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Просмотров: 3 804 | Автор: Olya | Дата: 30-08-2016, 19:32
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MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum

MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum - мощная программа, содержащая в себе огромный набор инструментов для создания и редактирования видео, благодаря чему вы сможете реализовать все ваши творческие способности, а также записать полученный результат на CD, DVD и Blu-ray диски
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Версия программы: 13.0 Build 960 (x64).
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Официальный сайт: http://www.vegascreativesoftware.com
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Язык интерфейса: MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Русский.
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Лечение: MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum В комплекте.
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MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum

MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum
Загрузил: Olya (30 августа 2016 19:15)
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Взяли: 316 | Размер: 436.68 Mb
Последняя активность: 11 февраля 2024 15:34
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MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum 13.0 Build 960 (x64) Portable by punsh (441 файл)
App (1 файл)
Sony (5 файлов)
MovieStudio (110 файлов)
Audio Hardware Drivers (2 файла)
file sfasio.dll (2,97 Mb)
file sfdsound.dll (2,79 Mb)
bdmux (20 файлов)
file BdmuxInterface.dll (17,95 Kb)
file BdmuxServer.exe.config (231 b)
exe BdmuxServer.exe (20,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (71,95 Kb)
file Ess.dll (2,37 Mb)
file Mux.net.dll (132 Kb)
file StatusCodeTable.xml (21,66 Kb)
file Vegmuxdh.dll (20 Kb)
file Vegmuxdw.dll (273,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxfa.dll (85,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxfb.dll (299 Kb)
file Vegmuxfo.dll (404,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxmc.dll (52 Kb)
file Vegmuxrt.dll (24 Kb)
file Vegmuxtw.dll (470 Kb)
file sfibdmux.dll (75,45 Kb)
file sfsbdmux.dll (2,82 Mb)
file sfwbdmux.dll (1,04 Mb)
file udf_image.xsd (9,49 Kb)
file vegmuxfc.dll (43 Kb)
FileIO Plug-Ins (23 файла)
ac3studioplug (1 файл)
file ac3studioplug.dll (4,91 Mb)
aifplug (3 файла)
file aifplug.chm (40,56 Kb)
file aifplug.dll (5,87 Mb)
file aifplug_rus.chm (16,29 Kb)
atracplug (1 файл)
file atracplug.dll (1016,45 Kb)
aviplug (3 файла)
file aviplug.chm (44,52 Kb)
file aviplug.dll (622,45 Kb)
file aviplug_rus.chm (24,1 Kb)
compoundplug (9 файлов)
file compoundplug.chm (40,73 Kb)
file compoundplug.dll (8,84 Mb)
file compoundplug_rus.chm (49,39 Kb)
file mc_dec_aac.dll (496,92 Kb)
file mc_dec_avc.dll (2,33 Mb)
file mc_dec_mp2v.dll (559,92 Kb)
file mc_demux_mp4.dll (833,42 Kb)
file mc_enc_mp2v.dll (956,42 Kb)
file mc_mfimport.dll (1 Mb)
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file fhgaacplug2.dll (1,06 Mb)
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file flacplug.chm (40,65 Kb)
file flacplug.dll (417,95 Kb)
file flacplug_rus.chm (18,43 Kb)
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file gifplug.dll (89,95 Kb)
lpecplug (1 файл)
file lpecplug.dll (1,49 Mb)
mcmp4plug2 (6 файлов)
mc_cpu (5 файлов)
file mc_config_avc.dll (117,32 Kb)
file mc_dec_aac.dll (493,82 Kb)
file mc_dec_avc.dll (2,47 Mb)
file mc_enc_aac.dll (319,32 Kb)
file mc_enc_avc.dll (2,5 Mb)
mc_cuda (2 файла)
file mc_config_avc.dll (141,32 Kb)
file mc_enc_avc_cuda.dll (1,73 Mb)
mc_open_cl (2 файла)
file mc_config_avc.dll (116,5 Kb)
file mc_enc_avc_ocl.dll (24,7 Mb)
file mcmp4plug2.chm (43,59 Kb)
file mcmp4plug2.dll (1,09 Mb)
file mcmp4plug2_rus.chm (53,89 Kb)
mcplug2 (20 файлов)
file mc_config_mp2m.dll (112,42 Kb)
file mc_config_mp2v.dll (119,42 Kb)
file mc_config_mpa.dll (110,92 Kb)
file mc_dec_dd.dll (183,5 Kb)
file mc_dec_mp2v.dll (559,92 Kb)
file mc_dec_mpa.dll (131,82 Kb)
file mc_demux_mp2.dll (674,42 Kb)
file mc_demux_mp4.dll (833,42 Kb)
file mc_demux_mxf.dll (293,92 Kb)
file mc_enc_mp2sr.dll (101,92 Kb)
file mc_enc_mp2v.dll (956,42 Kb)
file mc_enc_mpa.dll (263,92 Kb)
file mc_enc_pcm.dll (81,42 Kb)
file mc_mfimport.dll (1 Mb)
file mc_mux_mp2.dll (896,92 Kb)
file mc_mux_mp4.dll (1,36 Mb)
file mc_mux_mxf.dll (958,42 Kb)
file mcplug2.chm (63,73 Kb)
file mcplug2.dll (4,99 Mb)
file mcplug2_rus.chm (73,19 Kb)
mp3plug2 (3 файла)
file mp3plug2.chm (42,63 Kb)
file mp3plug2.dll (955,95 Kb)
file mp3plug2_rus.chm (21,34 Kb)
mp4plug3 (7 файлов)
file mp4plug3.chm (43,64 Kb)
file mp4plug3.dll (1,53 Mb)
file mp4plug3_rus.chm (25,67 Kb)
file savce.dll (3,37 Mb)
file sgcudme.dll (528 Kb)
file sgocldme.dll (155,5 Kb)
file sgpuclb.dll (106,5 Kb)
mvcplug (2 файла)
file mvcplug.dll (5,15 Mb)
file sonyjvtd.dll (889,5 Kb)
mxfxavc (6 файлов)
file SMDK-VC110-x64-4_2_0.dll (2,07 Mb)
file mc_bc_dec_avc.dll (2,22 Mb)
file mc_bc_enc_avc.dll (2,5 Mb)
file mxfxavc.chm (1,53 Mb)
file mxfxavc.dll (6,33 Mb)
file smdkwrap_xavc.dll (436,95 Kb)
oggplug (3 файла)
file oggplug.chm (40,06 Kb)
file oggplug.dll (5,59 Mb)
file oggplug_rus.chm (17,44 Kb)
qt7plug (3 файла)
file qt7plug.chm (43,54 Kb)
file qt7plug.dll (706,45 Kb)
file qt7plug_rus.chm (22,42 Kb)
rm9plug (8 файлов)
codecs (7 файлов)
file atrc.dll (72,06 Kb)
file colorcvt.dll (504,05 Kb)
file cook.dll (64,06 Kb)
file erv2.dll (368,07 Kb)
file erv3.dll (260,06 Kb)
file erv4.dll (344,06 Kb)
file sipr.dll (100,06 Kb)
common (2 файла)
file encn3260.dll (386,5 Kb)
file remb3260.dll (356 Kb)
plugins (6 файлов)
file auth3260.dll (48 Kb)
file basc3260.dll (40 Kb)
file rmwrtr.dll (248,06 Kb)
file rn5a3260.dll (44 Kb)
file sdpp3260.dll (60 Kb)
file smplfsys.dll (64,05 Kb)
tools (29 файлов)
file audiofmtconverter.dll (52,09 Kb)
file audiolimiter.dll (48,08 Kb)
file audiometer.dll (52,08 Kb)
file audioresampler.dll (316,08 Kb)
file avireader.dll (64,07 Kb)
file capture.dll (260,07 Kb)
file dsreader.dll (164,07 Kb)
file encnetbroadcast.dll (68,08 Kb)
file encsession.dll (732,07 Kb)
file enlv3260.dll (36 Kb)
file eventpack.dll (52,08 Kb)
file log.dll (168,05 Kb)
file logmessages.xml (58,22 Kb)
file logobserver.dll (44,07 Kb)
file mediasink.dll (52,07 Kb)
file movreader.dll (76,07 Kb)
file qtreader.dll (72,07 Kb)
file rbsbroadcast.dll (320 Kb)
file rmme3260.dll (536 Kb)
file rmto3260.dll (352 Kb)
file rmwriter.dll (236,07 Kb)
file rnaudiocodec.dll (64,08 Kb)
file rnaudiointerleaver.dll (60,1 Kb)
file rnvideocodec.dll (92,08 Kb)
file videocolorconverter.dll (48,09 Kb)
file videolumaadj.dll (44,08 Kb)
file videonoisefilter.dll (56,09 Kb)
file videoprogressive.dll (56,09 Kb)
file wavreader.dll (36,07 Kb)
file pncrt.dll (266,5 Kb)
file rm9plug.chm (18,33 Kb)
file rm9plug.dll (4,79 Mb)
file rm9plug_rus.chm (23,99 Kb)
sfpaplug (3 файла)
file sfpaplug.chm (40,14 Kb)
file sfpaplug.dll (5,93 Mb)
file sfpaplug_rus.chm (16,04 Kb)
stl2plg (1 файл)
file stl2plg.dll (6,11 Mb)
wavplug (3 файла)
file wavplug.chm (40,93 Kb)
file wavplug.dll (268,45 Kb)
file wavplug_rus.chm (17,06 Kb)
wicplug (1 файл)
file wicplug.dll (1,37 Mb)
wmfplug4 (3 файла)
file wmfplug4.chm (43,79 Kb)
file wmfplug4.dll (429,45 Kb)
file wmfplug4_rus.chm (48,69 Kb)
Joystick Profiles (4 файла)
file Eliminator Precision Pro Joystick.ini (2,17 Kb)
file Logitech WingMan Extreme Digital 3D (USB).ini (2 Kb)
file Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2.ini (2,26 Kb)
txt ReadMe - Joystick Profiles.txt (4,36 Kb)
OFX Video Plug-Ins (5 файлов)
Filters.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (2 файла)
Resources (2 файла)
file Filters.ru-RU.xml (4,1 Kb)
file Filters.xml (3,73 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Filters.ofx (7,97 Mb)
HitFilm.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (2 файла)
Resources (7 файлов)
png 49568243-073c-46d0-8ece-070ef0e38af5.png (68,33 Kb)
png 5081b3d2-cedd-4742-997b-137a19c71c98.png (40,1 Kb)
png 69edfe14-d1f9-451c-bec4-35adedcb4e26.png (50,13 Kb)
png 6e1d49cd-8cdc-4f99-be23-e0678e2a9a2c.png (52,03 Kb)
file HitFilm.chm (740,04 Kb)
png b18b0175-9c6d-4c50-82ee-f0ddd118368b.png (40,59 Kb)
png df3bbded-3fb4-4047-9d07-2b9488e9a84d.png (48,45 Kb)
Win64 (2 файла)
HFPL (7 файлов)
file BleachBypass.hfpl (321,12 Kb)
file ColorTemperature.hfpl (321,12 Kb)
file DropShadow.hfpl (354,12 Kb)
file Gleam.hfpl (377,12 Kb)
file Glow.hfpl (375,62 Kb)
file LeaveColor.hfpl (328,12 Kb)
file LightFlares.hfpl (782,62 Kb)
file HitFilm.ofx (862,12 Kb)
Stabilize.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (1,89 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (1,83 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file Stabilize.ru-RU.xml (4,63 Kb)
file Stabilize.xml (3,31 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Stabilize.ofx (7,23 Mb)
TitlesAndText.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (60,78 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (60,09 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file TitlesAndText.ru-RU.xml (4,82 Kb)
file TitlesAndText.xml (4,39 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file TitlesAndText.ofx (377,95 Kb)
Vfx1.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (694,76 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (679,74 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file Vfx1.ru-RU.xml (198,81 Kb)
file Vfx1.xml (182,72 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Vfx1.ofx (12,08 Mb)
Project Templates (46 файлов)
file 3D Blu-ray 1280x720-50p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Blu-ray 1280x720-60p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Blu-ray 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (287 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-25p.vqpt (290 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-30p.vqpt (291 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (248 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (252 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (253 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (248 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-50i.vqpt (256 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-60i.vqpt (257 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (252 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (255 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (256 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (255 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-50i.vqpt (259 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-60i.vqpt (260 b)
file DV NTSC.vqpt (213 b)
file DV PAL.vqpt (209 b)
file DVD 24p widescreen.vqpt (218 b)
file DVD 24p.vqpt (207 b)
file DVD NTSC widescreen.vqpt (210 b)
file DVD NTSC.vqpt (194 b)
file DVD PAL widescreen.vqpt (205 b)
file DVD PAL.vqpt (189 b)
file HDV 1280x720-24p.vqpt (232 b)
file HDV 1280x720-25p.vqpt (233 b)
file HDV 1280x720-30p.vqpt (232 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (240 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (239 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-24p.vqpt (234 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-25p.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-30p.vqpt (239 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-50p.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-60p.vqpt (238 b)
file Internet 360-24p.vqpt (264 b)
file Internet 360-25p.vqpt (261 b)
file Internet 360-30p.vqpt (262 b)
file Internet 480-24p.vqpt (245 b)
file Internet 480-25p.vqpt (245 b)
file Internet 480-30p.vqpt (246 b)
file Internet 720-24p.vqpt (250 b)
file Internet 720-25p.vqpt (246 b)
file Internet 720-30p.vqpt (247 b)
Readme (1 файл)
HTML_ASSETS (44 файла)
gif -.gif (43 b)
gif acidplanet.gif (1,2 Kb)
gif b-urt.gif (51 b)
gif bar-bg.gif (152 b)
gif bar-l.gif (271 b)
gif bar-r.gif (279 b)
gif bbg.gif (51 b)
gif bl.gif (89 b)
gif br.gif (117 b)
gif cd.gif (887 b)
jpg extras-banner.jpg (3,91 Kb)
jpg extras-banner_jpn.jpg (13,03 Kb)
file fonts.css (1,58 Kb)
gif lbg.gif (51 b)
gif note.gif (963 b)
gif p-bl.gif (98 b)
gif p-br.gif (68 b)
gif p-tl.gif (70 b)
gif p-tr.gif (70 b)
gif rbg.gif (51 b)
jpg release-banner.jpg (3,6 Kb)
jpg release-banner_chs.jpg (18,24 Kb)
jpg release-banner_deu.jpg (12,54 Kb)
jpg release-banner_esp.jpg (3,01 Kb)
jpg release-banner_fra.jpg (12,44 Kb)
jpg release-banner_jpn.jpg (11,84 Kb)
jpg release-banner_plk.jpg (13,89 Kb)
jpg release-banner_rus.jpg (2,94 Kb)
gif softwaresolutions.gif (1,46 Kb)
gif solutionstag.gif (1,21 Kb)
gif solutionstag_chs.gif (1,34 Kb)
gif solutionstag_deu.gif (1,38 Kb)
gif solutionstag_esp.gif (1,46 Kb)
gif solutionstag_fra.gif (1,48 Kb)
gif solutionstag_jpn.gif (1,2 Kb)
gif solutionstag_plk.gif (1,55 Kb)
gif solutionstag_rus.gif (505 b)
gif sony.gif (1,4 Kb)
gif sonylogo.gif (1,08 Kb)
gif sonysoundseries.gif (1,25 Kb)
gif sonyvisionseries.gif (1,26 Kb)
gif tbg.gif (153 b)
gif tl.gif (271 b)
gif tr.gif (278 b)
ru (13 файлов)
file PRSConfig.resources.dll (50,95 Kb)
file Sony.Capture.resources.dll (42,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.DeviceExp.resources.dll (94,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.FileExplorer.resources.dll (21,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.OFXInterop.resources.dll (20,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.VideoEffectsUI.resources.dll (179,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.clrshared.resources.dll (61,95 Kb)
file Sony.Monitor3D.resources.dll (17,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Publish.Resources.dll (27,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.PublishFB.Resources.dll (49,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.Resources.dll (38,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.StartPage.Resources.dll (18,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.resources.dll (39,95 Kb)
Standard Layouts (4 файла)
file Edit.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Export.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Import.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Simple Edit Mode.VegasWindowLayout (5,06 Kb)
Vidcap Plug-Ins (2 файла)
aviplug (1 файл)
file aviplug.dll (1,08 Mb)
stl2plg (1 файл)
file stl2plg.dll (720,95 Kb)
Video Hardware Drivers (5 файлов)
file AVCDevices.dll (2,75 Mb)
file DVIEffect.fxo (1,7 Kb)
file DVIEffect.fx (2,17 Kb)
file Monitor3D.dll (2,77 Mb)
file extviddev.dll (4,46 Mb)
Video Plug-Ins (6 файлов)
file colorcorrector.dll (3,7 Mb)
file sfpagepeel.dll (4,05 Mb)
file sftrans1.dll (8,95 Mb)
file vfplugs.dll (3,7 Mb)
file vfx1.dll (7,43 Mb)
file vidpcore.dll (9,39 Mb)
x86 (9 файлов)
exe CreateMinidumpx86.exe (31,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (71,95 Kb)
file FileIOProxyStubx86.dll (51,95 Kb)
exe FileIOSurrogate.exe (3,3 Mb)
file dbghelp.dll (1020,63 Kb)
file ffplugsk32.dll (6,02 Mb)
file sfdvd.dll (2,32 Mb)
file sfvstproxystubx86.dll (26,95 Kb)
exe sfvstserver.exe (3,1 Mb)
exe ApplicationRegistration.exe (4,94 Mb)
file ControlLibrary.dll (38,95 Kb)
file CoreGraphics.Native.dll (3,01 Mb)
file CorePrimitives.dll (47,95 Kb)
file CoreUI.XmlSerializers.dll (310,45 Kb)
file CoreUI.dll (115,95 Kb)
exe CreateMinidumpx64.exe (36,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (83,45 Kb)
exe ErrorReportClient.exe (7,61 Mb)
file ErrorReportConfig.xml (1,48 Kb)
exe ErrorReportLauncher.exe (31,45 Kb)
file Facebook.dll (115,95 Kb)
file FileIOProxyStubx64.dll (63,45 Kb)
file Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll (530 Kb)
file Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll (103,5 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttlePRO v2.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttlePRO.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttleXpress.pref (11,72 Kb)
file MovieStudioPlatinum130.exe.config (436 b)
exe MovieStudioPlatinum130.exe (30,56 Mb)
file MovieStudioPlatinum130.udat (604,81 Kb)
zip MovieStudioPlatinum130.zip (54,02 Kb)
exe NGenTool.exe (25,95 Kb)
file OpenColorIO.dll (1,63 Mb)
exe PRSConfig.exe (79,45 Kb)
file Release-x64.fio2007-config (1,21 Kb)
file RenderAsDialog.dll (97,95 Kb)
file SfVstProxyStubx64.dll (27,95 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttlePRO v2.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttlePRO.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttleXpress.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony.Capture.dll (228,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.DeviceExp.dll (294,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.ExternalVideoDevice.dll (108,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.FileExplorer.dll (288,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.SfBdMuxCom.dll (28,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.Skins.dll (84,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.CoreGraphics.XmlSerializers.dll (448,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.CoreGraphics.dll (795,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.OFXInterop.dll (355,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.VideoEffectsUI.dll (1,44 Mb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.clrshared.dll (384,95 Kb)
file Sony.Monitor3D.dll (74,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.HelpBubbles.dll (36,95 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Publish.dll (76,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.PublishFB.dll (80,95 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.RenderAs.dll (117,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.dll (155,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.xml (15,52 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.StartPage.dll (309,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.dll (365,95 Kb)
file VIDCAP60.hlp (69,38 Kb)
file dbghelp.dll (1,28 Mb)
file discdrv.dll (2,72 Mb)
file eula.dll (2,51 Mb)
file fargo.pdd.dll (2,52 Mb)
file ffplugsk64.dll (7,74 Mb)
file gnsdk_correlates.dll (69,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_dsp.dll (3,14 Mb)
file gnsdk_link.dll (119,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_manager.dll (1004,52 Kb)
file gnsdk_musicid.dll (1,05 Mb)
file gnsdk_musicid_file.dll (1,14 Mb)
file gnsdk_musicid_match.dll (144,52 Kb)
file gnsdk_playlist.dll (270,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_sqlite.dll (724,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_submit.dll (298,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_video.dll (192,02 Kb)
file log4net.dll (240 Kb)
file moviestudioplatinum130k.dll (11,53 Mb)
file ngen.xml (272 b)
file proDADMercalli20.dll (1,66 Mb)
file sfapprw.dll (3,33 Mb)
file sfcd.cdd.dll (1,26 Mb)
file sfcdfs.dll (2,55 Mb)
file sfcdix.cfg (181,41 Kb)
file sfcdix.dll (4,47 Mb)
file sfcdsim.cdd.dll (31,45 Kb)
file sfdvd.dll (3,43 Mb)
file sfld.ldd.dll (1,48 Mb)
file sfldsim.ldd.dll (2,51 Mb)
file sfmarket2.dll (2,67 Mb)
file sfprnsim.pdd.dll (2,51 Mb)
file sfpublish.dll (3,27 Mb)
file sfs4rw.dll (1,56 Mb)
file sfscsi.dll (2,53 Mb)
file sfspti.dll (59,95 Kb)
file sftutor.dll (6,82 Mb)
file sftutor60.dll (808,88 Kb)
file sfvstwrap.dll (4,85 Mb)
file sonymvd2pro_xp.dll (644 Kb)
file vegas.tut (1 Mb)
file vegasrus.tut (1,05 Mb)
file vidcap6.tut (59,26 Kb)
exe vidcap60.exe (4,08 Mb)
file vidcap60.udat (93,1 Kb)
file vmspe130.udat (604,81 Kb)
Shared Plug-Ins (1 файл)
Audio_x64 (11 файлов)
file ErrorReport.dll (83,95 Kb)
file sffrgpnv_x64.dll (3,24 Mb)
file sfppack1_x64.dll (3,75 Mb)
file sfppack2_x64.dll (4,03 Mb)
file sfppack3_x64.dll (3,61 Mb)
file sfresfilter_x64.dll (3,16 Mb)
file sftrkfx1_x64.dll (3,54 Mb)
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file sfxpfx2_x64.dll (3,13 Mb)
file sfxpfx3_x64.dll (3,32 Mb)
file xpvinyl_x64.dll (3,26 Mb)
file CDDBControl.dll (777,49 Kb)
file CDDBUI.dll (789,49 Kb)
file CddbLangRU.dll (165,49 Kb)
MultiKeygen (3 файла)
exe KeyMovieStudioPl13x64.exe (296,05 Kb)
exe Keygen.exe (1,99 Mb)
file RegMovieStudioPl13.reg (2,7 Kb)
exe MovieStudioPlatinumPortable.exe (118,52 Kb)

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MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum - мощная программа, содержащая в себе огромный набор инструментов для создания и редактирования видео, благодаря чему вы сможете реализовать все ваши творческие способности, а также записать полученный результат на CD, DVD и Blu-ray диски
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0 0 0
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum 13.0 Build 960 (x64) Portable by punsh (441 файл)
App (1 файл)
Sony (5 файлов)
MovieStudio (110 файлов)
Audio Hardware Drivers (2 файла)
file sfasio.dll (2,97 Mb)
file sfdsound.dll (2,79 Mb)
bdmux (20 файлов)
file BdmuxInterface.dll (17,95 Kb)
file BdmuxServer.exe.config (231 b)
exe BdmuxServer.exe (20,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (71,95 Kb)
file Ess.dll (2,37 Mb)
file Mux.net.dll (132 Kb)
file StatusCodeTable.xml (21,66 Kb)
file Vegmuxdh.dll (20 Kb)
file Vegmuxdw.dll (273,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxfa.dll (85,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxfb.dll (299 Kb)
file Vegmuxfo.dll (404,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxmc.dll (52 Kb)
file Vegmuxrt.dll (24 Kb)
file Vegmuxtw.dll (470 Kb)
file sfibdmux.dll (75,45 Kb)
file sfsbdmux.dll (2,82 Mb)
file sfwbdmux.dll (1,04 Mb)
file udf_image.xsd (9,49 Kb)
file vegmuxfc.dll (43 Kb)
FileIO Plug-Ins (23 файла)
ac3studioplug (1 файл)
file ac3studioplug.dll (4,91 Mb)
aifplug (3 файла)
file aifplug.chm (40,56 Kb)
file aifplug.dll (5,87 Mb)
file aifplug_rus.chm (16,29 Kb)
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file aviplug.chm (44,52 Kb)
file aviplug.dll (622,45 Kb)
file aviplug_rus.chm (24,1 Kb)
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file compoundplug.chm (40,73 Kb)
file compoundplug.dll (8,84 Mb)
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file gifplug.dll (89,95 Kb)
lpecplug (1 файл)
file lpecplug.dll (1,49 Mb)
mcmp4plug2 (6 файлов)
mc_cpu (5 файлов)
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file mc_enc_avc.dll (2,5 Mb)
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mcplug2 (20 файлов)
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file mc_mfimport.dll (1 Mb)
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file mp3plug2.dll (955,95 Kb)
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file mvcplug.dll (5,15 Mb)
file sonyjvtd.dll (889,5 Kb)
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file smdkwrap_xavc.dll (436,95 Kb)
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file oggplug.chm (40,06 Kb)
file oggplug.dll (5,59 Mb)
file oggplug_rus.chm (17,44 Kb)
qt7plug (3 файла)
file qt7plug.chm (43,54 Kb)
file qt7plug.dll (706,45 Kb)
file qt7plug_rus.chm (22,42 Kb)
rm9plug (8 файлов)
codecs (7 файлов)
file atrc.dll (72,06 Kb)
file colorcvt.dll (504,05 Kb)
file cook.dll (64,06 Kb)
file erv2.dll (368,07 Kb)
file erv3.dll (260,06 Kb)
file erv4.dll (344,06 Kb)
file sipr.dll (100,06 Kb)
common (2 файла)
file encn3260.dll (386,5 Kb)
file remb3260.dll (356 Kb)
plugins (6 файлов)
file auth3260.dll (48 Kb)
file basc3260.dll (40 Kb)
file rmwrtr.dll (248,06 Kb)
file rn5a3260.dll (44 Kb)
file sdpp3260.dll (60 Kb)
file smplfsys.dll (64,05 Kb)
tools (29 файлов)
file audiofmtconverter.dll (52,09 Kb)
file audiolimiter.dll (48,08 Kb)
file audiometer.dll (52,08 Kb)
file audioresampler.dll (316,08 Kb)
file avireader.dll (64,07 Kb)
file capture.dll (260,07 Kb)
file dsreader.dll (164,07 Kb)
file encnetbroadcast.dll (68,08 Kb)
file encsession.dll (732,07 Kb)
file enlv3260.dll (36 Kb)
file eventpack.dll (52,08 Kb)
file log.dll (168,05 Kb)
file logmessages.xml (58,22 Kb)
file logobserver.dll (44,07 Kb)
file mediasink.dll (52,07 Kb)
file movreader.dll (76,07 Kb)
file qtreader.dll (72,07 Kb)
file rbsbroadcast.dll (320 Kb)
file rmme3260.dll (536 Kb)
file rmto3260.dll (352 Kb)
file rmwriter.dll (236,07 Kb)
file rnaudiocodec.dll (64,08 Kb)
file rnaudiointerleaver.dll (60,1 Kb)
file rnvideocodec.dll (92,08 Kb)
file videocolorconverter.dll (48,09 Kb)
file videolumaadj.dll (44,08 Kb)
file videonoisefilter.dll (56,09 Kb)
file videoprogressive.dll (56,09 Kb)
file wavreader.dll (36,07 Kb)
file pncrt.dll (266,5 Kb)
file rm9plug.chm (18,33 Kb)
file rm9plug.dll (4,79 Mb)
file rm9plug_rus.chm (23,99 Kb)
sfpaplug (3 файла)
file sfpaplug.chm (40,14 Kb)
file sfpaplug.dll (5,93 Mb)
file sfpaplug_rus.chm (16,04 Kb)
stl2plg (1 файл)
file stl2plg.dll (6,11 Mb)
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file wavplug.chm (40,93 Kb)
file wavplug.dll (268,45 Kb)
file wavplug_rus.chm (17,06 Kb)
wicplug (1 файл)
file wicplug.dll (1,37 Mb)
wmfplug4 (3 файла)
file wmfplug4.chm (43,79 Kb)
file wmfplug4.dll (429,45 Kb)
file wmfplug4_rus.chm (48,69 Kb)
Joystick Profiles (4 файла)
file Eliminator Precision Pro Joystick.ini (2,17 Kb)
file Logitech WingMan Extreme Digital 3D (USB).ini (2 Kb)
file Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2.ini (2,26 Kb)
txt ReadMe - Joystick Profiles.txt (4,36 Kb)
OFX Video Plug-Ins (5 файлов)
Filters.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (2 файла)
Resources (2 файла)
file Filters.ru-RU.xml (4,1 Kb)
file Filters.xml (3,73 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Filters.ofx (7,97 Mb)
HitFilm.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (2 файла)
Resources (7 файлов)
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png 6e1d49cd-8cdc-4f99-be23-e0678e2a9a2c.png (52,03 Kb)
file HitFilm.chm (740,04 Kb)
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png df3bbded-3fb4-4047-9d07-2b9488e9a84d.png (48,45 Kb)
Win64 (2 файла)
HFPL (7 файлов)
file BleachBypass.hfpl (321,12 Kb)
file ColorTemperature.hfpl (321,12 Kb)
file DropShadow.hfpl (354,12 Kb)
file Gleam.hfpl (377,12 Kb)
file Glow.hfpl (375,62 Kb)
file LeaveColor.hfpl (328,12 Kb)
file LightFlares.hfpl (782,62 Kb)
file HitFilm.ofx (862,12 Kb)
Stabilize.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (1,89 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (1,83 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file Stabilize.ru-RU.xml (4,63 Kb)
file Stabilize.xml (3,31 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Stabilize.ofx (7,23 Mb)
TitlesAndText.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (60,78 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (60,09 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file TitlesAndText.ru-RU.xml (4,82 Kb)
file TitlesAndText.xml (4,39 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file TitlesAndText.ofx (377,95 Kb)
Vfx1.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (694,76 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (679,74 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file Vfx1.ru-RU.xml (198,81 Kb)
file Vfx1.xml (182,72 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Vfx1.ofx (12,08 Mb)
Project Templates (46 файлов)
file 3D Blu-ray 1280x720-50p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Blu-ray 1280x720-60p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Blu-ray 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (287 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-25p.vqpt (290 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-30p.vqpt (291 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (248 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (252 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (253 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (248 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-50i.vqpt (256 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-60i.vqpt (257 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (252 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (255 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (256 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (255 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-50i.vqpt (259 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-60i.vqpt (260 b)
file DV NTSC.vqpt (213 b)
file DV PAL.vqpt (209 b)
file DVD 24p widescreen.vqpt (218 b)
file DVD 24p.vqpt (207 b)
file DVD NTSC widescreen.vqpt (210 b)
file DVD NTSC.vqpt (194 b)
file DVD PAL widescreen.vqpt (205 b)
file DVD PAL.vqpt (189 b)
file HDV 1280x720-24p.vqpt (232 b)
file HDV 1280x720-25p.vqpt (233 b)
file HDV 1280x720-30p.vqpt (232 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (240 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (239 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-24p.vqpt (234 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-25p.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-30p.vqpt (239 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-50p.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-60p.vqpt (238 b)
file Internet 360-24p.vqpt (264 b)
file Internet 360-25p.vqpt (261 b)
file Internet 360-30p.vqpt (262 b)
file Internet 480-24p.vqpt (245 b)
file Internet 480-25p.vqpt (245 b)
file Internet 480-30p.vqpt (246 b)
file Internet 720-24p.vqpt (250 b)
file Internet 720-25p.vqpt (246 b)
file Internet 720-30p.vqpt (247 b)
Readme (1 файл)
HTML_ASSETS (44 файла)
gif -.gif (43 b)
gif acidplanet.gif (1,2 Kb)
gif b-urt.gif (51 b)
gif bar-bg.gif (152 b)
gif bar-l.gif (271 b)
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gif bbg.gif (51 b)
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jpg extras-banner.jpg (3,91 Kb)
jpg extras-banner_jpn.jpg (13,03 Kb)
file fonts.css (1,58 Kb)
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gif p-bl.gif (98 b)
gif p-br.gif (68 b)
gif p-tl.gif (70 b)
gif p-tr.gif (70 b)
gif rbg.gif (51 b)
jpg release-banner.jpg (3,6 Kb)
jpg release-banner_chs.jpg (18,24 Kb)
jpg release-banner_deu.jpg (12,54 Kb)
jpg release-banner_esp.jpg (3,01 Kb)
jpg release-banner_fra.jpg (12,44 Kb)
jpg release-banner_jpn.jpg (11,84 Kb)
jpg release-banner_plk.jpg (13,89 Kb)
jpg release-banner_rus.jpg (2,94 Kb)
gif softwaresolutions.gif (1,46 Kb)
gif solutionstag.gif (1,21 Kb)
gif solutionstag_chs.gif (1,34 Kb)
gif solutionstag_deu.gif (1,38 Kb)
gif solutionstag_esp.gif (1,46 Kb)
gif solutionstag_fra.gif (1,48 Kb)
gif solutionstag_jpn.gif (1,2 Kb)
gif solutionstag_plk.gif (1,55 Kb)
gif solutionstag_rus.gif (505 b)
gif sony.gif (1,4 Kb)
gif sonylogo.gif (1,08 Kb)
gif sonysoundseries.gif (1,25 Kb)
gif sonyvisionseries.gif (1,26 Kb)
gif tbg.gif (153 b)
gif tl.gif (271 b)
gif tr.gif (278 b)
ru (13 файлов)
file PRSConfig.resources.dll (50,95 Kb)
file Sony.Capture.resources.dll (42,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.DeviceExp.resources.dll (94,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.FileExplorer.resources.dll (21,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.OFXInterop.resources.dll (20,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.VideoEffectsUI.resources.dll (179,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.clrshared.resources.dll (61,95 Kb)
file Sony.Monitor3D.resources.dll (17,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Publish.Resources.dll (27,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.PublishFB.Resources.dll (49,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.Resources.dll (38,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.StartPage.Resources.dll (18,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.resources.dll (39,95 Kb)
Standard Layouts (4 файла)
file Edit.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Export.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Import.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Simple Edit Mode.VegasWindowLayout (5,06 Kb)
Vidcap Plug-Ins (2 файла)
aviplug (1 файл)
file aviplug.dll (1,08 Mb)
stl2plg (1 файл)
file stl2plg.dll (720,95 Kb)
Video Hardware Drivers (5 файлов)
file AVCDevices.dll (2,75 Mb)
file DVIEffect.fxo (1,7 Kb)
file DVIEffect.fx (2,17 Kb)
file Monitor3D.dll (2,77 Mb)
file extviddev.dll (4,46 Mb)
Video Plug-Ins (6 файлов)
file colorcorrector.dll (3,7 Mb)
file sfpagepeel.dll (4,05 Mb)
file sftrans1.dll (8,95 Mb)
file vfplugs.dll (3,7 Mb)
file vfx1.dll (7,43 Mb)
file vidpcore.dll (9,39 Mb)
x86 (9 файлов)
exe CreateMinidumpx86.exe (31,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (71,95 Kb)
file FileIOProxyStubx86.dll (51,95 Kb)
exe FileIOSurrogate.exe (3,3 Mb)
file dbghelp.dll (1020,63 Kb)
file ffplugsk32.dll (6,02 Mb)
file sfdvd.dll (2,32 Mb)
file sfvstproxystubx86.dll (26,95 Kb)
exe sfvstserver.exe (3,1 Mb)
exe ApplicationRegistration.exe (4,94 Mb)
file ControlLibrary.dll (38,95 Kb)
file CoreGraphics.Native.dll (3,01 Mb)
file CorePrimitives.dll (47,95 Kb)
file CoreUI.XmlSerializers.dll (310,45 Kb)
file CoreUI.dll (115,95 Kb)
exe CreateMinidumpx64.exe (36,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (83,45 Kb)
exe ErrorReportClient.exe (7,61 Mb)
file ErrorReportConfig.xml (1,48 Kb)
exe ErrorReportLauncher.exe (31,45 Kb)
file Facebook.dll (115,95 Kb)
file FileIOProxyStubx64.dll (63,45 Kb)
file Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll (530 Kb)
file Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll (103,5 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttlePRO v2.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttlePRO.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttleXpress.pref (11,72 Kb)
file MovieStudioPlatinum130.exe.config (436 b)
exe MovieStudioPlatinum130.exe (30,56 Mb)
file MovieStudioPlatinum130.udat (604,81 Kb)
zip MovieStudioPlatinum130.zip (54,02 Kb)
exe NGenTool.exe (25,95 Kb)
file OpenColorIO.dll (1,63 Mb)
exe PRSConfig.exe (79,45 Kb)
file Release-x64.fio2007-config (1,21 Kb)
file RenderAsDialog.dll (97,95 Kb)
file SfVstProxyStubx64.dll (27,95 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttlePRO v2.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttlePRO.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttleXpress.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony.Capture.dll (228,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.DeviceExp.dll (294,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.ExternalVideoDevice.dll (108,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.FileExplorer.dll (288,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.SfBdMuxCom.dll (28,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.Skins.dll (84,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.CoreGraphics.XmlSerializers.dll (448,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.CoreGraphics.dll (795,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.OFXInterop.dll (355,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.VideoEffectsUI.dll (1,44 Mb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.clrshared.dll (384,95 Kb)
file Sony.Monitor3D.dll (74,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.HelpBubbles.dll (36,95 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Publish.dll (76,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.PublishFB.dll (80,95 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.RenderAs.dll (117,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.dll (155,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.xml (15,52 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.StartPage.dll (309,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.dll (365,95 Kb)
file VIDCAP60.hlp (69,38 Kb)
file dbghelp.dll (1,28 Mb)
file discdrv.dll (2,72 Mb)
file eula.dll (2,51 Mb)
file fargo.pdd.dll (2,52 Mb)
file ffplugsk64.dll (7,74 Mb)
file gnsdk_correlates.dll (69,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_dsp.dll (3,14 Mb)
file gnsdk_link.dll (119,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_manager.dll (1004,52 Kb)
file gnsdk_musicid.dll (1,05 Mb)
file gnsdk_musicid_file.dll (1,14 Mb)
file gnsdk_musicid_match.dll (144,52 Kb)
file gnsdk_playlist.dll (270,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_sqlite.dll (724,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_submit.dll (298,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_video.dll (192,02 Kb)
file log4net.dll (240 Kb)
file moviestudioplatinum130k.dll (11,53 Mb)
file ngen.xml (272 b)
file proDADMercalli20.dll (1,66 Mb)
file sfapprw.dll (3,33 Mb)
file sfcd.cdd.dll (1,26 Mb)
file sfcdfs.dll (2,55 Mb)
file sfcdix.cfg (181,41 Kb)
file sfcdix.dll (4,47 Mb)
file sfcdsim.cdd.dll (31,45 Kb)
file sfdvd.dll (3,43 Mb)
file sfld.ldd.dll (1,48 Mb)
file sfldsim.ldd.dll (2,51 Mb)
file sfmarket2.dll (2,67 Mb)
file sfprnsim.pdd.dll (2,51 Mb)
file sfpublish.dll (3,27 Mb)
file sfs4rw.dll (1,56 Mb)
file sfscsi.dll (2,53 Mb)
file sfspti.dll (59,95 Kb)
file sftutor.dll (6,82 Mb)
file sftutor60.dll (808,88 Kb)
file sfvstwrap.dll (4,85 Mb)
file sonymvd2pro_xp.dll (644 Kb)
file vegas.tut (1 Mb)
file vegasrus.tut (1,05 Mb)
file vidcap6.tut (59,26 Kb)
exe vidcap60.exe (4,08 Mb)
file vidcap60.udat (93,1 Kb)
file vmspe130.udat (604,81 Kb)
Shared Plug-Ins (1 файл)
Audio_x64 (11 файлов)
file ErrorReport.dll (83,95 Kb)
file sffrgpnv_x64.dll (3,24 Mb)
file sfppack1_x64.dll (3,75 Mb)
file sfppack2_x64.dll (4,03 Mb)
file sfppack3_x64.dll (3,61 Mb)
file sfresfilter_x64.dll (3,16 Mb)
file sftrkfx1_x64.dll (3,54 Mb)
file sfxpfx1_x64.dll (3,13 Mb)
file sfxpfx2_x64.dll (3,13 Mb)
file sfxpfx3_x64.dll (3,32 Mb)
file xpvinyl_x64.dll (3,26 Mb)
file CDDBControl.dll (777,49 Kb)
file CDDBUI.dll (789,49 Kb)
file CddbLangRU.dll (165,49 Kb)
MultiKeygen (3 файла)
exe KeyMovieStudioPl13x64.exe (296,05 Kb)
exe Keygen.exe (1,99 Mb)
file RegMovieStudioPl13.reg (2,7 Kb)
exe MovieStudioPlatinumPortable.exe (118,52 Kb)

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MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Версия программы: 13.0 Build 960 (x64).
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Официальный сайт: http://www.vegascreativesoftware.com
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Язык интерфейса: MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Русский.
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum Лечение: MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum В комплекте.
Загрузил: Olya (30 августа 2016 19:15)
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MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum 13.0 Build 960 (x64) Portable by punsh (441 файл)
App (1 файл)
Sony (5 файлов)
MovieStudio (110 файлов)
Audio Hardware Drivers (2 файла)
file sfasio.dll (2,97 Mb)
file sfdsound.dll (2,79 Mb)
bdmux (20 файлов)
file BdmuxInterface.dll (17,95 Kb)
file BdmuxServer.exe.config (231 b)
exe BdmuxServer.exe (20,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (71,95 Kb)
file Ess.dll (2,37 Mb)
file Mux.net.dll (132 Kb)
file StatusCodeTable.xml (21,66 Kb)
file Vegmuxdh.dll (20 Kb)
file Vegmuxdw.dll (273,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxfa.dll (85,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxfb.dll (299 Kb)
file Vegmuxfo.dll (404,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxmc.dll (52 Kb)
file Vegmuxrt.dll (24 Kb)
file Vegmuxtw.dll (470 Kb)
file sfibdmux.dll (75,45 Kb)
file sfsbdmux.dll (2,82 Mb)
file sfwbdmux.dll (1,04 Mb)
file udf_image.xsd (9,49 Kb)
file vegmuxfc.dll (43 Kb)
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file ac3studioplug.dll (4,91 Mb)
aifplug (3 файла)
file aifplug.chm (40,56 Kb)
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file aifplug_rus.chm (16,29 Kb)
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file aviplug.chm (44,52 Kb)
file aviplug.dll (622,45 Kb)
file aviplug_rus.chm (24,1 Kb)
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file compoundplug.chm (40,73 Kb)
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file gifplug.dll (89,95 Kb)
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mcplug2 (20 файлов)
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file mp3plug2.dll (955,95 Kb)
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file mvcplug.dll (5,15 Mb)
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mxfxavc (6 файлов)
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qt7plug (3 файла)
file qt7plug.chm (43,54 Kb)
file qt7plug.dll (706,45 Kb)
file qt7plug_rus.chm (22,42 Kb)
rm9plug (8 файлов)
codecs (7 файлов)
file atrc.dll (72,06 Kb)
file colorcvt.dll (504,05 Kb)
file cook.dll (64,06 Kb)
file erv2.dll (368,07 Kb)
file erv3.dll (260,06 Kb)
file erv4.dll (344,06 Kb)
file sipr.dll (100,06 Kb)
common (2 файла)
file encn3260.dll (386,5 Kb)
file remb3260.dll (356 Kb)
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file basc3260.dll (40 Kb)
file rmwrtr.dll (248,06 Kb)
file rn5a3260.dll (44 Kb)
file sdpp3260.dll (60 Kb)
file smplfsys.dll (64,05 Kb)
tools (29 файлов)
file audiofmtconverter.dll (52,09 Kb)
file audiolimiter.dll (48,08 Kb)
file audiometer.dll (52,08 Kb)
file audioresampler.dll (316,08 Kb)
file avireader.dll (64,07 Kb)
file capture.dll (260,07 Kb)
file dsreader.dll (164,07 Kb)
file encnetbroadcast.dll (68,08 Kb)
file encsession.dll (732,07 Kb)
file enlv3260.dll (36 Kb)
file eventpack.dll (52,08 Kb)
file log.dll (168,05 Kb)
file logmessages.xml (58,22 Kb)
file logobserver.dll (44,07 Kb)
file mediasink.dll (52,07 Kb)
file movreader.dll (76,07 Kb)
file qtreader.dll (72,07 Kb)
file rbsbroadcast.dll (320 Kb)
file rmme3260.dll (536 Kb)
file rmto3260.dll (352 Kb)
file rmwriter.dll (236,07 Kb)
file rnaudiocodec.dll (64,08 Kb)
file rnaudiointerleaver.dll (60,1 Kb)
file rnvideocodec.dll (92,08 Kb)
file videocolorconverter.dll (48,09 Kb)
file videolumaadj.dll (44,08 Kb)
file videonoisefilter.dll (56,09 Kb)
file videoprogressive.dll (56,09 Kb)
file wavreader.dll (36,07 Kb)
file pncrt.dll (266,5 Kb)
file rm9plug.chm (18,33 Kb)
file rm9plug.dll (4,79 Mb)
file rm9plug_rus.chm (23,99 Kb)
sfpaplug (3 файла)
file sfpaplug.chm (40,14 Kb)
file sfpaplug.dll (5,93 Mb)
file sfpaplug_rus.chm (16,04 Kb)
stl2plg (1 файл)
file stl2plg.dll (6,11 Mb)
wavplug (3 файла)
file wavplug.chm (40,93 Kb)
file wavplug.dll (268,45 Kb)
file wavplug_rus.chm (17,06 Kb)
wicplug (1 файл)
file wicplug.dll (1,37 Mb)
wmfplug4 (3 файла)
file wmfplug4.chm (43,79 Kb)
file wmfplug4.dll (429,45 Kb)
file wmfplug4_rus.chm (48,69 Kb)
Joystick Profiles (4 файла)
file Eliminator Precision Pro Joystick.ini (2,17 Kb)
file Logitech WingMan Extreme Digital 3D (USB).ini (2 Kb)
file Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2.ini (2,26 Kb)
txt ReadMe - Joystick Profiles.txt (4,36 Kb)
OFX Video Plug-Ins (5 файлов)
Filters.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (2 файла)
Resources (2 файла)
file Filters.ru-RU.xml (4,1 Kb)
file Filters.xml (3,73 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Filters.ofx (7,97 Mb)
HitFilm.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (2 файла)
Resources (7 файлов)
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file HitFilm.chm (740,04 Kb)
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png df3bbded-3fb4-4047-9d07-2b9488e9a84d.png (48,45 Kb)
Win64 (2 файла)
HFPL (7 файлов)
file BleachBypass.hfpl (321,12 Kb)
file ColorTemperature.hfpl (321,12 Kb)
file DropShadow.hfpl (354,12 Kb)
file Gleam.hfpl (377,12 Kb)
file Glow.hfpl (375,62 Kb)
file LeaveColor.hfpl (328,12 Kb)
file LightFlares.hfpl (782,62 Kb)
file HitFilm.ofx (862,12 Kb)
Stabilize.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (1,89 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (1,83 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file Stabilize.ru-RU.xml (4,63 Kb)
file Stabilize.xml (3,31 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Stabilize.ofx (7,23 Mb)
TitlesAndText.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (60,78 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (60,09 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file TitlesAndText.ru-RU.xml (4,82 Kb)
file TitlesAndText.xml (4,39 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file TitlesAndText.ofx (377,95 Kb)
Vfx1.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (694,76 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (679,74 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file Vfx1.ru-RU.xml (198,81 Kb)
file Vfx1.xml (182,72 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Vfx1.ofx (12,08 Mb)
Project Templates (46 файлов)
file 3D Blu-ray 1280x720-50p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Blu-ray 1280x720-60p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Blu-ray 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (287 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-25p.vqpt (290 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-30p.vqpt (291 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (248 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (252 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (253 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (248 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-50i.vqpt (256 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-60i.vqpt (257 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (252 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (255 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (256 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (255 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-50i.vqpt (259 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-60i.vqpt (260 b)
file DV NTSC.vqpt (213 b)
file DV PAL.vqpt (209 b)
file DVD 24p widescreen.vqpt (218 b)
file DVD 24p.vqpt (207 b)
file DVD NTSC widescreen.vqpt (210 b)
file DVD NTSC.vqpt (194 b)
file DVD PAL widescreen.vqpt (205 b)
file DVD PAL.vqpt (189 b)
file HDV 1280x720-24p.vqpt (232 b)
file HDV 1280x720-25p.vqpt (233 b)
file HDV 1280x720-30p.vqpt (232 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (240 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (239 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-24p.vqpt (234 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-25p.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-30p.vqpt (239 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-50p.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-60p.vqpt (238 b)
file Internet 360-24p.vqpt (264 b)
file Internet 360-25p.vqpt (261 b)
file Internet 360-30p.vqpt (262 b)
file Internet 480-24p.vqpt (245 b)
file Internet 480-25p.vqpt (245 b)
file Internet 480-30p.vqpt (246 b)
file Internet 720-24p.vqpt (250 b)
file Internet 720-25p.vqpt (246 b)
file Internet 720-30p.vqpt (247 b)
Readme (1 файл)
HTML_ASSETS (44 файла)
gif -.gif (43 b)
gif acidplanet.gif (1,2 Kb)
gif b-urt.gif (51 b)
gif bar-bg.gif (152 b)
gif bar-l.gif (271 b)
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gif bbg.gif (51 b)
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gif br.gif (117 b)
gif cd.gif (887 b)
jpg extras-banner.jpg (3,91 Kb)
jpg extras-banner_jpn.jpg (13,03 Kb)
file fonts.css (1,58 Kb)
gif lbg.gif (51 b)
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gif p-bl.gif (98 b)
gif p-br.gif (68 b)
gif p-tl.gif (70 b)
gif p-tr.gif (70 b)
gif rbg.gif (51 b)
jpg release-banner.jpg (3,6 Kb)
jpg release-banner_chs.jpg (18,24 Kb)
jpg release-banner_deu.jpg (12,54 Kb)
jpg release-banner_esp.jpg (3,01 Kb)
jpg release-banner_fra.jpg (12,44 Kb)
jpg release-banner_jpn.jpg (11,84 Kb)
jpg release-banner_plk.jpg (13,89 Kb)
jpg release-banner_rus.jpg (2,94 Kb)
gif softwaresolutions.gif (1,46 Kb)
gif solutionstag.gif (1,21 Kb)
gif solutionstag_chs.gif (1,34 Kb)
gif solutionstag_deu.gif (1,38 Kb)
gif solutionstag_esp.gif (1,46 Kb)
gif solutionstag_fra.gif (1,48 Kb)
gif solutionstag_jpn.gif (1,2 Kb)
gif solutionstag_plk.gif (1,55 Kb)
gif solutionstag_rus.gif (505 b)
gif sony.gif (1,4 Kb)
gif sonylogo.gif (1,08 Kb)
gif sonysoundseries.gif (1,25 Kb)
gif sonyvisionseries.gif (1,26 Kb)
gif tbg.gif (153 b)
gif tl.gif (271 b)
gif tr.gif (278 b)
ru (13 файлов)
file PRSConfig.resources.dll (50,95 Kb)
file Sony.Capture.resources.dll (42,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.DeviceExp.resources.dll (94,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.FileExplorer.resources.dll (21,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.OFXInterop.resources.dll (20,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.VideoEffectsUI.resources.dll (179,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.clrshared.resources.dll (61,95 Kb)
file Sony.Monitor3D.resources.dll (17,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Publish.Resources.dll (27,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.PublishFB.Resources.dll (49,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.Resources.dll (38,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.StartPage.Resources.dll (18,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.resources.dll (39,95 Kb)
Standard Layouts (4 файла)
file Edit.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Export.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Import.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Simple Edit Mode.VegasWindowLayout (5,06 Kb)
Vidcap Plug-Ins (2 файла)
aviplug (1 файл)
file aviplug.dll (1,08 Mb)
stl2plg (1 файл)
file stl2plg.dll (720,95 Kb)
Video Hardware Drivers (5 файлов)
file AVCDevices.dll (2,75 Mb)
file DVIEffect.fxo (1,7 Kb)
file DVIEffect.fx (2,17 Kb)
file Monitor3D.dll (2,77 Mb)
file extviddev.dll (4,46 Mb)
Video Plug-Ins (6 файлов)
file colorcorrector.dll (3,7 Mb)
file sfpagepeel.dll (4,05 Mb)
file sftrans1.dll (8,95 Mb)
file vfplugs.dll (3,7 Mb)
file vfx1.dll (7,43 Mb)
file vidpcore.dll (9,39 Mb)
x86 (9 файлов)
exe CreateMinidumpx86.exe (31,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (71,95 Kb)
file FileIOProxyStubx86.dll (51,95 Kb)
exe FileIOSurrogate.exe (3,3 Mb)
file dbghelp.dll (1020,63 Kb)
file ffplugsk32.dll (6,02 Mb)
file sfdvd.dll (2,32 Mb)
file sfvstproxystubx86.dll (26,95 Kb)
exe sfvstserver.exe (3,1 Mb)
exe ApplicationRegistration.exe (4,94 Mb)
file ControlLibrary.dll (38,95 Kb)
file CoreGraphics.Native.dll (3,01 Mb)
file CorePrimitives.dll (47,95 Kb)
file CoreUI.XmlSerializers.dll (310,45 Kb)
file CoreUI.dll (115,95 Kb)
exe CreateMinidumpx64.exe (36,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (83,45 Kb)
exe ErrorReportClient.exe (7,61 Mb)
file ErrorReportConfig.xml (1,48 Kb)
exe ErrorReportLauncher.exe (31,45 Kb)
file Facebook.dll (115,95 Kb)
file FileIOProxyStubx64.dll (63,45 Kb)
file Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll (530 Kb)
file Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll (103,5 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttlePRO v2.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttlePRO.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttleXpress.pref (11,72 Kb)
file MovieStudioPlatinum130.exe.config (436 b)
exe MovieStudioPlatinum130.exe (30,56 Mb)
file MovieStudioPlatinum130.udat (604,81 Kb)
zip MovieStudioPlatinum130.zip (54,02 Kb)
exe NGenTool.exe (25,95 Kb)
file OpenColorIO.dll (1,63 Mb)
exe PRSConfig.exe (79,45 Kb)
file Release-x64.fio2007-config (1,21 Kb)
file RenderAsDialog.dll (97,95 Kb)
file SfVstProxyStubx64.dll (27,95 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttlePRO v2.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttlePRO.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttleXpress.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony.Capture.dll (228,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.DeviceExp.dll (294,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.ExternalVideoDevice.dll (108,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.FileExplorer.dll (288,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.SfBdMuxCom.dll (28,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.Skins.dll (84,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.CoreGraphics.XmlSerializers.dll (448,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.CoreGraphics.dll (795,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.OFXInterop.dll (355,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.VideoEffectsUI.dll (1,44 Mb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.clrshared.dll (384,95 Kb)
file Sony.Monitor3D.dll (74,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.HelpBubbles.dll (36,95 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Publish.dll (76,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.PublishFB.dll (80,95 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.RenderAs.dll (117,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.dll (155,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.xml (15,52 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.StartPage.dll (309,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.dll (365,95 Kb)
file VIDCAP60.hlp (69,38 Kb)
file dbghelp.dll (1,28 Mb)
file discdrv.dll (2,72 Mb)
file eula.dll (2,51 Mb)
file fargo.pdd.dll (2,52 Mb)
file ffplugsk64.dll (7,74 Mb)
file gnsdk_correlates.dll (69,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_dsp.dll (3,14 Mb)
file gnsdk_link.dll (119,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_manager.dll (1004,52 Kb)
file gnsdk_musicid.dll (1,05 Mb)
file gnsdk_musicid_file.dll (1,14 Mb)
file gnsdk_musicid_match.dll (144,52 Kb)
file gnsdk_playlist.dll (270,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_sqlite.dll (724,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_submit.dll (298,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_video.dll (192,02 Kb)
file log4net.dll (240 Kb)
file moviestudioplatinum130k.dll (11,53 Mb)
file ngen.xml (272 b)
file proDADMercalli20.dll (1,66 Mb)
file sfapprw.dll (3,33 Mb)
file sfcd.cdd.dll (1,26 Mb)
file sfcdfs.dll (2,55 Mb)
file sfcdix.cfg (181,41 Kb)
file sfcdix.dll (4,47 Mb)
file sfcdsim.cdd.dll (31,45 Kb)
file sfdvd.dll (3,43 Mb)
file sfld.ldd.dll (1,48 Mb)
file sfldsim.ldd.dll (2,51 Mb)
file sfmarket2.dll (2,67 Mb)
file sfprnsim.pdd.dll (2,51 Mb)
file sfpublish.dll (3,27 Mb)
file sfs4rw.dll (1,56 Mb)
file sfscsi.dll (2,53 Mb)
file sfspti.dll (59,95 Kb)
file sftutor.dll (6,82 Mb)
file sftutor60.dll (808,88 Kb)
file sfvstwrap.dll (4,85 Mb)
file sonymvd2pro_xp.dll (644 Kb)
file vegas.tut (1 Mb)
file vegasrus.tut (1,05 Mb)
file vidcap6.tut (59,26 Kb)
exe vidcap60.exe (4,08 Mb)
file vidcap60.udat (93,1 Kb)
file vmspe130.udat (604,81 Kb)
Shared Plug-Ins (1 файл)
Audio_x64 (11 файлов)
file ErrorReport.dll (83,95 Kb)
file sffrgpnv_x64.dll (3,24 Mb)
file sfppack1_x64.dll (3,75 Mb)
file sfppack2_x64.dll (4,03 Mb)
file sfppack3_x64.dll (3,61 Mb)
file sfresfilter_x64.dll (3,16 Mb)
file sftrkfx1_x64.dll (3,54 Mb)
file sfxpfx1_x64.dll (3,13 Mb)
file sfxpfx2_x64.dll (3,13 Mb)
file sfxpfx3_x64.dll (3,32 Mb)
file xpvinyl_x64.dll (3,26 Mb)
file CDDBControl.dll (777,49 Kb)
file CDDBUI.dll (789,49 Kb)
file CddbLangRU.dll (165,49 Kb)
MultiKeygen (3 файла)
exe KeyMovieStudioPl13x64.exe (296,05 Kb)
exe Keygen.exe (1,99 Mb)
file RegMovieStudioPl13.reg (2,7 Kb)
exe MovieStudioPlatinumPortable.exe (118,52 Kb)

Быстрый и удобный!

Разработчики MediaGet придумали свой алгоритм выбора источников контента,
поэтому файлы на компьютер скачиваются быстрее.
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum
- Microsoft® Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 (64-bit) (Windows 8 or later with a touchscreen required for touchscreen editing)
- 2 GHz processor (multicore or multiprocessor CPU recommended for HD or stereoscopic 3D)
- 500 MB hard-disk space for program installation
- 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- IEEE-1394DV card (for DV capture and print-to-tape)
- USB 2.0 connection (for importing from AVCHD, XDCAM EX, NXCAM, or DVD camcorders)
- 512 MB GPU memory
- Supported NVIDIA, AMD or Intel GPU
- Windows-compatible sound card
- DVD-ROM drive (for installation from a DVD only)
- Supported CD-recordable drive (for CD burning only)
- Supported DVD-R/-RW/+R/+RW (for DVD burning only)
- Supported BD-R/-RE drive (for Blu-ray Disc burning only)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 SP1 (included on application disc)
- Apple® QuickTime® 7.1.6 or later for reading and writing QuickTime files
- Internet Connection (for Gracenote MusicID Service)
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum – программа, предоставляющая вам широкие возможности по редактированию и созданию HD-видео и предлагающая огромный набор эффектов, переходов, музыкального оформления для создания видео-шедевров высокого качества.

Вы также будете иметь возможность осуществлять предварительный просмотр проделанной вами работы в отдельном окне и выполнять запись вашего видео на диски CD, DVD и Blu-ray или публикацию на YouTube.

Предыдущие версии пока отсутствуют.
Загрузил: Olya (30 августа 2016 19:15)
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Взяли: 316 | Размер: 436.68 Mb
Последняя активность: 11 февраля 2024 15:34
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
0 0 0
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum 13.0 Build 960 (x64) Portable by punsh (441 файл)
App (1 файл)
Sony (5 файлов)
MovieStudio (110 файлов)
Audio Hardware Drivers (2 файла)
file sfasio.dll (2,97 Mb)
file sfdsound.dll (2,79 Mb)
bdmux (20 файлов)
file BdmuxInterface.dll (17,95 Kb)
file BdmuxServer.exe.config (231 b)
exe BdmuxServer.exe (20,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (71,95 Kb)
file Ess.dll (2,37 Mb)
file Mux.net.dll (132 Kb)
file StatusCodeTable.xml (21,66 Kb)
file Vegmuxdh.dll (20 Kb)
file Vegmuxdw.dll (273,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxfa.dll (85,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxfb.dll (299 Kb)
file Vegmuxfo.dll (404,5 Kb)
file Vegmuxmc.dll (52 Kb)
file Vegmuxrt.dll (24 Kb)
file Vegmuxtw.dll (470 Kb)
file sfibdmux.dll (75,45 Kb)
file sfsbdmux.dll (2,82 Mb)
file sfwbdmux.dll (1,04 Mb)
file udf_image.xsd (9,49 Kb)
file vegmuxfc.dll (43 Kb)
FileIO Plug-Ins (23 файла)
ac3studioplug (1 файл)
file ac3studioplug.dll (4,91 Mb)
aifplug (3 файла)
file aifplug.chm (40,56 Kb)
file aifplug.dll (5,87 Mb)
file aifplug_rus.chm (16,29 Kb)
atracplug (1 файл)
file atracplug.dll (1016,45 Kb)
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file aviplug.chm (44,52 Kb)
file aviplug.dll (622,45 Kb)
file aviplug_rus.chm (24,1 Kb)
compoundplug (9 файлов)
file compoundplug.chm (40,73 Kb)
file compoundplug.dll (8,84 Mb)
file compoundplug_rus.chm (49,39 Kb)
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file mc_enc_mp2v.dll (956,42 Kb)
file mc_mfimport.dll (1 Mb)
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file fhgaacplug2.dll (1,06 Mb)
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file flacplug.chm (40,65 Kb)
file flacplug.dll (417,95 Kb)
file flacplug_rus.chm (18,43 Kb)
gifplug (1 файл)
file gifplug.dll (89,95 Kb)
lpecplug (1 файл)
file lpecplug.dll (1,49 Mb)
mcmp4plug2 (6 файлов)
mc_cpu (5 файлов)
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file mc_dec_avc.dll (2,47 Mb)
file mc_enc_aac.dll (319,32 Kb)
file mc_enc_avc.dll (2,5 Mb)
mc_cuda (2 файла)
file mc_config_avc.dll (141,32 Kb)
file mc_enc_avc_cuda.dll (1,73 Mb)
mc_open_cl (2 файла)
file mc_config_avc.dll (116,5 Kb)
file mc_enc_avc_ocl.dll (24,7 Mb)
file mcmp4plug2.chm (43,59 Kb)
file mcmp4plug2.dll (1,09 Mb)
file mcmp4plug2_rus.chm (53,89 Kb)
mcplug2 (20 файлов)
file mc_config_mp2m.dll (112,42 Kb)
file mc_config_mp2v.dll (119,42 Kb)
file mc_config_mpa.dll (110,92 Kb)
file mc_dec_dd.dll (183,5 Kb)
file mc_dec_mp2v.dll (559,92 Kb)
file mc_dec_mpa.dll (131,82 Kb)
file mc_demux_mp2.dll (674,42 Kb)
file mc_demux_mp4.dll (833,42 Kb)
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file mc_enc_mp2v.dll (956,42 Kb)
file mc_enc_mpa.dll (263,92 Kb)
file mc_enc_pcm.dll (81,42 Kb)
file mc_mfimport.dll (1 Mb)
file mc_mux_mp2.dll (896,92 Kb)
file mc_mux_mp4.dll (1,36 Mb)
file mc_mux_mxf.dll (958,42 Kb)
file mcplug2.chm (63,73 Kb)
file mcplug2.dll (4,99 Mb)
file mcplug2_rus.chm (73,19 Kb)
mp3plug2 (3 файла)
file mp3plug2.chm (42,63 Kb)
file mp3plug2.dll (955,95 Kb)
file mp3plug2_rus.chm (21,34 Kb)
mp4plug3 (7 файлов)
file mp4plug3.chm (43,64 Kb)
file mp4plug3.dll (1,53 Mb)
file mp4plug3_rus.chm (25,67 Kb)
file savce.dll (3,37 Mb)
file sgcudme.dll (528 Kb)
file sgocldme.dll (155,5 Kb)
file sgpuclb.dll (106,5 Kb)
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file mvcplug.dll (5,15 Mb)
file sonyjvtd.dll (889,5 Kb)
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file SMDK-VC110-x64-4_2_0.dll (2,07 Mb)
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file mc_bc_enc_avc.dll (2,5 Mb)
file mxfxavc.chm (1,53 Mb)
file mxfxavc.dll (6,33 Mb)
file smdkwrap_xavc.dll (436,95 Kb)
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file oggplug.chm (40,06 Kb)
file oggplug.dll (5,59 Mb)
file oggplug_rus.chm (17,44 Kb)
qt7plug (3 файла)
file qt7plug.chm (43,54 Kb)
file qt7plug.dll (706,45 Kb)
file qt7plug_rus.chm (22,42 Kb)
rm9plug (8 файлов)
codecs (7 файлов)
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file colorcvt.dll (504,05 Kb)
file cook.dll (64,06 Kb)
file erv2.dll (368,07 Kb)
file erv3.dll (260,06 Kb)
file erv4.dll (344,06 Kb)
file sipr.dll (100,06 Kb)
common (2 файла)
file encn3260.dll (386,5 Kb)
file remb3260.dll (356 Kb)
plugins (6 файлов)
file auth3260.dll (48 Kb)
file basc3260.dll (40 Kb)
file rmwrtr.dll (248,06 Kb)
file rn5a3260.dll (44 Kb)
file sdpp3260.dll (60 Kb)
file smplfsys.dll (64,05 Kb)
tools (29 файлов)
file audiofmtconverter.dll (52,09 Kb)
file audiolimiter.dll (48,08 Kb)
file audiometer.dll (52,08 Kb)
file audioresampler.dll (316,08 Kb)
file avireader.dll (64,07 Kb)
file capture.dll (260,07 Kb)
file dsreader.dll (164,07 Kb)
file encnetbroadcast.dll (68,08 Kb)
file encsession.dll (732,07 Kb)
file enlv3260.dll (36 Kb)
file eventpack.dll (52,08 Kb)
file log.dll (168,05 Kb)
file logmessages.xml (58,22 Kb)
file logobserver.dll (44,07 Kb)
file mediasink.dll (52,07 Kb)
file movreader.dll (76,07 Kb)
file qtreader.dll (72,07 Kb)
file rbsbroadcast.dll (320 Kb)
file rmme3260.dll (536 Kb)
file rmto3260.dll (352 Kb)
file rmwriter.dll (236,07 Kb)
file rnaudiocodec.dll (64,08 Kb)
file rnaudiointerleaver.dll (60,1 Kb)
file rnvideocodec.dll (92,08 Kb)
file videocolorconverter.dll (48,09 Kb)
file videolumaadj.dll (44,08 Kb)
file videonoisefilter.dll (56,09 Kb)
file videoprogressive.dll (56,09 Kb)
file wavreader.dll (36,07 Kb)
file pncrt.dll (266,5 Kb)
file rm9plug.chm (18,33 Kb)
file rm9plug.dll (4,79 Mb)
file rm9plug_rus.chm (23,99 Kb)
sfpaplug (3 файла)
file sfpaplug.chm (40,14 Kb)
file sfpaplug.dll (5,93 Mb)
file sfpaplug_rus.chm (16,04 Kb)
stl2plg (1 файл)
file stl2plg.dll (6,11 Mb)
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file wavplug.chm (40,93 Kb)
file wavplug.dll (268,45 Kb)
file wavplug_rus.chm (17,06 Kb)
wicplug (1 файл)
file wicplug.dll (1,37 Mb)
wmfplug4 (3 файла)
file wmfplug4.chm (43,79 Kb)
file wmfplug4.dll (429,45 Kb)
file wmfplug4_rus.chm (48,69 Kb)
Joystick Profiles (4 файла)
file Eliminator Precision Pro Joystick.ini (2,17 Kb)
file Logitech WingMan Extreme Digital 3D (USB).ini (2 Kb)
file Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2.ini (2,26 Kb)
txt ReadMe - Joystick Profiles.txt (4,36 Kb)
OFX Video Plug-Ins (5 файлов)
Filters.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (2 файла)
Resources (2 файла)
file Filters.ru-RU.xml (4,1 Kb)
file Filters.xml (3,73 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Filters.ofx (7,97 Mb)
HitFilm.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (2 файла)
Resources (7 файлов)
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png 6e1d49cd-8cdc-4f99-be23-e0678e2a9a2c.png (52,03 Kb)
file HitFilm.chm (740,04 Kb)
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png df3bbded-3fb4-4047-9d07-2b9488e9a84d.png (48,45 Kb)
Win64 (2 файла)
HFPL (7 файлов)
file BleachBypass.hfpl (321,12 Kb)
file ColorTemperature.hfpl (321,12 Kb)
file DropShadow.hfpl (354,12 Kb)
file Gleam.hfpl (377,12 Kb)
file Glow.hfpl (375,62 Kb)
file LeaveColor.hfpl (328,12 Kb)
file LightFlares.hfpl (782,62 Kb)
file HitFilm.ofx (862,12 Kb)
Stabilize.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (1,89 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (1,83 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file Stabilize.ru-RU.xml (4,63 Kb)
file Stabilize.xml (3,31 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Stabilize.ofx (7,23 Mb)
TitlesAndText.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (60,78 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (60,09 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file TitlesAndText.ru-RU.xml (4,82 Kb)
file TitlesAndText.xml (4,39 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file TitlesAndText.ofx (377,95 Kb)
Vfx1.ofx.bundle (1 файл)
Contents (3 файла)
Presets (2 файла)
file PresetPackage.ru-RU.xml (694,76 Kb)
file PresetPackage.xml (679,74 Kb)
Resources (2 файла)
file Vfx1.ru-RU.xml (198,81 Kb)
file Vfx1.xml (182,72 Kb)
Win64 (1 файл)
file Vfx1.ofx (12,08 Mb)
Project Templates (46 файлов)
file 3D Blu-ray 1280x720-50p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Blu-ray 1280x720-60p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Blu-ray 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (287 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (288 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-25p.vqpt (290 b)
file 3D Internet 1920x1080-30p.vqpt (291 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (248 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (252 b)
file AVCHD 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (253 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (248 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-50i.vqpt (256 b)
file AVCHD 1920x1080-60i.vqpt (257 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (252 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (255 b)
file Blu-ray 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (256 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-24p.vqpt (255 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-50i.vqpt (259 b)
file Blu-ray 1920x1080-60i.vqpt (260 b)
file DV NTSC.vqpt (213 b)
file DV PAL.vqpt (209 b)
file DVD 24p widescreen.vqpt (218 b)
file DVD 24p.vqpt (207 b)
file DVD NTSC widescreen.vqpt (210 b)
file DVD NTSC.vqpt (194 b)
file DVD PAL widescreen.vqpt (205 b)
file DVD PAL.vqpt (189 b)
file HDV 1280x720-24p.vqpt (232 b)
file HDV 1280x720-25p.vqpt (233 b)
file HDV 1280x720-30p.vqpt (232 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-24p.vqpt (240 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-50i.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 1440x1080-60i.vqpt (239 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-24p.vqpt (234 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-25p.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-30p.vqpt (239 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-50p.vqpt (238 b)
file HDV 3840x2160-60p.vqpt (238 b)
file Internet 360-24p.vqpt (264 b)
file Internet 360-25p.vqpt (261 b)
file Internet 360-30p.vqpt (262 b)
file Internet 480-24p.vqpt (245 b)
file Internet 480-25p.vqpt (245 b)
file Internet 480-30p.vqpt (246 b)
file Internet 720-24p.vqpt (250 b)
file Internet 720-25p.vqpt (246 b)
file Internet 720-30p.vqpt (247 b)
Readme (1 файл)
HTML_ASSETS (44 файла)
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jpg extras-banner_jpn.jpg (13,03 Kb)
file fonts.css (1,58 Kb)
gif lbg.gif (51 b)
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gif p-bl.gif (98 b)
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gif p-tl.gif (70 b)
gif p-tr.gif (70 b)
gif rbg.gif (51 b)
jpg release-banner.jpg (3,6 Kb)
jpg release-banner_chs.jpg (18,24 Kb)
jpg release-banner_deu.jpg (12,54 Kb)
jpg release-banner_esp.jpg (3,01 Kb)
jpg release-banner_fra.jpg (12,44 Kb)
jpg release-banner_jpn.jpg (11,84 Kb)
jpg release-banner_plk.jpg (13,89 Kb)
jpg release-banner_rus.jpg (2,94 Kb)
gif softwaresolutions.gif (1,46 Kb)
gif solutionstag.gif (1,21 Kb)
gif solutionstag_chs.gif (1,34 Kb)
gif solutionstag_deu.gif (1,38 Kb)
gif solutionstag_esp.gif (1,46 Kb)
gif solutionstag_fra.gif (1,48 Kb)
gif solutionstag_jpn.gif (1,2 Kb)
gif solutionstag_plk.gif (1,55 Kb)
gif solutionstag_rus.gif (505 b)
gif sony.gif (1,4 Kb)
gif sonylogo.gif (1,08 Kb)
gif sonysoundseries.gif (1,25 Kb)
gif sonyvisionseries.gif (1,26 Kb)
gif tbg.gif (153 b)
gif tl.gif (271 b)
gif tr.gif (278 b)
ru (13 файлов)
file PRSConfig.resources.dll (50,95 Kb)
file Sony.Capture.resources.dll (42,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.DeviceExp.resources.dll (94,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.FileExplorer.resources.dll (21,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.OFXInterop.resources.dll (20,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.VideoEffectsUI.resources.dll (179,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.clrshared.resources.dll (61,95 Kb)
file Sony.Monitor3D.resources.dll (17,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Publish.Resources.dll (27,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.PublishFB.Resources.dll (49,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.Resources.dll (38,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.StartPage.Resources.dll (18,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.resources.dll (39,95 Kb)
Standard Layouts (4 файла)
file Edit.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Export.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Import.VegasWindowLayout (2,22 Kb)
file Simple Edit Mode.VegasWindowLayout (5,06 Kb)
Vidcap Plug-Ins (2 файла)
aviplug (1 файл)
file aviplug.dll (1,08 Mb)
stl2plg (1 файл)
file stl2plg.dll (720,95 Kb)
Video Hardware Drivers (5 файлов)
file AVCDevices.dll (2,75 Mb)
file DVIEffect.fxo (1,7 Kb)
file DVIEffect.fx (2,17 Kb)
file Monitor3D.dll (2,77 Mb)
file extviddev.dll (4,46 Mb)
Video Plug-Ins (6 файлов)
file colorcorrector.dll (3,7 Mb)
file sfpagepeel.dll (4,05 Mb)
file sftrans1.dll (8,95 Mb)
file vfplugs.dll (3,7 Mb)
file vfx1.dll (7,43 Mb)
file vidpcore.dll (9,39 Mb)
x86 (9 файлов)
exe CreateMinidumpx86.exe (31,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (71,95 Kb)
file FileIOProxyStubx86.dll (51,95 Kb)
exe FileIOSurrogate.exe (3,3 Mb)
file dbghelp.dll (1020,63 Kb)
file ffplugsk32.dll (6,02 Mb)
file sfdvd.dll (2,32 Mb)
file sfvstproxystubx86.dll (26,95 Kb)
exe sfvstserver.exe (3,1 Mb)
exe ApplicationRegistration.exe (4,94 Mb)
file ControlLibrary.dll (38,95 Kb)
file CoreGraphics.Native.dll (3,01 Mb)
file CorePrimitives.dll (47,95 Kb)
file CoreUI.XmlSerializers.dll (310,45 Kb)
file CoreUI.dll (115,95 Kb)
exe CreateMinidumpx64.exe (36,95 Kb)
file ErrorReport.dll (83,45 Kb)
exe ErrorReportClient.exe (7,61 Mb)
file ErrorReportConfig.xml (1,48 Kb)
exe ErrorReportLauncher.exe (31,45 Kb)
file Facebook.dll (115,95 Kb)
file FileIOProxyStubx64.dll (63,45 Kb)
file Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll (530 Kb)
file Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll (103,5 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttlePRO v2.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttlePRO.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Movie Studio Platinum 12 -- ShuttleXpress.pref (11,72 Kb)
file MovieStudioPlatinum130.exe.config (436 b)
exe MovieStudioPlatinum130.exe (30,56 Mb)
file MovieStudioPlatinum130.udat (604,81 Kb)
zip MovieStudioPlatinum130.zip (54,02 Kb)
exe NGenTool.exe (25,95 Kb)
file OpenColorIO.dll (1,63 Mb)
exe PRSConfig.exe (79,45 Kb)
file Release-x64.fio2007-config (1,21 Kb)
file RenderAsDialog.dll (97,95 Kb)
file SfVstProxyStubx64.dll (27,95 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttlePRO v2.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttlePRO.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony Video Capture - ShuttleXpress.pref (11,72 Kb)
file Sony.Capture.dll (228,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.DeviceExp.dll (294,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.ExternalVideoDevice.dll (108,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.FileExplorer.dll (288,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.SfBdMuxCom.dll (28,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.Skins.dll (84,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.CoreGraphics.XmlSerializers.dll (448,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.CoreGraphics.dll (795,95 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.TextGen.OFXInterop.dll (355,45 Kb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.VideoEffectsUI.dll (1,44 Mb)
file Sony.MediaSoftware.clrshared.dll (384,95 Kb)
file Sony.Monitor3D.dll (74,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.HelpBubbles.dll (36,95 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Publish.dll (76,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.PublishFB.dll (80,95 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.RenderAs.dll (117,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.dll (155,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.Slideshow.xml (15,52 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.StartPage.dll (309,45 Kb)
file Sony.Vegas.dll (365,95 Kb)
file VIDCAP60.hlp (69,38 Kb)
file dbghelp.dll (1,28 Mb)
file discdrv.dll (2,72 Mb)
file eula.dll (2,51 Mb)
file fargo.pdd.dll (2,52 Mb)
file ffplugsk64.dll (7,74 Mb)
file gnsdk_correlates.dll (69,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_dsp.dll (3,14 Mb)
file gnsdk_link.dll (119,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_manager.dll (1004,52 Kb)
file gnsdk_musicid.dll (1,05 Mb)
file gnsdk_musicid_file.dll (1,14 Mb)
file gnsdk_musicid_match.dll (144,52 Kb)
file gnsdk_playlist.dll (270,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_sqlite.dll (724,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_submit.dll (298,02 Kb)
file gnsdk_video.dll (192,02 Kb)
file log4net.dll (240 Kb)
file moviestudioplatinum130k.dll (11,53 Mb)
file ngen.xml (272 b)
file proDADMercalli20.dll (1,66 Mb)
file sfapprw.dll (3,33 Mb)
file sfcd.cdd.dll (1,26 Mb)
file sfcdfs.dll (2,55 Mb)
file sfcdix.cfg (181,41 Kb)
file sfcdix.dll (4,47 Mb)
file sfcdsim.cdd.dll (31,45 Kb)
file sfdvd.dll (3,43 Mb)
file sfld.ldd.dll (1,48 Mb)
file sfldsim.ldd.dll (2,51 Mb)
file sfmarket2.dll (2,67 Mb)
file sfprnsim.pdd.dll (2,51 Mb)
file sfpublish.dll (3,27 Mb)
file sfs4rw.dll (1,56 Mb)
file sfscsi.dll (2,53 Mb)
file sfspti.dll (59,95 Kb)
file sftutor.dll (6,82 Mb)
file sftutor60.dll (808,88 Kb)
file sfvstwrap.dll (4,85 Mb)
file sonymvd2pro_xp.dll (644 Kb)
file vegas.tut (1 Mb)
file vegasrus.tut (1,05 Mb)
file vidcap6.tut (59,26 Kb)
exe vidcap60.exe (4,08 Mb)
file vidcap60.udat (93,1 Kb)
file vmspe130.udat (604,81 Kb)
Shared Plug-Ins (1 файл)
Audio_x64 (11 файлов)
file ErrorReport.dll (83,95 Kb)
file sffrgpnv_x64.dll (3,24 Mb)
file sfppack1_x64.dll (3,75 Mb)
file sfppack2_x64.dll (4,03 Mb)
file sfppack3_x64.dll (3,61 Mb)
file sfresfilter_x64.dll (3,16 Mb)
file sftrkfx1_x64.dll (3,54 Mb)
file sfxpfx1_x64.dll (3,13 Mb)
file sfxpfx2_x64.dll (3,13 Mb)
file sfxpfx3_x64.dll (3,32 Mb)
file xpvinyl_x64.dll (3,26 Mb)
file CDDBControl.dll (777,49 Kb)
file CDDBUI.dll (789,49 Kb)
file CddbLangRU.dll (165,49 Kb)
MultiKeygen (3 файла)
exe KeyMovieStudioPl13x64.exe (296,05 Kb)
exe Keygen.exe (1,99 Mb)
file RegMovieStudioPl13.reg (2,7 Kb)
exe MovieStudioPlatinumPortable.exe (118,52 Kb)

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