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Просмотров: 3 412 | Автор: Olya | Дата: 20-04-2016, 16:36
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Pinnacle Studio Ultimate

Pinnacle Studio Ultimate
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate - многофункциональный редактор медиафайлов, с помощью которого вы сможете обрабатывать аудио, видео и фото без использования других приложений. Содержит в себе широкий набор инструментов, а также дополнительный контент с огромным количеством эффектов и отличается высокой производительностью и скоростью работы
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Версия программы: 19.5.0.
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Официальный сайт: http://www.pinnaclesys.com
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Язык интерфейса: Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Русский, Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Английский и другие.
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Лечение: Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Кейген.
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Pinnacle Studio Ultimate

Pinnacle Studio Ultimate
Загрузил: Olya (20 апреля 2016 15:45)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 408 | Размер: 6.26 Gb
Последняя активность: 9 апреля 2024 16:35
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
0 0 0
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate 19.5.0 + Bonus Content (369 файлов)
PinnacleStudioUltimate19 (3 файла)
32bit (11 файлов)
BonusContent (7 файлов)
CreativePackV1 (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (432 Kb)
file 1030.mst (180 Kb)
file 1031.mst (184 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (188 Kb)
file 1035.mst (200 Kb)
file 1036.mst (204 Kb)
file 1040.mst (180 Kb)
file 1041.mst (964 Kb)
file 1043.mst (172 Kb)
file 1045.mst (216 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,3 Mb)
file 1053.mst (192 Kb)
msi CreativePackVolume1.msi (48,43 Mb)
HFXVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi HFXVolumes.msi (175,96 Mb)
iZotope (1 файл)
exe iZotope_MusicAndSpeechCleaner.exe (7,97 Mb)
NewBlueEffects (1 файл)
exe NewBlue_Effects.exe (57,58 Mb)
PremiumPacks (1 файл)
exe PremiumPacks.exe (137,79 Kb)
ScoreFitterVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (464 Kb)
file 1030.mst (212 Kb)
file 1031.mst (224 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (224 Kb)
file 1035.mst (232 Kb)
file 1036.mst (240 Kb)
file 1040.mst (216 Kb)
file 1041.mst (996 Kb)
file 1043.mst (204 Kb)
file 1045.mst (248 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (220 Kb)
msi ScorefitterVolumes.msi (4,93 Mb)
TitleExtreme (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi TitleExtreme.msi (7,64 Mb)
Config (3 файла)
file 31110.pp2 (197 b)
file packL10nInfo.xml (32,34 Kb)
file packlist.xml (9,71 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x64 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (437,71 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X64 Driver 1.08.msi (1,29 Mb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
x86 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (379,77 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X86 Driver 1.08.msi (943 Kb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
InstallManagerSetup (1 файл)
exe InstallManagerSetup.exe (9,6 Mb)
Open Source (5 файлов)
txt Apache-License-2.0.txt (11,29 Kb)
file The Code Project Open License (COPL).mht (15,48 Kb)
file ffmpeg-4721Mov64.tar.gz (3,78 Mb)
zip lame-3.96.1.zip (1,37 Mb)
txt lgpl-2.1.txt (26,31 Kb)
PinnacleMyDVD (8 файлов)
BIN (8 файлов)
file SuiteIcon.ico (278,79 Kb)
png header_120.png (27,07 Kb)
png header_144.png (38,37 Kb)
png header_192.png (57,22 Kb)
png header_240.png (88,05 Kb)
png header_288.png (83,38 Kb)
png header_96.png (18,94 Kb)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
DOTNETFX_45 (3 файла)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,43 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
exe dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe (979,92 Kb)
DVD_10 (32 файла)
BIN (1 файл)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
file 0x0405.ini (22,76 Kb)
file 0x0406.ini (23,34 Kb)
file 0x0407.ini (25,25 Kb)
file 0x0409.ini (21,96 Kb)
file 0x040b.ini (22,19 Kb)
file 0x040c.ini (25,65 Kb)
file 0x0410.ini (24,6 Kb)
file 0x0411.ini (14,54 Kb)
file 0x0413.ini (24,41 Kb)
file 0x0415.ini (23,76 Kb)
file 0x0419.ini (22,88 Kb)
file 0x041d.ini (22,81 Kb)
file 0x0c0a.ini (24,55 Kb)
file 1029.mst (65,5 Kb)
file 1030.mst (80 Kb)
file 1031.mst (90,5 Kb)
file 1033.mst (75,5 Kb)
file 1035.mst (80 Kb)
file 1036.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1040.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1041.mst (85 Kb)
file 1043.mst (85,5 Kb)
file 1045.mst (83,5 Kb)
file 1049.mst (79,5 Kb)
file 1053.mst (77 Kb)
file 3082.mst (88,5 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (43 b)
file Data1.cab (220,95 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (45,86 Kb)
file MyDVD.ico (278,79 Kb)
msi Pinnacle MyDVD.msi (2,79 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,52 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
file Setup.dcf (4,3 Kb)
file autorun.inf (52 b)
exe setup.exe (5,57 Mb)
Prerequisites (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x64.MSU (2,94 Mb)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x86.MSU (1,69 Mb)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
exe directx_jun2010_rar_redist.exe (96,21 Mb)
exe en_.net_framework_4_full_x86_x64_508940.exe (48,11 Mb)
exe vs90_piaredist.exe (1,35 Mb)
StandardContent (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (116 Kb)
file 1030.mst (116 Kb)
file 1031.mst (124 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (124 Kb)
file 1035.mst (116 Kb)
file 1036.mst (124 Kb)
file 1040.mst (124 Kb)
file 1041.mst (120 Kb)
file 1043.mst (120 Kb)
file 1045.mst (120 Kb)
file 1049.mst (116 Kb)
file 1053.mst (112 Kb)
file Data1.cab (643,6 Mb)
msi StandardContent.msi (5,06 Mb)
Studio (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (232 Kb)
file 1030.mst (220 Kb)
file 1031.mst (244 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (240 Kb)
file 1035.mst (220 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (248 Kb)
file 1041.mst (632 Kb)
file 1043.mst (220 Kb)
file 1045.mst (232 Kb)
file 1049.mst (336 Kb)
file 1053.mst (216 Kb)
file Data1.cab (1,04 Gb)
msi PinnacleStudio.msi (22,56 Mb)
WelcomeNG (17 файлов)
exe Welcome.exe (2,35 Mb)
file WelcomeCHS.dll (2,47 Mb)
file WelcomeCSY.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeDAN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeDEU.dll (2,49 Mb)
file WelcomeESP.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeFIN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeFRA.dll (2,49 Mb)
file WelcomeITA.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeJPN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeKOR.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeNLD.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeNOR.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomePLK.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomePTB.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeRUS.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeSVE.dll (2,48 Mb)
exe Welcome.exe (224,73 Kb)
64bit (11 файлов)
BonusContent (7 файлов)
CreativePackV1 (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (432 Kb)
file 1030.mst (180 Kb)
file 1031.mst (184 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (188 Kb)
file 1035.mst (200 Kb)
file 1036.mst (204 Kb)
file 1040.mst (180 Kb)
file 1041.mst (964 Kb)
file 1043.mst (172 Kb)
file 1045.mst (216 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,3 Mb)
file 1053.mst (192 Kb)
msi CreativePackVolume1.msi (49,15 Mb)
HFXVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi HFXVolumes.msi (176,69 Mb)
iZotope (1 файл)
exe iZotope_MusicAndSpeechCleaner.exe (7,97 Mb)
NewBlueEffects (1 файл)
exe NewBlue_Effects.exe (57,3 Mb)
PremiumPacks (1 файл)
exe PremiumPacks.exe (156,29 Kb)
ScoreFitterVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (464 Kb)
file 1030.mst (212 Kb)
file 1031.mst (224 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (224 Kb)
file 1035.mst (232 Kb)
file 1036.mst (240 Kb)
file 1040.mst (216 Kb)
file 1041.mst (996 Kb)
file 1043.mst (204 Kb)
file 1045.mst (248 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (220 Kb)
msi ScorefitterVolumes.msi (5,65 Mb)
TitleExtreme (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi TitleExtreme.msi (7,92 Mb)
Config (2 файла)
file packL10nInfo.xml (32,34 Kb)
file packlist.xml (9,72 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x64 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (437,71 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X64 Driver 1.08.msi (1,29 Mb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
x86 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (379,77 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X86 Driver 1.08.msi (943 Kb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
InstallManagerSetup (1 файл)
exe InstallManagerSetup.exe (9,96 Mb)
Open Source (5 файлов)
txt Apache-License-2.0.txt (11,29 Kb)
file The Code Project Open License (COPL).mht (15,48 Kb)
file ffmpeg-4721Mov64.tar.gz (3,78 Mb)
zip lame-3.96.1.zip (1,37 Mb)
txt lgpl-2.1.txt (26,31 Kb)
PinnacleMyDVD (8 файлов)
BIN (8 файлов)
file SuiteIcon.ico (278,79 Kb)
png header_120.png (27,07 Kb)
png header_144.png (38,37 Kb)
png header_192.png (57,22 Kb)
png header_240.png (88,05 Kb)
png header_288.png (83,38 Kb)
png header_96.png (18,94 Kb)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
DOTNETFX_45 (3 файла)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,43 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
exe dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe (979,92 Kb)
DVD_10 (32 файла)
BIN (1 файл)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
file 0x0405.ini (22,76 Kb)
file 0x0406.ini (23,34 Kb)
file 0x0407.ini (25,25 Kb)
file 0x0409.ini (21,96 Kb)
file 0x040b.ini (22,19 Kb)
file 0x040c.ini (25,65 Kb)
file 0x0410.ini (24,6 Kb)
file 0x0411.ini (14,54 Kb)
file 0x0413.ini (24,41 Kb)
file 0x0415.ini (23,76 Kb)
file 0x0419.ini (22,88 Kb)
file 0x041d.ini (22,81 Kb)
file 0x0c0a.ini (24,55 Kb)
file 1029.mst (65,5 Kb)
file 1030.mst (80 Kb)
file 1031.mst (90,5 Kb)
file 1033.mst (75,5 Kb)
file 1035.mst (80 Kb)
file 1036.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1040.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1041.mst (85 Kb)
file 1043.mst (85,5 Kb)
file 1045.mst (83,5 Kb)
file 1049.mst (79,5 Kb)
file 1053.mst (77 Kb)
file 3082.mst (88,5 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (43 b)
file Data1.cab (220,95 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (45,86 Kb)
file MyDVD.ico (278,79 Kb)
msi Pinnacle MyDVD.msi (2,79 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,52 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
file Setup.dcf (4,3 Kb)
file autorun.inf (52 b)
exe setup.exe (5,57 Mb)
Prerequisites (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x64.MSU (2,94 Mb)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x86.MSU (1,69 Mb)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
exe directx_jun2010_rar_redist.exe (96,21 Mb)
exe en_.net_framework_4_full_x86_x64_508940.exe (48,11 Mb)
exe vs90_piaredist.exe (1,35 Mb)
StandardContent (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (116 Kb)
file 1030.mst (116 Kb)
file 1031.mst (124 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (124 Kb)
file 1035.mst (116 Kb)
file 1036.mst (124 Kb)
file 1040.mst (124 Kb)
file 1041.mst (120 Kb)
file 1043.mst (120 Kb)
file 1045.mst (120 Kb)
file 1049.mst (116 Kb)
file 1053.mst (112 Kb)
file Data1.cab (643,63 Mb)
msi StandardContent.msi (5,78 Mb)
Studio (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (232 Kb)
file 1030.mst (220 Kb)
file 1031.mst (244 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (240 Kb)
file 1035.mst (220 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (248 Kb)
file 1041.mst (632 Kb)
file 1043.mst (220 Kb)
file 1045.mst (232 Kb)
file 1049.mst (336 Kb)
file 1053.mst (216 Kb)
file Data1.cab (1,05 Gb)
msi PinnacleStudio.msi (22,72 Mb)
WelcomeNG (17 файлов)
exe Welcome.exe (3,02 Mb)
file WelcomeCHS.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeCSY.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeDAN.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeDEU.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeESP.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeFIN.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeFRA.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeITA.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeJPN.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeKOR.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeNLD.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeNOR.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomePLK.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomePTB.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeRUS.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeSVE.dll (3,05 Mb)
exe Welcome.exe (235,23 Kb)
Common (1 файл)
PremiumPacks (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi PremiumPacks.msi (1,05 Gb)
exe !!!_Studio 19 Blu-Ray plugin fix.exe (1,04 Mb)
exe Keygen.exe (364 Kb)
exe PinnacleStudio_Patch_19.5.0.exe (243,8 Mb)
txt install.txt (1,33 Kb)

Быстрый и удобный!

Разработчики MediaGet придумали свой алгоритм выбора источников контента,
поэтому файлы на компьютер скачиваются быстрее.
Подписаться на обновления
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate - многофункциональный редактор медиафайлов, с помощью которого вы сможете обрабатывать аудио, видео и фото без использования других приложений. Содержит в себе широкий набор инструментов, а также дополнительный контент с огромным количеством эффектов и отличается высокой производительностью и скоростью работы
Загрузил: Olya (20 апреля 2016 15:45)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 408 | Размер: 6.26 Gb
Последняя активность: 9 апреля 2024 16:35
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
0 0 0
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate 19.5.0 + Bonus Content (369 файлов)
PinnacleStudioUltimate19 (3 файла)
32bit (11 файлов)
BonusContent (7 файлов)
CreativePackV1 (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (432 Kb)
file 1030.mst (180 Kb)
file 1031.mst (184 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (188 Kb)
file 1035.mst (200 Kb)
file 1036.mst (204 Kb)
file 1040.mst (180 Kb)
file 1041.mst (964 Kb)
file 1043.mst (172 Kb)
file 1045.mst (216 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,3 Mb)
file 1053.mst (192 Kb)
msi CreativePackVolume1.msi (48,43 Mb)
HFXVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi HFXVolumes.msi (175,96 Mb)
iZotope (1 файл)
exe iZotope_MusicAndSpeechCleaner.exe (7,97 Mb)
NewBlueEffects (1 файл)
exe NewBlue_Effects.exe (57,58 Mb)
PremiumPacks (1 файл)
exe PremiumPacks.exe (137,79 Kb)
ScoreFitterVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (464 Kb)
file 1030.mst (212 Kb)
file 1031.mst (224 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (224 Kb)
file 1035.mst (232 Kb)
file 1036.mst (240 Kb)
file 1040.mst (216 Kb)
file 1041.mst (996 Kb)
file 1043.mst (204 Kb)
file 1045.mst (248 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (220 Kb)
msi ScorefitterVolumes.msi (4,93 Mb)
TitleExtreme (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi TitleExtreme.msi (7,64 Mb)
Config (3 файла)
file 31110.pp2 (197 b)
file packL10nInfo.xml (32,34 Kb)
file packlist.xml (9,71 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x64 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (437,71 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X64 Driver 1.08.msi (1,29 Mb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
x86 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (379,77 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X86 Driver 1.08.msi (943 Kb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
InstallManagerSetup (1 файл)
exe InstallManagerSetup.exe (9,6 Mb)
Open Source (5 файлов)
txt Apache-License-2.0.txt (11,29 Kb)
file The Code Project Open License (COPL).mht (15,48 Kb)
file ffmpeg-4721Mov64.tar.gz (3,78 Mb)
zip lame-3.96.1.zip (1,37 Mb)
txt lgpl-2.1.txt (26,31 Kb)
PinnacleMyDVD (8 файлов)
BIN (8 файлов)
file SuiteIcon.ico (278,79 Kb)
png header_120.png (27,07 Kb)
png header_144.png (38,37 Kb)
png header_192.png (57,22 Kb)
png header_240.png (88,05 Kb)
png header_288.png (83,38 Kb)
png header_96.png (18,94 Kb)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
DOTNETFX_45 (3 файла)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,43 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
exe dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe (979,92 Kb)
DVD_10 (32 файла)
BIN (1 файл)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
file 0x0405.ini (22,76 Kb)
file 0x0406.ini (23,34 Kb)
file 0x0407.ini (25,25 Kb)
file 0x0409.ini (21,96 Kb)
file 0x040b.ini (22,19 Kb)
file 0x040c.ini (25,65 Kb)
file 0x0410.ini (24,6 Kb)
file 0x0411.ini (14,54 Kb)
file 0x0413.ini (24,41 Kb)
file 0x0415.ini (23,76 Kb)
file 0x0419.ini (22,88 Kb)
file 0x041d.ini (22,81 Kb)
file 0x0c0a.ini (24,55 Kb)
file 1029.mst (65,5 Kb)
file 1030.mst (80 Kb)
file 1031.mst (90,5 Kb)
file 1033.mst (75,5 Kb)
file 1035.mst (80 Kb)
file 1036.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1040.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1041.mst (85 Kb)
file 1043.mst (85,5 Kb)
file 1045.mst (83,5 Kb)
file 1049.mst (79,5 Kb)
file 1053.mst (77 Kb)
file 3082.mst (88,5 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (43 b)
file Data1.cab (220,95 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (45,86 Kb)
file MyDVD.ico (278,79 Kb)
msi Pinnacle MyDVD.msi (2,79 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,52 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
file Setup.dcf (4,3 Kb)
file autorun.inf (52 b)
exe setup.exe (5,57 Mb)
Prerequisites (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x64.MSU (2,94 Mb)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x86.MSU (1,69 Mb)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
exe directx_jun2010_rar_redist.exe (96,21 Mb)
exe en_.net_framework_4_full_x86_x64_508940.exe (48,11 Mb)
exe vs90_piaredist.exe (1,35 Mb)
StandardContent (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (116 Kb)
file 1030.mst (116 Kb)
file 1031.mst (124 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (124 Kb)
file 1035.mst (116 Kb)
file 1036.mst (124 Kb)
file 1040.mst (124 Kb)
file 1041.mst (120 Kb)
file 1043.mst (120 Kb)
file 1045.mst (120 Kb)
file 1049.mst (116 Kb)
file 1053.mst (112 Kb)
file Data1.cab (643,6 Mb)
msi StandardContent.msi (5,06 Mb)
Studio (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (232 Kb)
file 1030.mst (220 Kb)
file 1031.mst (244 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (240 Kb)
file 1035.mst (220 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (248 Kb)
file 1041.mst (632 Kb)
file 1043.mst (220 Kb)
file 1045.mst (232 Kb)
file 1049.mst (336 Kb)
file 1053.mst (216 Kb)
file Data1.cab (1,04 Gb)
msi PinnacleStudio.msi (22,56 Mb)
WelcomeNG (17 файлов)
exe Welcome.exe (2,35 Mb)
file WelcomeCHS.dll (2,47 Mb)
file WelcomeCSY.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeDAN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeDEU.dll (2,49 Mb)
file WelcomeESP.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeFIN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeFRA.dll (2,49 Mb)
file WelcomeITA.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeJPN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeKOR.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeNLD.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeNOR.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomePLK.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomePTB.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeRUS.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeSVE.dll (2,48 Mb)
exe Welcome.exe (224,73 Kb)
64bit (11 файлов)
BonusContent (7 файлов)
CreativePackV1 (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (432 Kb)
file 1030.mst (180 Kb)
file 1031.mst (184 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (188 Kb)
file 1035.mst (200 Kb)
file 1036.mst (204 Kb)
file 1040.mst (180 Kb)
file 1041.mst (964 Kb)
file 1043.mst (172 Kb)
file 1045.mst (216 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,3 Mb)
file 1053.mst (192 Kb)
msi CreativePackVolume1.msi (49,15 Mb)
HFXVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi HFXVolumes.msi (176,69 Mb)
iZotope (1 файл)
exe iZotope_MusicAndSpeechCleaner.exe (7,97 Mb)
NewBlueEffects (1 файл)
exe NewBlue_Effects.exe (57,3 Mb)
PremiumPacks (1 файл)
exe PremiumPacks.exe (156,29 Kb)
ScoreFitterVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (464 Kb)
file 1030.mst (212 Kb)
file 1031.mst (224 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (224 Kb)
file 1035.mst (232 Kb)
file 1036.mst (240 Kb)
file 1040.mst (216 Kb)
file 1041.mst (996 Kb)
file 1043.mst (204 Kb)
file 1045.mst (248 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (220 Kb)
msi ScorefitterVolumes.msi (5,65 Mb)
TitleExtreme (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi TitleExtreme.msi (7,92 Mb)
Config (2 файла)
file packL10nInfo.xml (32,34 Kb)
file packlist.xml (9,72 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x64 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (437,71 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X64 Driver 1.08.msi (1,29 Mb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
x86 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (379,77 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X86 Driver 1.08.msi (943 Kb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
InstallManagerSetup (1 файл)
exe InstallManagerSetup.exe (9,96 Mb)
Open Source (5 файлов)
txt Apache-License-2.0.txt (11,29 Kb)
file The Code Project Open License (COPL).mht (15,48 Kb)
file ffmpeg-4721Mov64.tar.gz (3,78 Mb)
zip lame-3.96.1.zip (1,37 Mb)
txt lgpl-2.1.txt (26,31 Kb)
PinnacleMyDVD (8 файлов)
BIN (8 файлов)
file SuiteIcon.ico (278,79 Kb)
png header_120.png (27,07 Kb)
png header_144.png (38,37 Kb)
png header_192.png (57,22 Kb)
png header_240.png (88,05 Kb)
png header_288.png (83,38 Kb)
png header_96.png (18,94 Kb)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
DOTNETFX_45 (3 файла)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,43 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
exe dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe (979,92 Kb)
DVD_10 (32 файла)
BIN (1 файл)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
file 0x0405.ini (22,76 Kb)
file 0x0406.ini (23,34 Kb)
file 0x0407.ini (25,25 Kb)
file 0x0409.ini (21,96 Kb)
file 0x040b.ini (22,19 Kb)
file 0x040c.ini (25,65 Kb)
file 0x0410.ini (24,6 Kb)
file 0x0411.ini (14,54 Kb)
file 0x0413.ini (24,41 Kb)
file 0x0415.ini (23,76 Kb)
file 0x0419.ini (22,88 Kb)
file 0x041d.ini (22,81 Kb)
file 0x0c0a.ini (24,55 Kb)
file 1029.mst (65,5 Kb)
file 1030.mst (80 Kb)
file 1031.mst (90,5 Kb)
file 1033.mst (75,5 Kb)
file 1035.mst (80 Kb)
file 1036.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1040.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1041.mst (85 Kb)
file 1043.mst (85,5 Kb)
file 1045.mst (83,5 Kb)
file 1049.mst (79,5 Kb)
file 1053.mst (77 Kb)
file 3082.mst (88,5 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (43 b)
file Data1.cab (220,95 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (45,86 Kb)
file MyDVD.ico (278,79 Kb)
msi Pinnacle MyDVD.msi (2,79 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,52 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
file Setup.dcf (4,3 Kb)
file autorun.inf (52 b)
exe setup.exe (5,57 Mb)
Prerequisites (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x64.MSU (2,94 Mb)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x86.MSU (1,69 Mb)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
exe directx_jun2010_rar_redist.exe (96,21 Mb)
exe en_.net_framework_4_full_x86_x64_508940.exe (48,11 Mb)
exe vs90_piaredist.exe (1,35 Mb)
StandardContent (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (116 Kb)
file 1030.mst (116 Kb)
file 1031.mst (124 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (124 Kb)
file 1035.mst (116 Kb)
file 1036.mst (124 Kb)
file 1040.mst (124 Kb)
file 1041.mst (120 Kb)
file 1043.mst (120 Kb)
file 1045.mst (120 Kb)
file 1049.mst (116 Kb)
file 1053.mst (112 Kb)
file Data1.cab (643,63 Mb)
msi StandardContent.msi (5,78 Mb)
Studio (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (232 Kb)
file 1030.mst (220 Kb)
file 1031.mst (244 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (240 Kb)
file 1035.mst (220 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (248 Kb)
file 1041.mst (632 Kb)
file 1043.mst (220 Kb)
file 1045.mst (232 Kb)
file 1049.mst (336 Kb)
file 1053.mst (216 Kb)
file Data1.cab (1,05 Gb)
msi PinnacleStudio.msi (22,72 Mb)
WelcomeNG (17 файлов)
exe Welcome.exe (3,02 Mb)
file WelcomeCHS.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeCSY.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeDAN.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeDEU.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeESP.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeFIN.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeFRA.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeITA.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeJPN.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeKOR.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeNLD.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeNOR.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomePLK.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomePTB.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeRUS.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeSVE.dll (3,05 Mb)
exe Welcome.exe (235,23 Kb)
Common (1 файл)
PremiumPacks (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi PremiumPacks.msi (1,05 Gb)
exe !!!_Studio 19 Blu-Ray plugin fix.exe (1,04 Mb)
exe Keygen.exe (364 Kb)
exe PinnacleStudio_Patch_19.5.0.exe (243,8 Mb)
txt install.txt (1,33 Kb)

Быстрый и удобный!

Разработчики MediaGet придумали свой алгоритм выбора источников контента,
поэтому файлы на компьютер скачиваются быстрее.
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Версия программы: 19.5.0.
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Официальный сайт: http://www.pinnaclesys.com
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Язык интерфейса: Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Русский, Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Английский и другие.
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Лечение: Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Кейген.
Загрузил: Olya (20 апреля 2016 15:45)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 408 | Размер: 6.26 Gb
Последняя активность: 9 апреля 2024 16:35
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
0 0 0
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate 19.5.0 + Bonus Content (369 файлов)
PinnacleStudioUltimate19 (3 файла)
32bit (11 файлов)
BonusContent (7 файлов)
CreativePackV1 (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (432 Kb)
file 1030.mst (180 Kb)
file 1031.mst (184 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (188 Kb)
file 1035.mst (200 Kb)
file 1036.mst (204 Kb)
file 1040.mst (180 Kb)
file 1041.mst (964 Kb)
file 1043.mst (172 Kb)
file 1045.mst (216 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,3 Mb)
file 1053.mst (192 Kb)
msi CreativePackVolume1.msi (48,43 Mb)
HFXVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi HFXVolumes.msi (175,96 Mb)
iZotope (1 файл)
exe iZotope_MusicAndSpeechCleaner.exe (7,97 Mb)
NewBlueEffects (1 файл)
exe NewBlue_Effects.exe (57,58 Mb)
PremiumPacks (1 файл)
exe PremiumPacks.exe (137,79 Kb)
ScoreFitterVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (464 Kb)
file 1030.mst (212 Kb)
file 1031.mst (224 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (224 Kb)
file 1035.mst (232 Kb)
file 1036.mst (240 Kb)
file 1040.mst (216 Kb)
file 1041.mst (996 Kb)
file 1043.mst (204 Kb)
file 1045.mst (248 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (220 Kb)
msi ScorefitterVolumes.msi (4,93 Mb)
TitleExtreme (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi TitleExtreme.msi (7,64 Mb)
Config (3 файла)
file 31110.pp2 (197 b)
file packL10nInfo.xml (32,34 Kb)
file packlist.xml (9,71 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x64 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (437,71 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X64 Driver 1.08.msi (1,29 Mb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
x86 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (379,77 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X86 Driver 1.08.msi (943 Kb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
InstallManagerSetup (1 файл)
exe InstallManagerSetup.exe (9,6 Mb)
Open Source (5 файлов)
txt Apache-License-2.0.txt (11,29 Kb)
file The Code Project Open License (COPL).mht (15,48 Kb)
file ffmpeg-4721Mov64.tar.gz (3,78 Mb)
zip lame-3.96.1.zip (1,37 Mb)
txt lgpl-2.1.txt (26,31 Kb)
PinnacleMyDVD (8 файлов)
BIN (8 файлов)
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png header_120.png (27,07 Kb)
png header_144.png (38,37 Kb)
png header_192.png (57,22 Kb)
png header_240.png (88,05 Kb)
png header_288.png (83,38 Kb)
png header_96.png (18,94 Kb)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
DOTNETFX_45 (3 файла)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,43 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
exe dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe (979,92 Kb)
DVD_10 (32 файла)
BIN (1 файл)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
file 0x0405.ini (22,76 Kb)
file 0x0406.ini (23,34 Kb)
file 0x0407.ini (25,25 Kb)
file 0x0409.ini (21,96 Kb)
file 0x040b.ini (22,19 Kb)
file 0x040c.ini (25,65 Kb)
file 0x0410.ini (24,6 Kb)
file 0x0411.ini (14,54 Kb)
file 0x0413.ini (24,41 Kb)
file 0x0415.ini (23,76 Kb)
file 0x0419.ini (22,88 Kb)
file 0x041d.ini (22,81 Kb)
file 0x0c0a.ini (24,55 Kb)
file 1029.mst (65,5 Kb)
file 1030.mst (80 Kb)
file 1031.mst (90,5 Kb)
file 1033.mst (75,5 Kb)
file 1035.mst (80 Kb)
file 1036.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1040.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1041.mst (85 Kb)
file 1043.mst (85,5 Kb)
file 1045.mst (83,5 Kb)
file 1049.mst (79,5 Kb)
file 1053.mst (77 Kb)
file 3082.mst (88,5 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (43 b)
file Data1.cab (220,95 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (45,86 Kb)
file MyDVD.ico (278,79 Kb)
msi Pinnacle MyDVD.msi (2,79 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,52 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
file Setup.dcf (4,3 Kb)
file autorun.inf (52 b)
exe setup.exe (5,57 Mb)
Prerequisites (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x64.MSU (2,94 Mb)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x86.MSU (1,69 Mb)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
exe directx_jun2010_rar_redist.exe (96,21 Mb)
exe en_.net_framework_4_full_x86_x64_508940.exe (48,11 Mb)
exe vs90_piaredist.exe (1,35 Mb)
StandardContent (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (116 Kb)
file 1030.mst (116 Kb)
file 1031.mst (124 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (124 Kb)
file 1035.mst (116 Kb)
file 1036.mst (124 Kb)
file 1040.mst (124 Kb)
file 1041.mst (120 Kb)
file 1043.mst (120 Kb)
file 1045.mst (120 Kb)
file 1049.mst (116 Kb)
file 1053.mst (112 Kb)
file Data1.cab (643,6 Mb)
msi StandardContent.msi (5,06 Mb)
Studio (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (232 Kb)
file 1030.mst (220 Kb)
file 1031.mst (244 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (240 Kb)
file 1035.mst (220 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (248 Kb)
file 1041.mst (632 Kb)
file 1043.mst (220 Kb)
file 1045.mst (232 Kb)
file 1049.mst (336 Kb)
file 1053.mst (216 Kb)
file Data1.cab (1,04 Gb)
msi PinnacleStudio.msi (22,56 Mb)
WelcomeNG (17 файлов)
exe Welcome.exe (2,35 Mb)
file WelcomeCHS.dll (2,47 Mb)
file WelcomeCSY.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeDAN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeDEU.dll (2,49 Mb)
file WelcomeESP.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeFIN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeFRA.dll (2,49 Mb)
file WelcomeITA.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeJPN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeKOR.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeNLD.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeNOR.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomePLK.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomePTB.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeRUS.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeSVE.dll (2,48 Mb)
exe Welcome.exe (224,73 Kb)
64bit (11 файлов)
BonusContent (7 файлов)
CreativePackV1 (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (432 Kb)
file 1030.mst (180 Kb)
file 1031.mst (184 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (188 Kb)
file 1035.mst (200 Kb)
file 1036.mst (204 Kb)
file 1040.mst (180 Kb)
file 1041.mst (964 Kb)
file 1043.mst (172 Kb)
file 1045.mst (216 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,3 Mb)
file 1053.mst (192 Kb)
msi CreativePackVolume1.msi (49,15 Mb)
HFXVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi HFXVolumes.msi (176,69 Mb)
iZotope (1 файл)
exe iZotope_MusicAndSpeechCleaner.exe (7,97 Mb)
NewBlueEffects (1 файл)
exe NewBlue_Effects.exe (57,3 Mb)
PremiumPacks (1 файл)
exe PremiumPacks.exe (156,29 Kb)
ScoreFitterVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (464 Kb)
file 1030.mst (212 Kb)
file 1031.mst (224 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (224 Kb)
file 1035.mst (232 Kb)
file 1036.mst (240 Kb)
file 1040.mst (216 Kb)
file 1041.mst (996 Kb)
file 1043.mst (204 Kb)
file 1045.mst (248 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (220 Kb)
msi ScorefitterVolumes.msi (5,65 Mb)
TitleExtreme (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi TitleExtreme.msi (7,92 Mb)
Config (2 файла)
file packL10nInfo.xml (32,34 Kb)
file packlist.xml (9,72 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x64 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (437,71 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X64 Driver 1.08.msi (1,29 Mb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
x86 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (379,77 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X86 Driver 1.08.msi (943 Kb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
InstallManagerSetup (1 файл)
exe InstallManagerSetup.exe (9,96 Mb)
Open Source (5 файлов)
txt Apache-License-2.0.txt (11,29 Kb)
file The Code Project Open License (COPL).mht (15,48 Kb)
file ffmpeg-4721Mov64.tar.gz (3,78 Mb)
zip lame-3.96.1.zip (1,37 Mb)
txt lgpl-2.1.txt (26,31 Kb)
PinnacleMyDVD (8 файлов)
BIN (8 файлов)
file SuiteIcon.ico (278,79 Kb)
png header_120.png (27,07 Kb)
png header_144.png (38,37 Kb)
png header_192.png (57,22 Kb)
png header_240.png (88,05 Kb)
png header_288.png (83,38 Kb)
png header_96.png (18,94 Kb)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
DOTNETFX_45 (3 файла)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,43 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
exe dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe (979,92 Kb)
DVD_10 (32 файла)
BIN (1 файл)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
file 0x0405.ini (22,76 Kb)
file 0x0406.ini (23,34 Kb)
file 0x0407.ini (25,25 Kb)
file 0x0409.ini (21,96 Kb)
file 0x040b.ini (22,19 Kb)
file 0x040c.ini (25,65 Kb)
file 0x0410.ini (24,6 Kb)
file 0x0411.ini (14,54 Kb)
file 0x0413.ini (24,41 Kb)
file 0x0415.ini (23,76 Kb)
file 0x0419.ini (22,88 Kb)
file 0x041d.ini (22,81 Kb)
file 0x0c0a.ini (24,55 Kb)
file 1029.mst (65,5 Kb)
file 1030.mst (80 Kb)
file 1031.mst (90,5 Kb)
file 1033.mst (75,5 Kb)
file 1035.mst (80 Kb)
file 1036.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1040.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1041.mst (85 Kb)
file 1043.mst (85,5 Kb)
file 1045.mst (83,5 Kb)
file 1049.mst (79,5 Kb)
file 1053.mst (77 Kb)
file 3082.mst (88,5 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (43 b)
file Data1.cab (220,95 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (45,86 Kb)
file MyDVD.ico (278,79 Kb)
msi Pinnacle MyDVD.msi (2,79 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,52 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
file Setup.dcf (4,3 Kb)
file autorun.inf (52 b)
exe setup.exe (5,57 Mb)
Prerequisites (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x64.MSU (2,94 Mb)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x86.MSU (1,69 Mb)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
exe directx_jun2010_rar_redist.exe (96,21 Mb)
exe en_.net_framework_4_full_x86_x64_508940.exe (48,11 Mb)
exe vs90_piaredist.exe (1,35 Mb)
StandardContent (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (116 Kb)
file 1030.mst (116 Kb)
file 1031.mst (124 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (124 Kb)
file 1035.mst (116 Kb)
file 1036.mst (124 Kb)
file 1040.mst (124 Kb)
file 1041.mst (120 Kb)
file 1043.mst (120 Kb)
file 1045.mst (120 Kb)
file 1049.mst (116 Kb)
file 1053.mst (112 Kb)
file Data1.cab (643,63 Mb)
msi StandardContent.msi (5,78 Mb)
Studio (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (232 Kb)
file 1030.mst (220 Kb)
file 1031.mst (244 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (240 Kb)
file 1035.mst (220 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (248 Kb)
file 1041.mst (632 Kb)
file 1043.mst (220 Kb)
file 1045.mst (232 Kb)
file 1049.mst (336 Kb)
file 1053.mst (216 Kb)
file Data1.cab (1,05 Gb)
msi PinnacleStudio.msi (22,72 Mb)
WelcomeNG (17 файлов)
exe Welcome.exe (3,02 Mb)
file WelcomeCHS.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeCSY.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeDAN.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeDEU.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeESP.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeFIN.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeFRA.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeITA.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeJPN.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeKOR.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeNLD.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeNOR.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomePLK.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomePTB.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeRUS.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeSVE.dll (3,05 Mb)
exe Welcome.exe (235,23 Kb)
Common (1 файл)
PremiumPacks (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi PremiumPacks.msi (1,05 Gb)
exe !!!_Studio 19 Blu-Ray plugin fix.exe (1,04 Mb)
exe Keygen.exe (364 Kb)
exe PinnacleStudio_Patch_19.5.0.exe (243,8 Mb)
txt install.txt (1,33 Kb)

Быстрый и удобный!

Разработчики MediaGet придумали свой алгоритм выбора источников контента,
поэтому файлы на компьютер скачиваются быстрее.
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Pinnacle Studio Ultimate
- Windows 10, Windows 8.x, Windows 7, 64-bit OS highly recommended
- Intel Core Duo 1.8 GHz, Core i3 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 2.0 GHz or higher
- Intel Core i5 or i7 1.06 GHz or higher required for AVCHD & Intel Quick Sync Video support
- Intel Core i7 or AMD Athlon X4 or better for UHD or Multi-Camera editing
- 2 GB of RAM or higher, min. 4 GB for Windows 64-bit, 8+GB highly recommended for UHD or Multi-Camera editing
- DirectX 9 (or higher) graphics device with Pixel Shader 3.0 support like:
- NVIDIA GeForce 6 series or higher (CUDA enabled required for CUDA support)
- ATI X1000 series or higher
- Intel GMA X3000 series or higher
- Display resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher
- Windows-compatible sound card (multi-channel output required for surround preview)
- 8 GB HDD space for full installation
- DVD burner for creating DVD and AVCHD discs
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate - видеоредактор от мирового лидера в сфере видео и аудиотехнологий, компании Corel, который пригодится пользователям, занимающимся созданием контента.

Новая версия программы обладает огромным количеством эффектов, высокой скоростью и производительностью работы благодаря новому движку, который поможет вам без особых затрат времени реализовать все ваши творческие задумки. Созданный контент вы сможете записать на диск, загрузить на YouTube или другой сайт.

Загрузил: Olya (20 апреля 2016 15:45)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 408 | Размер: 6.26 Gb
Последняя активность: 9 апреля 2024 16:35
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
0 0 0
Pinnacle Studio Ultimate 19.5.0 + Bonus Content (369 файлов)
PinnacleStudioUltimate19 (3 файла)
32bit (11 файлов)
BonusContent (7 файлов)
CreativePackV1 (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (432 Kb)
file 1030.mst (180 Kb)
file 1031.mst (184 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (188 Kb)
file 1035.mst (200 Kb)
file 1036.mst (204 Kb)
file 1040.mst (180 Kb)
file 1041.mst (964 Kb)
file 1043.mst (172 Kb)
file 1045.mst (216 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,3 Mb)
file 1053.mst (192 Kb)
msi CreativePackVolume1.msi (48,43 Mb)
HFXVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi HFXVolumes.msi (175,96 Mb)
iZotope (1 файл)
exe iZotope_MusicAndSpeechCleaner.exe (7,97 Mb)
NewBlueEffects (1 файл)
exe NewBlue_Effects.exe (57,58 Mb)
PremiumPacks (1 файл)
exe PremiumPacks.exe (137,79 Kb)
ScoreFitterVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (464 Kb)
file 1030.mst (212 Kb)
file 1031.mst (224 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (224 Kb)
file 1035.mst (232 Kb)
file 1036.mst (240 Kb)
file 1040.mst (216 Kb)
file 1041.mst (996 Kb)
file 1043.mst (204 Kb)
file 1045.mst (248 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (220 Kb)
msi ScorefitterVolumes.msi (4,93 Mb)
TitleExtreme (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi TitleExtreme.msi (7,64 Mb)
Config (3 файла)
file 31110.pp2 (197 b)
file packL10nInfo.xml (32,34 Kb)
file packlist.xml (9,71 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x64 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (437,71 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X64 Driver 1.08.msi (1,29 Mb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
x86 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (379,77 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X86 Driver 1.08.msi (943 Kb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
InstallManagerSetup (1 файл)
exe InstallManagerSetup.exe (9,6 Mb)
Open Source (5 файлов)
txt Apache-License-2.0.txt (11,29 Kb)
file The Code Project Open License (COPL).mht (15,48 Kb)
file ffmpeg-4721Mov64.tar.gz (3,78 Mb)
zip lame-3.96.1.zip (1,37 Mb)
txt lgpl-2.1.txt (26,31 Kb)
PinnacleMyDVD (8 файлов)
BIN (8 файлов)
file SuiteIcon.ico (278,79 Kb)
png header_120.png (27,07 Kb)
png header_144.png (38,37 Kb)
png header_192.png (57,22 Kb)
png header_240.png (88,05 Kb)
png header_288.png (83,38 Kb)
png header_96.png (18,94 Kb)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
DOTNETFX_45 (3 файла)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,43 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
exe dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe (979,92 Kb)
DVD_10 (32 файла)
BIN (1 файл)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
file 0x0405.ini (22,76 Kb)
file 0x0406.ini (23,34 Kb)
file 0x0407.ini (25,25 Kb)
file 0x0409.ini (21,96 Kb)
file 0x040b.ini (22,19 Kb)
file 0x040c.ini (25,65 Kb)
file 0x0410.ini (24,6 Kb)
file 0x0411.ini (14,54 Kb)
file 0x0413.ini (24,41 Kb)
file 0x0415.ini (23,76 Kb)
file 0x0419.ini (22,88 Kb)
file 0x041d.ini (22,81 Kb)
file 0x0c0a.ini (24,55 Kb)
file 1029.mst (65,5 Kb)
file 1030.mst (80 Kb)
file 1031.mst (90,5 Kb)
file 1033.mst (75,5 Kb)
file 1035.mst (80 Kb)
file 1036.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1040.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1041.mst (85 Kb)
file 1043.mst (85,5 Kb)
file 1045.mst (83,5 Kb)
file 1049.mst (79,5 Kb)
file 1053.mst (77 Kb)
file 3082.mst (88,5 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (43 b)
file Data1.cab (220,95 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (45,86 Kb)
file MyDVD.ico (278,79 Kb)
msi Pinnacle MyDVD.msi (2,79 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,52 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
file Setup.dcf (4,3 Kb)
file autorun.inf (52 b)
exe setup.exe (5,57 Mb)
Prerequisites (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x64.MSU (2,94 Mb)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x86.MSU (1,69 Mb)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
exe directx_jun2010_rar_redist.exe (96,21 Mb)
exe en_.net_framework_4_full_x86_x64_508940.exe (48,11 Mb)
exe vs90_piaredist.exe (1,35 Mb)
StandardContent (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (116 Kb)
file 1030.mst (116 Kb)
file 1031.mst (124 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (124 Kb)
file 1035.mst (116 Kb)
file 1036.mst (124 Kb)
file 1040.mst (124 Kb)
file 1041.mst (120 Kb)
file 1043.mst (120 Kb)
file 1045.mst (120 Kb)
file 1049.mst (116 Kb)
file 1053.mst (112 Kb)
file Data1.cab (643,6 Mb)
msi StandardContent.msi (5,06 Mb)
Studio (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (232 Kb)
file 1030.mst (220 Kb)
file 1031.mst (244 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (240 Kb)
file 1035.mst (220 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (248 Kb)
file 1041.mst (632 Kb)
file 1043.mst (220 Kb)
file 1045.mst (232 Kb)
file 1049.mst (336 Kb)
file 1053.mst (216 Kb)
file Data1.cab (1,04 Gb)
msi PinnacleStudio.msi (22,56 Mb)
WelcomeNG (17 файлов)
exe Welcome.exe (2,35 Mb)
file WelcomeCHS.dll (2,47 Mb)
file WelcomeCSY.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeDAN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeDEU.dll (2,49 Mb)
file WelcomeESP.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeFIN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeFRA.dll (2,49 Mb)
file WelcomeITA.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeJPN.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeKOR.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeNLD.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeNOR.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomePLK.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomePTB.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeRUS.dll (2,48 Mb)
file WelcomeSVE.dll (2,48 Mb)
exe Welcome.exe (224,73 Kb)
64bit (11 файлов)
BonusContent (7 файлов)
CreativePackV1 (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (432 Kb)
file 1030.mst (180 Kb)
file 1031.mst (184 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (188 Kb)
file 1035.mst (200 Kb)
file 1036.mst (204 Kb)
file 1040.mst (180 Kb)
file 1041.mst (964 Kb)
file 1043.mst (172 Kb)
file 1045.mst (216 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,3 Mb)
file 1053.mst (192 Kb)
msi CreativePackVolume1.msi (49,15 Mb)
HFXVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi HFXVolumes.msi (176,69 Mb)
iZotope (1 файл)
exe iZotope_MusicAndSpeechCleaner.exe (7,97 Mb)
NewBlueEffects (1 файл)
exe NewBlue_Effects.exe (57,3 Mb)
PremiumPacks (1 файл)
exe PremiumPacks.exe (156,29 Kb)
ScoreFitterVolumes (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (464 Kb)
file 1030.mst (212 Kb)
file 1031.mst (224 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (224 Kb)
file 1035.mst (232 Kb)
file 1036.mst (240 Kb)
file 1040.mst (216 Kb)
file 1041.mst (996 Kb)
file 1043.mst (204 Kb)
file 1045.mst (248 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (220 Kb)
msi ScorefitterVolumes.msi (5,65 Mb)
TitleExtreme (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi TitleExtreme.msi (7,92 Mb)
Config (2 файла)
file packL10nInfo.xml (32,34 Kb)
file packlist.xml (9,72 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x64 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (437,71 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X64 Driver 1.08.msi (1,29 Mb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
x86 (3 файла)
file Data1.cab (379,77 Kb)
msi Dazzle Video Capture DVC100 X86 Driver 1.08.msi (943 Kb)
exe setup.exe (5 Mb)
InstallManagerSetup (1 файл)
exe InstallManagerSetup.exe (9,96 Mb)
Open Source (5 файлов)
txt Apache-License-2.0.txt (11,29 Kb)
file The Code Project Open License (COPL).mht (15,48 Kb)
file ffmpeg-4721Mov64.tar.gz (3,78 Mb)
zip lame-3.96.1.zip (1,37 Mb)
txt lgpl-2.1.txt (26,31 Kb)
PinnacleMyDVD (8 файлов)
BIN (8 файлов)
file SuiteIcon.ico (278,79 Kb)
png header_120.png (27,07 Kb)
png header_144.png (38,37 Kb)
png header_192.png (57,22 Kb)
png header_240.png (88,05 Kb)
png header_288.png (83,38 Kb)
png header_96.png (18,94 Kb)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
DOTNETFX_45 (3 файла)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,43 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
exe dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe (979,92 Kb)
DVD_10 (32 файла)
BIN (1 файл)
file rsl.dll (187,23 Kb)
file 0x0405.ini (22,76 Kb)
file 0x0406.ini (23,34 Kb)
file 0x0407.ini (25,25 Kb)
file 0x0409.ini (21,96 Kb)
file 0x040b.ini (22,19 Kb)
file 0x040c.ini (25,65 Kb)
file 0x0410.ini (24,6 Kb)
file 0x0411.ini (14,54 Kb)
file 0x0413.ini (24,41 Kb)
file 0x0415.ini (23,76 Kb)
file 0x0419.ini (22,88 Kb)
file 0x041d.ini (22,81 Kb)
file 0x0c0a.ini (24,55 Kb)
file 1029.mst (65,5 Kb)
file 1030.mst (80 Kb)
file 1031.mst (90,5 Kb)
file 1033.mst (75,5 Kb)
file 1035.mst (80 Kb)
file 1036.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1040.mst (89,5 Kb)
file 1041.mst (85 Kb)
file 1043.mst (85,5 Kb)
file 1045.mst (83,5 Kb)
file 1049.mst (79,5 Kb)
file 1053.mst (77 Kb)
file 3082.mst (88,5 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (43 b)
file Data1.cab (220,95 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (45,86 Kb)
file MyDVD.ico (278,79 Kb)
msi Pinnacle MyDVD.msi (2,79 Mb)
file HISTORY.BLD (6,52 Kb)
exe INSNTMSI.EXE (2,47 Mb)
file Setup.dcf (4,3 Kb)
file autorun.inf (52 b)
exe setup.exe (5,57 Mb)
Prerequisites (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x64.MSU (2,94 Mb)
file Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x86.MSU (1,69 Mb)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
exe directx_jun2010_rar_redist.exe (96,21 Mb)
exe en_.net_framework_4_full_x86_x64_508940.exe (48,11 Mb)
exe vs90_piaredist.exe (1,35 Mb)
StandardContent (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (116 Kb)
file 1030.mst (116 Kb)
file 1031.mst (124 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (124 Kb)
file 1035.mst (116 Kb)
file 1036.mst (124 Kb)
file 1040.mst (124 Kb)
file 1041.mst (120 Kb)
file 1043.mst (120 Kb)
file 1045.mst (120 Kb)
file 1049.mst (116 Kb)
file 1053.mst (112 Kb)
file Data1.cab (643,63 Mb)
msi StandardContent.msi (5,78 Mb)
Studio (15 файлов)
file 1029.mst (232 Kb)
file 1030.mst (220 Kb)
file 1031.mst (244 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (240 Kb)
file 1035.mst (220 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (248 Kb)
file 1041.mst (632 Kb)
file 1043.mst (220 Kb)
file 1045.mst (232 Kb)
file 1049.mst (336 Kb)
file 1053.mst (216 Kb)
file Data1.cab (1,05 Gb)
msi PinnacleStudio.msi (22,72 Mb)
WelcomeNG (17 файлов)
exe Welcome.exe (3,02 Mb)
file WelcomeCHS.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeCSY.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeDAN.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeDEU.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeESP.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeFIN.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeFRA.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeITA.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeJPN.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeKOR.dll (3,04 Mb)
file WelcomeNLD.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeNOR.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomePLK.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomePTB.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeRUS.dll (3,05 Mb)
file WelcomeSVE.dll (3,05 Mb)
exe Welcome.exe (235,23 Kb)
Common (1 файл)
PremiumPacks (14 файлов)
file 1029.mst (468 Kb)
file 1030.mst (216 Kb)
file 1031.mst (228 Kb)
file 1033.mst (32 Kb)
file 1034.mst (228 Kb)
file 1035.mst (236 Kb)
file 1036.mst (244 Kb)
file 1040.mst (220 Kb)
file 1041.mst (1000 Kb)
file 1043.mst (208 Kb)
file 1045.mst (252 Kb)
file 1049.mst (1,33 Mb)
file 1053.mst (224 Kb)
msi PremiumPacks.msi (1,05 Gb)
exe !!!_Studio 19 Blu-Ray plugin fix.exe (1,04 Mb)
exe Keygen.exe (364 Kb)
exe PinnacleStudio_Patch_19.5.0.exe (243,8 Mb)
txt install.txt (1,33 Kb)

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  1. Антон [17 ноября 2016 23:27]

    уже двадцатый пиннакл вышел. хотя разницы между девятнадцатым и двадцатым не вижу.
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  2. Piramida M.N.M [19 августа 2016 19:44]

    я не понял... у вас лимит?
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    1. vovan [19 августа 2016 19:51]

      на что лимит?
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      1. Piramida M.N.M [20 августа 2016 00:00]

        а что с тор.файлом "Boot USB Sergei Strelec"?
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  3. Piramida M.N.M [3 августа 2016 04:07]

    спасибо Вова! за новый версии Pinnacle Studio Ultimate
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  4. In-co [10 июля 2016 22:03]

    Чет не пойму, он .AVI не поддерживает или что? Импортирую .avi, а он не воспроизводит его.
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    1. vovan [11 июля 2016 00:57]

      в поддерживаемых форматах avi присутствует, да и это самый распространенный формат, должен поддерживать
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  5. Роман [6 мая 2016 20:23]

    Дайте скорость.
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxedsmirk

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