload.com (1.81 Kb)
file menu.lst (3.27 Kb)
file unifont.hex.gz (907.09 Kb)
imdisk (14 файлов)
awealloc (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (20.55 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (31.52 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (34.55 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (29.16 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (46.8 Kb)
cli (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (52.12 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (54.19 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (62.19 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (52.62 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (96.83 Kb)
cpl (6 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (130.83 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (119.18 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (135.19 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (120.33 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (212.83 Kb)
file imdisk.cpl.manifest (674 b)
cplcore (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (60.32 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (48.69 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (56.69 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (54.32 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (107.82 Kb)
devio (2 файла)
amd64 (6 файлов)
exe devio.exe (40.98 Kb)
file libsmraw.dll (919.5 Kb)
file libsmraw_devio.dll (10.5 Kb)
file libvmdk.dll (585 Kb)
file libvmdk_devio.dll (9.5 Kb)
file zlib.dll (78.5 Kb)
i386 (5 файлов)
exe devio.exe (23.5 Kb)
file libsmraw.dll (792.5 Kb)
file libsmraw_devio.dll (9.5 Kb)
file libvmdk.dll (557.5 Kb)
file libvmdk_devio.dll (9 Kb)
svc (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (30.8 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (18.16 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (33.67 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (29.8 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (45.8 Kb)
sys (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (47.56 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (55.16 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (59.15 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (51.65 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (124.77 Kb)
txt gpl.txt (17.9 Kb)
file imdisk.inf (6.79 Kb)
file install.cmd (2.62 Kb)
exe msgboxw.exe (2 Kb)
txt readme.txt (2.96 Kb)
exe runwaitw.exe (3.5 Kb)
file uninstall_imdisk.cmd (1.51 Kb)
MULTIpartitionUSBstick (7 файлов)
exe DRVLOAD.EXE (419.5 Kb)
txt DRVLOAD.txt (1.39 Kb)
file InstallStartDummyDisk.cmd (123 b)
file StopRemoveDummyDisk.cmd (186 b)
file USEonXPor2003_32bitsSYSTEMSonly (0 b)
file dummy.sy_ (1.66 Kb)
file dummydisk.sys (3 Kb)
syslinux (8 файлов)
com32 (54 файла)
file advdump.c32 (5.04 Kb)
file cat.c32 (5.69 Kb)
file chain.c32 (37.79 Kb)
file cmd.c32 (800 b)
file complex.c32 (37.09 Kb)
file config.c32 (4.64 Kb)
file cpuid.c32 (5.39 Kb)
file cpuidtest.c32 (15.09 Kb)
file disk.c32 (5.39 Kb)
file display.c32 (13.4 Kb)
file dmitest.c32 (36.15 Kb)
file elf.c32 (28.08 Kb)
file entrydump.c32 (4.64 Kb)
file ethersel.c32 (28.33 Kb)
file fancyhello.c32 (8.94 Kb)
file gfxboot.c32 (21.68 Kb)
file gpxecmd.c32 (2.27 Kb)
file hdt.c32 (343.34 Kb)
file hello.c32 (4.91 Kb)
file host.c32 (4.39 Kb)
file ifcpu.c32 (19.72 Kb)
file ifcpu64.c32 (1.28 Kb)
file ifmemdsk.c32 (6.7 Kb)
file ifplop.c32 (2.39 Kb)
file kbdmap.c32 (5.09 Kb)
file keytest.c32 (11.13 Kb)
file kontron_wdt.c32 (8.56 Kb)
file linux.c32 (17.6 Kb)
file localboot.c32 (1.28 Kb)
file ls.c32 (9.29 Kb)
file lua.c32 (251.46 Kb)
file mboot.c32 (33.59 Kb)
file meminfo.c32 (5.18 Kb)
file menu.c32 (54.97 Kb)
file pcitest.c32 (31.97 Kb)
file pmload.c32 (12.84 Kb)
file prdhcp.c32 (12.45 Kb)
file pwd.c32 (1.89 Kb)
file pxechn.c32 (28.64 Kb)
file reboot.c32 (800 b)
file resolv.c32 (4.51 Kb)
file rosh.c32 (20.88 Kb)
file sanboot.c32 (2.39 Kb)
file sdi.c32 (25.58 Kb)
file serialinfo.c32 (4.52 Kb)
file simple.c32 (22.98 Kb)
file sysdump.c32 (39.48 Kb)
file test.c32 (34.91 Kb)
file test2.c32 (36.41 Kb)
file vesainfo.c32 (5.14 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (152.14 Kb)
file vpdtest.c32 (5.91 Kb)
file whichsys.c32 (2.89 Kb)
file zzjson.c32 (9.39 Kb)
win64 (1 файл)
exe syslinux64.exe (88 Kb)
file COPYING (17.58 Kb)
file NEWS (67.59 Kb)
file README (1.63 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
txt syslinux.txt (28.01 Kb)
file version (10 b)
tools (39 файлов)
Ext2Fsd (16 файлов)
txt COPYRIGHT (1) (1).TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt COPYRIGHT (1).TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt COPYRIGHT.TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt FAQ (1) (1).txt (7.15 Kb)
txt FAQ (1).txt (7.15 Kb)
txt FAQ.txt (7.15 Kb)
txt Mke2fs (1) (1).txt (825 b)
txt Mke2fs (1).txt (825 b)
exe Mke2fs.exe (115.14 Kb)
txt Mke2fs.txt (825 b)
txt notes (1) (1).txt (1.99 Kb)
txt notes (1).txt (1.99 Kb)
txt notes.txt (1.99 Kb)
txt readme (1) (1).txt (18.78 Kb)
txt readme (1).txt (18.78 Kb)
txt readme.txt (18.78 Kb)
RMPrepUSB (37 файлов)
FREEDOS (11 файлов)
file ATTRIB.COM (4.93 Kb)
txt COPYING.TXT (17.9 Kb)
exe EDIT.EXE (62.54 Kb)
file EDIT.HLP (29.48 Kb)
exe FDISK.EXE (35.04 Kb)
file FDISK.INI (8.25 Kb)
exe FORMAT.EXE (30.48 Kb)
exe PART.EXE (35.88 Kb)
file SYS.COM (21.15 Kb)
exe XCOPY.EXE (15.17 Kb)
exe himem.exe (7.87 Kb)
exe CHECKPCI.EXE (14.37 Kb)
file COMFREE.COM (66.76 Kb)
file FDAUTO.bat (201 b)
file FDCONFIG.SYS (76 b)
file KERNEL.SYS (44.2 Kb)
file menu.lst (2.65 Kb)
grub2 (3 файла)
file GRUB2_BOOT.IMG (512 b)
file GRUB2_CORE.IMG (31 Kb)
file core.img (34.04 Kb)
HashMyFiles (4 файла)
file HashMyFiles.chm (18.12 Kb)
exe HashMyFiles.exe (50.09 Kb)
file Hashmyfiles.cfg (671 b)
txt readme.txt (14.53 Kb)
LANG (26 файлов)
file Catalа.ini (20.47 Kb)
file Chinese Simplified.ini (9.24 Kb)
file Chinese Traditional.ini (13.37 Kb)
file English.ini (23.89 Kb)
file English204.ini (23.96 Kb)
file Espaсol.ini (26.15 Kb)
file Fonts, CharSets and LCIDs.rtf (16.88 Kb)
file French.ini (10.56 Kb)
file German.ini (25.83 Kb)
file Indonesia Gaul.ini (18.39 Kb)
file Indonesia Resmi.ini (23.63 Kb)
file Italian.ini (10.89 Kb)
file Nederlands.ini (29.83 Kb)
file Polski.ini (17.31 Kb)
file Portugues.ini (18.93 Kb)
file PortugueseBr.ini (26.66 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB.pdf (1.56 Mb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_Espaсol.pdf (354.16 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_French.pdf (205.27 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_German.pdf (330.27 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_Indonesia Resmi.pdf (434.86 Kb)
file Romanian.ini (11.4 Kb)
file Russian.ini (24.15 Kb)
file Serbian.ini (19.94 Kb)
file Swedish.ini (18.4 Kb)
file Tьrkзe.ini (21.73 Kb)
QEMU (34 файла)
License (3 файла)
file LICENSE (346 b)
txt README-SDL.txt (425 b)
txt README.TXT (5.06 Kb)
file ConvertImage.cmd (2.3 Kb)
file CreateImg.cmd (343 b)
txt README-en.txt (3.12 Kb)
txt README-ja.txt (3.46 Kb)
file RunHDDImage.cmd (529 b)
file RunIso.cmd (576 b)
file SDL.dll (475.5 Kb)
file StartFromUSB.cmd (2.26 Kb)
file StartFromUSB_RMPrep.cmd (780 b)
file StartFromUSB_WinSetup.bat (80 b)
file bios.bin (128 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (1.06 Mb)
file fmod.dll (159 Kb)
txt img_usage.txt (1.96 Kb)
file libusb0.dll (41.5 Kb)
file linux_boot.bin (512 b)
file makegrub4dosiso.cmd (6.1 Kb)
exe mkisofs.exe (357.5 Kb)
file pxe-e1000.rom (65.5 Kb)
file pxe-ne2k_pci.bin (32 Kb)
file pxe-pcnet.bin (32 Kb)
file pxe-rtl8139.bin (32 Kb)
file qemu-doc.html (140.83 Kb)
exe qemu-img.exe (213 Kb)
exe qemu-system-x86_64.exe (1.55 Mb)
file qemu-tech.html (47.13 Kb)
exe qemu.exe (713 Kb)
exe start_VM.exe (411 Kb)
exe sync.exe (19 Kb)
file test.img (976.56 Kb)
txt usage.txt (4.85 Kb)
file vgabios-cirrus.bin (34.5 Kb)
file vgabios.bin (37 Kb)
SYSLINUX (4 файла)
Syslinux_3.86 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (53.68 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (27.5 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (144.53 Kb)
Syslinux_4.06 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (54.97 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (152.14 Kb)
Syslinux_5.01 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (25.64 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (211 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (26.17 Kb)
txt readme.txt (772 b)
TESTMBR (9 файлов)
file MBR0P.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file MBR1P32S.BIN (16 Kb)
file MBR1P63S.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file MBR2P32S.BIN (16 Kb)
file MBR2P63S.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file ReadMe.html (5.43 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (516 b)
file TESTMBR.asm (20.76 Kb)
file makeall.bat (660 b)
WINCONTIG (17 файлов)
lang (29 файлов)
file WinContig_BG.lng (68.36 Kb)
file WinContig_BR.lng (75.51 Kb)
file WinContig_CN.lng (62.79 Kb)
file WinContig_CS.lng (236.78 Kb)
file WinContig_CT.lng (57.35 Kb)
file WinContig_CZ.lng (244.08 Kb)
file WinContig_DE.lng (72 Kb)
file WinContig_EL.lng (71.61 Kb)
file WinContig_EN.lng (68.17 Kb)
file WinContig_ES.lng (73.72 Kb)
file WinContig_FI.lng (71.33 Kb)
file WinContig_FR.lng (74.46 Kb)
file WinContig_HU.lng (72.18 Kb)
file WinContig_IT.lng (16.29 Kb)
file WinContig_JP.lng (73.96 Kb)
file WinContig_KA.lng (67.72 Kb)
file WinContig_KR.lng (68.98 Kb)
file WinContig_NL.lng (67.36 Kb)
file WinContig_PL.lng (68.57 Kb)
file WinContig_PT.lng (77.3 Kb)
file WinContig_RO.lng (70.68 Kb)
file WinContig_RU.lng (110.16 Kb)
file WinContig_SC.lng (57.53 Kb)
file WinContig_SE.lng (68.03 Kb)
file WinContig_SK.lng (83.96 Kb)
file WinContig_TR.lng (62.57 Kb)
file WinContig_TW.lng (60.48 Kb)
file WinContig_VI.lng (63.39 Kb)
file WinContig_ZA.lng (68.91 Kb)
txt Readme_DE.txt (3.71 Kb)
txt Readme_EN.txt (3.46 Kb)
txt Readme_ES.txt (4.01 Kb)
txt Readme_FR.txt (3.9 Kb)
txt Readme_IT.txt (3.96 Kb)
txt Readme_JP.txt (3.1 Kb)
txt Readme_KR.txt (2.9 Kb)
txt Readme_RU.txt (5.66 Kb)
txt Readme_TR.txt (2.86 Kb)
exe WinContig.exe (700 Kb)
txt _Leggimi_IT.txt (3.91 Kb)
txt _Liesmich_DE.txt (3.65 Kb)
txt _Readme_EN.txt (3.41 Kb)
txt _Readme_JP.txt (3.08 Kb)
txt _Readme_RU.txt (5.61 Kb)
file wincontig.ini (2.03 Kb)
WINPE_EXTRA (3 файла)
file MSVBVM60.DLL (1.32 Mb)
txt readme.txt (677 b)
exe showdrive.exe (28 Kb)
file 7z.dll (893 Kb)
exe 7zG.exe (233.5 Kb)
exe DiskDoctor.exe (292 Kb)
txt GPL.txt (18.53 Kb)
file InstallWee.cmd (1.22 Kb)
exe Mke2fs.exe (1.31 Mb)
exe RMBootSect.exe (224 Kb)
file RMPARTUSB.exe.manifest (628 b)
exe RMPARTUSB.exe (1.46 Mb)
file RMPREPUSB.exe.manifest (612 b)
exe RMPREPUSB.exe (628 Kb)
txt RMPartUSB.txt (6.38 Kb)
exe USB_Disk_Eject.exe (953.5 Kb)
file Windows_RO.cmd (1.51 Kb)
file cyggcc_s-1.dll (101.03 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (3.04 Mb)
file grldr (311.03 Kb)
exe grubinst.exe (151.16 Kb)
exe grubinst_new.exe (77.16 Kb)
txt readme.txt (3.03 Kb)
file rmprepusbxp.cmd (3.17 Kb)
file rmprepusbxp_German.cmd (3.2 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
exe touchdrv.exe (13.62 Kb)
exe uninstall.exe (47.73 Kb)
txt version.txt (226 b)
txt weemenu.txt (596 b)
exe weesetup.exe (34 Kb)
winisoutils (9 файлов)
txt credits.txt (38 b)
file cversion_remover.c (5.44 Kb)
exe cversion_remover.exe (4.5 Kb)
file cversion_remover.sha1 (126 b)
file eicfg_remover.c (5.41 Kb)
exe eicfg_remover.exe (4.5 Kb)
file eicfg_remover.sha1 (120 b)
txt readme_cversion_remover.txt (1.76 Kb)
txt readme_eicfg_remover.txt (1.95 Kb)
file 7-zip.chm (105.54 Kb)
file 7-zip.dll (53 Kb)
file 7z.dll (928 Kb)
exe 7z.exe (197 Kb)
exe 7zG.exe (263.5 Kb)
exe BOOTICEx64.exe (450 Kb)
exe BOOTICEx86.exe (405 Kb)
exe DFHL.exe (96 Kb)
txt DFHL_license.txt (17.59 Kb)
exe FFSJ.exe (395.5 Kb)
exe FbinstTool.exe (1.74 Mb)
exe HDHacker.exe (31.5 Kb)
txt License7zip.txt (3.9 Kb)
exe LockDismount.exe (68 Kb)
txt LockDismount_ReadMe.txt (1.53 Kb)
exe MbrFix.exe (121 Kb)
file MbrFix.htm (11.37 Kb)
exe MbrFix64.exe (130.5 Kb)
txt PLoP_README.TXT (1.46 Kb)
txt PLoP_licence.txt (2.18 Kb)
file descript.ion (366 b)
txt fb.txt (272 b)
exe fbinst.exe (74.94 Kb)
txt ffsj.txt (39 b)
exe grubinst_20hd.exe (63.46 Kb)
exe grubinst_gui_20hd.exe (61.54 Kb)
txt grubinst_readme.txt (1.45 Kb)
txt grubinst_switches.txt (5.34 Kb)
exe mkisofs.exe (336 Kb)
txt mkisofs.txt (10.5 Kb)
txt mkisofs_copying.txt (17.57 Kb)
file plpbt.bin (42.54 Kb)
file restore (0 b)
txt test.txt (223 b)
exe touchdrv.exe (5 Kb)
exe upx.exe (277 Kb)
wimlib (32 файла)
devel (2 файла)
file libwim.lib (47.75 Kb)
file wimlib.h (193.67 Kb)
doc (14 файлов)
pdf wimappend.pdf (56.77 Kb)
pdf wimapply.pdf (44.31 Kb)
pdf wimcapture.pdf (56.77 Kb)
pdf wimdelete.pdf (19.33 Kb)
pdf wimdir.pdf (17.46 Kb)
pdf wimexport.pdf (29.78 Kb)
pdf wimextract.pdf (27.26 Kb)
pdf wiminfo.pdf (19.25 Kb)
pdf wimjoin.pdf (18.34 Kb)
pdf wimlib-imagex.pdf (32.21 Kb)
pdf wimoptimize.pdf (25.16 Kb)
pdf wimsplit.pdf (17.79 Kb)
pdf wimupdate.pdf (32.28 Kb)
pdf wimverify.pdf (17.95 Kb)
txt COPYING.CC0.txt (7 Kb)
txt COPYING.GPLv3.txt (34.98 Kb)
txt COPYING.LGPLv3.txt (7.62 Kb)
txt COPYING.libdivsufsort-lite.txt (1.12 Kb)
txt COPYING.libxml2.txt (1.28 Kb)
txt COPYING.txt (1.77 Kb)
txt COPYING.winpthreads.txt (2.87 Kb)
txt NEWS.txt (44.41 Kb)
txt README.WINDOWS.txt (7.53 Kb)
txt README.txt (14.23 Kb)
file iconv.dll (47.52 Kb)
file libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll (117 Kb)
file libwim-15.dll (691.5 Kb)
file libwim-9.dll (310.5 Kb)
file libxml2-2.dll (515.5 Kb)
file pthreadGC2.dll (87.02 Kb)
file wimappend.cmd (44 b)
file wimapply.cmd (43 b)
file wimcapture.cmd (45 b)
file wimdelete.cmd (44 b)
file wimdir.cmd (41 b)
file wimexport.cmd (44 b)
file wimextract.cmd (45 b)
file wiminfo.cmd (42 b)
file wimjoin.cmd (42 b)
exe wimlib-imagex.exe (123.5 Kb)
file wimoptimize.cmd (46 b)
file wimsplit.cmd (43 b)
file wimupdate.cmd (44 b)
file wimverify.cmd (44 b)
winsetup (19 файлов)
DPinst (5 файлов)
file Copy of dpinst.xml (226 b)
file dpinst.xml (114 b)
exe dpinst_32.exe (900.38 Kb)
exe dpinst_64.exe (1 Mb)
txt eula.txt (96 b)
firadisk (9 файлов)
txt credits.txt (122 b)
file firadi64.cat (1.68 Kb)
file firadi64.sy_ (17.15 Kb)
file firadi64.sys (32.98 Kb)
file firadisk.cat (1.68 Kb)
file firadisk.inf (2.04 Kb)
file firadisk.sy_ (15.17 Kb)
file firadisk.sys (26.98 Kb)
file txtsetup.oem (564 b)
PyronSetup (4 файла)
amd64 (2 файла)
file setup.ex_ (4.53 Kb)
file setup_dbg.ex_ (4.53 Kb)
i386 (2 файла)
file setup.ex_ (2.44 Kb)
file setup_dbg.ex_ (2.45 Kb)
file setup.c (849 b)
file setup_dbg.c (852 b)
QDir (5 файлов)
i386 (1 файл)
exe Q-Dir.exe (764 Kb)
x64 (1 файл)
exe Q-Dir.exe (1.46 Mb)
txt CREDITS.txt (41 b)
txt LICENSE.txt (1.16 Kb)
file Q-Dir.ini (66 b)
usbbootwatcher (4 файла)
amd64 (1 файл)
file UsbBootW.ex_ (53.9 Kb)
I386 (1 файл)
file UsbBootW.ex_ (65.2 Kb)
file UsbBootW.cn_ (218 b)
txt readme.txt (182 b)
waitbt (6 файлов)
Orig (10 файлов)
.git (10 файлов)
hooks (10 файлов)
file applypatch-msg.sample (452 b)
file commit-msg.sample (896 b)
file post-commit.sample (160 b)
file post-receive.sample (552 b)
file post-update.sample (189 b)
file pre-applypatch.sample (398 b)
file pre-commit.sample (1.54 Kb)
file pre-rebase.sample (4.83 Kb)
file prepare-commit-msg.sample (1.21 Kb)
file update.sample (3.53 Kb)
info (1 файл)
file exclude (240 b)
logs (2 файла)
refs (1 файл)
heads (1 файл)
file master (399 b)
file HEAD (399 b)
objects (12 файлов)
3b (1 файл)
file 39ab42565521c4dfcd5d7bd1d66e9080fa244c (165 b)
8a (1 файл)
file a0985951534daecc1680dc15b29f5205df1929 (81 b)
8e (1 файл)
file 6a9b6cbeb5ffd6e2950c56b3fb7894d6b91732 (342 b)
09 (1 файл)
file c9071e7c5c211016541aa54158fec63b542372 (2.84 Kb)
89 (1 файл)
file 5de2f59a9fba9bdb1a2099d09ae9103a740c02 (56 b)
94 (1 файл)
file a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 (13.89 Kb)
96 (1 файл)
file 7922cd505bcee5993d1358ccc3a23664a7af8d (382 b)
a6 (1 файл)
file 1ced5a6d5e3274790ea70f5327ae97f350c941 (207 b)
be (1 файл)
file 937739fe759ba86bcb14b9824250afa79e099c (91 b)
df (1 файл)
file 9b29850656b77fd962e5207c9c56c464ac92ff (2.33 Kb)
e6 (1 файл)
file 452a653d2c0561b5222668ac4e98f8626f5153 (177 b)
ef (1 файл)
file 5e43f799813dd62acd7c3ccd21f1118654969b (342 b)
refs (1 файл)
heads (1 файл)
file master (41 b)
file COMMIT_EDITMSG (745 b)
file HEAD (23 b)
file config (111 b)
file description (73 b)
file index (480 b)
file .gitignore (85 b)
txt CREDITS.txt (189 b)
txt gpl.txt (34.32 Kb)
file sources (100 b)
file waitbt.c (8 Kb)
file waitbt.def (42 b)
file waitbt.rc (718 b)
file waitbt32.sy_ (2.54 Kb)
file waitbt64.sy_ (2.9 Kb)
txt CREDITS.txt (189 b)
txt gpl.txt (34.32 Kb)
file waitbt.c (8 Kb)
file waitbt32.sy_ (2.34 Kb)
file waitbt64.sy_ (2.76 Kb)
file MNT.EX_ (2.02 Kb)
exe WinPreSetup32.exe (1.09 Mb)
exe WinPreSetup64.exe (1.18 Mb)
file default (2 Kb)
exe grubinst.exe (77.16 Kb)
file menu.lst (470 b)
file setup.cmd (14.13 Kb)
file shifthd.bat (4.26 Kb)
file ubcd4win.lst (2.92 Kb)
file usbdrive.tag (0 b)
file vstdefault (2 Kb)
file windefault (2 Kb)
file winsetup.lst (443 b)
jpg READMI.jpg (96.47 Kb)
exe WinSetupFromUSB_1-10.exe (1.47 Mb)
exe WinSetupFromUSB_1-10_x64.exe (1.56 Mb)
Удалить Defender (3 файла)
Work (9 файлов)
exe 7z.exe (828 Kb)
zip DKTools.zip (1.29 Mb)
file Icon.ico (417.83 Kb)
exe NSudoLG.exe (174 Kb)
exe cecho.exe (25.5 Kb)
exe nhmb.exe (407 Kb)
exe nircmd.exe (117 Kb)
file null (0 b)
file nu (30 b)
file DefenderKiller.bat (46.74 Kb)
txt READMI.txt (114 b)
Удалить EDGE (3 файла)
data (2 файла)
exe Edge-setupx64.exe (3.89 Mb)
exe Edge-setupx86.exe (2.96 Mb)
file OpenInternetExplorer.vbs (61 b)
file Удалить EDGE.cmd (262 b)
iso 12.12.2024_B10_x64_str.iso (4.51 Gb)
iso 12.12.2024_B10_x86_str.iso (3.03 Gb)

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Разработчики MediaGet придумали свой алгоритм выбора источников контента,
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Windows 10 (x64/x86) Версия программы: 22H2 19045.5247 и 21H2 19044.5247 LTSC
Официальный сайт: ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Лечение: в раздаче
Автор сборки: Sergei Strelec
Загрузил: Варя (21 января 2025 00:10)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 55 | Размер: 7.68 Gb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 80 Качают: 43 Скачали: 65
80 43 65
Windows_10_Sergei_Strelec_12.12.2024 (613 файлов)
Активация (2 файла)
file MAS_AIO.cmd (435.62 Kb)
txt READMI.txt (163 b)
Запись на флешку (4 файла)
ISO to USB (8 файлов)
file 7z.dll (709 Kb)
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exe bootsect_x86.exe (85.5 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (1.72 Mb)
exe isoinfo.exe (113.91 Kb)
exe isotousb.exe (1.89 Mb)
txt license.txt (1.43 Kb)
UltraISO (12 файлов)
drivers (6 файлов)
file ISODrive.sys (80.24 Kb)
file ISODrv64.sys (112.74 Kb)
exe IsoCmd.exe (28.33 Kb)
exe bootpart.exe (22.16 Kb)
file bootpart.sys (24.66 Kb)
file bootpt64.sys (32.66 Kb)
lang (1 файл)
file lang_ru.dll (98.07 Kb)
jpg 1.jpg (121.69 Kb)
jpg 2.jpg (171.05 Kb)
jpg 3.jpg (116.3 Kb)
exe UltraISO.exe (5.23 Mb)
file isoshell.dll (71.24 Kb)
file isoshl64.dll (144.24 Kb)
file lame_enc.dll (479.5 Kb)
file uikey.ini (91 b)
file ultraiso.ini (336 b)
file vdrive.ini (168 b)
ventoy (11 файлов)
altexe (2 файла)
exe Ventoy2Disk_ARM.exe (564 Kb)
exe Ventoy2Disk_ARM64.exe (623.5 Kb)
boot (2 файла)
file boot.img (512 b)
file core.img.xz (444.52 Kb)
plugin (1 файл)
ventoy (3 файла)
theme (25 файлов)
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png menu_e.png (154 b)
png menu_n.png (157 b)
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png menu_nw.png (178 b)
png menu_s.png (157 b)
png menu_se.png (181 b)
png menu_sw.png (181 b)
png menu_w.png (154 b)
png select_c.png (318 b)
png slider_c.png (99 b)
png slider_n.png (190 b)
png slider_s.png (184 b)
png terminal_box_c.png (976 b)
png terminal_box_e.png (952 b)
png terminal_box_n.png (963 b)
png terminal_box_ne.png (1.09 Kb)
png terminal_box_nw.png (1.07 Kb)
png terminal_box_s.png (963 b)
png terminal_box_se.png (1.08 Kb)
png terminal_box_sw.png (1.08 Kb)
png terminal_box_w.png (952 b)
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file ventoy.json (1.53 Kb)
file ventoy_grub.cfg (509 b)
ventoy (5 файлов)
file languages.json (270.28 Kb)
file plugson.tar.xz (994.04 Kb)
file ventoy.disk.img.xz (12.85 Mb)
file ventoy_4k.disk.img.xz (5.59 Kb)
file version (7 b)
txt READMI.txt (150 b)
exe Ventoy2Disk.exe (589.5 Kb)
file Ventoy2Disk.ini (196 b)
exe Ventoy2Disk_X64.exe (633 Kb)
exe VentoyPlugson.exe (364 Kb)
exe VentoyPlugson_X64.exe (450 Kb)
exe VentoyVlnk.exe (148 Kb)
WinSetupFromUSB (4 файла)
files (8 файлов)
DPMS (4 файла)
txt CREDITS.txt (283 b)
iso DPMS.ISO (45.02 Mb)
txt E2B_DPMS2_ReadMe.txt (3.27 Kb)
txt README.txt (565 b)
grub4dos (19 файлов)
docs (4 файла)
txt ChangeLog_GRUB4DOS.txt (38.31 Kb)
txt ChangeLog_chenall.txt (27.08 Kb)
txt README_GRUB4DOS.txt (149.91 Kb)
txt README_GRUB4DOS_CN.txt (190.73 Kb)
sample (3 файла)
file config.sys (933 b)
file default (2 Kb)
file menu.lst (4.37 Kb)
file COPYING (17.57 Kb)
txt Get_Source_of_This_Build.txt (214 b)
exe badgrub.exe (281.91 Kb)
file bootlace.com (38.56 Kb)
file bootlace64.com (38.56 Kb)
file config.sys (933 b)
file default (2 Kb)
file eltorito.sys (1.67 Kb)
file grldr.mbr (9 Kb)
file grldr (265.87 Kb)
exe grub.exe (284.41 Kb)
file grub.pif (967 b)
exe grubinst.exe (68.24 Kb)
exe grubinst_gui.exe (42 Kb)
file hmload.com (1.81 Kb)
file menu.lst (3.27 Kb)
file unifont.hex.gz (907.09 Kb)
imdisk (14 файлов)
awealloc (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (20.55 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (31.52 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (34.55 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (29.16 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (46.8 Kb)
cli (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (52.12 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (54.19 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (62.19 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (52.62 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (96.83 Kb)
cpl (6 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (130.83 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (119.18 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (135.19 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (120.33 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (212.83 Kb)
file imdisk.cpl.manifest (674 b)
cplcore (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (60.32 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (48.69 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (56.69 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (54.32 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (107.82 Kb)
devio (2 файла)
amd64 (6 файлов)
exe devio.exe (40.98 Kb)
file libsmraw.dll (919.5 Kb)
file libsmraw_devio.dll (10.5 Kb)
file libvmdk.dll (585 Kb)
file libvmdk_devio.dll (9.5 Kb)
file zlib.dll (78.5 Kb)
i386 (5 файлов)
exe devio.exe (23.5 Kb)
file libsmraw.dll (792.5 Kb)
file libsmraw_devio.dll (9.5 Kb)
file libvmdk.dll (557.5 Kb)
file libvmdk_devio.dll (9 Kb)
svc (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (30.8 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (18.16 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (33.67 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (29.8 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (45.8 Kb)
sys (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (47.56 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (55.16 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (59.15 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (51.65 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (124.77 Kb)
txt gpl.txt (17.9 Kb)
file imdisk.inf (6.79 Kb)
file install.cmd (2.62 Kb)
exe msgboxw.exe (2 Kb)
txt readme.txt (2.96 Kb)
exe runwaitw.exe (3.5 Kb)
file uninstall_imdisk.cmd (1.51 Kb)
MULTIpartitionUSBstick (7 файлов)
exe DRVLOAD.EXE (419.5 Kb)
txt DRVLOAD.txt (1.39 Kb)
file InstallStartDummyDisk.cmd (123 b)
file StopRemoveDummyDisk.cmd (186 b)
file USEonXPor2003_32bitsSYSTEMSonly (0 b)
file dummy.sy_ (1.66 Kb)
file dummydisk.sys (3 Kb)
syslinux (8 файлов)
com32 (54 файла)
file advdump.c32 (5.04 Kb)
file cat.c32 (5.69 Kb)
file chain.c32 (37.79 Kb)
file cmd.c32 (800 b)
file complex.c32 (37.09 Kb)
file config.c32 (4.64 Kb)
file cpuid.c32 (5.39 Kb)
file cpuidtest.c32 (15.09 Kb)
file disk.c32 (5.39 Kb)
file display.c32 (13.4 Kb)
file dmitest.c32 (36.15 Kb)
file elf.c32 (28.08 Kb)
file entrydump.c32 (4.64 Kb)
file ethersel.c32 (28.33 Kb)
file fancyhello.c32 (8.94 Kb)
file gfxboot.c32 (21.68 Kb)
file gpxecmd.c32 (2.27 Kb)
file hdt.c32 (343.34 Kb)
file hello.c32 (4.91 Kb)
file host.c32 (4.39 Kb)
file ifcpu.c32 (19.72 Kb)
file ifcpu64.c32 (1.28 Kb)
file ifmemdsk.c32 (6.7 Kb)
file ifplop.c32 (2.39 Kb)
file kbdmap.c32 (5.09 Kb)
file keytest.c32 (11.13 Kb)
file kontron_wdt.c32 (8.56 Kb)
file linux.c32 (17.6 Kb)
file localboot.c32 (1.28 Kb)
file ls.c32 (9.29 Kb)
file lua.c32 (251.46 Kb)
file mboot.c32 (33.59 Kb)
file meminfo.c32 (5.18 Kb)
file menu.c32 (54.97 Kb)
file pcitest.c32 (31.97 Kb)
file pmload.c32 (12.84 Kb)
file prdhcp.c32 (12.45 Kb)
file pwd.c32 (1.89 Kb)
file pxechn.c32 (28.64 Kb)
file reboot.c32 (800 b)
file resolv.c32 (4.51 Kb)
file rosh.c32 (20.88 Kb)
file sanboot.c32 (2.39 Kb)
file sdi.c32 (25.58 Kb)
file serialinfo.c32 (4.52 Kb)
file simple.c32 (22.98 Kb)
file sysdump.c32 (39.48 Kb)
file test.c32 (34.91 Kb)
file test2.c32 (36.41 Kb)
file vesainfo.c32 (5.14 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (152.14 Kb)
file vpdtest.c32 (5.91 Kb)
file whichsys.c32 (2.89 Kb)
file zzjson.c32 (9.39 Kb)
win64 (1 файл)
exe syslinux64.exe (88 Kb)
file COPYING (17.58 Kb)
file NEWS (67.59 Kb)
file README (1.63 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
txt syslinux.txt (28.01 Kb)
file version (10 b)
tools (39 файлов)
Ext2Fsd (16 файлов)
txt COPYRIGHT (1) (1).TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt COPYRIGHT (1).TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt COPYRIGHT.TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt FAQ (1) (1).txt (7.15 Kb)
txt FAQ (1).txt (7.15 Kb)
txt FAQ.txt (7.15 Kb)
txt Mke2fs (1) (1).txt (825 b)
txt Mke2fs (1).txt (825 b)
exe Mke2fs.exe (115.14 Kb)
txt Mke2fs.txt (825 b)
txt notes (1) (1).txt (1.99 Kb)
txt notes (1).txt (1.99 Kb)
txt notes.txt (1.99 Kb)
txt readme (1) (1).txt (18.78 Kb)
txt readme (1).txt (18.78 Kb)
txt readme.txt (18.78 Kb)
RMPrepUSB (37 файлов)
FREEDOS (11 файлов)
file ATTRIB.COM (4.93 Kb)
txt COPYING.TXT (17.9 Kb)
exe EDIT.EXE (62.54 Kb)
file EDIT.HLP (29.48 Kb)
exe FDISK.EXE (35.04 Kb)
file FDISK.INI (8.25 Kb)
exe FORMAT.EXE (30.48 Kb)
exe PART.EXE (35.88 Kb)
file SYS.COM (21.15 Kb)
exe XCOPY.EXE (15.17 Kb)
exe himem.exe (7.87 Kb)
exe CHECKPCI.EXE (14.37 Kb)
file COMFREE.COM (66.76 Kb)
file FDAUTO.bat (201 b)
file FDCONFIG.SYS (76 b)
file KERNEL.SYS (44.2 Kb)
file menu.lst (2.65 Kb)
grub2 (3 файла)
file GRUB2_BOOT.IMG (512 b)
file GRUB2_CORE.IMG (31 Kb)
file core.img (34.04 Kb)
HashMyFiles (4 файла)
file HashMyFiles.chm (18.12 Kb)
exe HashMyFiles.exe (50.09 Kb)
file Hashmyfiles.cfg (671 b)
txt readme.txt (14.53 Kb)
LANG (26 файлов)
file Catalа.ini (20.47 Kb)
file Chinese Simplified.ini (9.24 Kb)
file Chinese Traditional.ini (13.37 Kb)
file English.ini (23.89 Kb)
file English204.ini (23.96 Kb)
file Espaсol.ini (26.15 Kb)
file Fonts, CharSets and LCIDs.rtf (16.88 Kb)
file French.ini (10.56 Kb)
file German.ini (25.83 Kb)
file Indonesia Gaul.ini (18.39 Kb)
file Indonesia Resmi.ini (23.63 Kb)
file Italian.ini (10.89 Kb)
file Nederlands.ini (29.83 Kb)
file Polski.ini (17.31 Kb)
file Portugues.ini (18.93 Kb)
file PortugueseBr.ini (26.66 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB.pdf (1.56 Mb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_Espaсol.pdf (354.16 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_French.pdf (205.27 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_German.pdf (330.27 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_Indonesia Resmi.pdf (434.86 Kb)
file Romanian.ini (11.4 Kb)
file Russian.ini (24.15 Kb)
file Serbian.ini (19.94 Kb)
file Swedish.ini (18.4 Kb)
file Tьrkзe.ini (21.73 Kb)
QEMU (34 файла)
License (3 файла)
file LICENSE (346 b)
txt README-SDL.txt (425 b)
txt README.TXT (5.06 Kb)
file ConvertImage.cmd (2.3 Kb)
file CreateImg.cmd (343 b)
txt README-en.txt (3.12 Kb)
txt README-ja.txt (3.46 Kb)
file RunHDDImage.cmd (529 b)
file RunIso.cmd (576 b)
file SDL.dll (475.5 Kb)
file StartFromUSB.cmd (2.26 Kb)
file StartFromUSB_RMPrep.cmd (780 b)
file StartFromUSB_WinSetup.bat (80 b)
file bios.bin (128 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (1.06 Mb)
file fmod.dll (159 Kb)
txt img_usage.txt (1.96 Kb)
file libusb0.dll (41.5 Kb)
file linux_boot.bin (512 b)
file makegrub4dosiso.cmd (6.1 Kb)
exe mkisofs.exe (357.5 Kb)
file pxe-e1000.rom (65.5 Kb)
file pxe-ne2k_pci.bin (32 Kb)
file pxe-pcnet.bin (32 Kb)
file pxe-rtl8139.bin (32 Kb)
file qemu-doc.html (140.83 Kb)
exe qemu-img.exe (213 Kb)
exe qemu-system-x86_64.exe (1.55 Mb)
file qemu-tech.html (47.13 Kb)
exe qemu.exe (713 Kb)
exe start_VM.exe (411 Kb)
exe sync.exe (19 Kb)
file test.img (976.56 Kb)
txt usage.txt (4.85 Kb)
file vgabios-cirrus.bin (34.5 Kb)
file vgabios.bin (37 Kb)
SYSLINUX (4 файла)
Syslinux_3.86 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (53.68 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (27.5 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (144.53 Kb)
Syslinux_4.06 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (54.97 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (152.14 Kb)
Syslinux_5.01 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (25.64 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (211 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (26.17 Kb)
txt readme.txt (772 b)
TESTMBR (9 файлов)
file MBR0P.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file MBR1P32S.BIN (16 Kb)
file MBR1P63S.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file MBR2P32S.BIN (16 Kb)
file MBR2P63S.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file ReadMe.html (5.43 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (516 b)
file TESTMBR.asm (20.76 Kb)
file makeall.bat (660 b)
WINCONTIG (17 файлов)
lang (29 файлов)
file WinContig_BG.lng (68.36 Kb)
file WinContig_BR.lng (75.51 Kb)
file WinContig_CN.lng (62.79 Kb)
file WinContig_CS.lng (236.78 Kb)
file WinContig_CT.lng (57.35 Kb)
file WinContig_CZ.lng (244.08 Kb)
file WinContig_DE.lng (72 Kb)
file WinContig_EL.lng (71.61 Kb)
file WinContig_EN.lng (68.17 Kb)
file WinContig_ES.lng (73.72 Kb)
file WinContig_FI.lng (71.33 Kb)
file WinContig_FR.lng (74.46 Kb)
file WinContig_HU.lng (72.18 Kb)
file WinContig_IT.lng (16.29 Kb)
file WinContig_JP.lng (73.96 Kb)
file WinContig_KA.lng (67.72 Kb)
file WinContig_KR.lng (68.98 Kb)
file WinContig_NL.lng (67.36 Kb)
file WinContig_PL.lng (68.57 Kb)
file WinContig_PT.lng (77.3 Kb)
file WinContig_RO.lng (70.68 Kb)
file WinContig_RU.lng (110.16 Kb)
file WinContig_SC.lng (57.53 Kb)
file WinContig_SE.lng (68.03 Kb)
file WinContig_SK.lng (83.96 Kb)
file WinContig_TR.lng (62.57 Kb)
file WinContig_TW.lng (60.48 Kb)
file WinContig_VI.lng (63.39 Kb)
file WinContig_ZA.lng (68.91 Kb)
txt Readme_DE.txt (3.71 Kb)
txt Readme_EN.txt (3.46 Kb)
txt Readme_ES.txt (4.01 Kb)
txt Readme_FR.txt (3.9 Kb)
txt Readme_IT.txt (3.96 Kb)
txt Readme_JP.txt (3.1 Kb)
txt Readme_KR.txt (2.9 Kb)
txt Readme_RU.txt (5.66 Kb)
txt Readme_TR.txt (2.86 Kb)
exe WinContig.exe (700 Kb)
txt _Leggimi_IT.txt (3.91 Kb)
txt _Liesmich_DE.txt (3.65 Kb)
txt _Readme_EN.txt (3.41 Kb)
txt _Readme_JP.txt (3.08 Kb)
txt _Readme_RU.txt (5.61 Kb)
file wincontig.ini (2.03 Kb)
WINPE_EXTRA (3 файла)
file MSVBVM60.DLL (1.32 Mb)
txt readme.txt (677 b)
exe showdrive.exe (28 Kb)
file 7z.dll (893 Kb)
exe 7zG.exe (233.5 Kb)
exe DiskDoctor.exe (292 Kb)
txt GPL.txt (18.53 Kb)
file InstallWee.cmd (1.22 Kb)
exe Mke2fs.exe (1.31 Mb)
exe RMBootSect.exe (224 Kb)
file RMPARTUSB.exe.manifest (628 b)
exe RMPARTUSB.exe (1.46 Mb)
file RMPREPUSB.exe.manifest (612 b)
exe RMPREPUSB.exe (628 Kb)
txt RMPartUSB.txt (6.38 Kb)
exe USB_Disk_Eject.exe (953.5 Kb)
file Windows_RO.cmd (1.51 Kb)
file cyggcc_s-1.dll (101.03 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (3.04 Mb)
file grldr (311.03 Kb)
exe grubinst.exe (151.16 Kb)
exe grubinst_new.exe (77.16 Kb)
txt readme.txt (3.03 Kb)
file rmprepusbxp.cmd (3.17 Kb)
file rmprepusbxp_German.cmd (3.2 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
exe touchdrv.exe (13.62 Kb)
exe uninstall.exe (47.73 Kb)
txt version.txt (226 b)
txt weemenu.txt (596 b)
exe weesetup.exe (34 Kb)
winisoutils (9 файлов)
txt credits.txt (38 b)
file cversion_remover.c (5.44 Kb)
exe cversion_remover.exe (4.5 Kb)
file cversion_remover.sha1 (126 b)
file eicfg_remover.c (5.41 Kb)
exe eicfg_remover.exe (4.5 Kb)
file eicfg_remover.sha1 (120 b)
txt readme_cversion_remover.txt (1.76 Kb)
txt readme_eicfg_remover.txt (1.95 Kb)
file 7-zip.chm (105.54 Kb)
file 7-zip.dll (53 Kb)
file 7z.dll (928 Kb)
exe 7z.exe (197 Kb)
exe 7zG.exe (263.5 Kb)
exe BOOTICEx64.exe (450 Kb)
exe BOOTICEx86.exe (405 Kb)
exe DFHL.exe (96 Kb)
txt DFHL_license.txt (17.59 Kb)
exe FFSJ.exe (395.5 Kb)
exe FbinstTool.exe (1.74 Mb)
exe HDHacker.exe (31.5 Kb)
txt License7zip.txt (3.9 Kb)
exe LockDismount.exe (68 Kb)
txt LockDismount_ReadMe.txt (1.53 Kb)
exe MbrFix.exe (121 Kb)
file MbrFix.htm (11.37 Kb)
exe MbrFix64.exe (130.5 Kb)
txt PLoP_README.TXT (1.46 Kb)
txt PLoP_licence.txt (2.18 Kb)
file descript.ion (366 b)
txt fb.txt (272 b)
exe fbinst.exe (74.94 Kb)
txt ffsj.txt (39 b)
exe grubinst_20hd.exe (63.46 Kb)
exe grubinst_gui_20hd.exe (61.54 Kb)
txt grubinst_readme.txt (1.45 Kb)
txt grubinst_switches.txt (5.34 Kb)
exe mkisofs.exe (336 Kb)
txt mkisofs.txt (10.5 Kb)
txt mkisofs_copying.txt (17.57 Kb)
file plpbt.bin (42.54 Kb)
file restore (0 b)
txt test.txt (223 b)
exe touchdrv.exe (5 Kb)
exe upx.exe (277 Kb)
wimlib (32 файла)
devel (2 файла)
file libwim.lib (47.75 Kb)
file wimlib.h (193.67 Kb)
doc (14 файлов)
pdf wimappend.pdf (56.77 Kb)
pdf wimapply.pdf (44.31 Kb)
pdf wimcapture.pdf (56.77 Kb)
pdf wimdelete.pdf (19.33 Kb)
pdf wimdir.pdf (17.46 Kb)
pdf wimexport.pdf (29.78 Kb)
pdf wimextract.pdf (27.26 Kb)
pdf wiminfo.pdf (19.25 Kb)
pdf wimjoin.pdf (18.34 Kb)
pdf wimlib-imagex.pdf (32.21 Kb)
pdf wimoptimize.pdf (25.16 Kb)
pdf wimsplit.pdf (17.79 Kb)
pdf wimupdate.pdf (32.28 Kb)
pdf wimverify.pdf (17.95 Kb)
txt COPYING.CC0.txt (7 Kb)
txt COPYING.GPLv3.txt (34.98 Kb)
txt COPYING.LGPLv3.txt (7.62 Kb)
txt COPYING.libdivsufsort-lite.txt (1.12 Kb)
txt COPYING.libxml2.txt (1.28 Kb)
txt COPYING.txt (1.77 Kb)
txt COPYING.winpthreads.txt (2.87 Kb)
txt NEWS.txt (44.41 Kb)
txt README.WINDOWS.txt (7.53 Kb)
txt README.txt (14.23 Kb)
file iconv.dll (47.52 Kb)
file libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll (117 Kb)
file libwim-15.dll (691.5 Kb)
file libwim-9.dll (310.5 Kb)
file libxml2-2.dll (515.5 Kb)
file pthreadGC2.dll (87.02 Kb)
file wimappend.cmd (44 b)
file wimapply.cmd (43 b)
file wimcapture.cmd (45 b)
file wimdelete.cmd (44 b)
file wimdir.cmd (41 b)
file wimexport.cmd (44 b)
file wimextract.cmd (45 b)
file wiminfo.cmd (42 b)
file wimjoin.cmd (42 b)
exe wimlib-imagex.exe (123.5 Kb)
file wimoptimize.cmd (46 b)
file wimsplit.cmd (43 b)
file wimupdate.cmd (44 b)
file wimverify.cmd (44 b)
winsetup (19 файлов)
DPinst (5 файлов)
file Copy of dpinst.xml (226 b)
file dpinst.xml (114 b)
exe dpinst_32.exe (900.38 Kb)
exe dpinst_64.exe (1 Mb)
txt eula.txt (96 b)
firadisk (9 файлов)
txt credits.txt (122 b)
file firadi64.cat (1.68 Kb)
file firadi64.sy_ (17.15 Kb)
file firadi64.sys (32.98 Kb)
file firadisk.cat (1.68 Kb)
file firadisk.inf (2.04 Kb)
file firadisk.sy_ (15.17 Kb)
file firadisk.sys (26.98 Kb)
file txtsetup.oem (564 b)
PyronSetup (4 файла)
amd64 (2 файла)
file setup.ex_ (4.53 Kb)
file setup_dbg.ex_ (4.53 Kb)
i386 (2 файла)
file setup.ex_ (2.44 Kb)
file setup_dbg.ex_ (2.45 Kb)
file setup.c (849 b)
file setup_dbg.c (852 b)
QDir (5 файлов)
i386 (1 файл)
exe Q-Dir.exe (764 Kb)
x64 (1 файл)
exe Q-Dir.exe (1.46 Mb)
txt CREDITS.txt (41 b)
txt LICENSE.txt (1.16 Kb)
file Q-Dir.ini (66 b)
usbbootwatcher (4 файла)
amd64 (1 файл)
file UsbBootW.ex_ (53.9 Kb)
I386 (1 файл)
file UsbBootW.ex_ (65.2 Kb)
file UsbBootW.cn_ (218 b)
txt readme.txt (182 b)
waitbt (6 файлов)
Orig (10 файлов)
.git (10 файлов)
hooks (10 файлов)
file applypatch-msg.sample (452 b)
file commit-msg.sample (896 b)
file post-commit.sample (160 b)
file post-receive.sample (552 b)
file post-update.sample (189 b)
file pre-applypatch.sample (398 b)
file pre-commit.sample (1.54 Kb)
file pre-rebase.sample (4.83 Kb)
file prepare-commit-msg.sample (1.21 Kb)
file update.sample (3.53 Kb)
info (1 файл)
file exclude (240 b)
logs (2 файла)
refs (1 файл)
heads (1 файл)
file master (399 b)
file HEAD (399 b)
objects (12 файлов)
3b (1 файл)
file 39ab42565521c4dfcd5d7bd1d66e9080fa244c (165 b)
8a (1 файл)
file a0985951534daecc1680dc15b29f5205df1929 (81 b)
8e (1 файл)
file 6a9b6cbeb5ffd6e2950c56b3fb7894d6b91732 (342 b)
09 (1 файл)
file c9071e7c5c211016541aa54158fec63b542372 (2.84 Kb)
89 (1 файл)
file 5de2f59a9fba9bdb1a2099d09ae9103a740c02 (56 b)
94 (1 файл)
file a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 (13.89 Kb)
96 (1 файл)
file 7922cd505bcee5993d1358ccc3a23664a7af8d (382 b)
a6 (1 файл)
file 1ced5a6d5e3274790ea70f5327ae97f350c941 (207 b)
be (1 файл)
file 937739fe759ba86bcb14b9824250afa79e099c (91 b)
df (1 файл)
file 9b29850656b77fd962e5207c9c56c464ac92ff (2.33 Kb)
e6 (1 файл)
file 452a653d2c0561b5222668ac4e98f8626f5153 (177 b)
ef (1 файл)
file 5e43f799813dd62acd7c3ccd21f1118654969b (342 b)
refs (1 файл)
heads (1 файл)
file master (41 b)
file COMMIT_EDITMSG (745 b)
file HEAD (23 b)
file config (111 b)
file description (73 b)
file index (480 b)
file .gitignore (85 b)
txt CREDITS.txt (189 b)
txt gpl.txt (34.32 Kb)
file sources (100 b)
file waitbt.c (8 Kb)
file waitbt.def (42 b)
file waitbt.rc (718 b)
file waitbt32.sy_ (2.54 Kb)
file waitbt64.sy_ (2.9 Kb)
txt CREDITS.txt (189 b)
txt gpl.txt (34.32 Kb)
file waitbt.c (8 Kb)
file waitbt32.sy_ (2.34 Kb)
file waitbt64.sy_ (2.76 Kb)
file MNT.EX_ (2.02 Kb)
exe WinPreSetup32.exe (1.09 Mb)
exe WinPreSetup64.exe (1.18 Mb)
file default (2 Kb)
exe grubinst.exe (77.16 Kb)
file menu.lst (470 b)
file setup.cmd (14.13 Kb)
file shifthd.bat (4.26 Kb)
file ubcd4win.lst (2.92 Kb)
file usbdrive.tag (0 b)
file vstdefault (2 Kb)
file windefault (2 Kb)
file winsetup.lst (443 b)
jpg READMI.jpg (96.47 Kb)
exe WinSetupFromUSB_1-10.exe (1.47 Mb)
exe WinSetupFromUSB_1-10_x64.exe (1.56 Mb)
Удалить Defender (3 файла)
Work (9 файлов)
exe 7z.exe (828 Kb)
zip DKTools.zip (1.29 Mb)
file Icon.ico (417.83 Kb)
exe NSudoLG.exe (174 Kb)
exe cecho.exe (25.5 Kb)
exe nhmb.exe (407 Kb)
exe nircmd.exe (117 Kb)
file null (0 b)
file nu (30 b)
file DefenderKiller.bat (46.74 Kb)
txt READMI.txt (114 b)
Удалить EDGE (3 файла)
data (2 файла)
exe Edge-setupx64.exe (3.89 Mb)
exe Edge-setupx86.exe (2.96 Mb)
file OpenInternetExplorer.vbs (61 b)
file Удалить EDGE.cmd (262 b)
iso 12.12.2024_B10_x64_str.iso (4.51 Gb)
iso 12.12.2024_B10_x86_str.iso (3.03 Gb)

Быстрый и удобный!

Разработчики MediaGet придумали свой алгоритм выбора источников контента,
поэтому файлы на компьютер скачиваются быстрее.

Стандартные для Windows 10.
32-битную (x86) систему установить в UEFI-режиме невозможно.
32-битные LTSC редакции даже на старом железе летают со свистом.

Предыдущие версии пока отсутствуют.
Загрузил: Варя (21 января 2025 00:10)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 55 | Размер: 7.68 Gb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 80 Качают: 43 Скачали: 65
80 43 65
Windows_10_Sergei_Strelec_12.12.2024 (613 файлов)
Активация (2 файла)
file MAS_AIO.cmd (435.62 Kb)
txt READMI.txt (163 b)
Запись на флешку (4 файла)
ISO to USB (8 файлов)
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drivers (6 файлов)
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file ISODrv64.sys (112.74 Kb)
exe IsoCmd.exe (28.33 Kb)
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file bootpt64.sys (32.66 Kb)
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file lang_ru.dll (98.07 Kb)
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jpg 3.jpg (116.3 Kb)
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file lame_enc.dll (479.5 Kb)
file uikey.ini (91 b)
file ultraiso.ini (336 b)
file vdrive.ini (168 b)
ventoy (11 файлов)
altexe (2 файла)
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exe Ventoy2Disk_ARM64.exe (623.5 Kb)
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file core.img.xz (444.52 Kb)
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png slider_n.png (190 b)
png slider_s.png (184 b)
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file plugson.tar.xz (994.04 Kb)
file ventoy.disk.img.xz (12.85 Mb)
file ventoy_4k.disk.img.xz (5.59 Kb)
file version (7 b)
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file Ventoy2Disk.ini (196 b)
exe Ventoy2Disk_X64.exe (633 Kb)
exe VentoyPlugson.exe (364 Kb)
exe VentoyPlugson_X64.exe (450 Kb)
exe VentoyVlnk.exe (148 Kb)
WinSetupFromUSB (4 файла)
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iso DPMS.ISO (45.02 Mb)
txt E2B_DPMS2_ReadMe.txt (3.27 Kb)
txt README.txt (565 b)
grub4dos (19 файлов)
docs (4 файла)
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txt ChangeLog_chenall.txt (27.08 Kb)
txt README_GRUB4DOS.txt (149.91 Kb)
txt README_GRUB4DOS_CN.txt (190.73 Kb)
sample (3 файла)
file config.sys (933 b)
file default (2 Kb)
file menu.lst (4.37 Kb)
file COPYING (17.57 Kb)
txt Get_Source_of_This_Build.txt (214 b)
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file bootlace.com (38.56 Kb)
file bootlace64.com (38.56 Kb)
file config.sys (933 b)
file default (2 Kb)
file eltorito.sys (1.67 Kb)
file grldr.mbr (9 Kb)
file grldr (265.87 Kb)
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file menu.lst (3.27 Kb)
file unifont.hex.gz (907.09 Kb)
imdisk (14 файлов)
awealloc (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (20.55 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (31.52 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (34.55 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (29.16 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file awealloc.sys (46.8 Kb)
cli (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (52.12 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (54.19 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (62.19 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (52.62 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
exe imdisk.exe (96.83 Kb)
cpl (6 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (130.83 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (119.18 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (135.19 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (120.33 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (212.83 Kb)
file imdisk.cpl.manifest (674 b)
cplcore (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (60.32 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (48.69 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (56.69 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (54.32 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.cpl (107.82 Kb)
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amd64 (6 файлов)
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file libvmdk_devio.dll (9.5 Kb)
file zlib.dll (78.5 Kb)
i386 (5 файлов)
exe devio.exe (23.5 Kb)
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file libsmraw_devio.dll (9.5 Kb)
file libvmdk.dll (557.5 Kb)
file libvmdk_devio.dll (9 Kb)
svc (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (30.8 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (18.16 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (33.67 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (29.8 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
exe imdsksvc.exe (45.8 Kb)
sys (5 файлов)
amd64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (47.56 Kb)
ARM (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (55.16 Kb)
ARM64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (59.15 Kb)
i386 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (51.65 Kb)
ia64 (1 файл)
file imdisk.sys (124.77 Kb)
txt gpl.txt (17.9 Kb)
file imdisk.inf (6.79 Kb)
file install.cmd (2.62 Kb)
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txt readme.txt (2.96 Kb)
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file uninstall_imdisk.cmd (1.51 Kb)
MULTIpartitionUSBstick (7 файлов)
exe DRVLOAD.EXE (419.5 Kb)
txt DRVLOAD.txt (1.39 Kb)
file InstallStartDummyDisk.cmd (123 b)
file StopRemoveDummyDisk.cmd (186 b)
file USEonXPor2003_32bitsSYSTEMSonly (0 b)
file dummy.sy_ (1.66 Kb)
file dummydisk.sys (3 Kb)
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com32 (54 файла)
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file chain.c32 (37.79 Kb)
file cmd.c32 (800 b)
file complex.c32 (37.09 Kb)
file config.c32 (4.64 Kb)
file cpuid.c32 (5.39 Kb)
file cpuidtest.c32 (15.09 Kb)
file disk.c32 (5.39 Kb)
file display.c32 (13.4 Kb)
file dmitest.c32 (36.15 Kb)
file elf.c32 (28.08 Kb)
file entrydump.c32 (4.64 Kb)
file ethersel.c32 (28.33 Kb)
file fancyhello.c32 (8.94 Kb)
file gfxboot.c32 (21.68 Kb)
file gpxecmd.c32 (2.27 Kb)
file hdt.c32 (343.34 Kb)
file hello.c32 (4.91 Kb)
file host.c32 (4.39 Kb)
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file kontron_wdt.c32 (8.56 Kb)
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file meminfo.c32 (5.18 Kb)
file menu.c32 (54.97 Kb)
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file pmload.c32 (12.84 Kb)
file prdhcp.c32 (12.45 Kb)
file pwd.c32 (1.89 Kb)
file pxechn.c32 (28.64 Kb)
file reboot.c32 (800 b)
file resolv.c32 (4.51 Kb)
file rosh.c32 (20.88 Kb)
file sanboot.c32 (2.39 Kb)
file sdi.c32 (25.58 Kb)
file serialinfo.c32 (4.52 Kb)
file simple.c32 (22.98 Kb)
file sysdump.c32 (39.48 Kb)
file test.c32 (34.91 Kb)
file test2.c32 (36.41 Kb)
file vesainfo.c32 (5.14 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (152.14 Kb)
file vpdtest.c32 (5.91 Kb)
file whichsys.c32 (2.89 Kb)
file zzjson.c32 (9.39 Kb)
win64 (1 файл)
exe syslinux64.exe (88 Kb)
file COPYING (17.58 Kb)
file NEWS (67.59 Kb)
file README (1.63 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
txt syslinux.txt (28.01 Kb)
file version (10 b)
tools (39 файлов)
Ext2Fsd (16 файлов)
txt COPYRIGHT (1) (1).TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt COPYRIGHT (1).TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt COPYRIGHT.TXT (17.89 Kb)
txt FAQ (1) (1).txt (7.15 Kb)
txt FAQ (1).txt (7.15 Kb)
txt FAQ.txt (7.15 Kb)
txt Mke2fs (1) (1).txt (825 b)
txt Mke2fs (1).txt (825 b)
exe Mke2fs.exe (115.14 Kb)
txt Mke2fs.txt (825 b)
txt notes (1) (1).txt (1.99 Kb)
txt notes (1).txt (1.99 Kb)
txt notes.txt (1.99 Kb)
txt readme (1) (1).txt (18.78 Kb)
txt readme (1).txt (18.78 Kb)
txt readme.txt (18.78 Kb)
RMPrepUSB (37 файлов)
FREEDOS (11 файлов)
file ATTRIB.COM (4.93 Kb)
txt COPYING.TXT (17.9 Kb)
exe EDIT.EXE (62.54 Kb)
file EDIT.HLP (29.48 Kb)
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file FDISK.INI (8.25 Kb)
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exe PART.EXE (35.88 Kb)
file SYS.COM (21.15 Kb)
exe XCOPY.EXE (15.17 Kb)
exe himem.exe (7.87 Kb)
exe CHECKPCI.EXE (14.37 Kb)
file COMFREE.COM (66.76 Kb)
file FDAUTO.bat (201 b)
file FDCONFIG.SYS (76 b)
file KERNEL.SYS (44.2 Kb)
file menu.lst (2.65 Kb)
grub2 (3 файла)
file GRUB2_BOOT.IMG (512 b)
file GRUB2_CORE.IMG (31 Kb)
file core.img (34.04 Kb)
HashMyFiles (4 файла)
file HashMyFiles.chm (18.12 Kb)
exe HashMyFiles.exe (50.09 Kb)
file Hashmyfiles.cfg (671 b)
txt readme.txt (14.53 Kb)
LANG (26 файлов)
file Catalа.ini (20.47 Kb)
file Chinese Simplified.ini (9.24 Kb)
file Chinese Traditional.ini (13.37 Kb)
file English.ini (23.89 Kb)
file English204.ini (23.96 Kb)
file Espaсol.ini (26.15 Kb)
file Fonts, CharSets and LCIDs.rtf (16.88 Kb)
file French.ini (10.56 Kb)
file German.ini (25.83 Kb)
file Indonesia Gaul.ini (18.39 Kb)
file Indonesia Resmi.ini (23.63 Kb)
file Italian.ini (10.89 Kb)
file Nederlands.ini (29.83 Kb)
file Polski.ini (17.31 Kb)
file Portugues.ini (18.93 Kb)
file PortugueseBr.ini (26.66 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB.pdf (1.56 Mb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_Espaсol.pdf (354.16 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_French.pdf (205.27 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_German.pdf (330.27 Kb)
pdf RMPrepUSB_Indonesia Resmi.pdf (434.86 Kb)
file Romanian.ini (11.4 Kb)
file Russian.ini (24.15 Kb)
file Serbian.ini (19.94 Kb)
file Swedish.ini (18.4 Kb)
file Tьrkзe.ini (21.73 Kb)
QEMU (34 файла)
License (3 файла)
file LICENSE (346 b)
txt README-SDL.txt (425 b)
txt README.TXT (5.06 Kb)
file ConvertImage.cmd (2.3 Kb)
file CreateImg.cmd (343 b)
txt README-en.txt (3.12 Kb)
txt README-ja.txt (3.46 Kb)
file RunHDDImage.cmd (529 b)
file RunIso.cmd (576 b)
file SDL.dll (475.5 Kb)
file StartFromUSB.cmd (2.26 Kb)
file StartFromUSB_RMPrep.cmd (780 b)
file StartFromUSB_WinSetup.bat (80 b)
file bios.bin (128 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (1.06 Mb)
file fmod.dll (159 Kb)
txt img_usage.txt (1.96 Kb)
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file linux_boot.bin (512 b)
file makegrub4dosiso.cmd (6.1 Kb)
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file pxe-e1000.rom (65.5 Kb)
file pxe-ne2k_pci.bin (32 Kb)
file pxe-pcnet.bin (32 Kb)
file pxe-rtl8139.bin (32 Kb)
file qemu-doc.html (140.83 Kb)
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file qemu-tech.html (47.13 Kb)
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exe start_VM.exe (411 Kb)
exe sync.exe (19 Kb)
file test.img (976.56 Kb)
txt usage.txt (4.85 Kb)
file vgabios-cirrus.bin (34.5 Kb)
file vgabios.bin (37 Kb)
SYSLINUX (4 файла)
Syslinux_3.86 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (53.68 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (27.5 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (144.53 Kb)
Syslinux_4.06 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (54.97 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (80.5 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (152.14 Kb)
Syslinux_5.01 (3 файла)
file menu.c32 (25.64 Kb)
exe syslinux.exe (211 Kb)
file vesamenu.c32 (26.17 Kb)
txt readme.txt (772 b)
TESTMBR (9 файлов)
file MBR0P.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file MBR1P32S.BIN (16 Kb)
file MBR1P63S.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file MBR2P32S.BIN (16 Kb)
file MBR2P63S.BIN (31.5 Kb)
file ReadMe.html (5.43 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (516 b)
file TESTMBR.asm (20.76 Kb)
file makeall.bat (660 b)
WINCONTIG (17 файлов)
lang (29 файлов)
file WinContig_BG.lng (68.36 Kb)
file WinContig_BR.lng (75.51 Kb)
file WinContig_CN.lng (62.79 Kb)
file WinContig_CS.lng (236.78 Kb)
file WinContig_CT.lng (57.35 Kb)
file WinContig_CZ.lng (244.08 Kb)
file WinContig_DE.lng (72 Kb)
file WinContig_EL.lng (71.61 Kb)
file WinContig_EN.lng (68.17 Kb)
file WinContig_ES.lng (73.72 Kb)
file WinContig_FI.lng (71.33 Kb)
file WinContig_FR.lng (74.46 Kb)
file WinContig_HU.lng (72.18 Kb)
file WinContig_IT.lng (16.29 Kb)
file WinContig_JP.lng (73.96 Kb)
file WinContig_KA.lng (67.72 Kb)
file WinContig_KR.lng (68.98 Kb)
file WinContig_NL.lng (67.36 Kb)
file WinContig_PL.lng (68.57 Kb)
file WinContig_PT.lng (77.3 Kb)
file WinContig_RO.lng (70.68 Kb)
file WinContig_RU.lng (110.16 Kb)
file WinContig_SC.lng (57.53 Kb)
file WinContig_SE.lng (68.03 Kb)
file WinContig_SK.lng (83.96 Kb)
file WinContig_TR.lng (62.57 Kb)
file WinContig_TW.lng (60.48 Kb)
file WinContig_VI.lng (63.39 Kb)
file WinContig_ZA.lng (68.91 Kb)
txt Readme_DE.txt (3.71 Kb)
txt Readme_EN.txt (3.46 Kb)
txt Readme_ES.txt (4.01 Kb)
txt Readme_FR.txt (3.9 Kb)
txt Readme_IT.txt (3.96 Kb)
txt Readme_JP.txt (3.1 Kb)
txt Readme_KR.txt (2.9 Kb)
txt Readme_RU.txt (5.66 Kb)
txt Readme_TR.txt (2.86 Kb)
exe WinContig.exe (700 Kb)
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txt _Liesmich_DE.txt (3.65 Kb)
txt _Readme_EN.txt (3.41 Kb)
txt _Readme_JP.txt (3.08 Kb)
txt _Readme_RU.txt (5.61 Kb)
file wincontig.ini (2.03 Kb)
WINPE_EXTRA (3 файла)
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file 7z.dll (893 Kb)
exe 7zG.exe (233.5 Kb)
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file InstallWee.cmd (1.22 Kb)
exe Mke2fs.exe (1.31 Mb)
exe RMBootSect.exe (224 Kb)
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exe RMPARTUSB.exe (1.46 Mb)
file RMPREPUSB.exe.manifest (612 b)
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txt RMPartUSB.txt (6.38 Kb)
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file cyggcc_s-1.dll (101.03 Kb)
file cygwin1.dll (3.04 Mb)
file grldr (311.03 Kb)
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file rmprepusbxp_German.cmd (3.2 Kb)
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exe uninstall.exe (47.73 Kb)
txt version.txt (226 b)
txt weemenu.txt (596 b)
exe weesetup.exe (34 Kb)
winisoutils (9 файлов)
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txt readme_eicfg_remover.txt (1.95 Kb)
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file 7z.dll (928 Kb)
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exe 7zG.exe (263.5 Kb)
exe BOOTICEx64.exe (450 Kb)
exe BOOTICEx86.exe (405 Kb)
exe DFHL.exe (96 Kb)
txt DFHL_license.txt (17.59 Kb)
exe FFSJ.exe (395.5 Kb)
exe FbinstTool.exe (1.74 Mb)
exe HDHacker.exe (31.5 Kb)
txt License7zip.txt (3.9 Kb)
exe LockDismount.exe (68 Kb)
txt LockDismount_ReadMe.txt (1.53 Kb)
exe MbrFix.exe (121 Kb)
file MbrFix.htm (11.37 Kb)
exe MbrFix64.exe (130.5 Kb)
txt PLoP_README.TXT (1.46 Kb)
txt PLoP_licence.txt (2.18 Kb)
file descript.ion (366 b)
txt fb.txt (272 b)
exe fbinst.exe (74.94 Kb)
txt ffsj.txt (39 b)
exe grubinst_20hd.exe (63.46 Kb)
exe grubinst_gui_20hd.exe (61.54 Kb)
txt grubinst_readme.txt (1.45 Kb)
txt grubinst_switches.txt (5.34 Kb)
exe mkisofs.exe (336 Kb)
txt mkisofs.txt (10.5 Kb)
txt mkisofs_copying.txt (17.57 Kb)
file plpbt.bin (42.54 Kb)
file restore (0 b)
txt test.txt (223 b)
exe touchdrv.exe (5 Kb)
exe upx.exe (277 Kb)
wimlib (32 файла)
devel (2 файла)
file libwim.lib (47.75 Kb)
file wimlib.h (193.67 Kb)
doc (14 файлов)
pdf wimappend.pdf (56.77 Kb)
pdf wimapply.pdf (44.31 Kb)
pdf wimcapture.pdf (56.77 Kb)
pdf wimdelete.pdf (19.33 Kb)
pdf wimdir.pdf (17.46 Kb)
pdf wimexport.pdf (29.78 Kb)
pdf wimextract.pdf (27.26 Kb)
pdf wiminfo.pdf (19.25 Kb)
pdf wimjoin.pdf (18.34 Kb)
pdf wimlib-imagex.pdf (32.21 Kb)
pdf wimoptimize.pdf (25.16 Kb)
pdf wimsplit.pdf (17.79 Kb)
pdf wimupdate.pdf (32.28 Kb)
pdf wimverify.pdf (17.95 Kb)
txt COPYING.CC0.txt (7 Kb)
txt COPYING.GPLv3.txt (34.98 Kb)
txt COPYING.LGPLv3.txt (7.62 Kb)
txt COPYING.libdivsufsort-lite.txt (1.12 Kb)
txt COPYING.libxml2.txt (1.28 Kb)
txt COPYING.txt (1.77 Kb)
txt COPYING.winpthreads.txt (2.87 Kb)
txt NEWS.txt (44.41 Kb)
txt README.WINDOWS.txt (7.53 Kb)
txt README.txt (14.23 Kb)
file iconv.dll (47.52 Kb)
file libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll (117 Kb)
file libwim-15.dll (691.5 Kb)
file libwim-9.dll (310.5 Kb)
file libxml2-2.dll (515.5 Kb)
file pthreadGC2.dll (87.02 Kb)
file wimappend.cmd (44 b)
file wimapply.cmd (43 b)
file wimcapture.cmd (45 b)
file wimdelete.cmd (44 b)
file wimdir.cmd (41 b)
file wimexport.cmd (44 b)
file wimextract.cmd (45 b)
file wiminfo.cmd (42 b)
file wimjoin.cmd (42 b)
exe wimlib-imagex.exe (123.5 Kb)
file wimoptimize.cmd (46 b)
file wimsplit.cmd (43 b)
file wimupdate.cmd (44 b)
file wimverify.cmd (44 b)
winsetup (19 файлов)
DPinst (5 файлов)
file Copy of dpinst.xml (226 b)
file dpinst.xml (114 b)
exe dpinst_32.exe (900.38 Kb)
exe dpinst_64.exe (1 Mb)
txt eula.txt (96 b)
firadisk (9 файлов)
txt credits.txt (122 b)
file firadi64.cat (1.68 Kb)
file firadi64.sy_ (17.15 Kb)
file firadi64.sys (32.98 Kb)
file firadisk.cat (1.68 Kb)
file firadisk.inf (2.04 Kb)
file firadisk.sy_ (15.17 Kb)
file firadisk.sys (26.98 Kb)
file txtsetup.oem (564 b)
PyronSetup (4 файла)
amd64 (2 файла)
file setup.ex_ (4.53 Kb)
file setup_dbg.ex_ (4.53 Kb)
i386 (2 файла)
file setup.ex_ (2.44 Kb)
file setup_dbg.ex_ (2.45 Kb)
file setup.c (849 b)
file setup_dbg.c (852 b)
QDir (5 файлов)
i386 (1 файл)
exe Q-Dir.exe (764 Kb)
x64 (1 файл)
exe Q-Dir.exe (1.46 Mb)
txt CREDITS.txt (41 b)
txt LICENSE.txt (1.16 Kb)
file Q-Dir.ini (66 b)
usbbootwatcher (4 файла)
amd64 (1 файл)
file UsbBootW.ex_ (53.9 Kb)
I386 (1 файл)
file UsbBootW.ex_ (65.2 Kb)
file UsbBootW.cn_ (218 b)
txt readme.txt (182 b)
waitbt (6 файлов)
Orig (10 файлов)
.git (10 файлов)
hooks (10 файлов)
file applypatch-msg.sample (452 b)
file commit-msg.sample (896 b)
file post-commit.sample (160 b)
file post-receive.sample (552 b)
file post-update.sample (189 b)
file pre-applypatch.sample (398 b)
file pre-commit.sample (1.54 Kb)
file pre-rebase.sample (4.83 Kb)
file prepare-commit-msg.sample (1.21 Kb)
file update.sample (3.53 Kb)
info (1 файл)
file exclude (240 b)
logs (2 файла)
refs (1 файл)
heads (1 файл)
file master (399 b)
file HEAD (399 b)
objects (12 файлов)
3b (1 файл)
file 39ab42565521c4dfcd5d7bd1d66e9080fa244c (165 b)
8a (1 файл)
file a0985951534daecc1680dc15b29f5205df1929 (81 b)
8e (1 файл)
file 6a9b6cbeb5ffd6e2950c56b3fb7894d6b91732 (342 b)
09 (1 файл)
file c9071e7c5c211016541aa54158fec63b542372 (2.84 Kb)
89 (1 файл)
file 5de2f59a9fba9bdb1a2099d09ae9103a740c02 (56 b)
94 (1 файл)
file a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 (13.89 Kb)
96 (1 файл)
file 7922cd505bcee5993d1358ccc3a23664a7af8d (382 b)
a6 (1 файл)
file 1ced5a6d5e3274790ea70f5327ae97f350c941 (207 b)
be (1 файл)
file 937739fe759ba86bcb14b9824250afa79e099c (91 b)
df (1 файл)
file 9b29850656b77fd962e5207c9c56c464ac92ff (2.33 Kb)
e6 (1 файл)
file 452a653d2c0561b5222668ac4e98f8626f5153 (177 b)
ef (1 файл)
file 5e43f799813dd62acd7c3ccd21f1118654969b (342 b)
refs (1 файл)
heads (1 файл)
file master (41 b)
file COMMIT_EDITMSG (745 b)
file HEAD (23 b)
file config (111 b)
file description (73 b)
file index (480 b)
file .gitignore (85 b)
txt CREDITS.txt (189 b)
txt gpl.txt (34.32 Kb)
file sources (100 b)
file waitbt.c (8 Kb)
file waitbt.def (42 b)
file waitbt.rc (718 b)
file waitbt32.sy_ (2.54 Kb)
file waitbt64.sy_ (2.9 Kb)
txt CREDITS.txt (189 b)
txt gpl.txt (34.32 Kb)
file waitbt.c (8 Kb)
file waitbt32.sy_ (2.34 Kb)
file waitbt64.sy_ (2.76 Kb)
file MNT.EX_ (2.02 Kb)
exe WinPreSetup32.exe (1.09 Mb)
exe WinPreSetup64.exe (1.18 Mb)
file default (2 Kb)
exe grubinst.exe (77.16 Kb)
file menu.lst (470 b)
file setup.cmd (14.13 Kb)
file shifthd.bat (4.26 Kb)
file ubcd4win.lst (2.92 Kb)
file usbdrive.tag (0 b)
file vstdefault (2 Kb)
file windefault (2 Kb)
file winsetup.lst (443 b)
jpg READMI.jpg (96.47 Kb)
exe WinSetupFromUSB_1-10.exe (1.47 Mb)
exe WinSetupFromUSB_1-10_x64.exe (1.56 Mb)
Удалить Defender (3 файла)
Work (9 файлов)
exe 7z.exe (828 Kb)
zip DKTools.zip (1.29 Mb)
file Icon.ico (417.83 Kb)
exe NSudoLG.exe (174 Kb)
exe cecho.exe (25.5 Kb)
exe nhmb.exe (407 Kb)
exe nircmd.exe (117 Kb)
file null (0 b)
file nu (30 b)
file DefenderKiller.bat (46.74 Kb)
txt READMI.txt (114 b)
Удалить EDGE (3 файла)
data (2 файла)
exe Edge-setupx64.exe (3.89 Mb)
exe Edge-setupx86.exe (2.96 Mb)
file OpenInternetExplorer.vbs (61 b)
file Удалить EDGE.cmd (262 b)
iso 12.12.2024_B10_x64_str.iso (4.51 Gb)
iso 12.12.2024_B10_x86_str.iso (3.03 Gb)

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