1-1-0(beta) (2 файла)
avslib (11 файлов)
array (8 файлов)

__init.avsi (1.18 Kb)

core.avsi (17.03 Kb)

functions.avsi (4.38 Kb)

operators.avsi (5.34 Kb)

powseries.avsi (3.62 Kb)

properties.avsi (2.94 Kb)

slices.avsi (13.02 Kb)

transforms.avsi (9.01 Kb)
base (5 файлов)

__init.avsi (1.04 Kb)

constants.avsi (2.47 Kb)

conversion.avsi (3.22 Kb)

core.avsi (4.49 Kb)

version.avsi (2.21 Kb)
bool (2 файла)

__init.avsi (934 b)

core.avsi (3.78 Kb)
clip (3 файла)

__init.avsi (975 b)

arrays.avsi (4.2 Kb)

core.avsi (3.18 Kb)
debug (3 файла)

__init.avsi (979 b)

core.avsi (7.44 Kb)

logging.avsi (5.99 Kb)
deprecated (4 файла)

__init.avsi (1.02 Kb)

array.avsi (4.17 Kb)

base.avsi (1.08 Kb)

clip.avsi (1.58 Kb)
filters (10 файлов)
ver_2-5-5 (1 файл)

rgb_channels.avsi (5.11 Kb)

__init.avsi (1.23 Kb)

animate.avsi (8.54 Kb)

channels.avsi (8.32 Kb)

edit.avsi (11.85 Kb)

frames.avsi (6.53 Kb)

multiedit.avsi (2.54 Kb)

resize.avsi (10.58 Kb)

stack.avsi (7.91 Kb)

utility.avsi (2.92 Kb)
numeric (7 файлов)

__init.avsi (1.15 Kb)

core.avsi (8.1 Kb)

curves2d.avsi (5.01 Kb)

functions.avsi (3.26 Kb)

powseries.avsi (3.04 Kb)

rounding.avsi (3.79 Kb)

statistics.avsi (3.57 Kb)
string (6 файлов)
ver_2-5-5 (1 файл)

str_funcs.avsi (3.23 Kb)
ver_current (1 файл)

str_funcs.avsi (1.45 Kb)

__init.avsi (1 Kb)

core.avsi (9.41 Kb)

search.avsi (5.9 Kb)

sprintf.avsi (8.39 Kb)

__init.avsi (1.65 Kb)

avslib.avsi (1.15 Kb)
plugins (5 файлов)
animate (3 файла)

__init.avsi (952 b)

animate.dll (32 Kb)

core.avsi (991 b)
channels (3 файла)

RGBManipulate.dll (340 Kb)

__init.avsi (1.11 Kb)

rgb.avsi (1.08 Kb)
resize (3 файла)

__init.avsi (949 b)

core.avsi (986 b)

resize.dll (35.5 Kb)

__init.avsi (1.24 Kb)

plugins.avsi (1.08 Kb)
frei0r-1 (1 файл)
lib (16 файлов)

baltan.dll (544.5 Kb)

bw0r.dll (6 Kb)

cartoon.dll (556.5 Kb)

delaygrab.dll (546.5 Kb)

distort0r.dll (8 Kb)

equaliz0r.dll (545 Kb)

gamma.dll (6 Kb)

invert0r.dll (5.5 Kb)

nervous.dll (545.5 Kb)

pixeliz0r.dll (7 Kb)

scanline0r.dll (544.5 Kb)

sobel.dll (545 Kb)

squareblur.dll (7 Kb)

tehRoxx0r.dll (7 Kb)

twolay0r.dll (549 Kb)

vertigo.dll (8 Kb)

AudGraph.dll (16 Kb)

AudioFunc.pat (3.66 Kb)

Bottom to Top(Double Slide).pat (337 b)

Bottom to Top(Expand vs Shrink).pat (805 b)

Bottom to Top(Expand vs Slide).pat (810 b)

Bottom to Top(Slide In).pat (114 b)

Bottom to Top(Slide Out).pat (78 b)

Bottom to Top(Slide vs Shrink).pat (773 b)

Bottom to Top(Wipe).pat (496 b)

BottomLeft to TopRight(Slide In).pat (168 b)

BottomLeft to TopRight(Slide Out).pat (120 b)

BottomLeft to TopRight(Wipe In).pat (550 b)

BottomLeft to TopRight(Wipe Out).pat (502 b)

BottomRight to TopLeft(Slide In).pat (179 b)

BottomRight to TopLeft(Slide Out).pat (109 b)

BottomRight to TopLeft(Wipe In).pat (561 b)

BottomRight to TopLeft(Wipe Out).pat (491 b)

Center to LeftRight(Wipe).pat (472 b)

Center to TopBottom(Wipe).pat (473 b)

DemoSource.pat (244 b)

Dissolve.pat (64 b)

EffectsMany.avsi (29 b)

EffectsMany.dll (368 Kb)

Expand Horizontal(Expand In).pat (223 b)

Expand Vertical(Expand In).pat (222 b)

Expand to AllSide(Expand In).pat (265 b)

Expand to Bottom(Expand In).pat (234 b)

Expand to BottomLeft(Expand In).pat (315 b)

Expand to BottomRight(Expand In).pat (305 b)

Expand to Left(Expand In).pat (242 b)

Expand to Right(Expand In).pat (232 b)

Expand to Top(Expand In).pat (245 b)

Expand to TopLeft(Expand In).pat (326 b)

Expand to TopRight(Expand In).pat (316 b)

Left to Right(Double Slide).pat (336 b)

Left to Right(Expand vs Shrink).pat (789 b)

Left to Right(Expand vs Slide).pat (794 b)

Left to Right(Slide In).pat (100 b)

Left to Right(Slide Out).pat (88 b)

Left to Right(Slide vs Shrink).pat (809 b)

Left to Right(Wipe).pat (482 b)

LeftRight to Center(Wipe).pat (472 b)

ResizeFunc.pat (2.79 Kb)

Right to Left(Double Slide).pat (336 b)

Right to Left(Expand vs Shrink).pat (800 b)

Right to Left(Expand vs Slide).pat (961 b)

Right to Left(Slide In).pat (113 b)

Right to Left(Slide Out).pat (77 b)

Right to Left(Slide vs Shrink).pat (767 b)

Right to Left(Wipe).pat (493 b)

Shrink Center(Shrink Out).pat (223 b)

Shrink Horizontal(Shrink Out).pat (205 b)

Shrink Vertical(Shrink Out).pat (205 b)

Shrink to Bottom(Shrink Out).pat (203 b)

Shrink to BottomLeft(Shrink Out).pat (230 b)

Shrink to BottomRight(Shrink Out).pat (240 b)

Shrink to Left(Shrink Out).pat (192 b)

Shrink to Right(Shrink Out).pat (202 b)

Shrink to Top(Shrink Out).pat (192 b)

Shrink to TopLeft(Shrink Out).pat (219 b)

Shrink to TopRight(Shrink Out).pat (229 b)

SpecialEffect.avsi (34 b)

StandardHeader.pat (490 b)

Subtitle.avsi (29 b)

Top to Bottom(Double Slide).pat (337 b)

Top to Bottom(Expand vs Shrink).pat (794 b)

Top to Bottom(Expand vs Slide).pat (800 b)

Top to Bottom(Slide In).pat (102 b)

Top to Bottom(Slide Out).pat (90 b)

Top to Bottom(Slide vs Shrink).pat (768 b)

Top to Bottom(Wipe).pat (483 b)

TopBottom to Center(Wipe).pat (473 b)

TopLeft to BottomRight(Slide In).pat (156 b)

TopLeft to BottomRight(Slide Out).pat (132 b)

TopLeft to BottomRight(Wipe In).pat (538 b)

TopLeft to BottomRight(Wipe Out).pat (514 b)

TopRight to BottomLeft(Slide In).pat (167 b)

TopRight to BottomLeft(Slide Out).pat (121 b)

TopRight to BottomLeft(Wipe In).pat (549 b)

TopRight to BottomLeft(Wipe Out).pat (503 b)

VSFilter.dll (892 Kb)

avslib.avsi (1.17 Kb)

colors_rgb.avsi (6.96 Kb)

ffmpegsource.avsi (1.68 Kb)

loader.avsi (5.79 Kb)

plugins.avsi (1.11 Kb)

soxfilter.dll (239 Kb)

watermark.avsi (30 b)