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Просмотров: 5 308 | Автор: Варя | Дата: 30-09-2022, 18:27
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Windows XP Professional SP3 Integral Edition

Windows XP Professional SP3 Integral Edition
Обновлённая 9 сентября 2022 года сборка Windows® XP Professional SP3 на основе оригинального английского образа с автоматической установкой и последними обновлениями и исправлениями для Windows XP и POSReady 2009. Включены более 330 МБ дополнительных драйверов LAN, WLAN, Chipset, SATA / AHCI и NVMe.
Windows XP Professional SP3 Integral Edition Версия программы: 5.1.2600 / v.2022.9.9
Официальный сайт: https://www.microsoft.com
Язык интерфейса: Английский + Русский LP
Лечение: Не требуется.
Автор сборки: Ramsey
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Windows XP Professional SP3 Integral Edition

Windows XP Professional SP3 Integral Edition
Загрузил: Варя (30 сентября 2022 18:07)
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Взяли: 602 | Размер: 1.38 Gb
Последняя активность: 19 апреля 2024 15:10
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Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 Integral Edition 2022.9.9 (1465 файлов)
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2. Wireless Ethernet drivers v1501231 (49 файлов)
3 (34 файла)
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file WNAGS48D.CPL (156 Kb)
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file wlags2x.cat (22.17 Kb)
Ai (10 файлов)
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file wni6000.bin (6.28 Kb)
AL (8 файлов)
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file FwRad16.bin (81.37 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
file TNET1130.INF (13.53 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.74 Kb)
file tnet1130.7z (92 b)
file tnet1130.sys (377.63 Kb)
At (13 файлов)
2 (3 файла)
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3 (3 файла)
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4 (6 файлов)
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file Originals.7z (3.11 Kb)
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file bkpcmxp.sys (71.13 Kb)
file mdc8021x.inf (3.33 Kb)
file mdc8021x.sys (15.41 Kb)
file net6001p.inf (13.58 Kb)
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file WLANPCI.sys (94 Kb)
file nb825NDS.7z (2.92 Kb)
file nb825NDS.INF (18.13 Kb)
file nb825nds.sys (53.5 Kb)
Br (7 файлов)
0 (4 файла)
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file bcmwl5.inf (729.83 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (3.21 Mb)
file bcmwlcoi.dll (89.3 Kb)
1 (4 файла)
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file bcmwl5_Originals.7z (43.2 Kb)
file bcmwl5oem.sys (5.04 Mb)
3 (3 файла)
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file bcmwl5.sys (167.63 Kb)
8 (3 файла)
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file bcmwl5.sys (363 Kb)
file bcm43xx.cat (8.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (535.27 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (590.75 Kb)
BU (19 файлов)
1 (11 файлов)
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file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
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file net2pg54.inf (45.21 Kb)
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file netag3n.inf (25.25 Kb)
file netag3n_Originals.7z (4.06 Kb)
C (14 файлов)
3 (3 файла)
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file pcx504b.img (128.25 Kb)
CG (11 файлов)
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file CgGL2.INF (15.92 Kb)
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file WLPCN51.SYS (49.38 Kb)
file WLPCND5.SY_ (25.96 Kb)
file WLPCNDS.7z (3.46 Kb)
file WLPCNDS.INF (22.63 Kb)
file cw54gl.7z (2.99 Kb)
file cw54gl.INF (14.63 Kb)
file cw54gl.sys (223.63 Kb)
file rt2561.bin (8 Kb)
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file PRISMIOC.dll (72.27 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (49.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.06 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.INF (23.65 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (60.28 Kb)
file prismcfg.cpl (313.64 Kb)
Cr (5 файлов)
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file cowgcb.INF (16.34 Kb)
file cowgcb.SYS (55.06 Kb)
file cowpcib5.inf (12.35 Kb)
file cowpcib5.sys (83 Kb)
D (26 файлов)
0 (13 файлов)
file NetRT61G.CAT (8.28 Kb)
file NetRt61G.INF (28.3 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.DLL (110.61 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (288.07 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
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file AIRPLUS.INF (13.92 Kb)
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file NETDLWL.SYS (179.38 Kb)
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file NETPRISM_Originals.7z (7.39 Kb)
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file PRISMNDS.sys (660.5 Kb)
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file WLANGEN.bin (39.68 Kb)
file mrv8k51.inf (8.44 Kb)
E (21 файл)
1 (9 файлов)
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file PRISMCFG.cpl (293.58 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
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file netvnetr.inf (5.56 Kb)
file netvnt4c.inf (5.31 Kb)
file pcifvnet.sys (82.88 Kb)
Es (13 файлов)
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file WDRBT48B.DLL (7 Kb)
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file WLRBT48.SYS (167 Kb)
file WLRBT48B.SYS (167.5 Kb)
file WLRBTALL.INF (5.27 Kb)
file WNRBT.CNT (729 b)
file WNRBT48.CPL (168 Kb)
file WNRBT48B.CPL (168 Kb)
H (10 файлов)
file HWG.INF (17.26 Kb)
file HWG61.INF (23.06 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.72 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
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file rt2860.inf (34.04 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (1.27 Mb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
HP (4 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (13.72 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (1.05 Mb)
file bcmwl5.sys (3.21 Mb)
file bcmwlcoi.dll (89.34 Kb)
I (19 файлов)
1 (11 файлов)
file License.rtf (37.5 Kb)
file NETw4c32.DLL (668 Kb)
file NETw4k32.CAT (26.89 Kb)
file NETw4k32.INF (178.34 Kb)
file NETw4k32.sys (2.41 Mb)
file NETw4r32.DLL (2.64 Mb)
file NETwNc32.dll (668 Kb)
file NETwNr32.dll (2.63 Mb)
file NETwNx32.INF (386.18 Kb)
file NETwNx32.sys (6.59 Mb)
file netwnx32.cat (16.44 Kb)
3 (31 файл)
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file NETw2c32.DLL (544 Kb)
file NETw2r32.DLL (2.61 Mb)
file NetWlan5.img (66.18 Kb)
file NetWlan5.inf (22.95 Kb)
file NetWlan5.sys (134.57 Kb)
file W20MLRES.DLL (972 Kb)
file W20NCPA.DLL (400.07 Kb)
file WL5NDI.DLL (23.63 Kb)
file WLDMLRES.DLL (60 Kb)
file iProDifX.dll (646.27 Kb)
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file netwlan5.cat (9.57 Kb)
file w29n50.sys (2.11 Mb)
file w29n51.INF (117.04 Kb)
file w29n51.cat (17.18 Kb)
file w29n51.sys (2.11 Mb)
file w70n5.sys (656 Kb)
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file w70n501.inf (45.6 Kb)
file w70n51.sys (658.75 Kb)
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file wl50nd5.sys (277.17 Kb)
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file NETwLr32.dll (2.64 Mb)
file NETwLx32.INF (450.58 Kb)
file NETwLx32.sys (6.31 Mb)
file NETwNc32.dll (674.73 Kb)
file NETwNr32.dll (2.64 Mb)
file NETwNx32.INF (121.41 Kb)
file NETwNx32.cat (12.11 Kb)
file NETwNx32.sys (7.14 Mb)
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file Netwcn00.dll (726.27 Kb)
file Netwrn00.dll (3.23 Mb)
file Netwxn00.INF (299.98 Kb)
exe dpinst32.exe (900.56 Kb)
exe iprodifx.exe (1.41 Mb)
file netwlx32.cat (24.22 Kb)
file netwxn00.cat (19.94 Kb)
Ib (3 файла)
file AR5211.SYS (456.16 Kb)
file NET5211.CAT (8.25 Kb)
file NET5211.INF (27.2 Kb)
L (32 файла)
file Ar5211.sys (232.37 Kb)
file Fw1130.bin (74.48 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file I2220NTX.SYS (114.5 Kb)
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file LSIPNDS.inf (10.99 Kb)
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file LSWLNDS.SYS (52.82 Kb)
file LSWLNDSX.SYS (49.88 Kb)
file LSWLNDS_Originals.7z (7.16 Kb)
file Originals.7z (14.03 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (306.81 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (51.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (16.34 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (64.28 Kb)
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file WLIPNDS.INF (12.76 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.cat (7.13 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.inf (16.13 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.sys (52.82 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (293.88 Kb)
file lsbcmnds.inf (29.03 Kb)
file net5211.inf (15.14 Kb)
file netrfm2k.cat (9.64 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (413.63 Kb)
file tnet1130x.sys (376.5 Kb)
Le (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (8.01 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (765.23 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (4.13 Mb)
Lm (40 файлов)
file AirLnc54.7z (2.43 Kb)
file AirLnc54.inf (11.47 Kb)
file WAAGS48.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48B.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48C.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48D.DLL (180 Kb)
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file WDAGS48D.DLL (7.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51B.DLL (11.5 Kb)
file WFAGS48B.SYS (3.13 Kb)
file WIAGS48.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WIAGS48C.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WIAGS51.DLL (6.98 Kb)
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file WLAGS48B.SYS (166.5 Kb)
file WLAGS48C.SYS (149.5 Kb)
file WLAGS48D.SYS (150 Kb)
file WLAGS51.SYS (173.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51B.SYS (174 Kb)
file WLAGSALL.INF (63.2 Kb)
file WNAGS.CNT (729 b)
file WNAGS.HLP (220.92 Kb)
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file WNAGS48B.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS48C.CPL (152 Kb)
file WNAGS48D.CPL (152 Kb)
file WNAGS51.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS51B.CPL (156 Kb)
file ar5211.sys (456.94 Kb)
file elsaal2.inf (6.07 Kb)
file elsaal2.sys (35 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (22.48 Kb)
Lx (3 файла)
file AmPsmNIC.INF (10.49 Kb)
file AmPsmNIC.cat (7.15 Kb)
file Express.sys (600.5 Kb)
M (10 файлов)
file MN520-51.sys (632 Kb)
file MN520.inf (11.67 Kb)
file MSWNDS50.sys (51.58 Kb)
file MSWNDS51.sys (51 Kb)
file MSWPCC.cat (7.92 Kb)
file MSWPCC.inf (11.84 Kb)
file mn520.cat (7.53 Kb)
file mn720-50.sys (248.25 Kb)
file mn720.cat (7.66 Kb)
file mn720.inf (7.03 Kb)
MT (3 файла)
file ms68bm.cat (8.29 Kb)
file ms68bm.inf (15.82 Kb)
file ms68bm.sys (259.5 Kb)
Mv (4 файла)
file Mrvw123.sys (276 Kb)
file Mrvw125.sys (276 Kb)
file netmw125.7z (7.94 Kb)
file netmw125.inf (22.57 Kb)
N (13 файлов)
1 (5 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.37 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
file netwg311.cat (8.92 Kb)
file netwg311_XP.sys (377.63 Kb)
file wg311v2.inf (8.94 Kb)
file NetMW14x.inf (32.83 Kb)
file NetMW14y.inf (32.73 Kb)
file Originals.7z (6.98 Kb)
file WG511ICB.sys (385.78 Kb)
file netmw143.sys (426.63 Kb)
file netmw145.sys (427 Kb)
file netwg511.inf (12.79 Kb)
file wn311b.cat (8.92 Kb)
file wn311b.inf (79.77 Kb)
file wn311b.sys (590.75 Kb)
file wn511b.inf (80 Kb)
file wn511b.sys (596.5 Kb)
o (44 файла)
file WAAGS48.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS48B.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS48C.DLL (188 Kb)
file WAAGS48D.DLL (188 Kb)
file WAAGS51.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS51B.DLL (184 Kb)
exe WCAGS48.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48B.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48C.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48D.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS51.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS51B.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCLUC48.EXE (64 Kb)
file WDAGS48B.DLL (15.5 Kb)
file WDAGS48D.DLL (11.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51B.DLL (16 Kb)
file WDLUC48.DLL (6.92 Kb)
file WFAGS48B.SYS (3.13 Kb)
file WIAGS48.DLL (6.97 Kb)
file WIAGS48C.DLL (6.97 Kb)
file WIAGS51.DLL (7.44 Kb)
file WLAGS48.SYS (158 Kb)
file WLAGS48B.SYS (159 Kb)
file WLAGS48C.SYS (150 Kb)
file WLAGS48D.SYS (150.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51.SYS (164.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51B.SYS (164.5 Kb)
file WLAGSALL.INF (61.98 Kb)
file WLLUC48.INF (5.13 Kb)
file WLLUC48.SYS (138.22 Kb)
file WNAGS.CNT (729 b)
file WNAGS.HLP (220.92 Kb)
file WNAGS48.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48B.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48C.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48D.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS51.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS51B.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNLUC.CNT (1.05 Kb)
file WNLUC.HLP (586.28 Kb)
file WNLUC48.CPL (144 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (21.75 Kb)
file wlags9x.cat (27.76 Kb)
file wlluc48.cat (9.64 Kb)
Pr (12 файлов)
1 (8 файлов)
file PRISMA00.inf (8.63 Kb)
file PRISMA00.sys (354.19 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (306.07 Kb)
file PRISMDOM.ini (8.43 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (78 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (67 Kb)
exe PRISMSTA.exe (210.5 Kb)
file prisma00.cat (9.67 Kb)
2 (3 файла)
file PRISMA00.inf (8.2 Kb)
file PRISMA00.sys (371.81 Kb)
file prismnic.cat (7.78 Kb)
file PRISMA00.SYS (380.88 Kb)
file PRISMA01.7z (3.45 Kb)
file PRISMA02.7z (3.42 Kb)
file PRISMA02.inf (11.24 Kb)
file PRISMAPI.DLL (360.08 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.CPL (392.08 Kb)
file PRISME2.dll (820 Kb)
file PRISME5.dll (908 Kb)
exe PRISMSVR.EXE (276.08 Kb)
file prismndi.dll (191.63 Kb)
R (17 файлов)
2 (5 файлов)
file RT2860.inf (503.37 Kb)
file RT2860.sys (2.14 Mb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.79 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (28.52 Kb)
3 (3 файла)
file rt2860.cat (13.85 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (37.78 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (524.63 Kb)
file RT2400.sys (104.5 Kb)
file RT2500.sys (232.63 Kb)
file RT61.CAT (21.01 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.79 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file Rt2500dp.INF (19.81 Kb)
file rt2400.INF (15.74 Kb)
file rt2500.inf (43.5 Kb)
file rt2500_Originals.7z (10.23 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (31.08 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (564.3 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (2.57 Mb)
file rt61.inf (69.41 Kb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
file rt6x.inf (23.36 Kb)
RT (23 файла)
2 (4 файла)
file XPTWOPORT.INF (2.54 Kb)
file XPTWOPORT.sys (15.5 Kb)
file XPTWOPORT_MP.INF (2.01 Kb)
file xptwoport.cat (7.69 Kb)
file NET8180.INF (14.4 Kb)
txt NET8180_Release.txt (12.22 Kb)
file net8185.cat (7.75 Kb)
file net8185.inf (10.44 Kb)
file net8185b.inf (13.91 Kb)
file net8192de.cat (8.24 Kb)
file net8192de.inf (212.21 Kb)
file net8192se.cat (24.43 Kb)
file net8192se.inf (335.64 Kb)
file net819xp.cat (9.59 Kb)
file net819xp.inf (257.45 Kb)
file netrtwlane_xp.cat (36.86 Kb)
file netrtwlane_xp.inf (546.62 Kb)
file rtl8180.sys (181 Kb)
file rtl8185.sys (804.63 Kb)
file rtl8185B.sys (251.88 Kb)
file rtl8192de.sys (922.98 Kb)
file rtl8192se-Win2K.7z (291.88 Kb)
file rtl8192se.sys (861.73 Kb)
file rtl819xp-Win2K.7z (200.45 Kb)
file rtl819xp.sys (519.98 Kb)
file rtwlane_xp.sys (2.46 Mb)
S (41 файл)
0 (8 файлов)
file RADIO0d.BIN (920 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file SMCWLAN.INF (10.8 Kb)
file SMCWLAN.SYS (151.75 Kb)
file WLANGEN.BIN (32.92 Kb)
file WLANNIC.7z (2.98 Kb)
file WLANNIC.INF (16.59 Kb)
file smcnds.sys (53.5 Kb)
file 2802W.cat (8.05 Kb)
file 2802W.inf (10.93 Kb)
file 2802W.sys (378.35 Kb)
file 2802W51.sys (376.88 Kb)
file 2835WC51.SYS (376.88 Kb)
file 2835WICB.SYS (378.35 Kb)
file Am772.sys (170.19 Kb)
file Ar5210b.sys (258.11 Kb)
file DCSU2635.dll (4.5 Kb)
exe DCSU2635.exe (216 Kb)
file NET2602W.CAT (7.47 Kb)
file Net2602w.inf (12.6 Kb)
file Net2635w.inf (13.42 Kb)
file NetAm772.inf (5.43 Kb)
file Originals.7z (9.36 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (289.08 Kb)
file SMC2602W.sys (81.63 Kb)
file SMC2635W.sys (93.75 Kb)
file SMC2835.INF (12.75 Kb)
file SMCCFG.cpl (280.08 Kb)
file SMCIOC.dll (81.5 Kb)
file SMCNDS.sys (50.5 Kb)
file SMCNIC.inf (17.64 Kb)
file SMCRES.dll (47.28 Kb)
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file STACFG.HLP (8.66 Kb)
file net5210b.inf (14.26 Kb)
file smc11ab.cat (7.96 Kb)
file smc11ab.inf (13.43 Kb)
file smc11ab.sys (312.53 Kb)
file smc2802w.arm (90.31 Kb)
file smc2802w.ini (8.43 Kb)
file smc2802w.sys (55.19 Kb)
file smc2802wnic.inf (15.44 Kb)
file smc2835w.arm (90.31 Kb)
file smc2835w.ini (8.43 Kb)
file smc2835w.sys (55.19 Kb)
file smc2835wnic.inf (15.55 Kb)
file stacfg00.cpl (260 Kb)
file stacfg00.dll (260 Kb)
Sc (3 файла)
1 (12 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file NetGtks.inf (50.92 Kb)
file NetGtks_Originals.7z (8.32 Kb)
file WLANCTG.SYS (377.63 Kb)
file WLANCTG.cat (9.14 Kb)
file WLANNDS.sys (148.33 Kb)
file WlanCTG.inf (11.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (248.13 Kb)
file fvnetr.sys (69.88 Kb)
file fvnetrxp.sys (70.38 Kb)
file wlannic.inf (12.25 Kb)
file WLANCIG.sys (380.91 Kb)
file wlanCIG.inf (10.45 Kb)
SI (15 файлов)
file SIS160.CAT (8.72 Kb)
file SIS160.sys (72 Kb)
file SIS162_Originals.7z (25.64 Kb)
file SIS163.CAT (8.18 Kb)
file SiS160.inf (17.85 Kb)
file SiS162.inf (8.84 Kb)
file SiS163.inf (7.17 Kb)
file SiS163.sys (181 Kb)
file SiSWBase.dll (48 Kb)
file SiSWBase3.dll (48 Kb)
file SiSWInst.dll (152 Kb)
file SiSWPars.dll (232 Kb)
exe Uninst2k.exe (24 Kb)
exe Unwlsdrv.exe (48 Kb)
file sis162.sys (156.5 Kb)
ST (4 файла)
file O4I01A.CAT (8.1 Kb)
file O4I01A.inf (12.07 Kb)
file O4I01A.sy_ (151.12 Kb)
file O4I01A51.sys (376.88 Kb)
Su (30 файлов)
file FVNETR.SYS (88.88 Kb)
file Fvnete.sys (112.63 Kb)
file GenericPCM-E.inf (16.46 Kb)
file GenericPCM.INF (19.49 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cp_ (281.06 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dl_ (76 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sy_ (49.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.26 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (19.35 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dl_ (68.28 Kb)
file PRISMSTA.ex_ (144.07 Kb)
file RT2400.INF (22.12 Kb)
file RT2400.SYS (50.38 Kb)
file Rt2500.INF (48.68 Kb)
file TIACXGEN.BIN (32.18 Kb)
file TIACXLN.INF (8.95 Kb)
file TIACXLN.sys (138.63 Kb)
file TIACXLN_Originals.7z (2.41 Kb)
file TIACXMX.BIN (33.09 Kb)
file TIACXRFM.BIN (1.07 Kb)
file TIACXRMX.BIN (1.05 Kb)
file TIACXSN.BIN (33.11 Kb)
file WLANDCB.arm (90.31 Kb)
file WLANDCB.sys (55 Kb)
file WlanDom.ini (8.22 Kb)
file remove.ex_ (32.98 Kb)
file rt2500.cat (12.02 Kb)
file rt2500.sys (186.25 Kb)
file uninstall.ex_ (32 Kb)
file wlannic.inf (12.42 Kb)
T (6 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file TNET1130.INF (9.02 Kb)
file tnet1130.cat (8.92 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (376.5 Kb)
file tnet_2K.sys (413.6 Kb)
To (4 файла)
file HWDev.reg (82.8 Kb)
file net8187Se.inf (150.83 Kb)
file net8187se.cat (9.31 Kb)
file rtl8187Se.sys (308.25 Kb)
US (19 файлов)
0 (6 файлов)
file USRIOC.dll (81.5 Kb)
file USRNDS51.sys (50.5 Kb)
file USRNIC.inf (16.92 Kb)
file USRNIC_Originals.7z (8.34 Kb)
file USRRES.dll (55.78 Kb)
exe USRSTA.exe (191 Kb)
1 (5 файлов)
file USRMAXG.inf (364.32 Kb)
file USRMAXG_Originals.7z (21.77 Kb)
file USRMAXGa.7z (129 b)
file USRMAXGa.inf (40.44 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (348.75 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file RADIO0d.BIN (920 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file USR11G.SYS (378 Kb)
file USR11G.inf (20.8 Kb)
file USRWLAN-Originals.7z (2.87 Kb)
file USRWLAN.INF (10.88 Kb)
file USRWLAN.SYS (151.75 Kb)
file WLANGEN.BIN (32.92 Kb)
file odysseyIM3.inf (1.87 Kb)
file odysseyIM3.sys (61.39 Kb)
file odysseyIM3_M.inf (1.4 Kb)
file odysseyim3.cat (7.71 Kb)
file odysseyim3_m.cat (7.3 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.77 Kb)
V (4 файла)
file VNWL.inf (14.58 Kb)
file VNWL5B.sys (127.5 Kb)
file VNWL_Originals.7z (7.45 Kb)
file vuins32.dll (60 Kb)
X (3 файла)
file Originals.7z (7.44 Kb)
file i2220ntx.sys (153 Kb)
file neti2220.inf (16.83 Kb)
file dpwlan-FindHWIDS-2015-01-22-093244.csv (1.35 Mb)
txt dpwlan-SIGVERIF_CatCplDllExeSys_postRootsUpd.TXT (121.32 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Changelog-Notes.txt (16.74 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Contents.txt (16.21 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Previous_Changelogs.txt (28.58 Kb)
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file DPInst.xml (227 b)
file Installer v1.1.1.cmd (1.58 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (542 b)
Paragon GPT Loader v8.0.1.2 (4 файла)
file Installer v1.0.1.cmd (1.67 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (903 b)
file gptmount.inf (3.52 Kb)
file gptmount.sys (50.7 Kb)
Windows XP Components (6 файлов)
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I386 (23 файла)
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file wmm2fxa.dll (490.5 Kb)
file wmm2fxb.dll (318 Kb)
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file wmm2fxpz.xml (2.39 Kb)
file wmm2res.dll (4.06 Mb)
file wmm2res2.dll (5.5 Kb)
file Installer v1.4.1.cmd (15.8 Kb)
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txt ReadMe.txt (591 b)
msi XPSEP XP and Server 2003 32 bit.msi (7.48 Mb)
WinXP-IE RollBacks (8 файлов)
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exe windowsxp-kb3124275-x86-embedded-enu.exe (4.42 Mb)
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exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe (14.74 Mb)
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exe ie8-windowsxp-kb4493435-x86-embedded-enu.exe (10.48 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
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exe IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe (16.1 Mb)
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file MSHTA.EX_ (13.54 Kb)
file MSHTML.DL_ (1.25 Mb)
file MSHTML.TL_ (107.58 Kb)
file MSHTMLED.DL_ (172.54 Kb)
file MSHTMLER.DL_ (11.74 Kb)
file MSLS31.DL_ (81.14 Kb)
file MSRATING.DL_ (60.34 Kb)
file MSTIME.DL_ (194.26 Kb)
file OCCACHE.DL_ (36.92 Kb)
file PNGFILT.DL_ (19.76 Kb)
file SHDOCVW.DL_ (519.75 Kb)
file TDC.OC_ (27.79 Kb)
file URL.DL_ (15.83 Kb)
file URLMON.DL_ (247.85 Kb)
file VBSCRIPT.DL_ (189.07 Kb)
file VGX.DL_ (309.78 Kb)
file WEBCHECK.DL_ (107.87 Kb)
file WININET.DL_ (298.7 Kb)
WMP9 (45 файлов)
file ASFERROR.DL_ (2 Kb)
file BLACKBOX.DL_ (120.74 Kb)
file CEWMDM.DL_ (61.75 Kb)
file DRMV2CLT.DL_ (248.65 Kb)
file LAPRXY.DL_ (2.49 Kb)
file LOGAGENT.EX_ (47.35 Kb)
file MP43DMOD.DL_ (102.63 Kb)
file MP4SDMOD.DL_ (113.77 Kb)
file MPG4DMOD.DL_ (71.26 Kb)
file MPVIS.DL_ (142.44 Kb)
file MSNETOBJ.DL_ (89.63 Kb)
file MSPMSNSV.DL_ (24.38 Kb)
file MSPMSP.DL_ (79.53 Kb)
file MSSCP.DL_ (126.09 Kb)
file MSWMDM.DL_ (93.81 Kb)
file MYMUSIC.IN_ (1 Kb)
file QASF.DL_ (95.07 Kb)
file SETUP_WM.EX_ (208.28 Kb)
file UNREGMP2.EX_ (58.83 Kb)
file WMADMOD.DL_ (146.52 Kb)
file WMADMOE.DL_ (258.21 Kb)
file WMASF.DL_ (82.07 Kb)
file WMDM.IN_ (2.04 Kb)
file WMDMLOG.DL_ (13.12 Kb)
file WMDMPS.DL_ (7.8 Kb)
file WMERROR.DL_ (21.38 Kb)
file WMFSDK.IN_ (1.34 Kb)
file WMIDX.DL_ (62.39 Kb)
file WMNETMGR.DL_ (392.8 Kb)
file WMP.DL_ (1.74 Mb)
file WMP.IN_ (5.59 Kb)
file WMPASF.DL_ (36.98 Kb)
file WMPBAND.DL_ (41.4 Kb)
file WMPDXM.DL_ (65.02 Kb)
file WMPLAYER.AD_ (5.5 Kb)
file WMPLAYER.EX_ (28.22 Kb)
file WMPLOC.DL_ (926.4 Kb)
file WMPSHELL.DL_ (42.7 Kb)
file WMSDMOD.DL_ (254.64 Kb)
file WMSDMOE2.DL_ (395.31 Kb)
file WMSPDMOD.DL_ (196.93 Kb)
file WMSPDMOE.DL_ (359.8 Kb)
file WMVCORE.DL_ (700.88 Kb)
file WMVDMOD.DL_ (273.11 Kb)
file WMVDMOE2.DL_ (345.31 Kb)
Windows Media Player 9 (1 файл)
Updates (6 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (1 файл)
exe windowsmedia9-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (2.21 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb952069-v2-x86-enu.exe (7.36 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
Windows Media Player 10 (2 файла)
Updates (9 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (2 файла)
exe windowsmedia-kb3067903-x86-enu.exe (581.2 Kb)
exe windowsmedia10-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (2.45 Mb)
exe windowsmedia10-kb910393-v4-x86-enu.exe (1.39 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb941569-x86-enu.exe (2.07 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb2834902-v2-x86-enu.exe (783.7 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb952069-v2-x86-enu.exe (7.36 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
exe MP10Setup.exe (12.16 Mb)
Windows Media Player 11 (2 файла)
Updates (7 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (2 файла)
exe windowsmedia-kb3067903-x86-enu.exe (583.69 Kb)
exe windowsmedia11-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (5.55 Mb)
exe WindowsMedia11-KB974905-x86-INTL.exe (849.36 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb2834904-v2-x86-enu.exe (966.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
exe wmp11-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe (24.55 Mb)
txt ReadMe.txt (2 Kb)
Information (6 файлов)
txt Changelog.txt (94.41 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (27.49 Kb)
png Screenshots (Installation, Desktop, Malware Scan).png (413.16 Kb)
txt Valid WGA CD-Keys.txt (922 b)
file Windows NT Registration Changer v1.0.vbs (1.38 Kb)
file Windows XP,Vista,7 CD-Key Changer v1.2.vbs (2.98 Kb)
Patch Integrator v3.4.0 (3 файла)
Patches (19 файлов)
ACPI drivers (4 файла)
acpi 6666 - 2021.8.28 - daniel_k, diderius6 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (103 b)
file acpi.sys (191.38 Kb)
file checksums.sha1 (164 b)
acpi 7777.5 - 2022.5.13 (A5x11 + A5x03) (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (91 b)
file acpi.pdb (1.27 Mb)
file acpi.sys (179.5 Kb)
file checksums.sha1 (250 b)
txt ReadMe.txt (203 b)
file acpi.sys (179.5 Kb)
AMD&Intel USB3.0 xHCI drivers (4 файла)
AMDXHCI XP 145-Final v3 (5 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (1.1 Kb)
file amdhub30.inf (2.56 Kb)
file amdhub30.sys (84.59 Kb)
file amdxhc.inf (2.12 Kb)
file amdxhc.sys (168 Kb)
AMDXHCI XP 276-Final v3 (5 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (1.1 Kb)
file amdhub30.inf (2.59 Kb)
file amdhub30.sys (78 Kb)
file amdxhc.inf (2.12 Kb)
file amdxhc.sys (168.06 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (138 b)
txt ReleaseNote.txt (15.37 Kb)
AMD SATA driver v1.1 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (445 b)
file amd_sata.inf (5.01 Kb)
file amd_sata.sys (70.16 Kb)
file amd_xata.sys (28.16 Kb)
AVX&AVX2 Enabler v1.1 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (997 b)
file ntkrpamp.delta (639 b)
exe xdelta3.exe (283 Kb)
Kai-Schtrom NVMe drivers (3 файла)
OFA NVMe driver v1.3_20180719 (3 файла)
file nvme.inf (3.86 Kb)
file nvme.sys (44.49 Kb)
file nvme86.cat (1.88 Kb)
OFA NVMe driver v1.5_20180719 (3 файла)
file nvme.inf (4.01 Kb)
file nvme.sys (64.49 Kb)
file nvme86.cat (1.88 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (415 b)
Kai-Schtrom SATA driver v1.0_2020928 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (394 b)
file storahci.cat (1.94 Kb)
file storahci.inf (1.66 Kb)
file storahci.sys (48.01 Kb)
Kernel-Mode Driver Framework 1.11 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (295 b)
file wdf01000.sys (514.71 Kb)
file wdf01011.inf (4.55 Kb)
file wdfldr.sys (46.6 Kb)
Microsoft NVMe driver v2.0 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (303 b)
file stornvme.inf (3.69 Kb)
file stornvme.sys (40.23 Kb)
Microsoft SATA driver v2.1 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (324 b)
file storahci.inf (5.86 Kb)
file storahci.sys (64.73 Kb)
Microsoft SD+MMC Card driver v1.0 (6 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (290 b)
file dumpsd.sys (78.22 Kb)
file sdbus.inf (11.66 Kb)
file sdbus.sys (117.72 Kb)
file sdstor.inf (2.21 Kb)
file sdstor.sys (28.22 Kb)
Microsoft USB3.X xHCI driver v2.2 (11 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (525 b)
file ksecd8.sys (382.97 Kb)
file uaspstor.inf (1.99 Kb)
file uaspstor.sys (64.5 Kb)
file ucx01000.sys (174.84 Kb)
file usbd8.sys (18.34 Kb)
file usbhub3.inf (2.36 Kb)
file usbhub3.sys (354.81 Kb)
file usbxhci.inf (2.48 Kb)
file usbxhci.sys (261.84 Kb)
file wpprecor.sys (20.73 Kb)
Miscellaneous (5 файлов)
Win2003 (2 файла)
KB2862330 (3 файла)
file KB2862330.CAT (10.05 Kb)
file usbd.sys (5.63 Kb)
file usbport.sys (143 Kb)
SP2 RTM (2 файла)
file SP2.CAT (1.34 Mb)
file usbstor.sys (27.5 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (284 b)
file ntoskrn8.sys (138.25 Kb)
file storpor8.sys (19 Kb)
file storport.sys (148.25 Kb)
PAE 3.5+ RAM Unlock v3.6 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (617 b)
exe WinXP-PAE-Patch.exe (81 Kb)
txt WinXP-PAE-Patch.txt (296 b)
Samsung NVMe driver v1.2 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (301 b)
file secnvme.inf (6.73 Kb)
file secnvme.sys (72.93 Kb)
file secnvmeF.sys (27.7 Kb)
Silicon Motion NVMe driver v1.0 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (440 b)
file simonvme.inf (4.53 Kb)
file simonvme.sys (135.48 Kb)
SSE2 Updates Rollback v1.1 (23 файла)
asms (1 файл)
10 (2 файла)
msft (1 файл)
windows (1 файл)
gdiplus (3 файла)
file gdiplus.cat (7.21 Kb)
file gdiplus.dll (1.67 Mb)
file gdiplus.man (398 b)
policy (1 файл)
msft (1 файл)
windows (1 файл)
gdiplus (2 файла)
file gdiplus.cat (7.21 Kb)
file gdiplus.man (608 b)
svcpack (3 файла)
file KB3072630.CAT (8.74 Kb)
file KB4012583.CAT (9.1 Kb)
file KB954193.CAT (12.27 Kb)
file gdi32.dll (282 Kb)
file mf3216.dll (40 Kb)
file msexcl40.dll (297.02 Kb)
file msi.dll (4.26 Mb)
exe msiexec.exe (94 Kb)
file msihnd.dll (325 Kb)
file msjet40.dll (1.45 Mb)
file msjetol1.dll (346.79 Kb)
file msjint40.dll (148.03 Kb)
file msjter40.dll (58.78 Kb)
file msjtes40.dll (242.78 Kb)
file msltus40.dll (214.78 Kb)
file mspbde40.dll (346.78 Kb)
file msrd2x40.dll (281.02 Kb)
file msrd3x40.dll (314.78 Kb)
file msrepl40.dll (546.78 Kb)
file mstext40.dll (258.78 Kb)
file mswdat10.dll (818.78 Kb)
file mswstr10.dll (606.78 Kb)
file msxbde40.dll (346.78 Kb)
file winxpup.inf (1.55 Mb)
Timer Fix v1.1 (2 файла)
PM (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (305 b)
file halmacpi.dll (131.38 Kb)
file intelppm.sys (35.5 Kb)
RTC (2 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (2.24 Kb)
exe TimerFix.exe (44 Kb)
Universal Intel RST Drivers+Software v11.2.0.1006 (15 файлов)
Application (50 файлов)
ar-SA (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (372 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (72 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (19.99 Kb)
cs-CZ (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (292 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (23.93 Kb)
da-DK (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.96 Kb)
de-DE (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (324 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.82 Kb)
el-GR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (524 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (92 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (44 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (28.51 Kb)
es-ES (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (312 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.68 Kb)
fi-FI (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.87 Kb)
fr-FR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (324 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (28.01 Kb)
he-IL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (352 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (68 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (19.73 Kb)
hu-HU (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (308 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.53 Kb)
it-IT (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (27.32 Kb)
ja-JP (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (368 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (72 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (15.4 Kb)
ko-KR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (316 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (14.63 Kb)
nb-NO (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (280 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.67 Kb)
nl-NL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.9 Kb)
pl-PL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (308 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.32 Kb)
pt-BR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.63 Kb)
pt-PT (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (300 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.89 Kb)
ru-RU (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (472 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (80 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (40 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.96 Kb)
sv-SE (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.93 Kb)
th-TH (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (10 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (592 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (100 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (48 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (22.55 Kb)
tr-TR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (300 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.18 Kb)
zh-CN (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (244 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (52 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (13.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (11.56 Kb)
zh-TW (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (260 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (56 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (24 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (11.86 Kb)
file IAStorCommon.dll (4.5 Kb)
file IAStorDataMgr.dll.config (121 b)
file IAStorDataMgr.dll (62.5 Kb)
file IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe.config (200 b)
exe IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe (13.31 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.exe.config (367 b)
exe IAStorHelp.exe (996.81 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.exe.config (306 b)
exe IAStorIcon.exe (277.81 Kb)
exe IAStorIconLaunch.exe (54.81 Kb)
file IAStorUI.exe.config (315 b)
exe IAStorUI.exe (549.31 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.dll (172 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.dll (136 Kb)
file ISDI.dll (273 Kb)
exe ITMService.exe (15.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.dll (1.26 Mb)
file Interop.IWshRuntimeLibrary.dll (48 Kb)
file Interop.Shell32.dll (52 Kb)
file IsdiInterop.dll (58.5 Kb)
file SmartPin.dll (120.5 Kb)
file SysInftLib.dll (55 Kb)
txt readmeFRA.txt (113.39 Kb)
txt readmeIRST.txt (79.04 Kb)
txt readmeJPN.txt (70.92 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (23.55 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x32 (7 файлов)
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file TXTSETUP.OEM (20.84 Kb)
file iaAHCI.inf (12.24 Kb)
file iaStor.inf (6.79 Kb)
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file iastor.cat (13.14 Kb)
x64 (6 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (20.84 Kb)
file iaAHCI.inf (12.25 Kb)
file iaStor.inf (6.79 Kb)
file iaStor.sys (555.81 Kb)
file iaahci.cat (13.19 Kb)
file iastor.cat (13.19 Kb)
Intel Control Center (1 файл)
exe SetupICC.exe (794.77 Kb)
Lang (25 файлов)
ar-SA (2 файла)
txt license.txt (39.46 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (72 Kb)
cs-CZ (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.29 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (81.5 Kb)
da-DK (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.6 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (83 Kb)
de-DE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.51 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (88.5 Kb)
el-GR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.88 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (92.5 Kb)
en-US (2 файла)
file Setup.exe.mui (44.5 Kb)
txt license.txt (22.11 Kb)
es-ES (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.15 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (87 Kb)
fi-FI (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.77 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82 Kb)
fr-FR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (89 Kb)
he-IL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (38.75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (69 Kb)
hu-HU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.73 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (85.5 Kb)
it-IT (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.15 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (86.5 Kb)
ja-JP (2 файла)
txt license.txt (32.29 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (58 Kb)
ko-KR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (34.26 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (58.5 Kb)
nb-NO (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.53 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82 Kb)
nl-NL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.23 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (88.5 Kb)
pl-PL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.72 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (87.5 Kb)
pt-BR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.88 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (84 Kb)
pt-PT (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.06 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (86 Kb)
ru-RU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (85 Kb)
sv-SE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.21 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82.5 Kb)
th-TH (2 файла)
txt license.txt (44.75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (79.5 Kb)
tr-TR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.89 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (84 Kb)
zh-CN (2 файла)
txt license.txt (29.65 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (49.5 Kb)
zh-TW (2 файла)
txt license.txt (29.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (50 Kb)
Microsoft.VC90.CRT (4 файла)
file Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest (1.81 Kb)
file msvcm90.dll (219.5 Kb)
file msvcp90.dll (555.5 Kb)
file msvcr90.dll (640.5 Kb)
Win-RAID CA Certificate (2 файла)
file ImportCertificate.cmd (4.58 Kb)
file Win-RAID CA.cer (1.64 Kb)
x64 (2 файла)
file DIFxAPI.dll (513.47 Kb)
exe Drv64.exe (180.31 Kb)
file DIFxAPI.dll (311.97 Kb)
exe Setup.exe (938.81 Kb)
file Setup.if2 (12.24 Kb)
file autorun.inf (25 b)
file mup.xml (10.87 Kb)
txt readme.txt (79.04 Kb)
txt readmeFRA.txt (113.39 Kb)
txt readmeJPN.txt (70.92 Kb)
zip Microsoft USB3.X xHCI driver v2.2.zip (581.74 Kb)
Utilities (15 файлов)
Signing Tools (11 файлов)
Certificates (5 файлов)
file Code-signing Certificate.cer (1.02 Kb)
file Code-signing Certificate.pfx (2.77 Kb)
file Code-signing Certificate.pvk (1.18 Kb)
file Self-signed Certificate Authority.cer (1023 b)
file Self-signed Certificate Authority.pvk (1.18 Kb)
SigCheck (2 файла)
exe SigCheckGUI.exe (1.22 Mb)
exe sigcheck.exe (301.65 Kb)
exe Cert2Spc.exe (17.33 Kb)
exe CertMgr.Exe (69.33 Kb)
file Certificate Creator.cmd (2.25 Kb)
exe MakeCat.exe (25.83 Kb)
file capicom.dll (496.27 Kb)
exe makecert.exe (54.33 Kb)
exe pvk2pfx.exe (24.33 Kb)
exe signtool.exe (231.83 Kb)
file timestamp.dll (17.97 Kb)
file 7z.dll (1.18 Mb)
exe 7z.exe (329.5 Kb)
file Boot-NoEmul.img (2 Kb)
exe CDimageGUI_beta4_2.55mod.exe (1.34 Mb)
exe Fedit.exe (24.12 Kb)
exe Offlinereg_Gui.exe (545 Kb)
exe SetConsole.exe (156 Kb)
exe cabarc.exe (83.8 Kb)
exe cdimage.exe (120.89 Kb)
exe choice.exe (44 Kb)
exe makecab.exe (96.5 Kb)
exe offlinereg-win32.exe (297 Kb)
file offreg.dll (54.88 Kb)
exe rxrepl.exe (640 Kb)
file Options Menu.cmd (216.93 Kb)
iso Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition 2022.9.9 (Vanilla).iso (684.24 Mb)
iso winxp_rus_mui.iso (101.97 Mb)

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Обновлённая 9 сентября 2022 года сборка Windows® XP Professional SP3 на основе оригинального английского образа с автоматической установкой и последними обновлениями и исправлениями для Windows XP и POSReady 2009. Включены более 330 МБ дополнительных драйверов LAN, WLAN, Chipset, SATA / AHCI и NVMe.
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0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 Integral Edition 2022.9.9 (1465 файлов)
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Additional Drive Packs (5 файлов)
2. Wireless Ethernet drivers v1501231 (49 файлов)
3 (34 файла)
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Ac (11 файлов)
1 (28 файлов)
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file WNAGS51B.CPL (160 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (22.17 Kb)
Ai (10 файлов)
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AL (8 файлов)
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file TNET1130.INF (13.53 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.74 Kb)
file tnet1130.7z (92 b)
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At (13 файлов)
2 (3 файла)
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3 (3 файла)
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4 (6 файлов)
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file mdc8021x.sys (15.41 Kb)
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file nb825nds.sys (53.5 Kb)
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0 (4 файла)
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1 (4 файла)
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3 (3 файла)
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8 (3 файла)
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file bcmwl5.inf (535.27 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (590.75 Kb)
BU (19 файлов)
1 (11 файлов)
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file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (371.13 Kb)
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file pcx504b.img (128.25 Kb)
CG (11 файлов)
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file cw54gl.INF (14.63 Kb)
file cw54gl.sys (223.63 Kb)
file rt2561.bin (8 Kb)
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file PRISMNIC.7z (3.06 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.INF (23.65 Kb)
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file prismcfg.cpl (313.64 Kb)
Cr (5 файлов)
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file cowpcib5.sys (83 Kb)
D (26 файлов)
0 (13 файлов)
file NetRT61G.CAT (8.28 Kb)
file NetRt61G.INF (28.3 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.DLL (110.61 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (288.07 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (50.77 Kb)
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file PRISMRES.dll (64.28 Kb)
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file AIR.SYS (63.88 Kb)
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file AIRPLUS.INF (13.92 Kb)
file AIRPLUS.SYS (249.38 Kb)
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file NETDLWL.SYS (179.38 Kb)
file NETPRISM.inf (12.65 Kb)
file NETPRISM_Originals.7z (7.39 Kb)
file Netdwl.cat (7.04 Kb)
file Netdwl.inf (11.88 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (660.5 Kb)
file RADIO0d.BIN (936 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file RADIO15.BIN (912 b)
file WLANGEN.bin (39.68 Kb)
file mrv8k51.inf (8.44 Kb)
E (21 файл)
1 (9 файлов)
file PRISMCFG.DLL (108.3 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (293.58 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (53.77 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (21.53 Kb)
file WLANNIC.7z (2.96 Kb)
file WLANNIC.INF (16.49 Kb)
file wlannds.sys (52.5 Kb)
file FVNETD.SYS (88.88 Kb)
file NETVNETD.INF (4.99 Kb)
file NETVNpci.INF (5.64 Kb)
file XG350TI.bin (61.3 Kb)
file XG350TI.inf (10.78 Kb)
file XG350TI.sys (197.63 Kb)
file cw10.sys (40.12 Kb)
file fastvnet.sys (64.63 Kb)
file fvnet4.sys (83 Kb)
file fvnet4c.sys (83 Kb)
file fvnete.sys (83.88 Kb)
file fvnetr.sys (83.88 Kb)
file netcw10.7z (4.12 Kb)
file netcw10.INF (24.95 Kb)
file netvnet4.inf (5.31 Kb)
file netvnete.inf (5.29 Kb)
file netvnetp.inf (5.18 Kb)
file netvnetr.inf (5.56 Kb)
file netvnt4c.inf (5.31 Kb)
file pcifvnet.sys (82.88 Kb)
Es (13 файлов)
file WARBT48.DLL (188 Kb)
file WARBT48B.DLL (188 Kb)
exe WCRBT48.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCRBT48B.EXE (68 Kb)
file WDRBT48.DLL (7 Kb)
file WDRBT48B.DLL (7 Kb)
file WIRBT48.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WLRBT48.SYS (167 Kb)
file WLRBT48B.SYS (167.5 Kb)
file WLRBTALL.INF (5.27 Kb)
file WNRBT.CNT (729 b)
file WNRBT48.CPL (168 Kb)
file WNRBT48B.CPL (168 Kb)
H (10 файлов)
file HWG.INF (17.26 Kb)
file HWG61.INF (23.06 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.72 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file rt2500.sys (232.63 Kb)
file rt25u98.sys (237.13 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (7.62 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (34.04 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (1.27 Mb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
HP (4 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (13.72 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (1.05 Mb)
file bcmwl5.sys (3.21 Mb)
file bcmwlcoi.dll (89.34 Kb)
I (19 файлов)
1 (11 файлов)
file License.rtf (37.5 Kb)
file NETw4c32.DLL (668 Kb)
file NETw4k32.CAT (26.89 Kb)
file NETw4k32.INF (178.34 Kb)
file NETw4k32.sys (2.41 Mb)
file NETw4r32.DLL (2.64 Mb)
file NETwNc32.dll (668 Kb)
file NETwNr32.dll (2.63 Mb)
file NETwNx32.INF (386.18 Kb)
file NETwNx32.sys (6.59 Mb)
file netwnx32.cat (16.44 Kb)
3 (31 файл)
file IMWEBCFG.cpl (329.61 Kb)
file IMWEBIOC.dll (71.77 Kb)
file IMWEBN5.INF (17.71 Kb)
file IMWEBN5.sys (49 Kb)
file IMWEBRES.dll (70.28 Kb)
exe IMWEBSTA.exe (220.53 Kb)
file NETw2c32.DLL (544 Kb)
file NETw2r32.DLL (2.61 Mb)
file NetWlan5.img (66.18 Kb)
file NetWlan5.inf (22.95 Kb)
file NetWlan5.sys (134.57 Kb)
file W20MLRES.DLL (972 Kb)
file W20NCPA.DLL (400.07 Kb)
file WL5NDI.DLL (23.63 Kb)
file WLDMLRES.DLL (60 Kb)
file iProDifX.dll (646.27 Kb)
exe iProdifx.exe (290.27 Kb)
file netwlan5.cat (9.57 Kb)
file w29n50.sys (2.11 Mb)
file w29n51.INF (117.04 Kb)
file w29n51.cat (17.18 Kb)
file w29n51.sys (2.11 Mb)
file w70n5.sys (656 Kb)
file w70n501.cat (12.38 Kb)
file w70n501.inf (45.6 Kb)
file w70n51.sys (658.75 Kb)
file w70n5msg.dll (32 Kb)
file wl50nd4.sys (272.81 Kb)
file wl50nd5.inf (16.69 Kb)
file wl50nd5.sys (277.17 Kb)
file wl5cfg.dll (280 Kb)
file NETwLc32.dll (666.73 Kb)
file NETwLr32.dll (2.64 Mb)
file NETwLx32.INF (450.58 Kb)
file NETwLx32.sys (6.31 Mb)
file NETwNc32.dll (674.73 Kb)
file NETwNr32.dll (2.64 Mb)
file NETwNx32.INF (121.41 Kb)
file NETwNx32.cat (12.11 Kb)
file NETwNx32.sys (7.14 Mb)
file NETwxn00.sys (9.81 Mb)
file Netwcn00.dll (726.27 Kb)
file Netwrn00.dll (3.23 Mb)
file Netwxn00.INF (299.98 Kb)
exe dpinst32.exe (900.56 Kb)
exe iprodifx.exe (1.41 Mb)
file netwlx32.cat (24.22 Kb)
file netwxn00.cat (19.94 Kb)
Ib (3 файла)
file AR5211.SYS (456.16 Kb)
file NET5211.CAT (8.25 Kb)
file NET5211.INF (27.2 Kb)
L (32 файла)
file Ar5211.sys (232.37 Kb)
file Fw1130.bin (74.48 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file I2220NTX.SYS (114.5 Kb)
file LSIPNDS.cat (7.86 Kb)
file LSIPNDS.inf (10.99 Kb)
file LSIPNDS.sys (93.5 Kb)
file LSIPNDSX.sys (94 Kb)
file LSTINDS.INF (9.12 Kb)
file LSTINDS.cat (8.92 Kb)
file LSWLNDS.INF (22 Kb)
file LSWLNDS.SYS (52.82 Kb)
file LSWLNDSX.SYS (49.88 Kb)
file LSWLNDS_Originals.7z (7.16 Kb)
file Originals.7z (14.03 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (306.81 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (51.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (16.34 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (64.28 Kb)
exe PRISMSTA.exe (153.19 Kb)
file WLIPNDS.INF (12.76 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.cat (7.13 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.inf (16.13 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.sys (52.82 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (293.88 Kb)
file lsbcmnds.inf (29.03 Kb)
file net5211.inf (15.14 Kb)
file netrfm2k.cat (9.64 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (413.63 Kb)
file tnet1130x.sys (376.5 Kb)
Le (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (8.01 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (765.23 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (4.13 Mb)
Lm (40 файлов)
file AirLnc54.7z (2.43 Kb)
file AirLnc54.inf (11.47 Kb)
file WAAGS48.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48B.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48C.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48D.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS51.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS51B.DLL (180 Kb)
exe WCAGS48.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS48B.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS48C.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS48D.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS51.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS51B.EXE (56 Kb)
file WDAGS48B.DLL (11 Kb)
file WDAGS48D.DLL (7.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51B.DLL (11.5 Kb)
file WFAGS48B.SYS (3.13 Kb)
file WIAGS48.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WIAGS48C.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WIAGS51.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WLAGS48.SYS (166 Kb)
file WLAGS48B.SYS (166.5 Kb)
file WLAGS48C.SYS (149.5 Kb)
file WLAGS48D.SYS (150 Kb)
file WLAGS51.SYS (173.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51B.SYS (174 Kb)
file WLAGSALL.INF (63.2 Kb)
file WNAGS.CNT (729 b)
file WNAGS.HLP (220.92 Kb)
file WNAGS48.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS48B.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS48C.CPL (152 Kb)
file WNAGS48D.CPL (152 Kb)
file WNAGS51.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS51B.CPL (156 Kb)
file ar5211.sys (456.94 Kb)
file elsaal2.inf (6.07 Kb)
file elsaal2.sys (35 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (22.48 Kb)
Lx (3 файла)
file AmPsmNIC.INF (10.49 Kb)
file AmPsmNIC.cat (7.15 Kb)
file Express.sys (600.5 Kb)
M (10 файлов)
file MN520-51.sys (632 Kb)
file MN520.inf (11.67 Kb)
file MSWNDS50.sys (51.58 Kb)
file MSWNDS51.sys (51 Kb)
file MSWPCC.cat (7.92 Kb)
file MSWPCC.inf (11.84 Kb)
file mn520.cat (7.53 Kb)
file mn720-50.sys (248.25 Kb)
file mn720.cat (7.66 Kb)
file mn720.inf (7.03 Kb)
MT (3 файла)
file ms68bm.cat (8.29 Kb)
file ms68bm.inf (15.82 Kb)
file ms68bm.sys (259.5 Kb)
Mv (4 файла)
file Mrvw123.sys (276 Kb)
file Mrvw125.sys (276 Kb)
file netmw125.7z (7.94 Kb)
file netmw125.inf (22.57 Kb)
N (13 файлов)
1 (5 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.37 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
file netwg311.cat (8.92 Kb)
file netwg311_XP.sys (377.63 Kb)
file wg311v2.inf (8.94 Kb)
file NetMW14x.inf (32.83 Kb)
file NetMW14y.inf (32.73 Kb)
file Originals.7z (6.98 Kb)
file WG511ICB.sys (385.78 Kb)
file netmw143.sys (426.63 Kb)
file netmw145.sys (427 Kb)
file netwg511.inf (12.79 Kb)
file wn311b.cat (8.92 Kb)
file wn311b.inf (79.77 Kb)
file wn311b.sys (590.75 Kb)
file wn511b.inf (80 Kb)
file wn511b.sys (596.5 Kb)
o (44 файла)
file WAAGS48.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS48B.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS48C.DLL (188 Kb)
file WAAGS48D.DLL (188 Kb)
file WAAGS51.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS51B.DLL (184 Kb)
exe WCAGS48.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48B.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48C.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48D.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS51.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS51B.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCLUC48.EXE (64 Kb)
file WDAGS48B.DLL (15.5 Kb)
file WDAGS48D.DLL (11.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51B.DLL (16 Kb)
file WDLUC48.DLL (6.92 Kb)
file WFAGS48B.SYS (3.13 Kb)
file WIAGS48.DLL (6.97 Kb)
file WIAGS48C.DLL (6.97 Kb)
file WIAGS51.DLL (7.44 Kb)
file WLAGS48.SYS (158 Kb)
file WLAGS48B.SYS (159 Kb)
file WLAGS48C.SYS (150 Kb)
file WLAGS48D.SYS (150.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51.SYS (164.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51B.SYS (164.5 Kb)
file WLAGSALL.INF (61.98 Kb)
file WLLUC48.INF (5.13 Kb)
file WLLUC48.SYS (138.22 Kb)
file WNAGS.CNT (729 b)
file WNAGS.HLP (220.92 Kb)
file WNAGS48.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48B.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48C.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48D.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS51.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS51B.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNLUC.CNT (1.05 Kb)
file WNLUC.HLP (586.28 Kb)
file WNLUC48.CPL (144 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (21.75 Kb)
file wlags9x.cat (27.76 Kb)
file wlluc48.cat (9.64 Kb)
Pr (12 файлов)
1 (8 файлов)
file PRISMA00.inf (8.63 Kb)
file PRISMA00.sys (354.19 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (306.07 Kb)
file PRISMDOM.ini (8.43 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (78 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (67 Kb)
exe PRISMSTA.exe (210.5 Kb)
file prisma00.cat (9.67 Kb)
2 (3 файла)
file PRISMA00.inf (8.2 Kb)
file PRISMA00.sys (371.81 Kb)
file prismnic.cat (7.78 Kb)
file PRISMA00.SYS (380.88 Kb)
file PRISMA01.7z (3.45 Kb)
file PRISMA02.7z (3.42 Kb)
file PRISMA02.inf (11.24 Kb)
file PRISMAPI.DLL (360.08 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.CPL (392.08 Kb)
file PRISME2.dll (820 Kb)
file PRISME5.dll (908 Kb)
exe PRISMSVR.EXE (276.08 Kb)
file prismndi.dll (191.63 Kb)
R (17 файлов)
2 (5 файлов)
file RT2860.inf (503.37 Kb)
file RT2860.sys (2.14 Mb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.79 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (28.52 Kb)
3 (3 файла)
file rt2860.cat (13.85 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (37.78 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (524.63 Kb)
file RT2400.sys (104.5 Kb)
file RT2500.sys (232.63 Kb)
file RT61.CAT (21.01 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.79 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file Rt2500dp.INF (19.81 Kb)
file rt2400.INF (15.74 Kb)
file rt2500.inf (43.5 Kb)
file rt2500_Originals.7z (10.23 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (31.08 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (564.3 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (2.57 Mb)
file rt61.inf (69.41 Kb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
file rt6x.inf (23.36 Kb)
RT (23 файла)
2 (4 файла)
file XPTWOPORT.INF (2.54 Kb)
file XPTWOPORT.sys (15.5 Kb)
file XPTWOPORT_MP.INF (2.01 Kb)
file xptwoport.cat (7.69 Kb)
file NET8180.INF (14.4 Kb)
txt NET8180_Release.txt (12.22 Kb)
file net8185.cat (7.75 Kb)
file net8185.inf (10.44 Kb)
file net8185b.inf (13.91 Kb)
file net8192de.cat (8.24 Kb)
file net8192de.inf (212.21 Kb)
file net8192se.cat (24.43 Kb)
file net8192se.inf (335.64 Kb)
file net819xp.cat (9.59 Kb)
file net819xp.inf (257.45 Kb)
file netrtwlane_xp.cat (36.86 Kb)
file netrtwlane_xp.inf (546.62 Kb)
file rtl8180.sys (181 Kb)
file rtl8185.sys (804.63 Kb)
file rtl8185B.sys (251.88 Kb)
file rtl8192de.sys (922.98 Kb)
file rtl8192se-Win2K.7z (291.88 Kb)
file rtl8192se.sys (861.73 Kb)
file rtl819xp-Win2K.7z (200.45 Kb)
file rtl819xp.sys (519.98 Kb)
file rtwlane_xp.sys (2.46 Mb)
S (41 файл)
0 (8 файлов)
file RADIO0d.BIN (920 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file SMCWLAN.INF (10.8 Kb)
file SMCWLAN.SYS (151.75 Kb)
file WLANGEN.BIN (32.92 Kb)
file WLANNIC.7z (2.98 Kb)
file WLANNIC.INF (16.59 Kb)
file smcnds.sys (53.5 Kb)
file 2802W.cat (8.05 Kb)
file 2802W.inf (10.93 Kb)
file 2802W.sys (378.35 Kb)
file 2802W51.sys (376.88 Kb)
file 2835WC51.SYS (376.88 Kb)
file 2835WICB.SYS (378.35 Kb)
file Am772.sys (170.19 Kb)
file Ar5210b.sys (258.11 Kb)
file DCSU2635.dll (4.5 Kb)
exe DCSU2635.exe (216 Kb)
file NET2602W.CAT (7.47 Kb)
file Net2602w.inf (12.6 Kb)
file Net2635w.inf (13.42 Kb)
file NetAm772.inf (5.43 Kb)
file Originals.7z (9.36 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (289.08 Kb)
file SMC2602W.sys (81.63 Kb)
file SMC2635W.sys (93.75 Kb)
file SMC2835.INF (12.75 Kb)
file SMCCFG.cpl (280.08 Kb)
file SMCIOC.dll (81.5 Kb)
file SMCNDS.sys (50.5 Kb)
file SMCNIC.inf (17.64 Kb)
file SMCRES.dll (47.28 Kb)
exe SMCSTA.exe (190.5 Kb)
file STACFG.HLP (8.66 Kb)
file net5210b.inf (14.26 Kb)
file smc11ab.cat (7.96 Kb)
file smc11ab.inf (13.43 Kb)
file smc11ab.sys (312.53 Kb)
file smc2802w.arm (90.31 Kb)
file smc2802w.ini (8.43 Kb)
file smc2802w.sys (55.19 Kb)
file smc2802wnic.inf (15.44 Kb)
file smc2835w.arm (90.31 Kb)
file smc2835w.ini (8.43 Kb)
file smc2835w.sys (55.19 Kb)
file smc2835wnic.inf (15.55 Kb)
file stacfg00.cpl (260 Kb)
file stacfg00.dll (260 Kb)
Sc (3 файла)
1 (12 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file NetGtks.inf (50.92 Kb)
file NetGtks_Originals.7z (8.32 Kb)
file WLANCTG.SYS (377.63 Kb)
file WLANCTG.cat (9.14 Kb)
file WLANNDS.sys (148.33 Kb)
file WlanCTG.inf (11.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (248.13 Kb)
file fvnetr.sys (69.88 Kb)
file fvnetrxp.sys (70.38 Kb)
file wlannic.inf (12.25 Kb)
file WLANCIG.sys (380.91 Kb)
file wlanCIG.inf (10.45 Kb)
SI (15 файлов)
file SIS160.CAT (8.72 Kb)
file SIS160.sys (72 Kb)
file SIS162_Originals.7z (25.64 Kb)
file SIS163.CAT (8.18 Kb)
file SiS160.inf (17.85 Kb)
file SiS162.inf (8.84 Kb)
file SiS163.inf (7.17 Kb)
file SiS163.sys (181 Kb)
file SiSWBase.dll (48 Kb)
file SiSWBase3.dll (48 Kb)
file SiSWInst.dll (152 Kb)
file SiSWPars.dll (232 Kb)
exe Uninst2k.exe (24 Kb)
exe Unwlsdrv.exe (48 Kb)
file sis162.sys (156.5 Kb)
ST (4 файла)
file O4I01A.CAT (8.1 Kb)
file O4I01A.inf (12.07 Kb)
file O4I01A.sy_ (151.12 Kb)
file O4I01A51.sys (376.88 Kb)
Su (30 файлов)
file FVNETR.SYS (88.88 Kb)
file Fvnete.sys (112.63 Kb)
file GenericPCM-E.inf (16.46 Kb)
file GenericPCM.INF (19.49 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cp_ (281.06 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dl_ (76 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sy_ (49.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.26 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (19.35 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dl_ (68.28 Kb)
file PRISMSTA.ex_ (144.07 Kb)
file RT2400.INF (22.12 Kb)
file RT2400.SYS (50.38 Kb)
file Rt2500.INF (48.68 Kb)
file TIACXGEN.BIN (32.18 Kb)
file TIACXLN.INF (8.95 Kb)
file TIACXLN.sys (138.63 Kb)
file TIACXLN_Originals.7z (2.41 Kb)
file TIACXMX.BIN (33.09 Kb)
file TIACXRFM.BIN (1.07 Kb)
file TIACXRMX.BIN (1.05 Kb)
file TIACXSN.BIN (33.11 Kb)
file WLANDCB.arm (90.31 Kb)
file WLANDCB.sys (55 Kb)
file WlanDom.ini (8.22 Kb)
file remove.ex_ (32.98 Kb)
file rt2500.cat (12.02 Kb)
file rt2500.sys (186.25 Kb)
file uninstall.ex_ (32 Kb)
file wlannic.inf (12.42 Kb)
T (6 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file TNET1130.INF (9.02 Kb)
file tnet1130.cat (8.92 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (376.5 Kb)
file tnet_2K.sys (413.6 Kb)
To (4 файла)
file HWDev.reg (82.8 Kb)
file net8187Se.inf (150.83 Kb)
file net8187se.cat (9.31 Kb)
file rtl8187Se.sys (308.25 Kb)
US (19 файлов)
0 (6 файлов)
file USRIOC.dll (81.5 Kb)
file USRNDS51.sys (50.5 Kb)
file USRNIC.inf (16.92 Kb)
file USRNIC_Originals.7z (8.34 Kb)
file USRRES.dll (55.78 Kb)
exe USRSTA.exe (191 Kb)
1 (5 файлов)
file USRMAXG.inf (364.32 Kb)
file USRMAXG_Originals.7z (21.77 Kb)
file USRMAXGa.7z (129 b)
file USRMAXGa.inf (40.44 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (348.75 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file RADIO0d.BIN (920 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file USR11G.SYS (378 Kb)
file USR11G.inf (20.8 Kb)
file USRWLAN-Originals.7z (2.87 Kb)
file USRWLAN.INF (10.88 Kb)
file USRWLAN.SYS (151.75 Kb)
file WLANGEN.BIN (32.92 Kb)
file odysseyIM3.inf (1.87 Kb)
file odysseyIM3.sys (61.39 Kb)
file odysseyIM3_M.inf (1.4 Kb)
file odysseyim3.cat (7.71 Kb)
file odysseyim3_m.cat (7.3 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.77 Kb)
V (4 файла)
file VNWL.inf (14.58 Kb)
file VNWL5B.sys (127.5 Kb)
file VNWL_Originals.7z (7.45 Kb)
file vuins32.dll (60 Kb)
X (3 файла)
file Originals.7z (7.44 Kb)
file i2220ntx.sys (153 Kb)
file neti2220.inf (16.83 Kb)
file dpwlan-FindHWIDS-2015-01-22-093244.csv (1.35 Mb)
txt dpwlan-SIGVERIF_CatCplDllExeSys_postRootsUpd.TXT (121.32 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Changelog-Notes.txt (16.74 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Contents.txt (16.21 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Previous_Changelogs.txt (28.58 Kb)
exe DPInst.exe (900.56 Kb)
file DPInst.xml (227 b)
file Installer v1.1.1.cmd (1.58 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (542 b)
Paragon GPT Loader v8.0.1.2 (4 файла)
file Installer v1.0.1.cmd (1.67 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (903 b)
file gptmount.inf (3.52 Kb)
file gptmount.sys (50.7 Kb)
Windows XP Components (6 файлов)
Active Directory Application Mode SP1 (1 файл)
exe ADAMSP1_x86_English.exe (3.48 Mb)
Windows Management Framework Core v6.3.15.0 (2 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (517 b)
exe windowsxp-kb968930-x86-eng.exe (5.87 Mb)
Windows Movie Maker 2.1.4028.0 Plus (5 файлов)
I386 (23 файла)
file KB981997.CAT (7.67 Kb)
file MEDIACTR.CAT (127.65 Kb)
txt blank.txt (21 b)
txt empty.txt (18 b)
file filters.xml (7.41 Kb)
file moviemk.chm (714.14 Kb)
exe moviemk.exe (3.39 Mb)
file moviemk.inf (16.5 Kb)
png news.png (135.41 Kb)
png paint.png (65.64 Kb)
jpg sample1.jpg (61.26 Kb)
jpg sample2.jpg (45.72 Kb)
file wmm2ae.dll (164 Kb)
file wmm2dvr.dll (90.5 Kb)
file wmm2eres.dll (9.5 Kb)
file wmm2ext.dll (68 Kb)
file wmm2filt.dll (393 Kb)
file wmm2fxa.dll (490.5 Kb)
file wmm2fxb.dll (318 Kb)
file wmm2fxpz.dll (401 Kb)
file wmm2fxpz.xml (2.39 Kb)
file wmm2res.dll (4.06 Mb)
file wmm2res2.dll (5.5 Kb)
file Installer v1.4.1.cmd (15.8 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (654 b)
file Uninstaller.cmd (8.93 Kb)
exe signtool.exe (231.83 Kb)
Windows PowerShell 1.0 (1 файл)
exe windowsserver2003.windowsxp-kb926139-v2-x64-enu.exe (1.61 Mb)
Windows Search 4.0 (2 файла)
Updates (2 файла)
exe windowsserver2003.windowsxp-kb961118-x86-enu.exe (674.36 Kb)
exe windowsserver2003.windowsxp-kb963093-x86-enu.exe (956.26 Kb)
exe windowssearch-kb940157-xp-x86-enu.exe (5.26 Mb)
XPS Essentials Pack 1.2 (KB971276-v3) (2 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (591 b)
msi XPSEP XP and Server 2003 32 bit.msi (7.48 Mb)
WinXP-IE RollBacks (8 файлов)
Internet Explorer 6 (1 файл)
Updates (2 файла)
POSReady 2009 (4 файла)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb3087985-x86-embedded-enu.exe (1.75 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3124275-x86-embedded-enu.exe (4.42 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb2705219-v2-x86-enu.exe (670.52 Kb)
Internet Explorer 7 (2 файла)
Updates (1 файл)
POSReady 2009 (4 файла)
exe ie7-windowsxp-kb3124275-x86-embedded-enu.exe (8.27 Mb)
exe ie7-windowsxp-kb4018271-x86-embedded-custom-enu.exe (8.93 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe (14.74 Mb)
Internet Explorer 8 (2 файла)
Updates (2 файла)
POSReady 2009 (3 файла)
exe ie8-windowsxp-kb4493435-x86-embedded-enu.exe (10.48 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe ie8-windowsxp-kb2598845-x86-enu.exe (486.38 Kb)
exe IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe (16.1 Mb)
SP3 Image Files (2 файла)
IE6 (52 файла)
file ADMPARSE.DL_ (22.2 Kb)
file ADVPACK.DL_ (44.6 Kb)
file BROWSEUI.DL_ (399.92 Kb)
file CORPOL.DL_ (17.99 Kb)
file DXTMSFT.DL_ (109.01 Kb)
file DXTRANS.DL_ (88.91 Kb)
file HMMAPI.DL_ (16.18 Kb)
file HTML.IE_ (143.49 Kb)
file IE.IN_ (9.55 Kb)
file IE4UINIT.EX_ (14.72 Kb)
file IEACCESS.IN_ (559 b)
file IEAKENG.DL_ (51.11 Kb)
file IEAKMMC.CH_ (109.01 Kb)
file IEAKSIE.DL_ (66.61 Kb)
file IEAKUI.DL_ (38.12 Kb)
file IEDKCS32.DL_ (101.35 Kb)
file IEDW.EX_ (10.24 Kb)
file IEENCODE.DL_ (62.66 Kb)
file IEEULA.CH_ (4.96 Kb)
file IEPEERS.DL_ (87.54 Kb)
file IERNONCE.DL_ (23.65 Kb)
file IESETUP.DL_ (18.79 Kb)
file IESUPP.CH_ (21.99 Kb)
file IEUINIT.IN_ (5.23 Kb)
file IEXPLORE.CH_ (194.41 Kb)
file IEXPLORE.EX_ (37 Kb)
file IMGUTIL.DL_ (16.68 Kb)
file INETCPL.CP_ (103.88 Kb)
file INETRES.AD_ (50 Kb)
file INSENG.DL_ (43.6 Kb)
file INSTALL.IN_ (708 b)
file JSCRIPT.DL_ (225.57 Kb)
file JSPROXY.DL_ (7.64 Kb)
file LICMGR10.DL_ (10.69 Kb)
file MSHTA.EX_ (13.54 Kb)
file MSHTML.DL_ (1.25 Mb)
file MSHTML.TL_ (107.58 Kb)
file MSHTMLED.DL_ (172.54 Kb)
file MSHTMLER.DL_ (11.74 Kb)
file MSLS31.DL_ (81.14 Kb)
file MSRATING.DL_ (60.34 Kb)
file MSTIME.DL_ (194.26 Kb)
file OCCACHE.DL_ (36.92 Kb)
file PNGFILT.DL_ (19.76 Kb)
file SHDOCVW.DL_ (519.75 Kb)
file TDC.OC_ (27.79 Kb)
file URL.DL_ (15.83 Kb)
file URLMON.DL_ (247.85 Kb)
file VBSCRIPT.DL_ (189.07 Kb)
file VGX.DL_ (309.78 Kb)
file WEBCHECK.DL_ (107.87 Kb)
file WININET.DL_ (298.7 Kb)
WMP9 (45 файлов)
file ASFERROR.DL_ (2 Kb)
file BLACKBOX.DL_ (120.74 Kb)
file CEWMDM.DL_ (61.75 Kb)
file DRMV2CLT.DL_ (248.65 Kb)
file LAPRXY.DL_ (2.49 Kb)
file LOGAGENT.EX_ (47.35 Kb)
file MP43DMOD.DL_ (102.63 Kb)
file MP4SDMOD.DL_ (113.77 Kb)
file MPG4DMOD.DL_ (71.26 Kb)
file MPVIS.DL_ (142.44 Kb)
file MSNETOBJ.DL_ (89.63 Kb)
file MSPMSNSV.DL_ (24.38 Kb)
file MSPMSP.DL_ (79.53 Kb)
file MSSCP.DL_ (126.09 Kb)
file MSWMDM.DL_ (93.81 Kb)
file MYMUSIC.IN_ (1 Kb)
file QASF.DL_ (95.07 Kb)
file SETUP_WM.EX_ (208.28 Kb)
file UNREGMP2.EX_ (58.83 Kb)
file WMADMOD.DL_ (146.52 Kb)
file WMADMOE.DL_ (258.21 Kb)
file WMASF.DL_ (82.07 Kb)
file WMDM.IN_ (2.04 Kb)
file WMDMLOG.DL_ (13.12 Kb)
file WMDMPS.DL_ (7.8 Kb)
file WMERROR.DL_ (21.38 Kb)
file WMFSDK.IN_ (1.34 Kb)
file WMIDX.DL_ (62.39 Kb)
file WMNETMGR.DL_ (392.8 Kb)
file WMP.DL_ (1.74 Mb)
file WMP.IN_ (5.59 Kb)
file WMPASF.DL_ (36.98 Kb)
file WMPBAND.DL_ (41.4 Kb)
file WMPDXM.DL_ (65.02 Kb)
file WMPLAYER.AD_ (5.5 Kb)
file WMPLAYER.EX_ (28.22 Kb)
file WMPLOC.DL_ (926.4 Kb)
file WMPSHELL.DL_ (42.7 Kb)
file WMSDMOD.DL_ (254.64 Kb)
file WMSDMOE2.DL_ (395.31 Kb)
file WMSPDMOD.DL_ (196.93 Kb)
file WMSPDMOE.DL_ (359.8 Kb)
file WMVCORE.DL_ (700.88 Kb)
file WMVDMOD.DL_ (273.11 Kb)
file WMVDMOE2.DL_ (345.31 Kb)
Windows Media Player 9 (1 файл)
Updates (6 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (1 файл)
exe windowsmedia9-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (2.21 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb952069-v2-x86-enu.exe (7.36 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
Windows Media Player 10 (2 файла)
Updates (9 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (2 файла)
exe windowsmedia-kb3067903-x86-enu.exe (581.2 Kb)
exe windowsmedia10-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (2.45 Mb)
exe windowsmedia10-kb910393-v4-x86-enu.exe (1.39 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb941569-x86-enu.exe (2.07 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb2834902-v2-x86-enu.exe (783.7 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb952069-v2-x86-enu.exe (7.36 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
exe MP10Setup.exe (12.16 Mb)
Windows Media Player 11 (2 файла)
Updates (7 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (2 файла)
exe windowsmedia-kb3067903-x86-enu.exe (583.69 Kb)
exe windowsmedia11-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (5.55 Mb)
exe WindowsMedia11-KB974905-x86-INTL.exe (849.36 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb2834904-v2-x86-enu.exe (966.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
exe wmp11-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe (24.55 Mb)
txt ReadMe.txt (2 Kb)
Information (6 файлов)
txt Changelog.txt (94.41 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (27.49 Kb)
png Screenshots (Installation, Desktop, Malware Scan).png (413.16 Kb)
txt Valid WGA CD-Keys.txt (922 b)
file Windows NT Registration Changer v1.0.vbs (1.38 Kb)
file Windows XP,Vista,7 CD-Key Changer v1.2.vbs (2.98 Kb)
Patch Integrator v3.4.0 (3 файла)
Patches (19 файлов)
ACPI drivers (4 файла)
acpi 6666 - 2021.8.28 - daniel_k, diderius6 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (103 b)
file acpi.sys (191.38 Kb)
file checksums.sha1 (164 b)
acpi 7777.5 - 2022.5.13 (A5x11 + A5x03) (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (91 b)
file acpi.pdb (1.27 Mb)
file acpi.sys (179.5 Kb)
file checksums.sha1 (250 b)
txt ReadMe.txt (203 b)
file acpi.sys (179.5 Kb)
AMD&Intel USB3.0 xHCI drivers (4 файла)
AMDXHCI XP 145-Final v3 (5 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (1.1 Kb)
file amdhub30.inf (2.56 Kb)
file amdhub30.sys (84.59 Kb)
file amdxhc.inf (2.12 Kb)
file amdxhc.sys (168 Kb)
AMDXHCI XP 276-Final v3 (5 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (1.1 Kb)
file amdhub30.inf (2.59 Kb)
file amdhub30.sys (78 Kb)
file amdxhc.inf (2.12 Kb)
file amdxhc.sys (168.06 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (138 b)
txt ReleaseNote.txt (15.37 Kb)
AMD SATA driver v1.1 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (445 b)
file amd_sata.inf (5.01 Kb)
file amd_sata.sys (70.16 Kb)
file amd_xata.sys (28.16 Kb)
AVX&AVX2 Enabler v1.1 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (997 b)
file ntkrpamp.delta (639 b)
exe xdelta3.exe (283 Kb)
Kai-Schtrom NVMe drivers (3 файла)
OFA NVMe driver v1.3_20180719 (3 файла)
file nvme.inf (3.86 Kb)
file nvme.sys (44.49 Kb)
file nvme86.cat (1.88 Kb)
OFA NVMe driver v1.5_20180719 (3 файла)
file nvme.inf (4.01 Kb)
file nvme.sys (64.49 Kb)
file nvme86.cat (1.88 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (415 b)
Kai-Schtrom SATA driver v1.0_2020928 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (394 b)
file storahci.cat (1.94 Kb)
file storahci.inf (1.66 Kb)
file storahci.sys (48.01 Kb)
Kernel-Mode Driver Framework 1.11 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (295 b)
file wdf01000.sys (514.71 Kb)
file wdf01011.inf (4.55 Kb)
file wdfldr.sys (46.6 Kb)
Microsoft NVMe driver v2.0 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (303 b)
file stornvme.inf (3.69 Kb)
file stornvme.sys (40.23 Kb)
Microsoft SATA driver v2.1 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (324 b)
file storahci.inf (5.86 Kb)
file storahci.sys (64.73 Kb)
Microsoft SD+MMC Card driver v1.0 (6 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (290 b)
file dumpsd.sys (78.22 Kb)
file sdbus.inf (11.66 Kb)
file sdbus.sys (117.72 Kb)
file sdstor.inf (2.21 Kb)
file sdstor.sys (28.22 Kb)
Microsoft USB3.X xHCI driver v2.2 (11 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (525 b)
file ksecd8.sys (382.97 Kb)
file uaspstor.inf (1.99 Kb)
file uaspstor.sys (64.5 Kb)
file ucx01000.sys (174.84 Kb)
file usbd8.sys (18.34 Kb)
file usbhub3.inf (2.36 Kb)
file usbhub3.sys (354.81 Kb)
file usbxhci.inf (2.48 Kb)
file usbxhci.sys (261.84 Kb)
file wpprecor.sys (20.73 Kb)
Miscellaneous (5 файлов)
Win2003 (2 файла)
KB2862330 (3 файла)
file KB2862330.CAT (10.05 Kb)
file usbd.sys (5.63 Kb)
file usbport.sys (143 Kb)
SP2 RTM (2 файла)
file SP2.CAT (1.34 Mb)
file usbstor.sys (27.5 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (284 b)
file ntoskrn8.sys (138.25 Kb)
file storpor8.sys (19 Kb)
file storport.sys (148.25 Kb)
PAE 3.5+ RAM Unlock v3.6 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (617 b)
exe WinXP-PAE-Patch.exe (81 Kb)
txt WinXP-PAE-Patch.txt (296 b)
Samsung NVMe driver v1.2 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (301 b)
file secnvme.inf (6.73 Kb)
file secnvme.sys (72.93 Kb)
file secnvmeF.sys (27.7 Kb)
Silicon Motion NVMe driver v1.0 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (440 b)
file simonvme.inf (4.53 Kb)
file simonvme.sys (135.48 Kb)
SSE2 Updates Rollback v1.1 (23 файла)
asms (1 файл)
10 (2 файла)
msft (1 файл)
windows (1 файл)
gdiplus (3 файла)
file gdiplus.cat (7.21 Kb)
file gdiplus.dll (1.67 Mb)
file gdiplus.man (398 b)
policy (1 файл)
msft (1 файл)
windows (1 файл)
gdiplus (2 файла)
file gdiplus.cat (7.21 Kb)
file gdiplus.man (608 b)
svcpack (3 файла)
file KB3072630.CAT (8.74 Kb)
file KB4012583.CAT (9.1 Kb)
file KB954193.CAT (12.27 Kb)
file gdi32.dll (282 Kb)
file mf3216.dll (40 Kb)
file msexcl40.dll (297.02 Kb)
file msi.dll (4.26 Mb)
exe msiexec.exe (94 Kb)
file msihnd.dll (325 Kb)
file msjet40.dll (1.45 Mb)
file msjetol1.dll (346.79 Kb)
file msjint40.dll (148.03 Kb)
file msjter40.dll (58.78 Kb)
file msjtes40.dll (242.78 Kb)
file msltus40.dll (214.78 Kb)
file mspbde40.dll (346.78 Kb)
file msrd2x40.dll (281.02 Kb)
file msrd3x40.dll (314.78 Kb)
file msrepl40.dll (546.78 Kb)
file mstext40.dll (258.78 Kb)
file mswdat10.dll (818.78 Kb)
file mswstr10.dll (606.78 Kb)
file msxbde40.dll (346.78 Kb)
file winxpup.inf (1.55 Mb)
Timer Fix v1.1 (2 файла)
PM (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (305 b)
file halmacpi.dll (131.38 Kb)
file intelppm.sys (35.5 Kb)
RTC (2 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (2.24 Kb)
exe TimerFix.exe (44 Kb)
Universal Intel RST Drivers+Software v11.2.0.1006 (15 файлов)
Application (50 файлов)
ar-SA (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (372 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (72 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (19.99 Kb)
cs-CZ (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (292 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (23.93 Kb)
da-DK (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.96 Kb)
de-DE (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (324 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.82 Kb)
el-GR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (524 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (92 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (44 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (28.51 Kb)
es-ES (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (312 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.68 Kb)
fi-FI (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.87 Kb)
fr-FR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (324 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (28.01 Kb)
he-IL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (352 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (68 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (19.73 Kb)
hu-HU (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (308 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.53 Kb)
it-IT (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (27.32 Kb)
ja-JP (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (368 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (72 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (15.4 Kb)
ko-KR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (316 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (14.63 Kb)
nb-NO (8 файлов)
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file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (280 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.67 Kb)
nl-NL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.9 Kb)
pl-PL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (308 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.32 Kb)
pt-BR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.63 Kb)
pt-PT (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (300 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.89 Kb)
ru-RU (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (472 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (80 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (40 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.96 Kb)
sv-SE (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.93 Kb)
th-TH (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (10 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (592 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (100 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (48 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (22.55 Kb)
tr-TR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (300 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.18 Kb)
zh-CN (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (244 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (52 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (13.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (11.56 Kb)
zh-TW (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (260 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (56 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (24 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (11.86 Kb)
file IAStorCommon.dll (4.5 Kb)
file IAStorDataMgr.dll.config (121 b)
file IAStorDataMgr.dll (62.5 Kb)
file IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe.config (200 b)
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file IAStorHelp.exe.config (367 b)
exe IAStorHelp.exe (996.81 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.exe.config (306 b)
exe IAStorIcon.exe (277.81 Kb)
exe IAStorIconLaunch.exe (54.81 Kb)
file IAStorUI.exe.config (315 b)
exe IAStorUI.exe (549.31 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.dll (172 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.dll (136 Kb)
file ISDI.dll (273 Kb)
exe ITMService.exe (15.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.dll (1.26 Mb)
file Interop.IWshRuntimeLibrary.dll (48 Kb)
file Interop.Shell32.dll (52 Kb)
file IsdiInterop.dll (58.5 Kb)
file SmartPin.dll (120.5 Kb)
file SysInftLib.dll (55 Kb)
txt readmeFRA.txt (113.39 Kb)
txt readmeIRST.txt (79.04 Kb)
txt readmeJPN.txt (70.92 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (23.55 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x32 (7 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (90 b)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (20.84 Kb)
file iaAHCI.inf (12.24 Kb)
file iaStor.inf (6.79 Kb)
file iaStor.sys (460.31 Kb)
file iaahci.cat (13.14 Kb)
file iastor.cat (13.14 Kb)
x64 (6 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (20.84 Kb)
file iaAHCI.inf (12.25 Kb)
file iaStor.inf (6.79 Kb)
file iaStor.sys (555.81 Kb)
file iaahci.cat (13.19 Kb)
file iastor.cat (13.19 Kb)
Intel Control Center (1 файл)
exe SetupICC.exe (794.77 Kb)
Lang (25 файлов)
ar-SA (2 файла)
txt license.txt (39.46 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (72 Kb)
cs-CZ (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.29 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (81.5 Kb)
da-DK (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.6 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (83 Kb)
de-DE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.51 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (88.5 Kb)
el-GR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.88 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (92.5 Kb)
en-US (2 файла)
file Setup.exe.mui (44.5 Kb)
txt license.txt (22.11 Kb)
es-ES (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.15 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (87 Kb)
fi-FI (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.77 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82 Kb)
fr-FR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (89 Kb)
he-IL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (38.75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (69 Kb)
hu-HU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.73 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (85.5 Kb)
it-IT (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.15 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (86.5 Kb)
ja-JP (2 файла)
txt license.txt (32.29 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (58 Kb)
ko-KR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (34.26 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (58.5 Kb)
nb-NO (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.53 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82 Kb)
nl-NL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.23 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (88.5 Kb)
pl-PL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.72 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (87.5 Kb)
pt-BR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.88 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (84 Kb)
pt-PT (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.06 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (86 Kb)
ru-RU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (85 Kb)
sv-SE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.21 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82.5 Kb)
th-TH (2 файла)
txt license.txt (44.75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (79.5 Kb)
tr-TR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.89 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (84 Kb)
zh-CN (2 файла)
txt license.txt (29.65 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (49.5 Kb)
zh-TW (2 файла)
txt license.txt (29.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (50 Kb)
Microsoft.VC90.CRT (4 файла)
file Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest (1.81 Kb)
file msvcm90.dll (219.5 Kb)
file msvcp90.dll (555.5 Kb)
file msvcr90.dll (640.5 Kb)
Win-RAID CA Certificate (2 файла)
file ImportCertificate.cmd (4.58 Kb)
file Win-RAID CA.cer (1.64 Kb)
x64 (2 файла)
file DIFxAPI.dll (513.47 Kb)
exe Drv64.exe (180.31 Kb)
file DIFxAPI.dll (311.97 Kb)
exe Setup.exe (938.81 Kb)
file Setup.if2 (12.24 Kb)
file autorun.inf (25 b)
file mup.xml (10.87 Kb)
txt readme.txt (79.04 Kb)
txt readmeFRA.txt (113.39 Kb)
txt readmeJPN.txt (70.92 Kb)
zip Microsoft USB3.X xHCI driver v2.2.zip (581.74 Kb)
Utilities (15 файлов)
Signing Tools (11 файлов)
Certificates (5 файлов)
file Code-signing Certificate.cer (1.02 Kb)
file Code-signing Certificate.pfx (2.77 Kb)
file Code-signing Certificate.pvk (1.18 Kb)
file Self-signed Certificate Authority.cer (1023 b)
file Self-signed Certificate Authority.pvk (1.18 Kb)
SigCheck (2 файла)
exe SigCheckGUI.exe (1.22 Mb)
exe sigcheck.exe (301.65 Kb)
exe Cert2Spc.exe (17.33 Kb)
exe CertMgr.Exe (69.33 Kb)
file Certificate Creator.cmd (2.25 Kb)
exe MakeCat.exe (25.83 Kb)
file capicom.dll (496.27 Kb)
exe makecert.exe (54.33 Kb)
exe pvk2pfx.exe (24.33 Kb)
exe signtool.exe (231.83 Kb)
file timestamp.dll (17.97 Kb)
file 7z.dll (1.18 Mb)
exe 7z.exe (329.5 Kb)
file Boot-NoEmul.img (2 Kb)
exe CDimageGUI_beta4_2.55mod.exe (1.34 Mb)
exe Fedit.exe (24.12 Kb)
exe Offlinereg_Gui.exe (545 Kb)
exe SetConsole.exe (156 Kb)
exe cabarc.exe (83.8 Kb)
exe cdimage.exe (120.89 Kb)
exe choice.exe (44 Kb)
exe makecab.exe (96.5 Kb)
exe offlinereg-win32.exe (297 Kb)
file offreg.dll (54.88 Kb)
exe rxrepl.exe (640 Kb)
file Options Menu.cmd (216.93 Kb)
iso Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition 2022.9.9 (Vanilla).iso (684.24 Mb)
iso winxp_rus_mui.iso (101.97 Mb)

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Windows XP Professional SP3 Integral Edition Версия программы: 5.1.2600 / v.2022.9.9
Официальный сайт: https://www.microsoft.com
Язык интерфейса: Английский + Русский LP
Лечение: Не требуется.
Автор сборки: Ramsey
Загрузил: Варя (30 сентября 2022 18:07)
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Взяли: 602 | Размер: 1.38 Gb
Последняя активность: 19 апреля 2024 15:10
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 238
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0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 Integral Edition 2022.9.9 (1465 файлов)
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Additional Drive Packs (5 файлов)
2. Wireless Ethernet drivers v1501231 (49 файлов)
3 (34 файла)
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Ac (11 файлов)
1 (28 файлов)
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Ai (10 файлов)
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file WniHdd51.sys (826 Kb)
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file radio17.bin (8.74 Kb)
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At (13 файлов)
2 (3 файла)
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3 (3 файла)
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4 (6 файлов)
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1 (3 файла)
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0 (4 файла)
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1 (4 файла)
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file bcmwl5oem.sys (5.04 Mb)
3 (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (7 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (4.85 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (167.63 Kb)
8 (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (9.14 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (389.4 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (363 Kb)
file bcm43xx.cat (8.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (535.27 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (590.75 Kb)
BU (19 файлов)
1 (11 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.37 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (371.13 Kb)
file net2pg54.inf (45.21 Kb)
file netcbg54.inf (44.12 Kb)
file netg54s.inf (44.79 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.74 Kb)
file tnet1130.INF (11.92 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (376.75 Kb)
file tnet1130_Originals.7z (2.48 Kb)
file CBG54L2.sy_ (82.36 Kb)
file CBG54L2x.sys (156.13 Kb)
file CBG54_Originals.7z (6.73 Kb)
file NET2G54L.inf (11.05 Kb)
file NET2G54L_Originals.7z (2.85 Kb)
file NETS11.7z (2.85 Kb)
file NETS11.inf (14.09 Kb)
file NETWLI2K.7z (1.96 Kb)
file NETWLI2K.INF (7.33 Kb)
file WLIPCIK.INF (2.57 Kb)
file WLIPCIK.SYS (3.88 Kb)
file WLIPCM2K.SYS (54.8 Kb)
file WLIS11.sy_ (197.88 Kb)
file WLIS11x.sys (605.13 Kb)
file ag300n3.sy_ (285.63 Kb)
file ag300n5.sys (535.63 Kb)
file netag3n.inf (25.25 Kb)
file netag3n_Originals.7z (4.06 Kb)
C (14 файлов)
3 (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (11.4 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (792.26 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (590.75 Kb)
file CInsX500.dll (52 Kb)
file PCX500.SYS (113.56 Kb)
file PCX500MP.SYS (4.87 Kb)
file PCX504.sys (119.56 Kb)
file netA504.inf (11.48 Kb)
file netX500.inf (44.88 Kb)
file neta504.cat (9.44 Kb)
file netx500.cat (11.23 Kb)
file pcx500.xp (112.5 Kb)
file pcx500b.img (128.25 Kb)
file pcx504.51 (118.5 Kb)
file pcx504a.img (128.25 Kb)
file pcx504b.img (128.25 Kb)
CG (11 файлов)
file CgGL2.7z (2.97 Kb)
file CgGL2.INF (15.92 Kb)
file CgGL2.sys (376.25 Kb)
file WLPCN51.SYS (49.38 Kb)
file WLPCND5.SY_ (25.96 Kb)
file WLPCNDS.7z (3.46 Kb)
file WLPCNDS.INF (22.63 Kb)
file cw54gl.7z (2.99 Kb)
file cw54gl.INF (14.63 Kb)
file cw54gl.sys (223.63 Kb)
file rt2561.bin (8 Kb)
Co (6 файлов)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.27 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (49.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.06 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.INF (23.65 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (60.28 Kb)
file prismcfg.cpl (313.64 Kb)
Cr (5 файлов)
file cowgcb.ARM (90.31 Kb)
file cowgcb.INF (16.34 Kb)
file cowgcb.SYS (55.06 Kb)
file cowpcib5.inf (12.35 Kb)
file cowpcib5.sys (83 Kb)
D (26 файлов)
0 (13 файлов)
file NetRT61G.CAT (8.28 Kb)
file NetRt61G.INF (28.3 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.DLL (110.61 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (288.07 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (50.77 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (2.87 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.INF (14.86 Kb)
file PRISMR16.DLL (44.3 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (64.28 Kb)
exe PRISMSTA.exe (140.07 Kb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
file rt619x.sys (488.13 Kb)
file AIR.BIN (40.73 Kb)
file AIR.CAT (7.42 Kb)
file AIR.INF (9.71 Kb)
file AIR.SYS (63.88 Kb)
file AIRPLUS.CAT (9.23 Kb)
file AIRPLUS.INF (13.92 Kb)
file AIRPLUS.SYS (249.38 Kb)
file DWL520.cat (7.48 Kb)
file DWL520.inf (11.85 Kb)
file DWL520.sys (92.75 Kb)
file DWL650.SYS (91.75 Kb)
file MRV8K51.sys (250.88 Kb)
file NETDLWL.CAT (7.8 Kb)
file NETDLWL.INF (8.7 Kb)
file NETDLWL.SYS (179.38 Kb)
file NETPRISM.inf (12.65 Kb)
file NETPRISM_Originals.7z (7.39 Kb)
file Netdwl.cat (7.04 Kb)
file Netdwl.inf (11.88 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (660.5 Kb)
file RADIO0d.BIN (936 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file RADIO15.BIN (912 b)
file WLANGEN.bin (39.68 Kb)
file mrv8k51.inf (8.44 Kb)
E (21 файл)
1 (9 файлов)
file PRISMCFG.DLL (108.3 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (293.58 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (53.77 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (21.53 Kb)
file WLANNIC.7z (2.96 Kb)
file WLANNIC.INF (16.49 Kb)
file wlannds.sys (52.5 Kb)
file FVNETD.SYS (88.88 Kb)
file NETVNETD.INF (4.99 Kb)
file NETVNpci.INF (5.64 Kb)
file XG350TI.bin (61.3 Kb)
file XG350TI.inf (10.78 Kb)
file XG350TI.sys (197.63 Kb)
file cw10.sys (40.12 Kb)
file fastvnet.sys (64.63 Kb)
file fvnet4.sys (83 Kb)
file fvnet4c.sys (83 Kb)
file fvnete.sys (83.88 Kb)
file fvnetr.sys (83.88 Kb)
file netcw10.7z (4.12 Kb)
file netcw10.INF (24.95 Kb)
file netvnet4.inf (5.31 Kb)
file netvnete.inf (5.29 Kb)
file netvnetp.inf (5.18 Kb)
file netvnetr.inf (5.56 Kb)
file netvnt4c.inf (5.31 Kb)
file pcifvnet.sys (82.88 Kb)
Es (13 файлов)
file WARBT48.DLL (188 Kb)
file WARBT48B.DLL (188 Kb)
exe WCRBT48.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCRBT48B.EXE (68 Kb)
file WDRBT48.DLL (7 Kb)
file WDRBT48B.DLL (7 Kb)
file WIRBT48.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WLRBT48.SYS (167 Kb)
file WLRBT48B.SYS (167.5 Kb)
file WLRBTALL.INF (5.27 Kb)
file WNRBT.CNT (729 b)
file WNRBT48.CPL (168 Kb)
file WNRBT48B.CPL (168 Kb)
H (10 файлов)
file HWG.INF (17.26 Kb)
file HWG61.INF (23.06 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.72 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file rt2500.sys (232.63 Kb)
file rt25u98.sys (237.13 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (7.62 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (34.04 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (1.27 Mb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
HP (4 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (13.72 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (1.05 Mb)
file bcmwl5.sys (3.21 Mb)
file bcmwlcoi.dll (89.34 Kb)
I (19 файлов)
1 (11 файлов)
file License.rtf (37.5 Kb)
file NETw4c32.DLL (668 Kb)
file NETw4k32.CAT (26.89 Kb)
file NETw4k32.INF (178.34 Kb)
file NETw4k32.sys (2.41 Mb)
file NETw4r32.DLL (2.64 Mb)
file NETwNc32.dll (668 Kb)
file NETwNr32.dll (2.63 Mb)
file NETwNx32.INF (386.18 Kb)
file NETwNx32.sys (6.59 Mb)
file netwnx32.cat (16.44 Kb)
3 (31 файл)
file IMWEBCFG.cpl (329.61 Kb)
file IMWEBIOC.dll (71.77 Kb)
file IMWEBN5.INF (17.71 Kb)
file IMWEBN5.sys (49 Kb)
file IMWEBRES.dll (70.28 Kb)
exe IMWEBSTA.exe (220.53 Kb)
file NETw2c32.DLL (544 Kb)
file NETw2r32.DLL (2.61 Mb)
file NetWlan5.img (66.18 Kb)
file NetWlan5.inf (22.95 Kb)
file NetWlan5.sys (134.57 Kb)
file W20MLRES.DLL (972 Kb)
file W20NCPA.DLL (400.07 Kb)
file WL5NDI.DLL (23.63 Kb)
file WLDMLRES.DLL (60 Kb)
file iProDifX.dll (646.27 Kb)
exe iProdifx.exe (290.27 Kb)
file netwlan5.cat (9.57 Kb)
file w29n50.sys (2.11 Mb)
file w29n51.INF (117.04 Kb)
file w29n51.cat (17.18 Kb)
file w29n51.sys (2.11 Mb)
file w70n5.sys (656 Kb)
file w70n501.cat (12.38 Kb)
file w70n501.inf (45.6 Kb)
file w70n51.sys (658.75 Kb)
file w70n5msg.dll (32 Kb)
file wl50nd4.sys (272.81 Kb)
file wl50nd5.inf (16.69 Kb)
file wl50nd5.sys (277.17 Kb)
file wl5cfg.dll (280 Kb)
file NETwLc32.dll (666.73 Kb)
file NETwLr32.dll (2.64 Mb)
file NETwLx32.INF (450.58 Kb)
file NETwLx32.sys (6.31 Mb)
file NETwNc32.dll (674.73 Kb)
file NETwNr32.dll (2.64 Mb)
file NETwNx32.INF (121.41 Kb)
file NETwNx32.cat (12.11 Kb)
file NETwNx32.sys (7.14 Mb)
file NETwxn00.sys (9.81 Mb)
file Netwcn00.dll (726.27 Kb)
file Netwrn00.dll (3.23 Mb)
file Netwxn00.INF (299.98 Kb)
exe dpinst32.exe (900.56 Kb)
exe iprodifx.exe (1.41 Mb)
file netwlx32.cat (24.22 Kb)
file netwxn00.cat (19.94 Kb)
Ib (3 файла)
file AR5211.SYS (456.16 Kb)
file NET5211.CAT (8.25 Kb)
file NET5211.INF (27.2 Kb)
L (32 файла)
file Ar5211.sys (232.37 Kb)
file Fw1130.bin (74.48 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file I2220NTX.SYS (114.5 Kb)
file LSIPNDS.cat (7.86 Kb)
file LSIPNDS.inf (10.99 Kb)
file LSIPNDS.sys (93.5 Kb)
file LSIPNDSX.sys (94 Kb)
file LSTINDS.INF (9.12 Kb)
file LSTINDS.cat (8.92 Kb)
file LSWLNDS.INF (22 Kb)
file LSWLNDS.SYS (52.82 Kb)
file LSWLNDSX.SYS (49.88 Kb)
file LSWLNDS_Originals.7z (7.16 Kb)
file Originals.7z (14.03 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (306.81 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (51.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (16.34 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (64.28 Kb)
exe PRISMSTA.exe (153.19 Kb)
file WLIPNDS.INF (12.76 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.cat (7.13 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.inf (16.13 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.sys (52.82 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (293.88 Kb)
file lsbcmnds.inf (29.03 Kb)
file net5211.inf (15.14 Kb)
file netrfm2k.cat (9.64 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (413.63 Kb)
file tnet1130x.sys (376.5 Kb)
Le (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (8.01 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (765.23 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (4.13 Mb)
Lm (40 файлов)
file AirLnc54.7z (2.43 Kb)
file AirLnc54.inf (11.47 Kb)
file WAAGS48.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48B.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48C.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48D.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS51.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS51B.DLL (180 Kb)
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exe WCAGS48B.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS48C.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS48D.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS51.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS51B.EXE (56 Kb)
file WDAGS48B.DLL (11 Kb)
file WDAGS48D.DLL (7.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51B.DLL (11.5 Kb)
file WFAGS48B.SYS (3.13 Kb)
file WIAGS48.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WIAGS48C.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WIAGS51.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WLAGS48.SYS (166 Kb)
file WLAGS48B.SYS (166.5 Kb)
file WLAGS48C.SYS (149.5 Kb)
file WLAGS48D.SYS (150 Kb)
file WLAGS51.SYS (173.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51B.SYS (174 Kb)
file WLAGSALL.INF (63.2 Kb)
file WNAGS.CNT (729 b)
file WNAGS.HLP (220.92 Kb)
file WNAGS48.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS48B.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS48C.CPL (152 Kb)
file WNAGS48D.CPL (152 Kb)
file WNAGS51.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS51B.CPL (156 Kb)
file ar5211.sys (456.94 Kb)
file elsaal2.inf (6.07 Kb)
file elsaal2.sys (35 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (22.48 Kb)
Lx (3 файла)
file AmPsmNIC.INF (10.49 Kb)
file AmPsmNIC.cat (7.15 Kb)
file Express.sys (600.5 Kb)
M (10 файлов)
file MN520-51.sys (632 Kb)
file MN520.inf (11.67 Kb)
file MSWNDS50.sys (51.58 Kb)
file MSWNDS51.sys (51 Kb)
file MSWPCC.cat (7.92 Kb)
file MSWPCC.inf (11.84 Kb)
file mn520.cat (7.53 Kb)
file mn720-50.sys (248.25 Kb)
file mn720.cat (7.66 Kb)
file mn720.inf (7.03 Kb)
MT (3 файла)
file ms68bm.cat (8.29 Kb)
file ms68bm.inf (15.82 Kb)
file ms68bm.sys (259.5 Kb)
Mv (4 файла)
file Mrvw123.sys (276 Kb)
file Mrvw125.sys (276 Kb)
file netmw125.7z (7.94 Kb)
file netmw125.inf (22.57 Kb)
N (13 файлов)
1 (5 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.37 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
file netwg311.cat (8.92 Kb)
file netwg311_XP.sys (377.63 Kb)
file wg311v2.inf (8.94 Kb)
file NetMW14x.inf (32.83 Kb)
file NetMW14y.inf (32.73 Kb)
file Originals.7z (6.98 Kb)
file WG511ICB.sys (385.78 Kb)
file netmw143.sys (426.63 Kb)
file netmw145.sys (427 Kb)
file netwg511.inf (12.79 Kb)
file wn311b.cat (8.92 Kb)
file wn311b.inf (79.77 Kb)
file wn311b.sys (590.75 Kb)
file wn511b.inf (80 Kb)
file wn511b.sys (596.5 Kb)
o (44 файла)
file WAAGS48.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS48B.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS48C.DLL (188 Kb)
file WAAGS48D.DLL (188 Kb)
file WAAGS51.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS51B.DLL (184 Kb)
exe WCAGS48.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48B.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48C.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48D.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS51.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS51B.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCLUC48.EXE (64 Kb)
file WDAGS48B.DLL (15.5 Kb)
file WDAGS48D.DLL (11.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51B.DLL (16 Kb)
file WDLUC48.DLL (6.92 Kb)
file WFAGS48B.SYS (3.13 Kb)
file WIAGS48.DLL (6.97 Kb)
file WIAGS48C.DLL (6.97 Kb)
file WIAGS51.DLL (7.44 Kb)
file WLAGS48.SYS (158 Kb)
file WLAGS48B.SYS (159 Kb)
file WLAGS48C.SYS (150 Kb)
file WLAGS48D.SYS (150.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51.SYS (164.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51B.SYS (164.5 Kb)
file WLAGSALL.INF (61.98 Kb)
file WLLUC48.INF (5.13 Kb)
file WLLUC48.SYS (138.22 Kb)
file WNAGS.CNT (729 b)
file WNAGS.HLP (220.92 Kb)
file WNAGS48.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48B.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48C.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48D.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS51.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS51B.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNLUC.CNT (1.05 Kb)
file WNLUC.HLP (586.28 Kb)
file WNLUC48.CPL (144 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (21.75 Kb)
file wlags9x.cat (27.76 Kb)
file wlluc48.cat (9.64 Kb)
Pr (12 файлов)
1 (8 файлов)
file PRISMA00.inf (8.63 Kb)
file PRISMA00.sys (354.19 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (306.07 Kb)
file PRISMDOM.ini (8.43 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (78 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (67 Kb)
exe PRISMSTA.exe (210.5 Kb)
file prisma00.cat (9.67 Kb)
2 (3 файла)
file PRISMA00.inf (8.2 Kb)
file PRISMA00.sys (371.81 Kb)
file prismnic.cat (7.78 Kb)
file PRISMA00.SYS (380.88 Kb)
file PRISMA01.7z (3.45 Kb)
file PRISMA02.7z (3.42 Kb)
file PRISMA02.inf (11.24 Kb)
file PRISMAPI.DLL (360.08 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.CPL (392.08 Kb)
file PRISME2.dll (820 Kb)
file PRISME5.dll (908 Kb)
exe PRISMSVR.EXE (276.08 Kb)
file prismndi.dll (191.63 Kb)
R (17 файлов)
2 (5 файлов)
file RT2860.inf (503.37 Kb)
file RT2860.sys (2.14 Mb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.79 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (28.52 Kb)
3 (3 файла)
file rt2860.cat (13.85 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (37.78 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (524.63 Kb)
file RT2400.sys (104.5 Kb)
file RT2500.sys (232.63 Kb)
file RT61.CAT (21.01 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.79 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file Rt2500dp.INF (19.81 Kb)
file rt2400.INF (15.74 Kb)
file rt2500.inf (43.5 Kb)
file rt2500_Originals.7z (10.23 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (31.08 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (564.3 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (2.57 Mb)
file rt61.inf (69.41 Kb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
file rt6x.inf (23.36 Kb)
RT (23 файла)
2 (4 файла)
file XPTWOPORT.INF (2.54 Kb)
file XPTWOPORT.sys (15.5 Kb)
file XPTWOPORT_MP.INF (2.01 Kb)
file xptwoport.cat (7.69 Kb)
file NET8180.INF (14.4 Kb)
txt NET8180_Release.txt (12.22 Kb)
file net8185.cat (7.75 Kb)
file net8185.inf (10.44 Kb)
file net8185b.inf (13.91 Kb)
file net8192de.cat (8.24 Kb)
file net8192de.inf (212.21 Kb)
file net8192se.cat (24.43 Kb)
file net8192se.inf (335.64 Kb)
file net819xp.cat (9.59 Kb)
file net819xp.inf (257.45 Kb)
file netrtwlane_xp.cat (36.86 Kb)
file netrtwlane_xp.inf (546.62 Kb)
file rtl8180.sys (181 Kb)
file rtl8185.sys (804.63 Kb)
file rtl8185B.sys (251.88 Kb)
file rtl8192de.sys (922.98 Kb)
file rtl8192se-Win2K.7z (291.88 Kb)
file rtl8192se.sys (861.73 Kb)
file rtl819xp-Win2K.7z (200.45 Kb)
file rtl819xp.sys (519.98 Kb)
file rtwlane_xp.sys (2.46 Mb)
S (41 файл)
0 (8 файлов)
file RADIO0d.BIN (920 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file SMCWLAN.INF (10.8 Kb)
file SMCWLAN.SYS (151.75 Kb)
file WLANGEN.BIN (32.92 Kb)
file WLANNIC.7z (2.98 Kb)
file WLANNIC.INF (16.59 Kb)
file smcnds.sys (53.5 Kb)
file 2802W.cat (8.05 Kb)
file 2802W.inf (10.93 Kb)
file 2802W.sys (378.35 Kb)
file 2802W51.sys (376.88 Kb)
file 2835WC51.SYS (376.88 Kb)
file 2835WICB.SYS (378.35 Kb)
file Am772.sys (170.19 Kb)
file Ar5210b.sys (258.11 Kb)
file DCSU2635.dll (4.5 Kb)
exe DCSU2635.exe (216 Kb)
file NET2602W.CAT (7.47 Kb)
file Net2602w.inf (12.6 Kb)
file Net2635w.inf (13.42 Kb)
file NetAm772.inf (5.43 Kb)
file Originals.7z (9.36 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (289.08 Kb)
file SMC2602W.sys (81.63 Kb)
file SMC2635W.sys (93.75 Kb)
file SMC2835.INF (12.75 Kb)
file SMCCFG.cpl (280.08 Kb)
file SMCIOC.dll (81.5 Kb)
file SMCNDS.sys (50.5 Kb)
file SMCNIC.inf (17.64 Kb)
file SMCRES.dll (47.28 Kb)
exe SMCSTA.exe (190.5 Kb)
file STACFG.HLP (8.66 Kb)
file net5210b.inf (14.26 Kb)
file smc11ab.cat (7.96 Kb)
file smc11ab.inf (13.43 Kb)
file smc11ab.sys (312.53 Kb)
file smc2802w.arm (90.31 Kb)
file smc2802w.ini (8.43 Kb)
file smc2802w.sys (55.19 Kb)
file smc2802wnic.inf (15.44 Kb)
file smc2835w.arm (90.31 Kb)
file smc2835w.ini (8.43 Kb)
file smc2835w.sys (55.19 Kb)
file smc2835wnic.inf (15.55 Kb)
file stacfg00.cpl (260 Kb)
file stacfg00.dll (260 Kb)
Sc (3 файла)
1 (12 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file NetGtks.inf (50.92 Kb)
file NetGtks_Originals.7z (8.32 Kb)
file WLANCTG.SYS (377.63 Kb)
file WLANCTG.cat (9.14 Kb)
file WLANNDS.sys (148.33 Kb)
file WlanCTG.inf (11.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (248.13 Kb)
file fvnetr.sys (69.88 Kb)
file fvnetrxp.sys (70.38 Kb)
file wlannic.inf (12.25 Kb)
file WLANCIG.sys (380.91 Kb)
file wlanCIG.inf (10.45 Kb)
SI (15 файлов)
file SIS160.CAT (8.72 Kb)
file SIS160.sys (72 Kb)
file SIS162_Originals.7z (25.64 Kb)
file SIS163.CAT (8.18 Kb)
file SiS160.inf (17.85 Kb)
file SiS162.inf (8.84 Kb)
file SiS163.inf (7.17 Kb)
file SiS163.sys (181 Kb)
file SiSWBase.dll (48 Kb)
file SiSWBase3.dll (48 Kb)
file SiSWInst.dll (152 Kb)
file SiSWPars.dll (232 Kb)
exe Uninst2k.exe (24 Kb)
exe Unwlsdrv.exe (48 Kb)
file sis162.sys (156.5 Kb)
ST (4 файла)
file O4I01A.CAT (8.1 Kb)
file O4I01A.inf (12.07 Kb)
file O4I01A.sy_ (151.12 Kb)
file O4I01A51.sys (376.88 Kb)
Su (30 файлов)
file FVNETR.SYS (88.88 Kb)
file Fvnete.sys (112.63 Kb)
file GenericPCM-E.inf (16.46 Kb)
file GenericPCM.INF (19.49 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cp_ (281.06 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dl_ (76 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sy_ (49.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.26 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (19.35 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dl_ (68.28 Kb)
file PRISMSTA.ex_ (144.07 Kb)
file RT2400.INF (22.12 Kb)
file RT2400.SYS (50.38 Kb)
file Rt2500.INF (48.68 Kb)
file TIACXGEN.BIN (32.18 Kb)
file TIACXLN.INF (8.95 Kb)
file TIACXLN.sys (138.63 Kb)
file TIACXLN_Originals.7z (2.41 Kb)
file TIACXMX.BIN (33.09 Kb)
file TIACXRFM.BIN (1.07 Kb)
file TIACXRMX.BIN (1.05 Kb)
file TIACXSN.BIN (33.11 Kb)
file WLANDCB.arm (90.31 Kb)
file WLANDCB.sys (55 Kb)
file WlanDom.ini (8.22 Kb)
file remove.ex_ (32.98 Kb)
file rt2500.cat (12.02 Kb)
file rt2500.sys (186.25 Kb)
file uninstall.ex_ (32 Kb)
file wlannic.inf (12.42 Kb)
T (6 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file TNET1130.INF (9.02 Kb)
file tnet1130.cat (8.92 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (376.5 Kb)
file tnet_2K.sys (413.6 Kb)
To (4 файла)
file HWDev.reg (82.8 Kb)
file net8187Se.inf (150.83 Kb)
file net8187se.cat (9.31 Kb)
file rtl8187Se.sys (308.25 Kb)
US (19 файлов)
0 (6 файлов)
file USRIOC.dll (81.5 Kb)
file USRNDS51.sys (50.5 Kb)
file USRNIC.inf (16.92 Kb)
file USRNIC_Originals.7z (8.34 Kb)
file USRRES.dll (55.78 Kb)
exe USRSTA.exe (191 Kb)
1 (5 файлов)
file USRMAXG.inf (364.32 Kb)
file USRMAXG_Originals.7z (21.77 Kb)
file USRMAXGa.7z (129 b)
file USRMAXGa.inf (40.44 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (348.75 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file RADIO0d.BIN (920 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file USR11G.SYS (378 Kb)
file USR11G.inf (20.8 Kb)
file USRWLAN-Originals.7z (2.87 Kb)
file USRWLAN.INF (10.88 Kb)
file USRWLAN.SYS (151.75 Kb)
file WLANGEN.BIN (32.92 Kb)
file odysseyIM3.inf (1.87 Kb)
file odysseyIM3.sys (61.39 Kb)
file odysseyIM3_M.inf (1.4 Kb)
file odysseyim3.cat (7.71 Kb)
file odysseyim3_m.cat (7.3 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.77 Kb)
V (4 файла)
file VNWL.inf (14.58 Kb)
file VNWL5B.sys (127.5 Kb)
file VNWL_Originals.7z (7.45 Kb)
file vuins32.dll (60 Kb)
X (3 файла)
file Originals.7z (7.44 Kb)
file i2220ntx.sys (153 Kb)
file neti2220.inf (16.83 Kb)
file dpwlan-FindHWIDS-2015-01-22-093244.csv (1.35 Mb)
txt dpwlan-SIGVERIF_CatCplDllExeSys_postRootsUpd.TXT (121.32 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Changelog-Notes.txt (16.74 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Contents.txt (16.21 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Previous_Changelogs.txt (28.58 Kb)
exe DPInst.exe (900.56 Kb)
file DPInst.xml (227 b)
file Installer v1.1.1.cmd (1.58 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (542 b)
Paragon GPT Loader v8.0.1.2 (4 файла)
file Installer v1.0.1.cmd (1.67 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (903 b)
file gptmount.inf (3.52 Kb)
file gptmount.sys (50.7 Kb)
Windows XP Components (6 файлов)
Active Directory Application Mode SP1 (1 файл)
exe ADAMSP1_x86_English.exe (3.48 Mb)
Windows Management Framework Core v6.3.15.0 (2 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (517 b)
exe windowsxp-kb968930-x86-eng.exe (5.87 Mb)
Windows Movie Maker 2.1.4028.0 Plus (5 файлов)
I386 (23 файла)
file KB981997.CAT (7.67 Kb)
file MEDIACTR.CAT (127.65 Kb)
txt blank.txt (21 b)
txt empty.txt (18 b)
file filters.xml (7.41 Kb)
file moviemk.chm (714.14 Kb)
exe moviemk.exe (3.39 Mb)
file moviemk.inf (16.5 Kb)
png news.png (135.41 Kb)
png paint.png (65.64 Kb)
jpg sample1.jpg (61.26 Kb)
jpg sample2.jpg (45.72 Kb)
file wmm2ae.dll (164 Kb)
file wmm2dvr.dll (90.5 Kb)
file wmm2eres.dll (9.5 Kb)
file wmm2ext.dll (68 Kb)
file wmm2filt.dll (393 Kb)
file wmm2fxa.dll (490.5 Kb)
file wmm2fxb.dll (318 Kb)
file wmm2fxpz.dll (401 Kb)
file wmm2fxpz.xml (2.39 Kb)
file wmm2res.dll (4.06 Mb)
file wmm2res2.dll (5.5 Kb)
file Installer v1.4.1.cmd (15.8 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (654 b)
file Uninstaller.cmd (8.93 Kb)
exe signtool.exe (231.83 Kb)
Windows PowerShell 1.0 (1 файл)
exe windowsserver2003.windowsxp-kb926139-v2-x64-enu.exe (1.61 Mb)
Windows Search 4.0 (2 файла)
Updates (2 файла)
exe windowsserver2003.windowsxp-kb961118-x86-enu.exe (674.36 Kb)
exe windowsserver2003.windowsxp-kb963093-x86-enu.exe (956.26 Kb)
exe windowssearch-kb940157-xp-x86-enu.exe (5.26 Mb)
XPS Essentials Pack 1.2 (KB971276-v3) (2 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (591 b)
msi XPSEP XP and Server 2003 32 bit.msi (7.48 Mb)
WinXP-IE RollBacks (8 файлов)
Internet Explorer 6 (1 файл)
Updates (2 файла)
POSReady 2009 (4 файла)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb3087985-x86-embedded-enu.exe (1.75 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3124275-x86-embedded-enu.exe (4.42 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb2705219-v2-x86-enu.exe (670.52 Kb)
Internet Explorer 7 (2 файла)
Updates (1 файл)
POSReady 2009 (4 файла)
exe ie7-windowsxp-kb3124275-x86-embedded-enu.exe (8.27 Mb)
exe ie7-windowsxp-kb4018271-x86-embedded-custom-enu.exe (8.93 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe (14.74 Mb)
Internet Explorer 8 (2 файла)
Updates (2 файла)
POSReady 2009 (3 файла)
exe ie8-windowsxp-kb4493435-x86-embedded-enu.exe (10.48 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe ie8-windowsxp-kb2598845-x86-enu.exe (486.38 Kb)
exe IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe (16.1 Mb)
SP3 Image Files (2 файла)
IE6 (52 файла)
file ADMPARSE.DL_ (22.2 Kb)
file ADVPACK.DL_ (44.6 Kb)
file BROWSEUI.DL_ (399.92 Kb)
file CORPOL.DL_ (17.99 Kb)
file DXTMSFT.DL_ (109.01 Kb)
file DXTRANS.DL_ (88.91 Kb)
file HMMAPI.DL_ (16.18 Kb)
file HTML.IE_ (143.49 Kb)
file IE.IN_ (9.55 Kb)
file IE4UINIT.EX_ (14.72 Kb)
file IEACCESS.IN_ (559 b)
file IEAKENG.DL_ (51.11 Kb)
file IEAKMMC.CH_ (109.01 Kb)
file IEAKSIE.DL_ (66.61 Kb)
file IEAKUI.DL_ (38.12 Kb)
file IEDKCS32.DL_ (101.35 Kb)
file IEDW.EX_ (10.24 Kb)
file IEENCODE.DL_ (62.66 Kb)
file IEEULA.CH_ (4.96 Kb)
file IEPEERS.DL_ (87.54 Kb)
file IERNONCE.DL_ (23.65 Kb)
file IESETUP.DL_ (18.79 Kb)
file IESUPP.CH_ (21.99 Kb)
file IEUINIT.IN_ (5.23 Kb)
file IEXPLORE.CH_ (194.41 Kb)
file IEXPLORE.EX_ (37 Kb)
file IMGUTIL.DL_ (16.68 Kb)
file INETCPL.CP_ (103.88 Kb)
file INETRES.AD_ (50 Kb)
file INSENG.DL_ (43.6 Kb)
file INSTALL.IN_ (708 b)
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file LICMGR10.DL_ (10.69 Kb)
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file MSTIME.DL_ (194.26 Kb)
file OCCACHE.DL_ (36.92 Kb)
file PNGFILT.DL_ (19.76 Kb)
file SHDOCVW.DL_ (519.75 Kb)
file TDC.OC_ (27.79 Kb)
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file VBSCRIPT.DL_ (189.07 Kb)
file VGX.DL_ (309.78 Kb)
file WEBCHECK.DL_ (107.87 Kb)
file WININET.DL_ (298.7 Kb)
WMP9 (45 файлов)
file ASFERROR.DL_ (2 Kb)
file BLACKBOX.DL_ (120.74 Kb)
file CEWMDM.DL_ (61.75 Kb)
file DRMV2CLT.DL_ (248.65 Kb)
file LAPRXY.DL_ (2.49 Kb)
file LOGAGENT.EX_ (47.35 Kb)
file MP43DMOD.DL_ (102.63 Kb)
file MP4SDMOD.DL_ (113.77 Kb)
file MPG4DMOD.DL_ (71.26 Kb)
file MPVIS.DL_ (142.44 Kb)
file MSNETOBJ.DL_ (89.63 Kb)
file MSPMSNSV.DL_ (24.38 Kb)
file MSPMSP.DL_ (79.53 Kb)
file MSSCP.DL_ (126.09 Kb)
file MSWMDM.DL_ (93.81 Kb)
file MYMUSIC.IN_ (1 Kb)
file QASF.DL_ (95.07 Kb)
file SETUP_WM.EX_ (208.28 Kb)
file UNREGMP2.EX_ (58.83 Kb)
file WMADMOD.DL_ (146.52 Kb)
file WMADMOE.DL_ (258.21 Kb)
file WMASF.DL_ (82.07 Kb)
file WMDM.IN_ (2.04 Kb)
file WMDMLOG.DL_ (13.12 Kb)
file WMDMPS.DL_ (7.8 Kb)
file WMERROR.DL_ (21.38 Kb)
file WMFSDK.IN_ (1.34 Kb)
file WMIDX.DL_ (62.39 Kb)
file WMNETMGR.DL_ (392.8 Kb)
file WMP.DL_ (1.74 Mb)
file WMP.IN_ (5.59 Kb)
file WMPASF.DL_ (36.98 Kb)
file WMPBAND.DL_ (41.4 Kb)
file WMPDXM.DL_ (65.02 Kb)
file WMPLAYER.AD_ (5.5 Kb)
file WMPLAYER.EX_ (28.22 Kb)
file WMPLOC.DL_ (926.4 Kb)
file WMPSHELL.DL_ (42.7 Kb)
file WMSDMOD.DL_ (254.64 Kb)
file WMSDMOE2.DL_ (395.31 Kb)
file WMSPDMOD.DL_ (196.93 Kb)
file WMSPDMOE.DL_ (359.8 Kb)
file WMVCORE.DL_ (700.88 Kb)
file WMVDMOD.DL_ (273.11 Kb)
file WMVDMOE2.DL_ (345.31 Kb)
Windows Media Player 9 (1 файл)
Updates (6 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (1 файл)
exe windowsmedia9-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (2.21 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb952069-v2-x86-enu.exe (7.36 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
Windows Media Player 10 (2 файла)
Updates (9 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (2 файла)
exe windowsmedia-kb3067903-x86-enu.exe (581.2 Kb)
exe windowsmedia10-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (2.45 Mb)
exe windowsmedia10-kb910393-v4-x86-enu.exe (1.39 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb941569-x86-enu.exe (2.07 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb2834902-v2-x86-enu.exe (783.7 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb952069-v2-x86-enu.exe (7.36 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
exe MP10Setup.exe (12.16 Mb)
Windows Media Player 11 (2 файла)
Updates (7 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (2 файла)
exe windowsmedia-kb3067903-x86-enu.exe (583.69 Kb)
exe windowsmedia11-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (5.55 Mb)
exe WindowsMedia11-KB974905-x86-INTL.exe (849.36 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb2834904-v2-x86-enu.exe (966.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
exe wmp11-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe (24.55 Mb)
txt ReadMe.txt (2 Kb)
Information (6 файлов)
txt Changelog.txt (94.41 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (27.49 Kb)
png Screenshots (Installation, Desktop, Malware Scan).png (413.16 Kb)
txt Valid WGA CD-Keys.txt (922 b)
file Windows NT Registration Changer v1.0.vbs (1.38 Kb)
file Windows XP,Vista,7 CD-Key Changer v1.2.vbs (2.98 Kb)
Patch Integrator v3.4.0 (3 файла)
Patches (19 файлов)
ACPI drivers (4 файла)
acpi 6666 - 2021.8.28 - daniel_k, diderius6 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (103 b)
file acpi.sys (191.38 Kb)
file checksums.sha1 (164 b)
acpi 7777.5 - 2022.5.13 (A5x11 + A5x03) (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (91 b)
file acpi.pdb (1.27 Mb)
file acpi.sys (179.5 Kb)
file checksums.sha1 (250 b)
txt ReadMe.txt (203 b)
file acpi.sys (179.5 Kb)
AMD&Intel USB3.0 xHCI drivers (4 файла)
AMDXHCI XP 145-Final v3 (5 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (1.1 Kb)
file amdhub30.inf (2.56 Kb)
file amdhub30.sys (84.59 Kb)
file amdxhc.inf (2.12 Kb)
file amdxhc.sys (168 Kb)
AMDXHCI XP 276-Final v3 (5 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (1.1 Kb)
file amdhub30.inf (2.59 Kb)
file amdhub30.sys (78 Kb)
file amdxhc.inf (2.12 Kb)
file amdxhc.sys (168.06 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (138 b)
txt ReleaseNote.txt (15.37 Kb)
AMD SATA driver v1.1 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (445 b)
file amd_sata.inf (5.01 Kb)
file amd_sata.sys (70.16 Kb)
file amd_xata.sys (28.16 Kb)
AVX&AVX2 Enabler v1.1 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (997 b)
file ntkrpamp.delta (639 b)
exe xdelta3.exe (283 Kb)
Kai-Schtrom NVMe drivers (3 файла)
OFA NVMe driver v1.3_20180719 (3 файла)
file nvme.inf (3.86 Kb)
file nvme.sys (44.49 Kb)
file nvme86.cat (1.88 Kb)
OFA NVMe driver v1.5_20180719 (3 файла)
file nvme.inf (4.01 Kb)
file nvme.sys (64.49 Kb)
file nvme86.cat (1.88 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (415 b)
Kai-Schtrom SATA driver v1.0_2020928 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (394 b)
file storahci.cat (1.94 Kb)
file storahci.inf (1.66 Kb)
file storahci.sys (48.01 Kb)
Kernel-Mode Driver Framework 1.11 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (295 b)
file wdf01000.sys (514.71 Kb)
file wdf01011.inf (4.55 Kb)
file wdfldr.sys (46.6 Kb)
Microsoft NVMe driver v2.0 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (303 b)
file stornvme.inf (3.69 Kb)
file stornvme.sys (40.23 Kb)
Microsoft SATA driver v2.1 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (324 b)
file storahci.inf (5.86 Kb)
file storahci.sys (64.73 Kb)
Microsoft SD+MMC Card driver v1.0 (6 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (290 b)
file dumpsd.sys (78.22 Kb)
file sdbus.inf (11.66 Kb)
file sdbus.sys (117.72 Kb)
file sdstor.inf (2.21 Kb)
file sdstor.sys (28.22 Kb)
Microsoft USB3.X xHCI driver v2.2 (11 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (525 b)
file ksecd8.sys (382.97 Kb)
file uaspstor.inf (1.99 Kb)
file uaspstor.sys (64.5 Kb)
file ucx01000.sys (174.84 Kb)
file usbd8.sys (18.34 Kb)
file usbhub3.inf (2.36 Kb)
file usbhub3.sys (354.81 Kb)
file usbxhci.inf (2.48 Kb)
file usbxhci.sys (261.84 Kb)
file wpprecor.sys (20.73 Kb)
Miscellaneous (5 файлов)
Win2003 (2 файла)
KB2862330 (3 файла)
file KB2862330.CAT (10.05 Kb)
file usbd.sys (5.63 Kb)
file usbport.sys (143 Kb)
SP2 RTM (2 файла)
file SP2.CAT (1.34 Mb)
file usbstor.sys (27.5 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (284 b)
file ntoskrn8.sys (138.25 Kb)
file storpor8.sys (19 Kb)
file storport.sys (148.25 Kb)
PAE 3.5+ RAM Unlock v3.6 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (617 b)
exe WinXP-PAE-Patch.exe (81 Kb)
txt WinXP-PAE-Patch.txt (296 b)
Samsung NVMe driver v1.2 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (301 b)
file secnvme.inf (6.73 Kb)
file secnvme.sys (72.93 Kb)
file secnvmeF.sys (27.7 Kb)
Silicon Motion NVMe driver v1.0 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (440 b)
file simonvme.inf (4.53 Kb)
file simonvme.sys (135.48 Kb)
SSE2 Updates Rollback v1.1 (23 файла)
asms (1 файл)
10 (2 файла)
msft (1 файл)
windows (1 файл)
gdiplus (3 файла)
file gdiplus.cat (7.21 Kb)
file gdiplus.dll (1.67 Mb)
file gdiplus.man (398 b)
policy (1 файл)
msft (1 файл)
windows (1 файл)
gdiplus (2 файла)
file gdiplus.cat (7.21 Kb)
file gdiplus.man (608 b)
svcpack (3 файла)
file KB3072630.CAT (8.74 Kb)
file KB4012583.CAT (9.1 Kb)
file KB954193.CAT (12.27 Kb)
file gdi32.dll (282 Kb)
file mf3216.dll (40 Kb)
file msexcl40.dll (297.02 Kb)
file msi.dll (4.26 Mb)
exe msiexec.exe (94 Kb)
file msihnd.dll (325 Kb)
file msjet40.dll (1.45 Mb)
file msjetol1.dll (346.79 Kb)
file msjint40.dll (148.03 Kb)
file msjter40.dll (58.78 Kb)
file msjtes40.dll (242.78 Kb)
file msltus40.dll (214.78 Kb)
file mspbde40.dll (346.78 Kb)
file msrd2x40.dll (281.02 Kb)
file msrd3x40.dll (314.78 Kb)
file msrepl40.dll (546.78 Kb)
file mstext40.dll (258.78 Kb)
file mswdat10.dll (818.78 Kb)
file mswstr10.dll (606.78 Kb)
file msxbde40.dll (346.78 Kb)
file winxpup.inf (1.55 Mb)
Timer Fix v1.1 (2 файла)
PM (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (305 b)
file halmacpi.dll (131.38 Kb)
file intelppm.sys (35.5 Kb)
RTC (2 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (2.24 Kb)
exe TimerFix.exe (44 Kb)
Universal Intel RST Drivers+Software v11.2.0.1006 (15 файлов)
Application (50 файлов)
ar-SA (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (372 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (72 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (19.99 Kb)
cs-CZ (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (292 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (23.93 Kb)
da-DK (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.96 Kb)
de-DE (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (324 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.82 Kb)
el-GR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (524 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (92 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (44 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (28.51 Kb)
es-ES (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (312 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.68 Kb)
fi-FI (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.87 Kb)
fr-FR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (324 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (28.01 Kb)
he-IL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (352 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (68 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (19.73 Kb)
hu-HU (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (308 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.53 Kb)
it-IT (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (27.32 Kb)
ja-JP (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (368 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (72 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (15.4 Kb)
ko-KR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (316 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (14.63 Kb)
nb-NO (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (280 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.67 Kb)
nl-NL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.9 Kb)
pl-PL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (308 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.32 Kb)
pt-BR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.63 Kb)
pt-PT (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (300 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.89 Kb)
ru-RU (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (472 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (80 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (40 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.96 Kb)
sv-SE (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.93 Kb)
th-TH (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (10 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (592 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (100 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (48 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (22.55 Kb)
tr-TR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (300 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.18 Kb)
zh-CN (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (244 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (52 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (13.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (11.56 Kb)
zh-TW (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (260 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (56 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (24 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (11.86 Kb)
file IAStorCommon.dll (4.5 Kb)
file IAStorDataMgr.dll.config (121 b)
file IAStorDataMgr.dll (62.5 Kb)
file IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe.config (200 b)
exe IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe (13.31 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.exe.config (367 b)
exe IAStorHelp.exe (996.81 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.exe.config (306 b)
exe IAStorIcon.exe (277.81 Kb)
exe IAStorIconLaunch.exe (54.81 Kb)
file IAStorUI.exe.config (315 b)
exe IAStorUI.exe (549.31 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.dll (172 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.dll (136 Kb)
file ISDI.dll (273 Kb)
exe ITMService.exe (15.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.dll (1.26 Mb)
file Interop.IWshRuntimeLibrary.dll (48 Kb)
file Interop.Shell32.dll (52 Kb)
file IsdiInterop.dll (58.5 Kb)
file SmartPin.dll (120.5 Kb)
file SysInftLib.dll (55 Kb)
txt readmeFRA.txt (113.39 Kb)
txt readmeIRST.txt (79.04 Kb)
txt readmeJPN.txt (70.92 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (23.55 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x32 (7 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (90 b)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (20.84 Kb)
file iaAHCI.inf (12.24 Kb)
file iaStor.inf (6.79 Kb)
file iaStor.sys (460.31 Kb)
file iaahci.cat (13.14 Kb)
file iastor.cat (13.14 Kb)
x64 (6 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (20.84 Kb)
file iaAHCI.inf (12.25 Kb)
file iaStor.inf (6.79 Kb)
file iaStor.sys (555.81 Kb)
file iaahci.cat (13.19 Kb)
file iastor.cat (13.19 Kb)
Intel Control Center (1 файл)
exe SetupICC.exe (794.77 Kb)
Lang (25 файлов)
ar-SA (2 файла)
txt license.txt (39.46 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (72 Kb)
cs-CZ (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.29 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (81.5 Kb)
da-DK (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.6 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (83 Kb)
de-DE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.51 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (88.5 Kb)
el-GR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.88 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (92.5 Kb)
en-US (2 файла)
file Setup.exe.mui (44.5 Kb)
txt license.txt (22.11 Kb)
es-ES (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.15 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (87 Kb)
fi-FI (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.77 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82 Kb)
fr-FR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (89 Kb)
he-IL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (38.75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (69 Kb)
hu-HU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.73 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (85.5 Kb)
it-IT (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.15 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (86.5 Kb)
ja-JP (2 файла)
txt license.txt (32.29 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (58 Kb)
ko-KR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (34.26 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (58.5 Kb)
nb-NO (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.53 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82 Kb)
nl-NL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.23 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (88.5 Kb)
pl-PL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.72 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (87.5 Kb)
pt-BR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.88 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (84 Kb)
pt-PT (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.06 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (86 Kb)
ru-RU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (85 Kb)
sv-SE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.21 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82.5 Kb)
th-TH (2 файла)
txt license.txt (44.75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (79.5 Kb)
tr-TR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.89 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (84 Kb)
zh-CN (2 файла)
txt license.txt (29.65 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (49.5 Kb)
zh-TW (2 файла)
txt license.txt (29.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (50 Kb)
Microsoft.VC90.CRT (4 файла)
file Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest (1.81 Kb)
file msvcm90.dll (219.5 Kb)
file msvcp90.dll (555.5 Kb)
file msvcr90.dll (640.5 Kb)
Win-RAID CA Certificate (2 файла)
file ImportCertificate.cmd (4.58 Kb)
file Win-RAID CA.cer (1.64 Kb)
x64 (2 файла)
file DIFxAPI.dll (513.47 Kb)
exe Drv64.exe (180.31 Kb)
file DIFxAPI.dll (311.97 Kb)
exe Setup.exe (938.81 Kb)
file Setup.if2 (12.24 Kb)
file autorun.inf (25 b)
file mup.xml (10.87 Kb)
txt readme.txt (79.04 Kb)
txt readmeFRA.txt (113.39 Kb)
txt readmeJPN.txt (70.92 Kb)
zip Microsoft USB3.X xHCI driver v2.2.zip (581.74 Kb)
Utilities (15 файлов)
Signing Tools (11 файлов)
Certificates (5 файлов)
file Code-signing Certificate.cer (1.02 Kb)
file Code-signing Certificate.pfx (2.77 Kb)
file Code-signing Certificate.pvk (1.18 Kb)
file Self-signed Certificate Authority.cer (1023 b)
file Self-signed Certificate Authority.pvk (1.18 Kb)
SigCheck (2 файла)
exe SigCheckGUI.exe (1.22 Mb)
exe sigcheck.exe (301.65 Kb)
exe Cert2Spc.exe (17.33 Kb)
exe CertMgr.Exe (69.33 Kb)
file Certificate Creator.cmd (2.25 Kb)
exe MakeCat.exe (25.83 Kb)
file capicom.dll (496.27 Kb)
exe makecert.exe (54.33 Kb)
exe pvk2pfx.exe (24.33 Kb)
exe signtool.exe (231.83 Kb)
file timestamp.dll (17.97 Kb)
file 7z.dll (1.18 Mb)
exe 7z.exe (329.5 Kb)
file Boot-NoEmul.img (2 Kb)
exe CDimageGUI_beta4_2.55mod.exe (1.34 Mb)
exe Fedit.exe (24.12 Kb)
exe Offlinereg_Gui.exe (545 Kb)
exe SetConsole.exe (156 Kb)
exe cabarc.exe (83.8 Kb)
exe cdimage.exe (120.89 Kb)
exe choice.exe (44 Kb)
exe makecab.exe (96.5 Kb)
exe offlinereg-win32.exe (297 Kb)
file offreg.dll (54.88 Kb)
exe rxrepl.exe (640 Kb)
file Options Menu.cmd (216.93 Kb)
iso Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition 2022.9.9 (Vanilla).iso (684.24 Mb)
iso winxp_rus_mui.iso (101.97 Mb)

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• Память: 256 Mb
• VGA: 800 x 600
• HDD: 6 Гб

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0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 Integral Edition 2022.9.9 (1465 файлов)
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360 Extreme Explorer v13.0.2310.0 (5 файлов)
Chrome-bin (4 файла)
13.0.2310.0 (19 файлов)
Locales (1 файл)
file en-US.pak (175.98 Kb)
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file chrome.dll (114.12 Mb)
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file d3dcompiler_47.dll (3.49 Mb)
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file libGLESv2.dll (5.14 Mb)
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file Uninstaller.cmd (6.87 Kb)
file master_preferences (359 b)
Additional Drive Packs (5 файлов)
2. Wireless Ethernet drivers v1501231 (49 файлов)
3 (34 файла)
file 3CSR.dll (64 Kb)
exe CoHelper.exe (172 Kb)
file NETCWE.CAT (8.47 Kb)
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file SRLocal.dll (160 Kb)
exe SRW95Rbt.exe (204 Kb)
file SRndi.dll (4.75 Kb)
exe Un3SR.exe (132 Kb)
file W32N50.dll (64 Kb)
file W95Util.dll (36 Kb)
file coinst.dll (3.4 Kb)
file cwen5.sys (29.58 Kb)
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file wld675e.sys (320.19 Kb)
file wld675f.sys (320.34 Kb)
file wlp92be.sys (76 Kb)
file wlp92bf.sys (76.25 Kb)
3d (3 файла)
file TDSPBus.inf (3.01 Kb)
file TDSPBus.sys (4.05 Mb)
file tdspbus.cat (8.63 Kb)
Ac (11 файлов)
1 (28 файлов)
file AEIWLCFG.cpl (292.58 Kb)
file AEIWLCTG.CAT (8.45 Kb)
file AEIWLCTG.INF (11.58 Kb)
file AEIWLIOC.dll (78 Kb)
file AEIWLNDS.sys (597 Kb)
file AEIWLNIC.inf (23.88 Kb)
file AEIWLNIC_Originals.7z (8.36 Kb)
file AEIWLRES.dll (492.1 Kb)
exe AEIWLSTA.exe (209 Kb)
file AEWLPCMA.CAT (7.93 Kb)
file AEWLPCMA.INF (16.3 Kb)
file Fw1130.bin (74.48 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file aefvnt50.sys (89.13 Kb)
file aefvnt51.sys (89.25 Kb)
file aeiwgcfg.cpl (310.07 Kb)
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file aeiwgdom.ini (8.43 Kb)
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file aeiwgnic.inf (19.73 Kb)
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exe aeiwgsta.exe (210.5 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.77 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (376.5 Kb)
file ACTNCFG.cpl (284.07 Kb)
file ACTNIOC.dll (81.5 Kb)
file ACTNNDS.sys (50.57 Kb)
file ACTNNIC.inf (23.62 Kb)
file ACTNNIC_Originals.7z (11.24 Kb)
file ACTNRES.dll (54.28 Kb)
exe ACTNSTA.exe (194.5 Kb)
file PRISMA00.sys (369.03 Kb)
file WN4201B.inf (10.1 Kb)
file WN4201B_Originals.7z (6.89 Kb)
Ag (24 файла)
file WAAGS48B.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48D.DLL (176 Kb)
file WAAGS51B.DLL (180 Kb)
exe WCAGS48B.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS48D.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS51B.EXE (56 Kb)
file WDAGS48.DLL (10.5 Kb)
file WDAGS48B.DLL (10.5 Kb)
file WDAGS48C.DLL (7.5 Kb)
file WDAGS48D.DLL (7.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51.DLL (10.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51B.DLL (10.5 Kb)
file WFAGS48B.SYS (3.13 Kb)
file WIAGS51.DLL (7 Kb)
file WLAGS48B.SYS (167.5 Kb)
file WLAGS48D.SYS (151 Kb)
file WLAGS51B.SYS (174.5 Kb)
file WLAGSALL.INF (60.87 Kb)
file WNAGS.CNT (729 b)
file WNAGS.HLP (220.92 Kb)
file WNAGS48B.CPL (160 Kb)
file WNAGS48D.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS51B.CPL (160 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (22.17 Kb)
Ai (10 файлов)
file NETANI.INF (39.23 Kb)
file WniHdd50.sy_ (331.05 Kb)
file WniHdd51.sys (826 Kb)
file netani_Originals.7z (9.62 Kb)
file tmimo3.bin (8.74 Kb)
file tmimo30P.sy_ (334.49 Kb)
file tmimo31P.sys (765.5 Kb)
file tmimo3P.inf (40.06 Kb)
file tmimo3P_Originals.7z (5.12 Kb)
file wni6000.bin (6.28 Kb)
AL (8 файлов)
file Fw1130.bin (74.77 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.37 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
file TNET1130.INF (13.53 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.74 Kb)
file tnet1130.7z (92 b)
file tnet1130.sys (377.63 Kb)
At (13 файлов)
2 (3 файла)
file athw.sys (1.85 Mb)
file netathw.cat (56.65 Kb)
file netathw.inf (227.18 Kb)
3 (3 файла)
file athw.sys (1.88 Mb)
file netathw.inf (232.91 Kb)
file netathw_Originals.7z (21.03 Kb)
4 (6 файлов)
file wsimd.cat (41.08 Kb)
file wsimd.inf (2.13 Kb)
file wsimd.sys (56.84 Kb)
exe wsimdbub.exe (40 Kb)
file wsimdp.cat (41.48 Kb)
file wsimdp.inf (5.24 Kb)
txt License.txt (35.47 Kb)
file ar5211.sys (495.53 Kb)
file athw.sys (2.06 Mb)
file net5211.cat (15.01 Kb)
file net5211.inf (42.55 Kb)
file netathw.cat (73.57 Kb)
file netathw.inf (283.28 Kb)
file ubnt_athw.inf (27.55 Kb)
file ubnt_athw.sys (1.52 Mb)
file ubnt_athw_Originals.7z (8.55 Kb)
B (17 файлов)
1 (3 файла)
file BCMWL5.INF (378.28 Kb)
file BCMWL5.SYS (363 Kb)
file bcmwl5_Originals.7z (23.94 Kb)
file BEL6001P.sys (76.88 Kb)
file BELCFG.DLL (104.63 Kb)
file BELCFG.cpl (353.08 Kb)
file BELIOC.dll (80.12 Kb)
file BELNDS.sys (50.5 Kb)
file BELNIC.inf (12.68 Kb)
file BELRES.dll (80 Kb)
exe BELSTA.exe (168.11 Kb)
file Bel6001.inf (13.94 Kb)
file Bel6001.sys (164.5 Kb)
file Originals.7z (3.11 Kb)
file bkpcm.inf (16.19 Kb)
file bkpcmxp.sys (71.13 Kb)
file mdc8021x.inf (3.33 Kb)
file mdc8021x.sys (15.41 Kb)
file net6001p.inf (13.58 Kb)
BL (8 файлов)
file WLANNIC.7z (2.96 Kb)
file WLANNIC.INF (16.5 Kb)
file WLANPCI-Originals.7z (2.63 Kb)
file WLANPCI.inf (14.25 Kb)
file WLANPCI.sys (94 Kb)
file nb825NDS.7z (2.92 Kb)
file nb825NDS.INF (18.13 Kb)
file nb825nds.sys (53.5 Kb)
Br (7 файлов)
0 (4 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (10.94 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (729.83 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (3.21 Mb)
file bcmwlcoi.dll (89.3 Kb)
1 (4 файла)
file bcmwl5.inf (889.9 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (5.81 Mb)
file bcmwl5_Originals.7z (43.2 Kb)
file bcmwl5oem.sys (5.04 Mb)
3 (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (7 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (4.85 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (167.63 Kb)
8 (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (9.14 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (389.4 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (363 Kb)
file bcm43xx.cat (8.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (535.27 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (590.75 Kb)
BU (19 файлов)
1 (11 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.37 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (371.13 Kb)
file net2pg54.inf (45.21 Kb)
file netcbg54.inf (44.12 Kb)
file netg54s.inf (44.79 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.74 Kb)
file tnet1130.INF (11.92 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (376.75 Kb)
file tnet1130_Originals.7z (2.48 Kb)
file CBG54L2.sy_ (82.36 Kb)
file CBG54L2x.sys (156.13 Kb)
file CBG54_Originals.7z (6.73 Kb)
file NET2G54L.inf (11.05 Kb)
file NET2G54L_Originals.7z (2.85 Kb)
file NETS11.7z (2.85 Kb)
file NETS11.inf (14.09 Kb)
file NETWLI2K.7z (1.96 Kb)
file NETWLI2K.INF (7.33 Kb)
file WLIPCIK.INF (2.57 Kb)
file WLIPCIK.SYS (3.88 Kb)
file WLIPCM2K.SYS (54.8 Kb)
file WLIS11.sy_ (197.88 Kb)
file WLIS11x.sys (605.13 Kb)
file ag300n3.sy_ (285.63 Kb)
file ag300n5.sys (535.63 Kb)
file netag3n.inf (25.25 Kb)
file netag3n_Originals.7z (4.06 Kb)
C (14 файлов)
3 (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (11.4 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (792.26 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (590.75 Kb)
file CInsX500.dll (52 Kb)
file PCX500.SYS (113.56 Kb)
file PCX500MP.SYS (4.87 Kb)
file PCX504.sys (119.56 Kb)
file netA504.inf (11.48 Kb)
file netX500.inf (44.88 Kb)
file neta504.cat (9.44 Kb)
file netx500.cat (11.23 Kb)
file pcx500.xp (112.5 Kb)
file pcx500b.img (128.25 Kb)
file pcx504.51 (118.5 Kb)
file pcx504a.img (128.25 Kb)
file pcx504b.img (128.25 Kb)
CG (11 файлов)
file CgGL2.7z (2.97 Kb)
file CgGL2.INF (15.92 Kb)
file CgGL2.sys (376.25 Kb)
file WLPCN51.SYS (49.38 Kb)
file WLPCND5.SY_ (25.96 Kb)
file WLPCNDS.7z (3.46 Kb)
file WLPCNDS.INF (22.63 Kb)
file cw54gl.7z (2.99 Kb)
file cw54gl.INF (14.63 Kb)
file cw54gl.sys (223.63 Kb)
file rt2561.bin (8 Kb)
Co (6 файлов)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.27 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (49.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.06 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.INF (23.65 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (60.28 Kb)
file prismcfg.cpl (313.64 Kb)
Cr (5 файлов)
file cowgcb.ARM (90.31 Kb)
file cowgcb.INF (16.34 Kb)
file cowgcb.SYS (55.06 Kb)
file cowpcib5.inf (12.35 Kb)
file cowpcib5.sys (83 Kb)
D (26 файлов)
0 (13 файлов)
file NetRT61G.CAT (8.28 Kb)
file NetRt61G.INF (28.3 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.DLL (110.61 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (288.07 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (50.77 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (2.87 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.INF (14.86 Kb)
file PRISMR16.DLL (44.3 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (64.28 Kb)
exe PRISMSTA.exe (140.07 Kb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
file rt619x.sys (488.13 Kb)
file AIR.BIN (40.73 Kb)
file AIR.CAT (7.42 Kb)
file AIR.INF (9.71 Kb)
file AIR.SYS (63.88 Kb)
file AIRPLUS.CAT (9.23 Kb)
file AIRPLUS.INF (13.92 Kb)
file AIRPLUS.SYS (249.38 Kb)
file DWL520.cat (7.48 Kb)
file DWL520.inf (11.85 Kb)
file DWL520.sys (92.75 Kb)
file DWL650.SYS (91.75 Kb)
file MRV8K51.sys (250.88 Kb)
file NETDLWL.CAT (7.8 Kb)
file NETDLWL.INF (8.7 Kb)
file NETDLWL.SYS (179.38 Kb)
file NETPRISM.inf (12.65 Kb)
file NETPRISM_Originals.7z (7.39 Kb)
file Netdwl.cat (7.04 Kb)
file Netdwl.inf (11.88 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (660.5 Kb)
file RADIO0d.BIN (936 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file RADIO15.BIN (912 b)
file WLANGEN.bin (39.68 Kb)
file mrv8k51.inf (8.44 Kb)
E (21 файл)
1 (9 файлов)
file PRISMCFG.DLL (108.3 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (293.58 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (53.77 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (21.53 Kb)
file WLANNIC.7z (2.96 Kb)
file WLANNIC.INF (16.49 Kb)
file wlannds.sys (52.5 Kb)
file FVNETD.SYS (88.88 Kb)
file NETVNETD.INF (4.99 Kb)
file NETVNpci.INF (5.64 Kb)
file XG350TI.bin (61.3 Kb)
file XG350TI.inf (10.78 Kb)
file XG350TI.sys (197.63 Kb)
file cw10.sys (40.12 Kb)
file fastvnet.sys (64.63 Kb)
file fvnet4.sys (83 Kb)
file fvnet4c.sys (83 Kb)
file fvnete.sys (83.88 Kb)
file fvnetr.sys (83.88 Kb)
file netcw10.7z (4.12 Kb)
file netcw10.INF (24.95 Kb)
file netvnet4.inf (5.31 Kb)
file netvnete.inf (5.29 Kb)
file netvnetp.inf (5.18 Kb)
file netvnetr.inf (5.56 Kb)
file netvnt4c.inf (5.31 Kb)
file pcifvnet.sys (82.88 Kb)
Es (13 файлов)
file WARBT48.DLL (188 Kb)
file WARBT48B.DLL (188 Kb)
exe WCRBT48.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCRBT48B.EXE (68 Kb)
file WDRBT48.DLL (7 Kb)
file WDRBT48B.DLL (7 Kb)
file WIRBT48.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WLRBT48.SYS (167 Kb)
file WLRBT48B.SYS (167.5 Kb)
file WLRBTALL.INF (5.27 Kb)
file WNRBT.CNT (729 b)
file WNRBT48.CPL (168 Kb)
file WNRBT48B.CPL (168 Kb)
H (10 файлов)
file HWG.INF (17.26 Kb)
file HWG61.INF (23.06 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.72 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file rt2500.sys (232.63 Kb)
file rt25u98.sys (237.13 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (7.62 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (34.04 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (1.27 Mb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
HP (4 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (13.72 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (1.05 Mb)
file bcmwl5.sys (3.21 Mb)
file bcmwlcoi.dll (89.34 Kb)
I (19 файлов)
1 (11 файлов)
file License.rtf (37.5 Kb)
file NETw4c32.DLL (668 Kb)
file NETw4k32.CAT (26.89 Kb)
file NETw4k32.INF (178.34 Kb)
file NETw4k32.sys (2.41 Mb)
file NETw4r32.DLL (2.64 Mb)
file NETwNc32.dll (668 Kb)
file NETwNr32.dll (2.63 Mb)
file NETwNx32.INF (386.18 Kb)
file NETwNx32.sys (6.59 Mb)
file netwnx32.cat (16.44 Kb)
3 (31 файл)
file IMWEBCFG.cpl (329.61 Kb)
file IMWEBIOC.dll (71.77 Kb)
file IMWEBN5.INF (17.71 Kb)
file IMWEBN5.sys (49 Kb)
file IMWEBRES.dll (70.28 Kb)
exe IMWEBSTA.exe (220.53 Kb)
file NETw2c32.DLL (544 Kb)
file NETw2r32.DLL (2.61 Mb)
file NetWlan5.img (66.18 Kb)
file NetWlan5.inf (22.95 Kb)
file NetWlan5.sys (134.57 Kb)
file W20MLRES.DLL (972 Kb)
file W20NCPA.DLL (400.07 Kb)
file WL5NDI.DLL (23.63 Kb)
file WLDMLRES.DLL (60 Kb)
file iProDifX.dll (646.27 Kb)
exe iProdifx.exe (290.27 Kb)
file netwlan5.cat (9.57 Kb)
file w29n50.sys (2.11 Mb)
file w29n51.INF (117.04 Kb)
file w29n51.cat (17.18 Kb)
file w29n51.sys (2.11 Mb)
file w70n5.sys (656 Kb)
file w70n501.cat (12.38 Kb)
file w70n501.inf (45.6 Kb)
file w70n51.sys (658.75 Kb)
file w70n5msg.dll (32 Kb)
file wl50nd4.sys (272.81 Kb)
file wl50nd5.inf (16.69 Kb)
file wl50nd5.sys (277.17 Kb)
file wl5cfg.dll (280 Kb)
file NETwLc32.dll (666.73 Kb)
file NETwLr32.dll (2.64 Mb)
file NETwLx32.INF (450.58 Kb)
file NETwLx32.sys (6.31 Mb)
file NETwNc32.dll (674.73 Kb)
file NETwNr32.dll (2.64 Mb)
file NETwNx32.INF (121.41 Kb)
file NETwNx32.cat (12.11 Kb)
file NETwNx32.sys (7.14 Mb)
file NETwxn00.sys (9.81 Mb)
file Netwcn00.dll (726.27 Kb)
file Netwrn00.dll (3.23 Mb)
file Netwxn00.INF (299.98 Kb)
exe dpinst32.exe (900.56 Kb)
exe iprodifx.exe (1.41 Mb)
file netwlx32.cat (24.22 Kb)
file netwxn00.cat (19.94 Kb)
Ib (3 файла)
file AR5211.SYS (456.16 Kb)
file NET5211.CAT (8.25 Kb)
file NET5211.INF (27.2 Kb)
L (32 файла)
file Ar5211.sys (232.37 Kb)
file Fw1130.bin (74.48 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file I2220NTX.SYS (114.5 Kb)
file LSIPNDS.cat (7.86 Kb)
file LSIPNDS.inf (10.99 Kb)
file LSIPNDS.sys (93.5 Kb)
file LSIPNDSX.sys (94 Kb)
file LSTINDS.INF (9.12 Kb)
file LSTINDS.cat (8.92 Kb)
file LSWLNDS.INF (22 Kb)
file LSWLNDS.SYS (52.82 Kb)
file LSWLNDSX.SYS (49.88 Kb)
file LSWLNDS_Originals.7z (7.16 Kb)
file Originals.7z (14.03 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (306.81 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (72.09 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sys (51.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (16.34 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (64.28 Kb)
exe PRISMSTA.exe (153.19 Kb)
file WLIPNDS.INF (12.76 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.cat (7.13 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.inf (16.13 Kb)
file WMP11NDS.sys (52.82 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (293.88 Kb)
file lsbcmnds.inf (29.03 Kb)
file net5211.inf (15.14 Kb)
file netrfm2k.cat (9.64 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (413.63 Kb)
file tnet1130x.sys (376.5 Kb)
Le (3 файла)
file bcm43xx.cat (8.01 Kb)
file bcmwl5.inf (765.23 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (4.13 Mb)
Lm (40 файлов)
file AirLnc54.7z (2.43 Kb)
file AirLnc54.inf (11.47 Kb)
file WAAGS48.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48B.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48C.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS48D.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS51.DLL (180 Kb)
file WAAGS51B.DLL (180 Kb)
exe WCAGS48.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS48B.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS48C.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS48D.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS51.EXE (56 Kb)
exe WCAGS51B.EXE (56 Kb)
file WDAGS48B.DLL (11 Kb)
file WDAGS48D.DLL (7.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51B.DLL (11.5 Kb)
file WFAGS48B.SYS (3.13 Kb)
file WIAGS48.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WIAGS48C.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WIAGS51.DLL (6.98 Kb)
file WLAGS48.SYS (166 Kb)
file WLAGS48B.SYS (166.5 Kb)
file WLAGS48C.SYS (149.5 Kb)
file WLAGS48D.SYS (150 Kb)
file WLAGS51.SYS (173.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51B.SYS (174 Kb)
file WLAGSALL.INF (63.2 Kb)
file WNAGS.CNT (729 b)
file WNAGS.HLP (220.92 Kb)
file WNAGS48.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS48B.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS48C.CPL (152 Kb)
file WNAGS48D.CPL (152 Kb)
file WNAGS51.CPL (156 Kb)
file WNAGS51B.CPL (156 Kb)
file ar5211.sys (456.94 Kb)
file elsaal2.inf (6.07 Kb)
file elsaal2.sys (35 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (22.48 Kb)
Lx (3 файла)
file AmPsmNIC.INF (10.49 Kb)
file AmPsmNIC.cat (7.15 Kb)
file Express.sys (600.5 Kb)
M (10 файлов)
file MN520-51.sys (632 Kb)
file MN520.inf (11.67 Kb)
file MSWNDS50.sys (51.58 Kb)
file MSWNDS51.sys (51 Kb)
file MSWPCC.cat (7.92 Kb)
file MSWPCC.inf (11.84 Kb)
file mn520.cat (7.53 Kb)
file mn720-50.sys (248.25 Kb)
file mn720.cat (7.66 Kb)
file mn720.inf (7.03 Kb)
MT (3 файла)
file ms68bm.cat (8.29 Kb)
file ms68bm.inf (15.82 Kb)
file ms68bm.sys (259.5 Kb)
Mv (4 файла)
file Mrvw123.sys (276 Kb)
file Mrvw125.sys (276 Kb)
file netmw125.7z (7.94 Kb)
file netmw125.inf (22.57 Kb)
N (13 файлов)
1 (5 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.37 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.92 Kb)
file netwg311.cat (8.92 Kb)
file netwg311_XP.sys (377.63 Kb)
file wg311v2.inf (8.94 Kb)
file NetMW14x.inf (32.83 Kb)
file NetMW14y.inf (32.73 Kb)
file Originals.7z (6.98 Kb)
file WG511ICB.sys (385.78 Kb)
file netmw143.sys (426.63 Kb)
file netmw145.sys (427 Kb)
file netwg511.inf (12.79 Kb)
file wn311b.cat (8.92 Kb)
file wn311b.inf (79.77 Kb)
file wn311b.sys (590.75 Kb)
file wn511b.inf (80 Kb)
file wn511b.sys (596.5 Kb)
o (44 файла)
file WAAGS48.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS48B.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS48C.DLL (188 Kb)
file WAAGS48D.DLL (188 Kb)
file WAAGS51.DLL (184 Kb)
file WAAGS51B.DLL (184 Kb)
exe WCAGS48.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48B.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48C.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS48D.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS51.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCAGS51B.EXE (68 Kb)
exe WCLUC48.EXE (64 Kb)
file WDAGS48B.DLL (15.5 Kb)
file WDAGS48D.DLL (11.5 Kb)
file WDAGS51B.DLL (16 Kb)
file WDLUC48.DLL (6.92 Kb)
file WFAGS48B.SYS (3.13 Kb)
file WIAGS48.DLL (6.97 Kb)
file WIAGS48C.DLL (6.97 Kb)
file WIAGS51.DLL (7.44 Kb)
file WLAGS48.SYS (158 Kb)
file WLAGS48B.SYS (159 Kb)
file WLAGS48C.SYS (150 Kb)
file WLAGS48D.SYS (150.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51.SYS (164.5 Kb)
file WLAGS51B.SYS (164.5 Kb)
file WLAGSALL.INF (61.98 Kb)
file WLLUC48.INF (5.13 Kb)
file WLLUC48.SYS (138.22 Kb)
file WNAGS.CNT (729 b)
file WNAGS.HLP (220.92 Kb)
file WNAGS48.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48B.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48C.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS48D.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS51.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNAGS51B.CPL (172 Kb)
file WNLUC.CNT (1.05 Kb)
file WNLUC.HLP (586.28 Kb)
file WNLUC48.CPL (144 Kb)
file wlags2x.cat (21.75 Kb)
file wlags9x.cat (27.76 Kb)
file wlluc48.cat (9.64 Kb)
Pr (12 файлов)
1 (8 файлов)
file PRISMA00.inf (8.63 Kb)
file PRISMA00.sys (354.19 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (306.07 Kb)
file PRISMDOM.ini (8.43 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dll (78 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dll (67 Kb)
exe PRISMSTA.exe (210.5 Kb)
file prisma00.cat (9.67 Kb)
2 (3 файла)
file PRISMA00.inf (8.2 Kb)
file PRISMA00.sys (371.81 Kb)
file prismnic.cat (7.78 Kb)
file PRISMA00.SYS (380.88 Kb)
file PRISMA01.7z (3.45 Kb)
file PRISMA02.7z (3.42 Kb)
file PRISMA02.inf (11.24 Kb)
file PRISMAPI.DLL (360.08 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.CPL (392.08 Kb)
file PRISME2.dll (820 Kb)
file PRISME5.dll (908 Kb)
exe PRISMSVR.EXE (276.08 Kb)
file prismndi.dll (191.63 Kb)
R (17 файлов)
2 (5 файлов)
file RT2860.inf (503.37 Kb)
file RT2860.sys (2.14 Mb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.79 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (28.52 Kb)
3 (3 файла)
file rt2860.cat (13.85 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (37.78 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (524.63 Kb)
file RT2400.sys (104.5 Kb)
file RT2500.sys (232.63 Kb)
file RT61.CAT (21.01 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dat (13.79 Kb)
file RaCoInst.dll (233.34 Kb)
file Rt2500dp.INF (19.81 Kb)
file rt2400.INF (15.74 Kb)
file rt2500.inf (43.5 Kb)
file rt2500_Originals.7z (10.23 Kb)
file rt2860.cat (31.08 Kb)
file rt2860.inf (564.3 Kb)
file rt2860.sys (2.57 Mb)
file rt61.inf (69.41 Kb)
file rt61.sys (488.38 Kb)
file rt6x.inf (23.36 Kb)
RT (23 файла)
2 (4 файла)
file XPTWOPORT.INF (2.54 Kb)
file XPTWOPORT.sys (15.5 Kb)
file XPTWOPORT_MP.INF (2.01 Kb)
file xptwoport.cat (7.69 Kb)
file NET8180.INF (14.4 Kb)
txt NET8180_Release.txt (12.22 Kb)
file net8185.cat (7.75 Kb)
file net8185.inf (10.44 Kb)
file net8185b.inf (13.91 Kb)
file net8192de.cat (8.24 Kb)
file net8192de.inf (212.21 Kb)
file net8192se.cat (24.43 Kb)
file net8192se.inf (335.64 Kb)
file net819xp.cat (9.59 Kb)
file net819xp.inf (257.45 Kb)
file netrtwlane_xp.cat (36.86 Kb)
file netrtwlane_xp.inf (546.62 Kb)
file rtl8180.sys (181 Kb)
file rtl8185.sys (804.63 Kb)
file rtl8185B.sys (251.88 Kb)
file rtl8192de.sys (922.98 Kb)
file rtl8192se-Win2K.7z (291.88 Kb)
file rtl8192se.sys (861.73 Kb)
file rtl819xp-Win2K.7z (200.45 Kb)
file rtl819xp.sys (519.98 Kb)
file rtwlane_xp.sys (2.46 Mb)
S (41 файл)
0 (8 файлов)
file RADIO0d.BIN (920 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file SMCWLAN.INF (10.8 Kb)
file SMCWLAN.SYS (151.75 Kb)
file WLANGEN.BIN (32.92 Kb)
file WLANNIC.7z (2.98 Kb)
file WLANNIC.INF (16.59 Kb)
file smcnds.sys (53.5 Kb)
file 2802W.cat (8.05 Kb)
file 2802W.inf (10.93 Kb)
file 2802W.sys (378.35 Kb)
file 2802W51.sys (376.88 Kb)
file 2835WC51.SYS (376.88 Kb)
file 2835WICB.SYS (378.35 Kb)
file Am772.sys (170.19 Kb)
file Ar5210b.sys (258.11 Kb)
file DCSU2635.dll (4.5 Kb)
exe DCSU2635.exe (216 Kb)
file NET2602W.CAT (7.47 Kb)
file Net2602w.inf (12.6 Kb)
file Net2635w.inf (13.42 Kb)
file NetAm772.inf (5.43 Kb)
file Originals.7z (9.36 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cpl (289.08 Kb)
file SMC2602W.sys (81.63 Kb)
file SMC2635W.sys (93.75 Kb)
file SMC2835.INF (12.75 Kb)
file SMCCFG.cpl (280.08 Kb)
file SMCIOC.dll (81.5 Kb)
file SMCNDS.sys (50.5 Kb)
file SMCNIC.inf (17.64 Kb)
file SMCRES.dll (47.28 Kb)
exe SMCSTA.exe (190.5 Kb)
file STACFG.HLP (8.66 Kb)
file net5210b.inf (14.26 Kb)
file smc11ab.cat (7.96 Kb)
file smc11ab.inf (13.43 Kb)
file smc11ab.sys (312.53 Kb)
file smc2802w.arm (90.31 Kb)
file smc2802w.ini (8.43 Kb)
file smc2802w.sys (55.19 Kb)
file smc2802wnic.inf (15.44 Kb)
file smc2835w.arm (90.31 Kb)
file smc2835w.ini (8.43 Kb)
file smc2835w.sys (55.19 Kb)
file smc2835wnic.inf (15.55 Kb)
file stacfg00.cpl (260 Kb)
file stacfg00.dll (260 Kb)
Sc (3 файла)
1 (12 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file NetGtks.inf (50.92 Kb)
file NetGtks_Originals.7z (8.32 Kb)
file WLANCTG.SYS (377.63 Kb)
file WLANCTG.cat (9.14 Kb)
file WLANNDS.sys (148.33 Kb)
file WlanCTG.inf (11.92 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (248.13 Kb)
file fvnetr.sys (69.88 Kb)
file fvnetrxp.sys (70.38 Kb)
file wlannic.inf (12.25 Kb)
file WLANCIG.sys (380.91 Kb)
file wlanCIG.inf (10.45 Kb)
SI (15 файлов)
file SIS160.CAT (8.72 Kb)
file SIS160.sys (72 Kb)
file SIS162_Originals.7z (25.64 Kb)
file SIS163.CAT (8.18 Kb)
file SiS160.inf (17.85 Kb)
file SiS162.inf (8.84 Kb)
file SiS163.inf (7.17 Kb)
file SiS163.sys (181 Kb)
file SiSWBase.dll (48 Kb)
file SiSWBase3.dll (48 Kb)
file SiSWInst.dll (152 Kb)
file SiSWPars.dll (232 Kb)
exe Uninst2k.exe (24 Kb)
exe Unwlsdrv.exe (48 Kb)
file sis162.sys (156.5 Kb)
ST (4 файла)
file O4I01A.CAT (8.1 Kb)
file O4I01A.inf (12.07 Kb)
file O4I01A.sy_ (151.12 Kb)
file O4I01A51.sys (376.88 Kb)
Su (30 файлов)
file FVNETR.SYS (88.88 Kb)
file Fvnete.sys (112.63 Kb)
file GenericPCM-E.inf (16.46 Kb)
file GenericPCM.INF (19.49 Kb)
file PRISMCFG.cp_ (281.06 Kb)
file PRISMIOC.dl_ (76 Kb)
file PRISMNDS.sy_ (49.5 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.7z (3.26 Kb)
file PRISMNIC.inf (19.35 Kb)
file PRISMRES.dl_ (68.28 Kb)
file PRISMSTA.ex_ (144.07 Kb)
file RT2400.INF (22.12 Kb)
file RT2400.SYS (50.38 Kb)
file Rt2500.INF (48.68 Kb)
file TIACXGEN.BIN (32.18 Kb)
file TIACXLN.INF (8.95 Kb)
file TIACXLN.sys (138.63 Kb)
file TIACXLN_Originals.7z (2.41 Kb)
file TIACXMX.BIN (33.09 Kb)
file TIACXRFM.BIN (1.07 Kb)
file TIACXRMX.BIN (1.05 Kb)
file TIACXSN.BIN (33.11 Kb)
file WLANDCB.arm (90.31 Kb)
file WLANDCB.sys (55 Kb)
file WlanDom.ini (8.22 Kb)
file remove.ex_ (32.98 Kb)
file rt2500.cat (12.02 Kb)
file rt2500.sys (186.25 Kb)
file uninstall.ex_ (32 Kb)
file wlannic.inf (12.42 Kb)
T (6 файлов)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file TNET1130.INF (9.02 Kb)
file tnet1130.cat (8.92 Kb)
file tnet1130.sys (376.5 Kb)
file tnet_2K.sys (413.6 Kb)
To (4 файла)
file HWDev.reg (82.8 Kb)
file net8187Se.inf (150.83 Kb)
file net8187se.cat (9.31 Kb)
file rtl8187Se.sys (308.25 Kb)
US (19 файлов)
0 (6 файлов)
file USRIOC.dll (81.5 Kb)
file USRNDS51.sys (50.5 Kb)
file USRNIC.inf (16.92 Kb)
file USRNIC_Originals.7z (8.34 Kb)
file USRRES.dll (55.78 Kb)
exe USRSTA.exe (191 Kb)
1 (5 файлов)
file USRMAXG.inf (364.32 Kb)
file USRMAXG_Originals.7z (21.77 Kb)
file USRMAXGa.7z (129 b)
file USRMAXGa.inf (40.44 Kb)
file bcmwl5.sys (348.75 Kb)
file FwRad16.bin (81.08 Kb)
file FwRad17.bin (82.66 Kb)
file RADIO0d.BIN (920 b)
file RADIO11.BIN (964 b)
file USR11G.SYS (378 Kb)
file USR11G.inf (20.8 Kb)
file USRWLAN-Originals.7z (2.87 Kb)
file USRWLAN.INF (10.88 Kb)
file USRWLAN.SYS (151.75 Kb)
file WLANGEN.BIN (32.92 Kb)
file odysseyIM3.inf (1.87 Kb)
file odysseyIM3.sys (61.39 Kb)
file odysseyIM3_M.inf (1.4 Kb)
file odysseyim3.cat (7.71 Kb)
file odysseyim3_m.cat (7.3 Kb)
file radio16.bin (7.04 Kb)
file radio17.bin (8.77 Kb)
V (4 файла)
file VNWL.inf (14.58 Kb)
file VNWL5B.sys (127.5 Kb)
file VNWL_Originals.7z (7.45 Kb)
file vuins32.dll (60 Kb)
X (3 файла)
file Originals.7z (7.44 Kb)
file i2220ntx.sys (153 Kb)
file neti2220.inf (16.83 Kb)
file dpwlan-FindHWIDS-2015-01-22-093244.csv (1.35 Mb)
txt dpwlan-SIGVERIF_CatCplDllExeSys_postRootsUpd.TXT (121.32 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Changelog-Notes.txt (16.74 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Contents.txt (16.21 Kb)
txt dpwlan_Previous_Changelogs.txt (28.58 Kb)
exe DPInst.exe (900.56 Kb)
file DPInst.xml (227 b)
file Installer v1.1.1.cmd (1.58 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (542 b)
Paragon GPT Loader v8.0.1.2 (4 файла)
file Installer v1.0.1.cmd (1.67 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (903 b)
file gptmount.inf (3.52 Kb)
file gptmount.sys (50.7 Kb)
Windows XP Components (6 файлов)
Active Directory Application Mode SP1 (1 файл)
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txt ReadMe.txt (517 b)
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Windows Movie Maker 2.1.4028.0 Plus (5 файлов)
I386 (23 файла)
file KB981997.CAT (7.67 Kb)
file MEDIACTR.CAT (127.65 Kb)
txt blank.txt (21 b)
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jpg sample2.jpg (45.72 Kb)
file wmm2ae.dll (164 Kb)
file wmm2dvr.dll (90.5 Kb)
file wmm2eres.dll (9.5 Kb)
file wmm2ext.dll (68 Kb)
file wmm2filt.dll (393 Kb)
file wmm2fxa.dll (490.5 Kb)
file wmm2fxb.dll (318 Kb)
file wmm2fxpz.dll (401 Kb)
file wmm2fxpz.xml (2.39 Kb)
file wmm2res.dll (4.06 Mb)
file wmm2res2.dll (5.5 Kb)
file Installer v1.4.1.cmd (15.8 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (654 b)
file Uninstaller.cmd (8.93 Kb)
exe signtool.exe (231.83 Kb)
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Updates (2 файла)
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exe windowsserver2003.windowsxp-kb963093-x86-enu.exe (956.26 Kb)
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txt ReadMe.txt (591 b)
msi XPSEP XP and Server 2003 32 bit.msi (7.48 Mb)
WinXP-IE RollBacks (8 файлов)
Internet Explorer 6 (1 файл)
Updates (2 файла)
POSReady 2009 (4 файла)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb3087985-x86-embedded-enu.exe (1.75 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3124275-x86-embedded-enu.exe (4.42 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb2705219-v2-x86-enu.exe (670.52 Kb)
Internet Explorer 7 (2 файла)
Updates (1 файл)
POSReady 2009 (4 файла)
exe ie7-windowsxp-kb3124275-x86-embedded-enu.exe (8.27 Mb)
exe ie7-windowsxp-kb4018271-x86-embedded-custom-enu.exe (8.93 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe (14.74 Mb)
Internet Explorer 8 (2 файла)
Updates (2 файла)
POSReady 2009 (3 файла)
exe ie8-windowsxp-kb4493435-x86-embedded-enu.exe (10.48 Mb)
exe windowsxp-kb3033889-x86-embedded-enu.exe (632.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-kb4025497-x86-embedded-enu.exe (894.23 Kb)
exe ie8-windowsxp-kb2598845-x86-enu.exe (486.38 Kb)
exe IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe (16.1 Mb)
SP3 Image Files (2 файла)
IE6 (52 файла)
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file IEAKMMC.CH_ (109.01 Kb)
file IEAKSIE.DL_ (66.61 Kb)
file IEAKUI.DL_ (38.12 Kb)
file IEDKCS32.DL_ (101.35 Kb)
file IEDW.EX_ (10.24 Kb)
file IEENCODE.DL_ (62.66 Kb)
file IEEULA.CH_ (4.96 Kb)
file IEPEERS.DL_ (87.54 Kb)
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file IEXPLORE.CH_ (194.41 Kb)
file IEXPLORE.EX_ (37 Kb)
file IMGUTIL.DL_ (16.68 Kb)
file INETCPL.CP_ (103.88 Kb)
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file INSTALL.IN_ (708 b)
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file WININET.DL_ (298.7 Kb)
WMP9 (45 файлов)
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file MSPMSP.DL_ (79.53 Kb)
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file MSWMDM.DL_ (93.81 Kb)
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file SETUP_WM.EX_ (208.28 Kb)
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file WMADMOE.DL_ (258.21 Kb)
file WMASF.DL_ (82.07 Kb)
file WMDM.IN_ (2.04 Kb)
file WMDMLOG.DL_ (13.12 Kb)
file WMDMPS.DL_ (7.8 Kb)
file WMERROR.DL_ (21.38 Kb)
file WMFSDK.IN_ (1.34 Kb)
file WMIDX.DL_ (62.39 Kb)
file WMNETMGR.DL_ (392.8 Kb)
file WMP.DL_ (1.74 Mb)
file WMP.IN_ (5.59 Kb)
file WMPASF.DL_ (36.98 Kb)
file WMPBAND.DL_ (41.4 Kb)
file WMPDXM.DL_ (65.02 Kb)
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file WMPLAYER.EX_ (28.22 Kb)
file WMPLOC.DL_ (926.4 Kb)
file WMPSHELL.DL_ (42.7 Kb)
file WMSDMOD.DL_ (254.64 Kb)
file WMSDMOE2.DL_ (395.31 Kb)
file WMSPDMOD.DL_ (196.93 Kb)
file WMSPDMOE.DL_ (359.8 Kb)
file WMVCORE.DL_ (700.88 Kb)
file WMVDMOD.DL_ (273.11 Kb)
file WMVDMOE2.DL_ (345.31 Kb)
Windows Media Player 9 (1 файл)
Updates (6 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (1 файл)
exe windowsmedia9-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (2.21 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb952069-v2-x86-enu.exe (7.36 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
Windows Media Player 10 (2 файла)
Updates (9 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (2 файла)
exe windowsmedia-kb3067903-x86-enu.exe (581.2 Kb)
exe windowsmedia10-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (2.45 Mb)
exe windowsmedia10-kb910393-v4-x86-enu.exe (1.39 Mb)
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exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb2834902-v2-x86-enu.exe (783.7 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb952069-v2-x86-enu.exe (7.36 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb973540-x86-enu.exe (9.56 Mb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
exe MP10Setup.exe (12.16 Mb)
Windows Media Player 11 (2 файла)
Updates (7 файлов)
POSReady 2009 (2 файла)
exe windowsmedia-kb3067903-x86-enu.exe (583.69 Kb)
exe windowsmedia11-kb3033890-x86-enu.exe (5.55 Mb)
exe WindowsMedia11-KB974905-x86-INTL.exe (849.36 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb2834904-v2-x86-enu.exe (966.2 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb954155-x86-enu.exe (1.05 Mb)
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exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb975558-x86-enu.exe (817.9 Kb)
exe windowsxp-windowsmedia-kb978695-x86-enu.exe (4.21 Mb)
exe wmp11-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe (24.55 Mb)
txt ReadMe.txt (2 Kb)
Information (6 файлов)
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txt ReadMe.txt (27.49 Kb)
png Screenshots (Installation, Desktop, Malware Scan).png (413.16 Kb)
txt Valid WGA CD-Keys.txt (922 b)
file Windows NT Registration Changer v1.0.vbs (1.38 Kb)
file Windows XP,Vista,7 CD-Key Changer v1.2.vbs (2.98 Kb)
Patch Integrator v3.4.0 (3 файла)
Patches (19 файлов)
ACPI drivers (4 файла)
acpi 6666 - 2021.8.28 - daniel_k, diderius6 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (103 b)
file acpi.sys (191.38 Kb)
file checksums.sha1 (164 b)
acpi 7777.5 - 2022.5.13 (A5x11 + A5x03) (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (91 b)
file acpi.pdb (1.27 Mb)
file acpi.sys (179.5 Kb)
file checksums.sha1 (250 b)
txt ReadMe.txt (203 b)
file acpi.sys (179.5 Kb)
AMD&Intel USB3.0 xHCI drivers (4 файла)
AMDXHCI XP 145-Final v3 (5 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (1.1 Kb)
file amdhub30.inf (2.56 Kb)
file amdhub30.sys (84.59 Kb)
file amdxhc.inf (2.12 Kb)
file amdxhc.sys (168 Kb)
AMDXHCI XP 276-Final v3 (5 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (1.1 Kb)
file amdhub30.inf (2.59 Kb)
file amdhub30.sys (78 Kb)
file amdxhc.inf (2.12 Kb)
file amdxhc.sys (168.06 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (138 b)
txt ReleaseNote.txt (15.37 Kb)
AMD SATA driver v1.1 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (445 b)
file amd_sata.inf (5.01 Kb)
file amd_sata.sys (70.16 Kb)
file amd_xata.sys (28.16 Kb)
AVX&AVX2 Enabler v1.1 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (997 b)
file ntkrpamp.delta (639 b)
exe xdelta3.exe (283 Kb)
Kai-Schtrom NVMe drivers (3 файла)
OFA NVMe driver v1.3_20180719 (3 файла)
file nvme.inf (3.86 Kb)
file nvme.sys (44.49 Kb)
file nvme86.cat (1.88 Kb)
OFA NVMe driver v1.5_20180719 (3 файла)
file nvme.inf (4.01 Kb)
file nvme.sys (64.49 Kb)
file nvme86.cat (1.88 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (415 b)
Kai-Schtrom SATA driver v1.0_2020928 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (394 b)
file storahci.cat (1.94 Kb)
file storahci.inf (1.66 Kb)
file storahci.sys (48.01 Kb)
Kernel-Mode Driver Framework 1.11 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (295 b)
file wdf01000.sys (514.71 Kb)
file wdf01011.inf (4.55 Kb)
file wdfldr.sys (46.6 Kb)
Microsoft NVMe driver v2.0 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (303 b)
file stornvme.inf (3.69 Kb)
file stornvme.sys (40.23 Kb)
Microsoft SATA driver v2.1 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (324 b)
file storahci.inf (5.86 Kb)
file storahci.sys (64.73 Kb)
Microsoft SD+MMC Card driver v1.0 (6 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (290 b)
file dumpsd.sys (78.22 Kb)
file sdbus.inf (11.66 Kb)
file sdbus.sys (117.72 Kb)
file sdstor.inf (2.21 Kb)
file sdstor.sys (28.22 Kb)
Microsoft USB3.X xHCI driver v2.2 (11 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (525 b)
file ksecd8.sys (382.97 Kb)
file uaspstor.inf (1.99 Kb)
file uaspstor.sys (64.5 Kb)
file ucx01000.sys (174.84 Kb)
file usbd8.sys (18.34 Kb)
file usbhub3.inf (2.36 Kb)
file usbhub3.sys (354.81 Kb)
file usbxhci.inf (2.48 Kb)
file usbxhci.sys (261.84 Kb)
file wpprecor.sys (20.73 Kb)
Miscellaneous (5 файлов)
Win2003 (2 файла)
KB2862330 (3 файла)
file KB2862330.CAT (10.05 Kb)
file usbd.sys (5.63 Kb)
file usbport.sys (143 Kb)
SP2 RTM (2 файла)
file SP2.CAT (1.34 Mb)
file usbstor.sys (27.5 Kb)
txt ReadMe.txt (284 b)
file ntoskrn8.sys (138.25 Kb)
file storpor8.sys (19 Kb)
file storport.sys (148.25 Kb)
PAE 3.5+ RAM Unlock v3.6 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (617 b)
exe WinXP-PAE-Patch.exe (81 Kb)
txt WinXP-PAE-Patch.txt (296 b)
Samsung NVMe driver v1.2 (4 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (301 b)
file secnvme.inf (6.73 Kb)
file secnvme.sys (72.93 Kb)
file secnvmeF.sys (27.7 Kb)
Silicon Motion NVMe driver v1.0 (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (440 b)
file simonvme.inf (4.53 Kb)
file simonvme.sys (135.48 Kb)
SSE2 Updates Rollback v1.1 (23 файла)
asms (1 файл)
10 (2 файла)
msft (1 файл)
windows (1 файл)
gdiplus (3 файла)
file gdiplus.cat (7.21 Kb)
file gdiplus.dll (1.67 Mb)
file gdiplus.man (398 b)
policy (1 файл)
msft (1 файл)
windows (1 файл)
gdiplus (2 файла)
file gdiplus.cat (7.21 Kb)
file gdiplus.man (608 b)
svcpack (3 файла)
file KB3072630.CAT (8.74 Kb)
file KB4012583.CAT (9.1 Kb)
file KB954193.CAT (12.27 Kb)
file gdi32.dll (282 Kb)
file mf3216.dll (40 Kb)
file msexcl40.dll (297.02 Kb)
file msi.dll (4.26 Mb)
exe msiexec.exe (94 Kb)
file msihnd.dll (325 Kb)
file msjet40.dll (1.45 Mb)
file msjetol1.dll (346.79 Kb)
file msjint40.dll (148.03 Kb)
file msjter40.dll (58.78 Kb)
file msjtes40.dll (242.78 Kb)
file msltus40.dll (214.78 Kb)
file mspbde40.dll (346.78 Kb)
file msrd2x40.dll (281.02 Kb)
file msrd3x40.dll (314.78 Kb)
file msrepl40.dll (546.78 Kb)
file mstext40.dll (258.78 Kb)
file mswdat10.dll (818.78 Kb)
file mswstr10.dll (606.78 Kb)
file msxbde40.dll (346.78 Kb)
file winxpup.inf (1.55 Mb)
Timer Fix v1.1 (2 файла)
PM (3 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (305 b)
file halmacpi.dll (131.38 Kb)
file intelppm.sys (35.5 Kb)
RTC (2 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (2.24 Kb)
exe TimerFix.exe (44 Kb)
Universal Intel RST Drivers+Software v11.2.0.1006 (15 файлов)
Application (50 файлов)
ar-SA (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (372 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (72 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (19.99 Kb)
cs-CZ (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (292 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (23.93 Kb)
da-DK (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.96 Kb)
de-DE (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (324 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.82 Kb)
el-GR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (524 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (92 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (44 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (28.51 Kb)
es-ES (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (312 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.68 Kb)
fi-FI (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.87 Kb)
fr-FR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (324 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (28.01 Kb)
he-IL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (352 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (68 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (19.73 Kb)
hu-HU (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (308 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.53 Kb)
it-IT (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (27.32 Kb)
ja-JP (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (368 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (72 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (15.4 Kb)
ko-KR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (316 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (64 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (15 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (14.63 Kb)
nb-NO (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (280 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.67 Kb)
nl-NL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.9 Kb)
pl-PL (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (308 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.32 Kb)
pt-BR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (304 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.63 Kb)
pt-PT (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (300 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.89 Kb)
ru-RU (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (8.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (472 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (80 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (40 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (26.96 Kb)
sv-SE (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (288 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (24.93 Kb)
th-TH (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (10 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (592 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (100 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (48 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (36 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (22.55 Kb)
tr-TR (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7.5 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (300 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (60 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (14.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (25.18 Kb)
zh-CN (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (244 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (52 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (13.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (11.56 Kb)
zh-TW (8 файлов)
file IAStorDataMgr.resources.dll (7 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.resources.dll (260 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.resources.dll (32 Kb)
file IAStorUI.resources.dll (56 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.resources.dll (28 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.resources.dll (24 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.resources.dll (4.5 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (11.86 Kb)
file IAStorCommon.dll (4.5 Kb)
file IAStorDataMgr.dll.config (121 b)
file IAStorDataMgr.dll (62.5 Kb)
file IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe.config (200 b)
exe IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe (13.31 Kb)
file IAStorHelp.exe.config (367 b)
exe IAStorHelp.exe (996.81 Kb)
file IAStorIcon.exe.config (306 b)
exe IAStorIcon.exe (277.81 Kb)
exe IAStorIconLaunch.exe (54.81 Kb)
file IAStorUI.exe.config (315 b)
exe IAStorUI.exe (549.31 Kb)
file IAStorUIHelper.dll (172 Kb)
file IAStorUtil.dll (136 Kb)
file ISDI.dll (273 Kb)
exe ITMService.exe (15.5 Kb)
file IntelVisualDesign.dll (1.26 Mb)
file Interop.IWshRuntimeLibrary.dll (48 Kb)
file Interop.Shell32.dll (52 Kb)
file IsdiInterop.dll (58.5 Kb)
file SmartPin.dll (120.5 Kb)
file SysInftLib.dll (55 Kb)
txt readmeFRA.txt (113.39 Kb)
txt readmeIRST.txt (79.04 Kb)
txt readmeJPN.txt (70.92 Kb)
txt removdrv.txt (23.55 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
x32 (7 файлов)
txt ReadMe.txt (90 b)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (20.84 Kb)
file iaAHCI.inf (12.24 Kb)
file iaStor.inf (6.79 Kb)
file iaStor.sys (460.31 Kb)
file iaahci.cat (13.14 Kb)
file iastor.cat (13.14 Kb)
x64 (6 файлов)
file TXTSETUP.OEM (20.84 Kb)
file iaAHCI.inf (12.25 Kb)
file iaStor.inf (6.79 Kb)
file iaStor.sys (555.81 Kb)
file iaahci.cat (13.19 Kb)
file iastor.cat (13.19 Kb)
Intel Control Center (1 файл)
exe SetupICC.exe (794.77 Kb)
Lang (25 файлов)
ar-SA (2 файла)
txt license.txt (39.46 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (72 Kb)
cs-CZ (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.29 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (81.5 Kb)
da-DK (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.6 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (83 Kb)
de-DE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.51 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (88.5 Kb)
el-GR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.88 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (92.5 Kb)
en-US (2 файла)
file Setup.exe.mui (44.5 Kb)
txt license.txt (22.11 Kb)
es-ES (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.15 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (87 Kb)
fi-FI (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.77 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82 Kb)
fr-FR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (89 Kb)
he-IL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (38.75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (69 Kb)
hu-HU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.73 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (85.5 Kb)
it-IT (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.15 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (86.5 Kb)
ja-JP (2 файла)
txt license.txt (32.29 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (58 Kb)
ko-KR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (34.26 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (58.5 Kb)
nb-NO (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.53 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82 Kb)
nl-NL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.23 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (88.5 Kb)
pl-PL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49.72 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (87.5 Kb)
pt-BR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45.88 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (84 Kb)
pt-PT (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47.06 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (86 Kb)
ru-RU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (85 Kb)
sv-SE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.21 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (82.5 Kb)
th-TH (2 файла)
txt license.txt (44.75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (79.5 Kb)
tr-TR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46.89 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (84 Kb)
zh-CN (2 файла)
txt license.txt (29.65 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (49.5 Kb)
zh-TW (2 файла)
txt license.txt (29.85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (50 Kb)
Microsoft.VC90.CRT (4 файла)
file Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest (1.81 Kb)
file msvcm90.dll (219.5 Kb)
file msvcp90.dll (555.5 Kb)
file msvcr90.dll (640.5 Kb)
Win-RAID CA Certificate (2 файла)
file ImportCertificate.cmd (4.58 Kb)
file Win-RAID CA.cer (1.64 Kb)
x64 (2 файла)
file DIFxAPI.dll (513.47 Kb)
exe Drv64.exe (180.31 Kb)
file DIFxAPI.dll (311.97 Kb)
exe Setup.exe (938.81 Kb)
file Setup.if2 (12.24 Kb)
file autorun.inf (25 b)
file mup.xml (10.87 Kb)
txt readme.txt (79.04 Kb)
txt readmeFRA.txt (113.39 Kb)
txt readmeJPN.txt (70.92 Kb)
zip Microsoft USB3.X xHCI driver v2.2.zip (581.74 Kb)
Utilities (15 файлов)
Signing Tools (11 файлов)
Certificates (5 файлов)
file Code-signing Certificate.cer (1.02 Kb)
file Code-signing Certificate.pfx (2.77 Kb)
file Code-signing Certificate.pvk (1.18 Kb)
file Self-signed Certificate Authority.cer (1023 b)
file Self-signed Certificate Authority.pvk (1.18 Kb)
SigCheck (2 файла)
exe SigCheckGUI.exe (1.22 Mb)
exe sigcheck.exe (301.65 Kb)
exe Cert2Spc.exe (17.33 Kb)
exe CertMgr.Exe (69.33 Kb)
file Certificate Creator.cmd (2.25 Kb)
exe MakeCat.exe (25.83 Kb)
file capicom.dll (496.27 Kb)
exe makecert.exe (54.33 Kb)
exe pvk2pfx.exe (24.33 Kb)
exe signtool.exe (231.83 Kb)
file timestamp.dll (17.97 Kb)
file 7z.dll (1.18 Mb)
exe 7z.exe (329.5 Kb)
file Boot-NoEmul.img (2 Kb)
exe CDimageGUI_beta4_2.55mod.exe (1.34 Mb)
exe Fedit.exe (24.12 Kb)
exe Offlinereg_Gui.exe (545 Kb)
exe SetConsole.exe (156 Kb)
exe cabarc.exe (83.8 Kb)
exe cdimage.exe (120.89 Kb)
exe choice.exe (44 Kb)
exe makecab.exe (96.5 Kb)
exe offlinereg-win32.exe (297 Kb)
file offreg.dll (54.88 Kb)
exe rxrepl.exe (640 Kb)
file Options Menu.cmd (216.93 Kb)
iso Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition 2022.9.9 (Vanilla).iso (684.24 Mb)
iso winxp_rus_mui.iso (101.97 Mb)

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