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Просмотров: 740 | Автор: Superadmin | Дата: 25-09-2022, 13:31
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Spectrasonics Triliand Standalone 3 x64 + Library

Spectrasonics Triliand Standalone 3 x64 + Library
Благодаря комплексному дизайну наш модуль Trilian Total Bass Module® объединяет множество различных типов басов в один виртуальный инструмент с необыкновенным звучанием. Trilian уже давно признан самым универсальным виртуальным басовым инструментом и стал отраслевым стандартом. Нужны ли вам готовые звуки для производства или вы предпочитаете тщательно продумывать свои собственные тембры, Trilian — идеальный басовый инструмент для серьезных продюсеров. Trilian является преемником отмеченного наградами басового инструмента Trilogy от Spectrasonics, предлагая более глубокий контроль над музыкальным выражением и гораздо большую гибкость формирования звука. Библиотека Trilian в 10 раз превышает размер Trilogy и содержит все новые акустические, электрические и синтезаторные басы размером с Trilogy, а также все новые акустические, электрические и синтезаторные басы. Более шестидесяти различных 4-, 5-, 6- и 8-струнных электрических басов представлены в вариациях пальчиковой, медиаторной, безладовой, ударной, постукивающей и приглушенной техники.
Spectrasonics Triliand Standalone 3 x64 + Library Версия программы: 1.6.3d
Официальный сайт: ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: в комплекте
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Spectrasonics Triliand Standalone 3 x64 + Library

Spectrasonics Triliand Standalone 3 x64 + Library
Загрузил: Superadmin (25 сентября 2022 13:31)
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Последняя активность: 15 апреля 2024 19:07
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Spectrasonics Trilian 1.6.3d + Library (832 файла)
Spectrasonics (1 файл)
STEAM (1 файл)
Trilian (4 файла)
Defaults (5 файлов)
Factory (4 файла)
file User Settings Factory.xml (1,63 Kb)
file default factory.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file default multi.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file initial multi.mlt_trl (190,1 Kb)
images (9 файлов)
jpg Empty_125.jpg (25,35 Kb)
jpg Empty_300.jpg (37,78 Kb)
jpg default multi image.jpg (96,03 Kb)
jpg default multi image_thumb.jpg (40,04 Kb)
jpg default part image.jpg (42,7 Kb)
jpg default part image2.jpg (54 Kb)
jpg default part image_thumb.jpg (39,66 Kb)
jpg default sound source image.jpg (56,98 Kb)
jpg default sound source image_thumb.jpg (33,48 Kb)
file default multi.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file default.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file initial multi.mlt_trl (190,1 Kb)
Documentation (1 файл)
Soundsource Legal Info (3 файла)
file index.html (6,1 Kb)
png p16s.png (920 b)
png spectralogo small.png (30,48 Kb)
Settings Library (3 файла)
Multis (1 файл)
Factory (2 файла)
file Trilian Library.db (13,32 Mb)
file Trilogy Library.db (613,96 Kb)
Patches (1 файл)
Factory (5 файлов)
file Trilian Creative.db (9,47 Mb)
file Trilian Library.db (142,8 Mb)
file Trilian VIP.db (0 b)
file Trilogy Library.db (45,87 Mb)
file XTRA - Bass Legends.db (15,25 Mb)
Presets (8 файлов)
Arpeggiator (10 файлов)
file 00. Blank.arpeg (3,2 Kb)
file 32nd trick.arpeg (2,95 Kb)
file Abe Hip Hop Feel.arpeg (6,85 Kb)
file As Played, 1 Oct, Your Velocity.arpeg (3,29 Kb)
file Chord test.arpeg (2,95 Kb)
file Foster In The 90's.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
file Lone Arranger.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
file News Going Down.arpeg (3,25 Kb)
file Simple.arp (2,96 Kb)
file Triplet Chords.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
Effects (34 файла)
BPM Delay (13 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Beat Offset Delay.fxp_rmx (233 b)
file Clean Bouncer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Dot Eighth Feedback.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Dot Quarter Bouncer.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Left Echo.fxp_rmx (240 b)
file Mellow Bouncer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Nasty High Res.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Oscillation.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Rezonator Ekos.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Right Echo.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Sixteenth Hype.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Sonar Ping-Pong.fxp_rmx (261 b)
BPM Delay X2 (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Brite Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Clean Dual Delays.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Disappearing Triplets.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Dual Filtering Delays.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Filter Trash Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Infinity Fizzle.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Long Echos.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Slow Bouncer.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Tapeness.fxp_rmx (271 b)
BPM Delay X3 (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Beating Hearts.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Boondocks.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Buzz Bomb.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Clean Triple Dots.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Dark Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Distorted Bouncer.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Drone Tones.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Stun.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Thripling.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Tikitita Tikitita.fxp_rmx (285 b)
Chorus Echo (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Dirty Sixteenth Notes.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file EP's Fav 8ths.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Lush and Clean.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Mild Vintage Chorusing.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Sci-Fi Modulation.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Slapping Echoes.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Spacey Echoes.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Watery Chorus.fxp_rmx (263 b)
EZ-Phaser (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Asyncronous Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Extremely Long Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Four Pole Wah.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Log Drum.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file One Bar Phase.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Radical Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Resonant 8 pole ping.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Retro Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Trash Ringer.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Wah Phaser.fxp_rmx (282 b)
EZ-Verb (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (287 b)
file Bright Room.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Dark Tank.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Lo-Fi Chamber.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Long Verb.fxp_rmx (280 b)
file Medium Room.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Tiled Room.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Transparent Verb.fxp_rmx (280 b)
Flame Distortion (33 файла)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Badazz Drumz.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Bits On Fire.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Blues Tubes.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Burning Lows.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Death Dealer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Fat Tube Boost.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Fat Tube Warmth.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Filtered Valves.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Full Meltdown.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Fuzzy Logic.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Glowing Cymbals.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Hardcore Trashhead.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file HarshBurn S-H.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Heavy Valve Distortion.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file HeavyQ S-H squirt.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Highly Flammable.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Hot Kick Chop.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Kick Waveshaper.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Lo-Fi Slow Burn.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Loudness Button.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Mid Flambe.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Nasty Breakup.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file On The Edge.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Oven Warm Up.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Psycho Electro.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Roasting The Mids.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Roasting Weenies.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Screaming Beast.fxp_rmx (282 b)
file Small Speakers.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Smoky Flames.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Trashy Highs.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Waveshaper Fuzz.fxp_rmx (254 b)
Flanger (18 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (280 b)
file 70s Comb.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Bot.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Chorus Flanger.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Classic Flanging.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Ensemble Vibrato.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Extreme Dopplering.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Glitching Gaps.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file In The Wash.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Pipe Dream.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Sci-Fi Cheeser.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file SloSweep Ringer.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Spring Lazers.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Tron.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Unstable Drone.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Vibrato Wire.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Wide Doubling.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Zork Welcomes U.fxp_rmx (245 b)
Formant Filter (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Blended Big Head Ees.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Deep Oos.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Mod My Head and Vowel.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Muted Ees.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Small Head Iis.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Talking Ahs.fxp_rmx (280 b)
Gate Expander (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Dynamic Expander.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Mushy Gate.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Noise Gate.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Reverse Attack Sim.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Traditional Gate.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Zippering Glitchy.fxp_rmx (216 b)
Graphic 7-Band EQ (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Bass Killer.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Car Radio.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Cleaning Shift.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Comb Filter.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file Hills and Valleys.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Sharp Mid Dipper.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Super Hi-Fi.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Ultra Transparent.fxp_rmx (255 b)
Graphic 12-Band EQ (13 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file AC-30 Amp.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Aggressive Hi-Fi.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Auratones.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Bass Killer.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Cleaning Comb.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Clear out the mud.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file E X T R E M E.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Guitar Cabinet -2X12s.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Microizer.fxp_rmx (228 b)
file Ringer Comb.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Sweet and Smooth.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Uberdipper.fxp_rmx (284 b)
Imager (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (223 b)
file Auto Panner Mono.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Auto Panner Stereo.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Center Mono.fxp_rmx (216 b)
file Full Mono Left.fxp_rmx (209 b)
file Full Mono Right.fxp_rmx (216 b)
file Phase Flipper Sum.fxp_rmx (223 b)
file SloMove Gain+.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Stereo Phase Invert.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Swap Stereo Perspective.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Ultra Wide.fxp_rmx (223 b)
Modern Compressor (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Aggressive SSL.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file DBX 160X Comp.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Drum Slammer.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Exteme Popping Attack.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Heavy Mastering.fxp_rmx (269 b)
file Hi-Fi Compression.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Kill The Peaks.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Mild Presence Booster.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file No Reverb.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Tightener.fxp_rmx (234 b)
Parametric 2-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Aging.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Broad Midrange FX.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Doubling the Ring.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Midrange Cleaner.fxp_rmx (293 b)
file Octave Ringer.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Sweepable Mid Boost.fxp_rmx (293 b)
Parametric 3-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Heavy Cuts.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Make it an 808.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Parametric HiFi.fxp_rmx (293 b)
file Strong Tones.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Throw a Blanket on it.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Whistling Wind.fxp_rmx (293 b)
Power Filter (20 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Aggressive BPF.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Audio Mod Res.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Bandpass Cleaner.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Bandpass Phaser.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Cheesy UFO sweep.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Dark Ringer.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Fat Sonar.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Frankenstein.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Frequency Shifted.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Growling Ringer.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Midrange Filter.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Phase Philter.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Radiophonic.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Sizzling Bacon.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Sloshy Vox.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Slow Sweeper.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Sonar Ping HPF.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Subsonic Heartbeat.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file test.fxp_rmx (257 b)
PRO-Phaser (14 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Bending Ringer.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Drone Probe.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Electro Chirpers.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Envelope Phaser.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Glass Pipes.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Liquid Psych Envelope.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Liquid Psych Sweep.fxp_rmx (297 b)
file Mono DirtTone sweep.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Ring mod Blipperz.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Rough Machine.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Slow Phaser Stereo.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Sophistaphaser.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Watery Panner.fxp_rmx (283 b)
PRO-Verb (4 файла)
01-Long Reverbs (16 файлов)
file AMS Ambience.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Ambience.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file BladeRunner 1.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file BladeRunner 2.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Canyon Blast.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Cave Slapoid brite.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Cave Slapoid long.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Cave Slapoid mid.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Concert Hall.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Handball Court.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file High Quality Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Nice Low CPU Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Parking Structure.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Rich Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Smooth Plate.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Steam Flutter.fxp_rmx (260 b)
02-Room Simulations (23 файла)
file Boom Room mono.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Bright Perc Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Brite Early Reflections.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Corridor.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Dark Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Diffuse Reflections.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Drum Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Expensive Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Fat Little Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Kalimba Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Kick Fattner Ambience.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Lively Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Medium Room.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Mirrored Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Nice Long Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Simple Clear Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Smallish Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file String Chamber.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Studio Chamber.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Tight Bright Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Tiled Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Warm Low CPU Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Wide Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
03-Special FX (27 файлов)
file Bad Acoustic Buzz.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Bouncing Baby.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Brite Granulations.fxp_rmx (260 b)
file Cheesy Echo Machine.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Close Range Flanges.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Discreet Echo Flanges.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Evaporating Steam.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Fizzy Lifting Drink.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Flangoid Deep.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Flangoid Echo.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Glitch Slapback.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Horrible Flangetank.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Inside the Well.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Long Cylinder.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Metal Slapback.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Metallic Clockshaft.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Mettalix.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Oil Filled Barrel.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Pre Slapper.fxp_rmx (260 b)
file Resonatorz Low.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Resonatorz Up.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Resonatorz klunk.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Roboeko.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Spring Tank Flutter.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file The Rafters.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Ultrawide Granules.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Wavedrum Resonance.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (288 b)
Racks (6 файлов)
01-Ambient Spaces (28 файлов)
file Ambient Guitar.fxr_rmx (813 b)
file Cheap Mics+Bad Room.fxr_rmx (797 b)
file Cheeseball Spring.fxr_rmx (838 b)
file Chorus Delay Room.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Clear n Wide Space.fxr_rmx (833 b)
file Closet Recording.fxr_rmx (772 b)
file Dub Surf rig.fxr_rmx (791 b)
file EP Uber-rich Hall.fxr_rmx (694 b)
file Filtered Ambience 1.fxr_rmx (839 b)
file Filtered Ambience 2.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Filtered Ambience 3.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Filtered Ambience 4.fxr_rmx (838 b)
file Gated Eighties.fxr_rmx (778 b)
file Gianormous.fxr_rmx (854 b)
file Harpy Delays.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Mid-Mono Ambience.fxr_rmx (819 b)
file Mono Lo-Fi Chamber.fxr_rmx (790 b)
file Mono Metal Chamber.fxr_rmx (783 b)
file Scott's Rack of Love.fxr_rmx (1,06 Kb)
file Snare Resonator.fxr_rmx (853 b)
file Space Echo Modern.fxr_rmx (836 b)
file Space Echo Retro.fxr_rmx (765 b)
file Superphaser Plate.fxr_rmx (821 b)
file Tape Chamber.fxr_rmx (753 b)
file Ultrawide Granules.fxr_rmx (840 b)
file Vintage Reverb Tank.fxr_rmx (699 b)
file Wah-Wah Springs.fxr_rmx (805 b)
file Warm Chorus Delay.fxr_rmx (795 b)
02-Colorizers (17 файлов)
file AM Radio.fxr_rmx (781 b)
file Analog Tape Wamth.fxr_rmx (692 b)
file Analogizer.fxr_rmx (644 b)
file Freakish Stereo Comp.fxr_rmx (760 b)
file Guitar Rack (Dry).fxr_rmx (889 b)
file High End Widener.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Lo-Fi Loopizer.fxr_rmx (753 b)
file Mono Phase Flipper.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Old Mono Mic.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Percussion Sweetner.fxr_rmx (724 b)
file Public Address System.fxr_rmx (872 b)
file Retroizer.fxr_rmx (785 b)
file S Q U A S H.fxr_rmx (766 b)
file Small Boom Box.fxr_rmx (736 b)
file String Machine Amplifier.fxr_rmx (1,03 Kb)
file Trashy Little Speakers.fxr_rmx (761 b)
file Tube Mastering.fxr_rmx (685 b)
03-FX oriented (25 файлов)
file Acid Wonderland.fxr_rmx (863 b)
file BT Tron Bikes.fxr_rmx (839 b)
file Clock Towers.fxr_rmx (855 b)
file Crackling Stones.fxr_rmx (816 b)
file Digeridont.fxr_rmx (880 b)
file Dual Chorus.fxr_rmx (792 b)
file Dual Twirling Phasers.fxr_rmx (837 b)
file Electro Tamboura Drone.fxr_rmx (826 b)
file Enveloper Room Sweep.fxr_rmx (856 b)
file Glass Menagerie.fxr_rmx (856 b)
file Granulatio.fxr_rmx (800 b)
file Infinite Bees.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Metallaphonik.fxr_rmx (810 b)
file Motorcycle Earthquake.fxr_rmx (896 b)
file Panning Granules.fxr_rmx (807 b)
file Phaseflange.fxr_rmx (786 b)
file Phaser Groove Drone.fxr_rmx (879 b)
file Sci-Fi Echo Cheese.fxr_rmx (809 b)
file Shifting Resonators.fxr_rmx (808 b)
file Shimmering Droneshifter.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Shortwave Grains.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Singing Drones.fxr_rmx (808 b)
file Supertension.fxr_rmx (858 b)
file Uber Tonizer.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Vertigo.fxr_rmx (867 b)
04-Overdriven (10 файлов)
file Ampy.fxr_rmx (781 b)
file Distorto Gateverb.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Funkerator.fxr_rmx (792 b)
file Goth Chick.fxr_rmx (777 b)
file Larynx.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Panning Comb Fuzz.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Primal Screamer.fxr_rmx (819 b)
file Talking Bass Fuzz.fxr_rmx (787 b)
file Talking Overdrive.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Underground Zweepz.fxr_rmx (879 b)
05 Utility (1 файл)
file Make it Mono.fxr_rmx (471 b)
file 00-Empty Rack.fxr_rmx (716 b)
Radio Delay (17 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file 16x8 Delays.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Beautiful Radio.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Bee Larvae.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Brite Slapper.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Eight Bar Delay.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Lennonish Echo.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Low Cut Delays.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Megaphone Echo.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Mildy Distorted.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Old Radio Delay.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Siren Delay.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Slap Echo.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Stereo Resonator.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Tile Slapper.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Treble 16x8.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Tunable Tempo Tone.fxp_rmx (277 b)
Retro-Flanger (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Analog Voice.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Dark PCM 42s.fxp_rmx (258 b)
file Life in the Fast Lane.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Medium Wobble.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Mono Wiggler.fxp_rmx (258 b)
file Slow Flanger.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Think of Bob.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Trash My Signal.fxp_rmx (272 b)
Retro-Phaser (6 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Mono Six Pole Phaser.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Quarter Note Wobbling.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Resonant Dirty Phaser.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Slow Phase Motion.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Vintage Four Pole Phaser.fxp_rmx (278 b)
Retroplex (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Ancient Echobox.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Bicentenial.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Breakup.fxp_rmx (282 b)
file Flutterface.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Long Darkness.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Maximum Length Clone.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file My Undoing.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Old Chorus.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Retro Slappy.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Self Mutilation.fxp_rmx (268 b)
Smoke Amp Simulator (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file British Amp Meltdown.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Flaming Mids.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Knopfler Vibe.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Lo-Fi Rectify.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Mild Plexi Fuzz.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Pretty Much Eleven.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file USA Top Killed.fxp_rmx (271 b)
Spring Verb (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file 1950s Echo Chamber.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Fake Stereo Spring.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Flat Stereo Spring.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Lo-Fi Mono Tank.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Low Budget Reverb.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Poor Acoustics.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Reflectorater.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Stereophonic Spring.fxp_rmx (235 b)
Tape Slammer (16 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Analog Tape Softener.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Concrete Wall Limiter.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Even Out Loud.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Extra Juice.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Extreme RMS Comp.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Half inch at 16ips.fxp_rmx (236 b)
file Lo-Fi Tape Saturation.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Magnetic Slammer.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Metal Boots.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Mild Ampex 499.fxp_rmx (236 b)
file Need New Speakers.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Neve plus Tape.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Ouch.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file SSL Talkback Mic Comp.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Tape Warmth.fxp_rmx (236 b)
Tube Limiter (6 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (229 b)
file Big Hard Attack.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file Heavy Compression.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file RMS Compression.fxp_rmx (229 b)
file Tube Mastering.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file Vintage Limiting.fxp_rmx (236 b)
Ultra Chorus (15 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file 00.Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Analog Chorus Wide.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble I.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble II.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble III.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Fast Wiggle.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file I Need Service.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Lush Euro Chorus.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Old DOD Like Chorus.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file SciFi Effector.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Simple and Bright.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Twisted.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Vintage Chorus.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Warm Detuner.fxp_rmx (285 b)
Valve Radio (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Blown Radio Tubes.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Dual Filtering.fxp_rmx (228 b)
file Fat n Nasty.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Machine Blew Up.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Mean Little Bugs.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Pure Low Cut Filter.fxp_rmx (221 b)
file Radio Overdrive.fxp_rmx (242 b)
Vintage 2-Band EQ (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file 20hz Filter.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file 75hz Filter.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Analog Fattener.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Focus Low-End.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Lo-Fi Dual Filter.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Retro EQ.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Smooth Treble Boost.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Sweet Mastering Smile.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Tube Warmer.fxp_rmx (241 b)
Vintage 3-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Bass Box.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Boom Box Megabass.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Hi-Fi EQ.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Mid Cut.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Midrangey.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Triple Cutter.fxp_rmx (255 b)
Vintage Compressor (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Basic Trilian Comp.fxp_rmx (295 b)
file Gentle Boost.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Loudness Maximizer.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Peak Limiting.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Pump it Up.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file RCA Limiter.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Radical RMS Compression.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Retro Hard Limiter.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Tasty RMS Comp.fxp_rmx (249 b)
Wah-Wah (14 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Asyncronous Stereo Wah.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Asyncronous Tremolo.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Cross-Pan Filter.fxp_rmx (245 b)
file Dotted Wah.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Envelope Wah 1.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Envelope Wah 2.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Grungey Wah-non sync.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Grungey Wah-sync.fxp_rmx (287 b)
file Inverted Envelope.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Stereo Bubblez.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Stereo Frenzy.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Stereo Sync Wah.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Tight Envelope Lows.fxp_rmx (259 b)
Envelope (6 файлов)
Complex Envelopes (7 файлов)
file Bouncing Ball.env (1,21 Kb)
file Clav Filter Release.env (270 b)
file Reversing effect 1.env (1,43 Kb)
file Reversing effect 2.env (1,43 Kb)
file Sfz Whoosh.env (324 b)
file TB-303 Bender env.env (1,04 Kb)
file Woodpecker.env (1008 b)
LFO-style Envelopes (3 файла)
file LFO.env (445 b)
file UpThenDrop.env (261 b)
file UpperLFO.env (520 b)
Rhythmic Envelopes (76 файлов)
file Accent and Swell 1.env (1,01 Kb)
file Accent and Swell 2.env (1,06 Kb)
file Accented Groove.env (954 b)
file Acid House Groove.env (1,1 Kb)
file Bolero.env (776 b)
file Chop Suey.env (1,27 Kb)
file Classic Trancegate.env (1,52 Kb)
file Dancer1.env (759 b)
file Darth Groove.env (783 b)
file Dingo Groove.env (783 b)
file Disco Theremin 1.env (1,75 Kb)
file Disco Theremin 2.env (1,88 Kb)
file Disco Theremin 3.env (976 b)
file Disco Theremin 4.env (962 b)
file Double Strokes.env (979 b)
file Downbeat and Reversing 1.env (731 b)
file Eighth note delay.env (1021 b)
file Fancy Groove.env (2,62 Kb)
file Flam.env (328 b)
file Flourishing Groove.env (1,14 Kb)
file Fly Orch.env (1,48 Kb)
file Groove Patrol1.env (1,08 Kb)
file Groove Patrol2.env (1,08 Kb)
file Groovealiscious.env (767 b)
file Groover Boy.env (783 b)
file Hangover.env (1,08 Kb)
file Hangover2.env (1,07 Kb)
file Hipster Groove.env (1,83 Kb)
file Hipster Simple.env (1,1 Kb)
file Imaginary Garden.env (786 b)
file Infrared Groove.env (2,91 Kb)
file Kinetic.env (1,96 Kb)
file Kites 1.env (1,61 Kb)
file Kites 2.env (1,3 Kb)
file Kites 3.env (1,81 Kb)
file Long Distance.env (1,06 Kb)
file Minimal pulze.env (552 b)
file Minimal pulze2.env (553 b)
file Monster Seq.env (2,2 Kb)
file New York Sky 2.env (2,28 Kb)
file New York Sky.env (1,98 Kb)
file Offbeat Spikes.env (707 b)
file Onbeat Spikes.env (707 b)
file One AND 1.env (493 b)
file Pacifier.env (1,03 Kb)
file Pickup Groove.env (891 b)
file Plastic Boy Groove.env (1,59 Kb)
file Plastic Cat.env (1,15 Kb)
file Plastic Spaceship 2.env (1,19 Kb)
file Plastic Spaceship.env (1,09 Kb)
file Pulsating Groove.env (1,42 Kb)
file Reversing and Beat 3.env (602 b)
file Robot Voltage.env (1,48 Kb)
file Rudiments.env (1,12 Kb)
file Sforzando 1 bar.env (277 b)
file Siren Groove.env (1,06 Kb)
file Spit Bop.env (1,12 Kb)
file Stampede.env (590 b)
file Step n Pulse.env (920 b)
file Stepford Wives.env (1,15 Kb)
file Stylopattern.env (1,12 Kb)
file Sucker2.env (1,08 Kb)
file Swedish Groove.env (1,17 Kb)
file Syncope1.env (707 b)
file Tango.env (1,07 Kb)
file Tarnce.env (540 b)
file Tarnce2.env (539 b)
file Thriller.env (532 b)
file Two Beat Pulse Simple.env (317 b)
file Two cool.env (1,76 Kb)
file UK Undergroove.env (906 b)
file VL Tone pattern.env (1,29 Kb)
file battledrums.env (820 b)
file prog1.env (597 b)
file seven8.env (616 b)
file snare roll1.env (1,11 Kb)
Simple Envelopes (2 файла)
file Just One Spike.env (256 b)
file Sharper Filter ADSR.env (263 b)
file 00. Default ADSR.env (263 b)
file 01. Default Step Envelope.env (640 b)
Factory (10 файлов)
Effects (34 файла)
Impulse Data (1 файл)
file Smoke.db (289,37 Kb)
file BPM Delay X2.db (3,34 Kb)
file BPM Delay X3.db (3,71 Kb)
file BPM Delay.db (4,08 Kb)
file Chorus Echo.db (3,04 Kb)
file EZ-Phaser.db (3,64 Kb)
file EZ-Verb.db (2,64 Kb)
file Flame Distortion.db (10,51 Kb)
file Flanger.db (5,63 Kb)
file Formant Filter.db (2,32 Kb)
file Gate Expander.db (2,05 Kb)
file Graphic 12-Band EQ.db (4,4 Kb)
file Graphic 7-Band EQ.db (2,75 Kb)
file Imager.db (3,13 Kb)
file PRO-Phaser.db (4,77 Kb)
file PRO-Verb.db (22,52 Kb)
file Parametric 2-Band EQ.db (2,42 Kb)
file Parametric 3-Band EQ.db (2,43 Kb)
file Power Filter.db (6,2 Kb)
file Racks.db (75,79 Kb)
file Radio Delay.db (5,51 Kb)
file Retro-Flanger.db (2,92 Kb)
file Retro-Phaser.db (2,03 Kb)
file Retroplex.db (3,46 Kb)
file Smoke Amp.db (2,73 Kb)
file Spring Verb.db (2,77 Kb)
file Tape Slammer.db (4,9 Kb)
file Tube Limiter.db (1,73 Kb)
file Ultra Chorus.db (5,5 Kb)
file Valve Radio.db (2,46 Kb)
file Vintage 2-Band EQ.db (2,98 Kb)
file Vintage 3-Band EQ.db (2,16 Kb)
file Vintage Compressor.db (2,76 Kb)
file Wah-Wah.db (4,51 Kb)
file Arpeggiator.db (507,64 Kb)
file Envelope.db (102,24 Kb)
file Filters.db (121,13 Kb)
file Harmonia.db (19,63 Kb)
file LFO.db (3,51 Kb)
file MIDI Learn.db (77 b)
file Stack.db (2,26 Kb)
file Velocity Curve.db (11,63 Kb)
file Wave Shaper.db (5,39 Kb)
Filter (3 файла)
Highpass Filters (2 файла)
file HPF Crisp.filter (1006 b)
file HPF UVI.filter (1004 b)
Lowpass Filters (24 файла)
file Dual Self-Osc.filter (1,03 Kb)
file FATBOY.filter (1 Kb)
file Fat Resonance.filter (1,01 Kb)
file LPF Colorful 24db.filter (1014 b)
file LPF Crisp 12db.filter (1011 b)
file LPF Edge 24db.filter (1010 b)
file LPF Gentle 6db.filter (1011 b)
file LPF Power Filter 24db.filter (1018 b)
file LPF Smooth 24db.filter (1012 b)
file LPF UVI 1.filter (1006 b)
file LPF UVI 2.filter (1020 b)
file LPF UVI 3.filter (1006 b)
file LPF Warm 12db.filter (1010 b)
file LPF Warm 24db.filter (1017 b)
file Parallel Wide LP12s.filter (1,04 Kb)
file Rich and Moogie1.filter (1 Kb)
file Rich and Moogie2.filter (1017 b)
file Rich and Moogie3.filter (1 Kb)
file Series Throaty LP12s.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Steep and Smooth.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Stereo 2 poles.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Super Resonant.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Super Wide Res.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Techno Dual Reso.filter (1,02 Kb)
Specialty Filters (13 файлов)
file Allpass.filter (1004 b)
file Bandpass+Allpass.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Bandpass.filter (1005 b)
file Colorful Resophaser.filter (1,03 Kb)
file Dual Hipass.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Dual Stereo Bandpass.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Gain only.filter (999 b)
file Metal Pipe+.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Metal Pipe-.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Notch+Bandpass.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Notch.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Power LP24.filter (1007 b)
file Stereo Phase Filter.filter (1,03 Kb)
LFO (12 файлов)
file 4X Positive Sweep.lfo (274 b)
file Delayed Vibrato.lfo (260 b)
file Eighth Ramps.lfo (281 b)
file FM.lfo (260 b)
file Fast Vibrato.lfo (253 b)
file Modular Effect.lfo (274 b)
file Noise.lfo (260 b)
file Sample & Hold 16ths.lfo (281 b)
file Slow Positive Sweep.lfo (260 b)
file Smooth Square Tremolo.lfo (260 b)
file Trilian Vibrato.lfo (266 b)
file Trill.lfo (274 b)
Stack (2 файла)
file 4-way split.stack (447 b)
file All 8 Parts.stack (839 b)
Tuning File (8 файлов)
African (10 файлов)
file Amadinda 240cent.tun (2,36 Kb)
file Amadinda AD.tun (2,47 Kb)
file Balafon 7-Tone.tun (4 Kb)
file Charimba AD.tun (2,44 Kb)
file Kunaka 7-Tone.tun (4,01 Kb)
file Likembe 14-Note.tun (2,47 Kb)
file Matepe Tuning AD.tun (2,44 Kb)
file Matepe Tuning.tun (2,5 Kb)
file Sanza 7-Tone.tun (4,03 Kb)
file Sanza 8-Tone.tun (4,01 Kb)
Arabic (5 файлов)
file Al-Farabi 17-tone.tun (5,28 Kb)
file Al-Farabi 19-tone.tun (4,41 Kb)
file Al-Farabi 22-tone.tun (4,4 Kb)
file Sabbagh 7-tone.tun (4,5 Kb)
file Turkish 24-tone.tun (4,42 Kb)
Gamelan (8 файлов)
file Degung 5-tone.tun (4,51 Kb)
file Javanese Pelog.tun (4,68 Kb)
file Javanese Slendro.tun (4,71 Kb)
file Jemblung 5-tone.tun (4,56 Kb)
file Pelog 7-tone.tun (4,68 Kb)
file Pelog and Slendro.tun (4,43 Kb)
file Slendro 5-tone.tun (4,71 Kb)
file Udan 12-tone.tun (4,99 Kb)
Historical (8 файлов)
file Kirnberger II.tun (5,22 Kb)
file Meantone Half.tun (4,88 Kb)
file Olympos 5-tone.tun (4,54 Kb)
file Pythagorean 17-tone I.tun (4,39 Kb)
file Pythagorean 17-tone II.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Pythagorean.tun (5,25 Kb)
file Silbermann.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Werkmeister.tun (5,25 Kb)
Kalimba (20 файлов)
file Blue Nile Alimba.tun (2,48 Kb)
file Bottlecap Zimbira.tun (2,31 Kb)
file Bright Marimbula.tun (2,46 Kb)
file Ceramic Kalimbadrum.tun (2,59 Kb)
file Coffee Can Kalimba.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Dark Zimbira.tun (2,33 Kb)
file Double Gourde Kalimba.tun (2,52 Kb)
file Electric MBira.tun (2,82 Kb)
file Guitaralimba.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Hohner Guitaret.tun (2,62 Kb)
file Kalimba-African AD.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Kalimba-Western AD.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Purple Rain Alimba.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Resonator Zimbira.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Rhumba Box.tun (2,63 Kb)
file Ruby Moon Bass Alimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Sizzle Gourd Kalimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Small Gourd Kalimba.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Tanzanian Bird Kalimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Wood Key Marimbula.tun (2,6 Kb)
Microtonal (7 файлов)
file 11-tone Scale.tun (4,63 Kb)
file 13-tone Scale.tun (4,63 Kb)
file 17-tone Scale.tun (4,62 Kb)
file 19-tone Scale.tun (4,61 Kb)
file 24-tone Scale.tun (4,6 Kb)
file 31-tone Scale.tun (4,6 Kb)
file 48-tone Scale.tun (4,38 Kb)
Modern (14 файлов)
file Bohlen 13-tone.tun (4,49 Kb)
file Bohlen-Pierce.tun (4,67 Kb)
file Carlos Alpha 18-tone.tun (4,47 Kb)
file Carlos Alpha.tun (3,88 Kb)
file Carlos Beta 22-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Carlos Beta.tun (4,08 Kb)
file Carlos Gamma 35-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Carlos Gamma.tun (4,36 Kb)
file Carlos Harmonic C.tun (5,35 Kb)
file Carlos Super Just C.tun (5,25 Kb)
file Carlos Super Just.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Darreg Genus.tun (4,65 Kb)
file Ellis 24-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Partch 29-tone.tun (4,43 Kb)
Western (1 файл)
file Equal Temperament.tun (4,41 Kb)
Soundsources (1 файл)
Factory (3 файла)
Trilian Library (6 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file Trilian Acoustic.db (7,38 Gb)
Electric Bass (3 файла)
file Trilian Electric 01.db (5,76 Gb)
file Trilian Electric 02.db (5,28 Gb)
file Trilian Electric 03.db (6,27 Gb)
Synth Bass (2 файла)
file Trilian Synth 01.db (2,36 Gb)
file Trilian Synth 02.db (10,33 Mb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
txt version.txt (5 b)
file zmap.index (1,44 Mb)
Trilogy Library (5 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Acoustic.db (621,25 Mb)
Electric Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Electric 01.db (3,32 Gb)
Synth Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Synth 01.db (1,34 Gb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
file zmap.index (752,03 Kb)
XTRAS - Bass Legends (6 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file XTRAS - Bass Legends 01.db (64,25 Mb)
Electric Bass (1 файл)
file XTRAS - Bass Legends 02.db (579,85 Mb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
jpg default.jpg (101,65 Kb)
jpg default_thumb.jpg (32,95 Kb)
file zmap.index (118,35 Kb)
Spectrasonics - Trilian v1.6.3d (2 файла)
VST (2 файла)
file Trilian.dll (57,3 Mb)
file Trilian.vst3 (57,55 Mb)
exe Trilian Software Update.exe (80 Mb)

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Благодаря комплексному дизайну наш модуль Trilian Total Bass Module® объединяет множество различных типов басов в один виртуальный инструмент с необыкновенным звучанием. Trilian уже давно признан самым универсальным виртуальным басовым инструментом и стал отраслевым стандартом. Нужны ли вам готовые звуки для производства или вы предпочитаете тщательно продумывать свои собственные тембры, Trilian — идеальный басовый инструмент для серьезных продюсеров. Trilian является преемником отмеченного наградами басового инструмента Trilogy от Spectrasonics, предлагая более глубокий контроль над музыкальным выражением и гораздо большую гибкость формирования звука. Библиотека Trilian в 10 раз превышает размер Trilogy и содержит все новые акустические, электрические и синтезаторные басы размером с Trilogy, а также все новые акустические, электрические и синтезаторные басы. Более шестидесяти различных 4-, 5-, 6- и 8-струнных электрических басов представлены в вариациях пальчиковой, медиаторной, безладовой, ударной, постукивающей и приглушенной техники.
Загрузил: Superadmin (25 сентября 2022 13:31)
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Последняя активность: 15 апреля 2024 19:07
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 122
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Spectrasonics Trilian 1.6.3d + Library (832 файла)
Spectrasonics (1 файл)
STEAM (1 файл)
Trilian (4 файла)
Defaults (5 файлов)
Factory (4 файла)
file User Settings Factory.xml (1,63 Kb)
file default factory.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file default multi.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file initial multi.mlt_trl (190,1 Kb)
images (9 файлов)
jpg Empty_125.jpg (25,35 Kb)
jpg Empty_300.jpg (37,78 Kb)
jpg default multi image.jpg (96,03 Kb)
jpg default multi image_thumb.jpg (40,04 Kb)
jpg default part image.jpg (42,7 Kb)
jpg default part image2.jpg (54 Kb)
jpg default part image_thumb.jpg (39,66 Kb)
jpg default sound source image.jpg (56,98 Kb)
jpg default sound source image_thumb.jpg (33,48 Kb)
file default multi.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file default.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file initial multi.mlt_trl (190,1 Kb)
Documentation (1 файл)
Soundsource Legal Info (3 файла)
file index.html (6,1 Kb)
png p16s.png (920 b)
png spectralogo small.png (30,48 Kb)
Settings Library (3 файла)
Multis (1 файл)
Factory (2 файла)
file Trilian Library.db (13,32 Mb)
file Trilogy Library.db (613,96 Kb)
Patches (1 файл)
Factory (5 файлов)
file Trilian Creative.db (9,47 Mb)
file Trilian Library.db (142,8 Mb)
file Trilian VIP.db (0 b)
file Trilogy Library.db (45,87 Mb)
file XTRA - Bass Legends.db (15,25 Mb)
Presets (8 файлов)
Arpeggiator (10 файлов)
file 00. Blank.arpeg (3,2 Kb)
file 32nd trick.arpeg (2,95 Kb)
file Abe Hip Hop Feel.arpeg (6,85 Kb)
file As Played, 1 Oct, Your Velocity.arpeg (3,29 Kb)
file Chord test.arpeg (2,95 Kb)
file Foster In The 90's.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
file Lone Arranger.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
file News Going Down.arpeg (3,25 Kb)
file Simple.arp (2,96 Kb)
file Triplet Chords.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
Effects (34 файла)
BPM Delay (13 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Beat Offset Delay.fxp_rmx (233 b)
file Clean Bouncer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Dot Eighth Feedback.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Dot Quarter Bouncer.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Left Echo.fxp_rmx (240 b)
file Mellow Bouncer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Nasty High Res.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Oscillation.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Rezonator Ekos.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Right Echo.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Sixteenth Hype.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Sonar Ping-Pong.fxp_rmx (261 b)
BPM Delay X2 (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Brite Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Clean Dual Delays.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Disappearing Triplets.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Dual Filtering Delays.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Filter Trash Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Infinity Fizzle.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Long Echos.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Slow Bouncer.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Tapeness.fxp_rmx (271 b)
BPM Delay X3 (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Beating Hearts.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Boondocks.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Buzz Bomb.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Clean Triple Dots.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Dark Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Distorted Bouncer.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Drone Tones.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Stun.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Thripling.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Tikitita Tikitita.fxp_rmx (285 b)
Chorus Echo (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Dirty Sixteenth Notes.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file EP's Fav 8ths.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Lush and Clean.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Mild Vintage Chorusing.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Sci-Fi Modulation.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Slapping Echoes.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Spacey Echoes.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Watery Chorus.fxp_rmx (263 b)
EZ-Phaser (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Asyncronous Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Extremely Long Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Four Pole Wah.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Log Drum.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file One Bar Phase.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Radical Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Resonant 8 pole ping.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Retro Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Trash Ringer.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Wah Phaser.fxp_rmx (282 b)
EZ-Verb (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (287 b)
file Bright Room.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Dark Tank.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Lo-Fi Chamber.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Long Verb.fxp_rmx (280 b)
file Medium Room.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Tiled Room.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Transparent Verb.fxp_rmx (280 b)
Flame Distortion (33 файла)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Badazz Drumz.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Bits On Fire.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Blues Tubes.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Burning Lows.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Death Dealer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Fat Tube Boost.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Fat Tube Warmth.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Filtered Valves.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Full Meltdown.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Fuzzy Logic.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Glowing Cymbals.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Hardcore Trashhead.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file HarshBurn S-H.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Heavy Valve Distortion.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file HeavyQ S-H squirt.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Highly Flammable.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Hot Kick Chop.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Kick Waveshaper.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Lo-Fi Slow Burn.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Loudness Button.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Mid Flambe.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Nasty Breakup.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file On The Edge.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Oven Warm Up.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Psycho Electro.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Roasting The Mids.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Roasting Weenies.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Screaming Beast.fxp_rmx (282 b)
file Small Speakers.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Smoky Flames.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Trashy Highs.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Waveshaper Fuzz.fxp_rmx (254 b)
Flanger (18 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (280 b)
file 70s Comb.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Bot.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Chorus Flanger.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Classic Flanging.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Ensemble Vibrato.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Extreme Dopplering.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Glitching Gaps.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file In The Wash.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Pipe Dream.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Sci-Fi Cheeser.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file SloSweep Ringer.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Spring Lazers.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Tron.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Unstable Drone.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Vibrato Wire.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Wide Doubling.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Zork Welcomes U.fxp_rmx (245 b)
Formant Filter (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Blended Big Head Ees.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Deep Oos.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Mod My Head and Vowel.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Muted Ees.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Small Head Iis.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Talking Ahs.fxp_rmx (280 b)
Gate Expander (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Dynamic Expander.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Mushy Gate.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Noise Gate.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Reverse Attack Sim.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Traditional Gate.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Zippering Glitchy.fxp_rmx (216 b)
Graphic 7-Band EQ (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Bass Killer.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Car Radio.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Cleaning Shift.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Comb Filter.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file Hills and Valleys.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Sharp Mid Dipper.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Super Hi-Fi.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Ultra Transparent.fxp_rmx (255 b)
Graphic 12-Band EQ (13 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file AC-30 Amp.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Aggressive Hi-Fi.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Auratones.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Bass Killer.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Cleaning Comb.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Clear out the mud.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file E X T R E M E.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Guitar Cabinet -2X12s.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Microizer.fxp_rmx (228 b)
file Ringer Comb.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Sweet and Smooth.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Uberdipper.fxp_rmx (284 b)
Imager (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (223 b)
file Auto Panner Mono.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Auto Panner Stereo.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Center Mono.fxp_rmx (216 b)
file Full Mono Left.fxp_rmx (209 b)
file Full Mono Right.fxp_rmx (216 b)
file Phase Flipper Sum.fxp_rmx (223 b)
file SloMove Gain+.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Stereo Phase Invert.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Swap Stereo Perspective.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Ultra Wide.fxp_rmx (223 b)
Modern Compressor (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Aggressive SSL.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file DBX 160X Comp.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Drum Slammer.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Exteme Popping Attack.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Heavy Mastering.fxp_rmx (269 b)
file Hi-Fi Compression.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Kill The Peaks.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Mild Presence Booster.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file No Reverb.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Tightener.fxp_rmx (234 b)
Parametric 2-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Aging.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Broad Midrange FX.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Doubling the Ring.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Midrange Cleaner.fxp_rmx (293 b)
file Octave Ringer.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Sweepable Mid Boost.fxp_rmx (293 b)
Parametric 3-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Heavy Cuts.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Make it an 808.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Parametric HiFi.fxp_rmx (293 b)
file Strong Tones.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Throw a Blanket on it.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Whistling Wind.fxp_rmx (293 b)
Power Filter (20 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Aggressive BPF.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Audio Mod Res.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Bandpass Cleaner.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Bandpass Phaser.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Cheesy UFO sweep.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Dark Ringer.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Fat Sonar.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Frankenstein.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Frequency Shifted.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Growling Ringer.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Midrange Filter.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Phase Philter.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Radiophonic.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Sizzling Bacon.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Sloshy Vox.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Slow Sweeper.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Sonar Ping HPF.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Subsonic Heartbeat.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file test.fxp_rmx (257 b)
PRO-Phaser (14 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Bending Ringer.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Drone Probe.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Electro Chirpers.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Envelope Phaser.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Glass Pipes.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Liquid Psych Envelope.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Liquid Psych Sweep.fxp_rmx (297 b)
file Mono DirtTone sweep.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Ring mod Blipperz.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Rough Machine.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Slow Phaser Stereo.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Sophistaphaser.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Watery Panner.fxp_rmx (283 b)
PRO-Verb (4 файла)
01-Long Reverbs (16 файлов)
file AMS Ambience.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Ambience.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file BladeRunner 1.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file BladeRunner 2.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Canyon Blast.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Cave Slapoid brite.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Cave Slapoid long.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Cave Slapoid mid.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Concert Hall.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Handball Court.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file High Quality Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Nice Low CPU Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Parking Structure.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Rich Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Smooth Plate.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Steam Flutter.fxp_rmx (260 b)
02-Room Simulations (23 файла)
file Boom Room mono.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Bright Perc Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Brite Early Reflections.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Corridor.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Dark Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Diffuse Reflections.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Drum Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Expensive Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Fat Little Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Kalimba Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Kick Fattner Ambience.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Lively Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Medium Room.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Mirrored Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Nice Long Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Simple Clear Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Smallish Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file String Chamber.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Studio Chamber.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Tight Bright Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Tiled Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Warm Low CPU Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Wide Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
03-Special FX (27 файлов)
file Bad Acoustic Buzz.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Bouncing Baby.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Brite Granulations.fxp_rmx (260 b)
file Cheesy Echo Machine.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Close Range Flanges.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Discreet Echo Flanges.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Evaporating Steam.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Fizzy Lifting Drink.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Flangoid Deep.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Flangoid Echo.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Glitch Slapback.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Horrible Flangetank.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Inside the Well.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Long Cylinder.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Metal Slapback.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Metallic Clockshaft.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Mettalix.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Oil Filled Barrel.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Pre Slapper.fxp_rmx (260 b)
file Resonatorz Low.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Resonatorz Up.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Resonatorz klunk.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Roboeko.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Spring Tank Flutter.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file The Rafters.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Ultrawide Granules.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Wavedrum Resonance.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (288 b)
Racks (6 файлов)
01-Ambient Spaces (28 файлов)
file Ambient Guitar.fxr_rmx (813 b)
file Cheap Mics+Bad Room.fxr_rmx (797 b)
file Cheeseball Spring.fxr_rmx (838 b)
file Chorus Delay Room.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Clear n Wide Space.fxr_rmx (833 b)
file Closet Recording.fxr_rmx (772 b)
file Dub Surf rig.fxr_rmx (791 b)
file EP Uber-rich Hall.fxr_rmx (694 b)
file Filtered Ambience 1.fxr_rmx (839 b)
file Filtered Ambience 2.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Filtered Ambience 3.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Filtered Ambience 4.fxr_rmx (838 b)
file Gated Eighties.fxr_rmx (778 b)
file Gianormous.fxr_rmx (854 b)
file Harpy Delays.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Mid-Mono Ambience.fxr_rmx (819 b)
file Mono Lo-Fi Chamber.fxr_rmx (790 b)
file Mono Metal Chamber.fxr_rmx (783 b)
file Scott's Rack of Love.fxr_rmx (1,06 Kb)
file Snare Resonator.fxr_rmx (853 b)
file Space Echo Modern.fxr_rmx (836 b)
file Space Echo Retro.fxr_rmx (765 b)
file Superphaser Plate.fxr_rmx (821 b)
file Tape Chamber.fxr_rmx (753 b)
file Ultrawide Granules.fxr_rmx (840 b)
file Vintage Reverb Tank.fxr_rmx (699 b)
file Wah-Wah Springs.fxr_rmx (805 b)
file Warm Chorus Delay.fxr_rmx (795 b)
02-Colorizers (17 файлов)
file AM Radio.fxr_rmx (781 b)
file Analog Tape Wamth.fxr_rmx (692 b)
file Analogizer.fxr_rmx (644 b)
file Freakish Stereo Comp.fxr_rmx (760 b)
file Guitar Rack (Dry).fxr_rmx (889 b)
file High End Widener.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Lo-Fi Loopizer.fxr_rmx (753 b)
file Mono Phase Flipper.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Old Mono Mic.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Percussion Sweetner.fxr_rmx (724 b)
file Public Address System.fxr_rmx (872 b)
file Retroizer.fxr_rmx (785 b)
file S Q U A S H.fxr_rmx (766 b)
file Small Boom Box.fxr_rmx (736 b)
file String Machine Amplifier.fxr_rmx (1,03 Kb)
file Trashy Little Speakers.fxr_rmx (761 b)
file Tube Mastering.fxr_rmx (685 b)
03-FX oriented (25 файлов)
file Acid Wonderland.fxr_rmx (863 b)
file BT Tron Bikes.fxr_rmx (839 b)
file Clock Towers.fxr_rmx (855 b)
file Crackling Stones.fxr_rmx (816 b)
file Digeridont.fxr_rmx (880 b)
file Dual Chorus.fxr_rmx (792 b)
file Dual Twirling Phasers.fxr_rmx (837 b)
file Electro Tamboura Drone.fxr_rmx (826 b)
file Enveloper Room Sweep.fxr_rmx (856 b)
file Glass Menagerie.fxr_rmx (856 b)
file Granulatio.fxr_rmx (800 b)
file Infinite Bees.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Metallaphonik.fxr_rmx (810 b)
file Motorcycle Earthquake.fxr_rmx (896 b)
file Panning Granules.fxr_rmx (807 b)
file Phaseflange.fxr_rmx (786 b)
file Phaser Groove Drone.fxr_rmx (879 b)
file Sci-Fi Echo Cheese.fxr_rmx (809 b)
file Shifting Resonators.fxr_rmx (808 b)
file Shimmering Droneshifter.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Shortwave Grains.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Singing Drones.fxr_rmx (808 b)
file Supertension.fxr_rmx (858 b)
file Uber Tonizer.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Vertigo.fxr_rmx (867 b)
04-Overdriven (10 файлов)
file Ampy.fxr_rmx (781 b)
file Distorto Gateverb.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Funkerator.fxr_rmx (792 b)
file Goth Chick.fxr_rmx (777 b)
file Larynx.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Panning Comb Fuzz.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Primal Screamer.fxr_rmx (819 b)
file Talking Bass Fuzz.fxr_rmx (787 b)
file Talking Overdrive.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Underground Zweepz.fxr_rmx (879 b)
05 Utility (1 файл)
file Make it Mono.fxr_rmx (471 b)
file 00-Empty Rack.fxr_rmx (716 b)
Radio Delay (17 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file 16x8 Delays.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Beautiful Radio.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Bee Larvae.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Brite Slapper.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Eight Bar Delay.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Lennonish Echo.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Low Cut Delays.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Megaphone Echo.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Mildy Distorted.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Old Radio Delay.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Siren Delay.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Slap Echo.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Stereo Resonator.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Tile Slapper.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Treble 16x8.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Tunable Tempo Tone.fxp_rmx (277 b)
Retro-Flanger (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Analog Voice.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Dark PCM 42s.fxp_rmx (258 b)
file Life in the Fast Lane.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Medium Wobble.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Mono Wiggler.fxp_rmx (258 b)
file Slow Flanger.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Think of Bob.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Trash My Signal.fxp_rmx (272 b)
Retro-Phaser (6 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Mono Six Pole Phaser.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Quarter Note Wobbling.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Resonant Dirty Phaser.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Slow Phase Motion.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Vintage Four Pole Phaser.fxp_rmx (278 b)
Retroplex (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Ancient Echobox.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Bicentenial.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Breakup.fxp_rmx (282 b)
file Flutterface.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Long Darkness.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Maximum Length Clone.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file My Undoing.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Old Chorus.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Retro Slappy.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Self Mutilation.fxp_rmx (268 b)
Smoke Amp Simulator (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file British Amp Meltdown.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Flaming Mids.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Knopfler Vibe.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Lo-Fi Rectify.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Mild Plexi Fuzz.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Pretty Much Eleven.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file USA Top Killed.fxp_rmx (271 b)
Spring Verb (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file 1950s Echo Chamber.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Fake Stereo Spring.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Flat Stereo Spring.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Lo-Fi Mono Tank.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Low Budget Reverb.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Poor Acoustics.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Reflectorater.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Stereophonic Spring.fxp_rmx (235 b)
Tape Slammer (16 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Analog Tape Softener.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Concrete Wall Limiter.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Even Out Loud.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Extra Juice.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Extreme RMS Comp.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Half inch at 16ips.fxp_rmx (236 b)
file Lo-Fi Tape Saturation.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Magnetic Slammer.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Metal Boots.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Mild Ampex 499.fxp_rmx (236 b)
file Need New Speakers.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Neve plus Tape.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Ouch.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file SSL Talkback Mic Comp.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Tape Warmth.fxp_rmx (236 b)
Tube Limiter (6 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (229 b)
file Big Hard Attack.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file Heavy Compression.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file RMS Compression.fxp_rmx (229 b)
file Tube Mastering.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file Vintage Limiting.fxp_rmx (236 b)
Ultra Chorus (15 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file 00.Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Analog Chorus Wide.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble I.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble II.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble III.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Fast Wiggle.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file I Need Service.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Lush Euro Chorus.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Old DOD Like Chorus.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file SciFi Effector.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Simple and Bright.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Twisted.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Vintage Chorus.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Warm Detuner.fxp_rmx (285 b)
Valve Radio (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Blown Radio Tubes.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Dual Filtering.fxp_rmx (228 b)
file Fat n Nasty.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Machine Blew Up.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Mean Little Bugs.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Pure Low Cut Filter.fxp_rmx (221 b)
file Radio Overdrive.fxp_rmx (242 b)
Vintage 2-Band EQ (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file 20hz Filter.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file 75hz Filter.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Analog Fattener.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Focus Low-End.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Lo-Fi Dual Filter.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Retro EQ.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Smooth Treble Boost.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Sweet Mastering Smile.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Tube Warmer.fxp_rmx (241 b)
Vintage 3-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Bass Box.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Boom Box Megabass.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Hi-Fi EQ.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Mid Cut.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Midrangey.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Triple Cutter.fxp_rmx (255 b)
Vintage Compressor (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Basic Trilian Comp.fxp_rmx (295 b)
file Gentle Boost.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Loudness Maximizer.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Peak Limiting.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Pump it Up.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file RCA Limiter.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Radical RMS Compression.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Retro Hard Limiter.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Tasty RMS Comp.fxp_rmx (249 b)
Wah-Wah (14 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Asyncronous Stereo Wah.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Asyncronous Tremolo.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Cross-Pan Filter.fxp_rmx (245 b)
file Dotted Wah.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Envelope Wah 1.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Envelope Wah 2.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Grungey Wah-non sync.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Grungey Wah-sync.fxp_rmx (287 b)
file Inverted Envelope.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Stereo Bubblez.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Stereo Frenzy.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Stereo Sync Wah.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Tight Envelope Lows.fxp_rmx (259 b)
Envelope (6 файлов)
Complex Envelopes (7 файлов)
file Bouncing Ball.env (1,21 Kb)
file Clav Filter Release.env (270 b)
file Reversing effect 1.env (1,43 Kb)
file Reversing effect 2.env (1,43 Kb)
file Sfz Whoosh.env (324 b)
file TB-303 Bender env.env (1,04 Kb)
file Woodpecker.env (1008 b)
LFO-style Envelopes (3 файла)
file LFO.env (445 b)
file UpThenDrop.env (261 b)
file UpperLFO.env (520 b)
Rhythmic Envelopes (76 файлов)
file Accent and Swell 1.env (1,01 Kb)
file Accent and Swell 2.env (1,06 Kb)
file Accented Groove.env (954 b)
file Acid House Groove.env (1,1 Kb)
file Bolero.env (776 b)
file Chop Suey.env (1,27 Kb)
file Classic Trancegate.env (1,52 Kb)
file Dancer1.env (759 b)
file Darth Groove.env (783 b)
file Dingo Groove.env (783 b)
file Disco Theremin 1.env (1,75 Kb)
file Disco Theremin 2.env (1,88 Kb)
file Disco Theremin 3.env (976 b)
file Disco Theremin 4.env (962 b)
file Double Strokes.env (979 b)
file Downbeat and Reversing 1.env (731 b)
file Eighth note delay.env (1021 b)
file Fancy Groove.env (2,62 Kb)
file Flam.env (328 b)
file Flourishing Groove.env (1,14 Kb)
file Fly Orch.env (1,48 Kb)
file Groove Patrol1.env (1,08 Kb)
file Groove Patrol2.env (1,08 Kb)
file Groovealiscious.env (767 b)
file Groover Boy.env (783 b)
file Hangover.env (1,08 Kb)
file Hangover2.env (1,07 Kb)
file Hipster Groove.env (1,83 Kb)
file Hipster Simple.env (1,1 Kb)
file Imaginary Garden.env (786 b)
file Infrared Groove.env (2,91 Kb)
file Kinetic.env (1,96 Kb)
file Kites 1.env (1,61 Kb)
file Kites 2.env (1,3 Kb)
file Kites 3.env (1,81 Kb)
file Long Distance.env (1,06 Kb)
file Minimal pulze.env (552 b)
file Minimal pulze2.env (553 b)
file Monster Seq.env (2,2 Kb)
file New York Sky 2.env (2,28 Kb)
file New York Sky.env (1,98 Kb)
file Offbeat Spikes.env (707 b)
file Onbeat Spikes.env (707 b)
file One AND 1.env (493 b)
file Pacifier.env (1,03 Kb)
file Pickup Groove.env (891 b)
file Plastic Boy Groove.env (1,59 Kb)
file Plastic Cat.env (1,15 Kb)
file Plastic Spaceship 2.env (1,19 Kb)
file Plastic Spaceship.env (1,09 Kb)
file Pulsating Groove.env (1,42 Kb)
file Reversing and Beat 3.env (602 b)
file Robot Voltage.env (1,48 Kb)
file Rudiments.env (1,12 Kb)
file Sforzando 1 bar.env (277 b)
file Siren Groove.env (1,06 Kb)
file Spit Bop.env (1,12 Kb)
file Stampede.env (590 b)
file Step n Pulse.env (920 b)
file Stepford Wives.env (1,15 Kb)
file Stylopattern.env (1,12 Kb)
file Sucker2.env (1,08 Kb)
file Swedish Groove.env (1,17 Kb)
file Syncope1.env (707 b)
file Tango.env (1,07 Kb)
file Tarnce.env (540 b)
file Tarnce2.env (539 b)
file Thriller.env (532 b)
file Two Beat Pulse Simple.env (317 b)
file Two cool.env (1,76 Kb)
file UK Undergroove.env (906 b)
file VL Tone pattern.env (1,29 Kb)
file battledrums.env (820 b)
file prog1.env (597 b)
file seven8.env (616 b)
file snare roll1.env (1,11 Kb)
Simple Envelopes (2 файла)
file Just One Spike.env (256 b)
file Sharper Filter ADSR.env (263 b)
file 00. Default ADSR.env (263 b)
file 01. Default Step Envelope.env (640 b)
Factory (10 файлов)
Effects (34 файла)
Impulse Data (1 файл)
file Smoke.db (289,37 Kb)
file BPM Delay X2.db (3,34 Kb)
file BPM Delay X3.db (3,71 Kb)
file BPM Delay.db (4,08 Kb)
file Chorus Echo.db (3,04 Kb)
file EZ-Phaser.db (3,64 Kb)
file EZ-Verb.db (2,64 Kb)
file Flame Distortion.db (10,51 Kb)
file Flanger.db (5,63 Kb)
file Formant Filter.db (2,32 Kb)
file Gate Expander.db (2,05 Kb)
file Graphic 12-Band EQ.db (4,4 Kb)
file Graphic 7-Band EQ.db (2,75 Kb)
file Imager.db (3,13 Kb)
file PRO-Phaser.db (4,77 Kb)
file PRO-Verb.db (22,52 Kb)
file Parametric 2-Band EQ.db (2,42 Kb)
file Parametric 3-Band EQ.db (2,43 Kb)
file Power Filter.db (6,2 Kb)
file Racks.db (75,79 Kb)
file Radio Delay.db (5,51 Kb)
file Retro-Flanger.db (2,92 Kb)
file Retro-Phaser.db (2,03 Kb)
file Retroplex.db (3,46 Kb)
file Smoke Amp.db (2,73 Kb)
file Spring Verb.db (2,77 Kb)
file Tape Slammer.db (4,9 Kb)
file Tube Limiter.db (1,73 Kb)
file Ultra Chorus.db (5,5 Kb)
file Valve Radio.db (2,46 Kb)
file Vintage 2-Band EQ.db (2,98 Kb)
file Vintage 3-Band EQ.db (2,16 Kb)
file Vintage Compressor.db (2,76 Kb)
file Wah-Wah.db (4,51 Kb)
file Arpeggiator.db (507,64 Kb)
file Envelope.db (102,24 Kb)
file Filters.db (121,13 Kb)
file Harmonia.db (19,63 Kb)
file LFO.db (3,51 Kb)
file MIDI Learn.db (77 b)
file Stack.db (2,26 Kb)
file Velocity Curve.db (11,63 Kb)
file Wave Shaper.db (5,39 Kb)
Filter (3 файла)
Highpass Filters (2 файла)
file HPF Crisp.filter (1006 b)
file HPF UVI.filter (1004 b)
Lowpass Filters (24 файла)
file Dual Self-Osc.filter (1,03 Kb)
file FATBOY.filter (1 Kb)
file Fat Resonance.filter (1,01 Kb)
file LPF Colorful 24db.filter (1014 b)
file LPF Crisp 12db.filter (1011 b)
file LPF Edge 24db.filter (1010 b)
file LPF Gentle 6db.filter (1011 b)
file LPF Power Filter 24db.filter (1018 b)
file LPF Smooth 24db.filter (1012 b)
file LPF UVI 1.filter (1006 b)
file LPF UVI 2.filter (1020 b)
file LPF UVI 3.filter (1006 b)
file LPF Warm 12db.filter (1010 b)
file LPF Warm 24db.filter (1017 b)
file Parallel Wide LP12s.filter (1,04 Kb)
file Rich and Moogie1.filter (1 Kb)
file Rich and Moogie2.filter (1017 b)
file Rich and Moogie3.filter (1 Kb)
file Series Throaty LP12s.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Steep and Smooth.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Stereo 2 poles.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Super Resonant.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Super Wide Res.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Techno Dual Reso.filter (1,02 Kb)
Specialty Filters (13 файлов)
file Allpass.filter (1004 b)
file Bandpass+Allpass.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Bandpass.filter (1005 b)
file Colorful Resophaser.filter (1,03 Kb)
file Dual Hipass.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Dual Stereo Bandpass.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Gain only.filter (999 b)
file Metal Pipe+.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Metal Pipe-.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Notch+Bandpass.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Notch.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Power LP24.filter (1007 b)
file Stereo Phase Filter.filter (1,03 Kb)
LFO (12 файлов)
file 4X Positive Sweep.lfo (274 b)
file Delayed Vibrato.lfo (260 b)
file Eighth Ramps.lfo (281 b)
file FM.lfo (260 b)
file Fast Vibrato.lfo (253 b)
file Modular Effect.lfo (274 b)
file Noise.lfo (260 b)
file Sample & Hold 16ths.lfo (281 b)
file Slow Positive Sweep.lfo (260 b)
file Smooth Square Tremolo.lfo (260 b)
file Trilian Vibrato.lfo (266 b)
file Trill.lfo (274 b)
Stack (2 файла)
file 4-way split.stack (447 b)
file All 8 Parts.stack (839 b)
Tuning File (8 файлов)
African (10 файлов)
file Amadinda 240cent.tun (2,36 Kb)
file Amadinda AD.tun (2,47 Kb)
file Balafon 7-Tone.tun (4 Kb)
file Charimba AD.tun (2,44 Kb)
file Kunaka 7-Tone.tun (4,01 Kb)
file Likembe 14-Note.tun (2,47 Kb)
file Matepe Tuning AD.tun (2,44 Kb)
file Matepe Tuning.tun (2,5 Kb)
file Sanza 7-Tone.tun (4,03 Kb)
file Sanza 8-Tone.tun (4,01 Kb)
Arabic (5 файлов)
file Al-Farabi 17-tone.tun (5,28 Kb)
file Al-Farabi 19-tone.tun (4,41 Kb)
file Al-Farabi 22-tone.tun (4,4 Kb)
file Sabbagh 7-tone.tun (4,5 Kb)
file Turkish 24-tone.tun (4,42 Kb)
Gamelan (8 файлов)
file Degung 5-tone.tun (4,51 Kb)
file Javanese Pelog.tun (4,68 Kb)
file Javanese Slendro.tun (4,71 Kb)
file Jemblung 5-tone.tun (4,56 Kb)
file Pelog 7-tone.tun (4,68 Kb)
file Pelog and Slendro.tun (4,43 Kb)
file Slendro 5-tone.tun (4,71 Kb)
file Udan 12-tone.tun (4,99 Kb)
Historical (8 файлов)
file Kirnberger II.tun (5,22 Kb)
file Meantone Half.tun (4,88 Kb)
file Olympos 5-tone.tun (4,54 Kb)
file Pythagorean 17-tone I.tun (4,39 Kb)
file Pythagorean 17-tone II.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Pythagorean.tun (5,25 Kb)
file Silbermann.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Werkmeister.tun (5,25 Kb)
Kalimba (20 файлов)
file Blue Nile Alimba.tun (2,48 Kb)
file Bottlecap Zimbira.tun (2,31 Kb)
file Bright Marimbula.tun (2,46 Kb)
file Ceramic Kalimbadrum.tun (2,59 Kb)
file Coffee Can Kalimba.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Dark Zimbira.tun (2,33 Kb)
file Double Gourde Kalimba.tun (2,52 Kb)
file Electric MBira.tun (2,82 Kb)
file Guitaralimba.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Hohner Guitaret.tun (2,62 Kb)
file Kalimba-African AD.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Kalimba-Western AD.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Purple Rain Alimba.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Resonator Zimbira.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Rhumba Box.tun (2,63 Kb)
file Ruby Moon Bass Alimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Sizzle Gourd Kalimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Small Gourd Kalimba.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Tanzanian Bird Kalimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Wood Key Marimbula.tun (2,6 Kb)
Microtonal (7 файлов)
file 11-tone Scale.tun (4,63 Kb)
file 13-tone Scale.tun (4,63 Kb)
file 17-tone Scale.tun (4,62 Kb)
file 19-tone Scale.tun (4,61 Kb)
file 24-tone Scale.tun (4,6 Kb)
file 31-tone Scale.tun (4,6 Kb)
file 48-tone Scale.tun (4,38 Kb)
Modern (14 файлов)
file Bohlen 13-tone.tun (4,49 Kb)
file Bohlen-Pierce.tun (4,67 Kb)
file Carlos Alpha 18-tone.tun (4,47 Kb)
file Carlos Alpha.tun (3,88 Kb)
file Carlos Beta 22-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Carlos Beta.tun (4,08 Kb)
file Carlos Gamma 35-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Carlos Gamma.tun (4,36 Kb)
file Carlos Harmonic C.tun (5,35 Kb)
file Carlos Super Just C.tun (5,25 Kb)
file Carlos Super Just.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Darreg Genus.tun (4,65 Kb)
file Ellis 24-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Partch 29-tone.tun (4,43 Kb)
Western (1 файл)
file Equal Temperament.tun (4,41 Kb)
Soundsources (1 файл)
Factory (3 файла)
Trilian Library (6 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file Trilian Acoustic.db (7,38 Gb)
Electric Bass (3 файла)
file Trilian Electric 01.db (5,76 Gb)
file Trilian Electric 02.db (5,28 Gb)
file Trilian Electric 03.db (6,27 Gb)
Synth Bass (2 файла)
file Trilian Synth 01.db (2,36 Gb)
file Trilian Synth 02.db (10,33 Mb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
txt version.txt (5 b)
file zmap.index (1,44 Mb)
Trilogy Library (5 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Acoustic.db (621,25 Mb)
Electric Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Electric 01.db (3,32 Gb)
Synth Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Synth 01.db (1,34 Gb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
file zmap.index (752,03 Kb)
XTRAS - Bass Legends (6 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file XTRAS - Bass Legends 01.db (64,25 Mb)
Electric Bass (1 файл)
file XTRAS - Bass Legends 02.db (579,85 Mb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
jpg default.jpg (101,65 Kb)
jpg default_thumb.jpg (32,95 Kb)
file zmap.index (118,35 Kb)
Spectrasonics - Trilian v1.6.3d (2 файла)
VST (2 файла)
file Trilian.dll (57,3 Mb)
file Trilian.vst3 (57,55 Mb)
exe Trilian Software Update.exe (80 Mb)

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Разработчики MediaGet придумали свой алгоритм выбора источников контента,
поэтому файлы на компьютер скачиваются быстрее.
Spectrasonics Triliand Standalone 3 x64 + Library Версия программы: 1.6.3d
Официальный сайт: ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: в комплекте
Загрузил: Superadmin (25 сентября 2022 13:31)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 126 | Размер: 33.37 Gb
Последняя активность: 15 апреля 2024 19:07
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 122
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Spectrasonics Trilian 1.6.3d + Library (832 файла)
Spectrasonics (1 файл)
STEAM (1 файл)
Trilian (4 файла)
Defaults (5 файлов)
Factory (4 файла)
file User Settings Factory.xml (1,63 Kb)
file default factory.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file default multi.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file initial multi.mlt_trl (190,1 Kb)
images (9 файлов)
jpg Empty_125.jpg (25,35 Kb)
jpg Empty_300.jpg (37,78 Kb)
jpg default multi image.jpg (96,03 Kb)
jpg default multi image_thumb.jpg (40,04 Kb)
jpg default part image.jpg (42,7 Kb)
jpg default part image2.jpg (54 Kb)
jpg default part image_thumb.jpg (39,66 Kb)
jpg default sound source image.jpg (56,98 Kb)
jpg default sound source image_thumb.jpg (33,48 Kb)
file default multi.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file default.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file initial multi.mlt_trl (190,1 Kb)
Documentation (1 файл)
Soundsource Legal Info (3 файла)
file index.html (6,1 Kb)
png p16s.png (920 b)
png spectralogo small.png (30,48 Kb)
Settings Library (3 файла)
Multis (1 файл)
Factory (2 файла)
file Trilian Library.db (13,32 Mb)
file Trilogy Library.db (613,96 Kb)
Patches (1 файл)
Factory (5 файлов)
file Trilian Creative.db (9,47 Mb)
file Trilian Library.db (142,8 Mb)
file Trilian VIP.db (0 b)
file Trilogy Library.db (45,87 Mb)
file XTRA - Bass Legends.db (15,25 Mb)
Presets (8 файлов)
Arpeggiator (10 файлов)
file 00. Blank.arpeg (3,2 Kb)
file 32nd trick.arpeg (2,95 Kb)
file Abe Hip Hop Feel.arpeg (6,85 Kb)
file As Played, 1 Oct, Your Velocity.arpeg (3,29 Kb)
file Chord test.arpeg (2,95 Kb)
file Foster In The 90's.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
file Lone Arranger.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
file News Going Down.arpeg (3,25 Kb)
file Simple.arp (2,96 Kb)
file Triplet Chords.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
Effects (34 файла)
BPM Delay (13 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Beat Offset Delay.fxp_rmx (233 b)
file Clean Bouncer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Dot Eighth Feedback.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Dot Quarter Bouncer.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Left Echo.fxp_rmx (240 b)
file Mellow Bouncer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Nasty High Res.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Oscillation.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Rezonator Ekos.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Right Echo.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Sixteenth Hype.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Sonar Ping-Pong.fxp_rmx (261 b)
BPM Delay X2 (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Brite Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Clean Dual Delays.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Disappearing Triplets.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Dual Filtering Delays.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Filter Trash Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Infinity Fizzle.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Long Echos.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Slow Bouncer.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Tapeness.fxp_rmx (271 b)
BPM Delay X3 (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Beating Hearts.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Boondocks.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Buzz Bomb.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Clean Triple Dots.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Dark Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Distorted Bouncer.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Drone Tones.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Stun.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Thripling.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Tikitita Tikitita.fxp_rmx (285 b)
Chorus Echo (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Dirty Sixteenth Notes.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file EP's Fav 8ths.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Lush and Clean.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Mild Vintage Chorusing.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Sci-Fi Modulation.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Slapping Echoes.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Spacey Echoes.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Watery Chorus.fxp_rmx (263 b)
EZ-Phaser (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Asyncronous Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Extremely Long Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Four Pole Wah.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Log Drum.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file One Bar Phase.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Radical Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Resonant 8 pole ping.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Retro Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Trash Ringer.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Wah Phaser.fxp_rmx (282 b)
EZ-Verb (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (287 b)
file Bright Room.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Dark Tank.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Lo-Fi Chamber.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Long Verb.fxp_rmx (280 b)
file Medium Room.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Tiled Room.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Transparent Verb.fxp_rmx (280 b)
Flame Distortion (33 файла)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Badazz Drumz.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Bits On Fire.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Blues Tubes.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Burning Lows.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Death Dealer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Fat Tube Boost.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Fat Tube Warmth.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Filtered Valves.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Full Meltdown.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Fuzzy Logic.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Glowing Cymbals.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Hardcore Trashhead.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file HarshBurn S-H.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Heavy Valve Distortion.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file HeavyQ S-H squirt.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Highly Flammable.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Hot Kick Chop.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Kick Waveshaper.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Lo-Fi Slow Burn.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Loudness Button.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Mid Flambe.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Nasty Breakup.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file On The Edge.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Oven Warm Up.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Psycho Electro.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Roasting The Mids.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Roasting Weenies.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Screaming Beast.fxp_rmx (282 b)
file Small Speakers.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Smoky Flames.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Trashy Highs.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Waveshaper Fuzz.fxp_rmx (254 b)
Flanger (18 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (280 b)
file 70s Comb.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Bot.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Chorus Flanger.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Classic Flanging.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Ensemble Vibrato.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Extreme Dopplering.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Glitching Gaps.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file In The Wash.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Pipe Dream.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Sci-Fi Cheeser.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file SloSweep Ringer.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Spring Lazers.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Tron.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Unstable Drone.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Vibrato Wire.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Wide Doubling.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Zork Welcomes U.fxp_rmx (245 b)
Formant Filter (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Blended Big Head Ees.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Deep Oos.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Mod My Head and Vowel.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Muted Ees.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Small Head Iis.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Talking Ahs.fxp_rmx (280 b)
Gate Expander (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Dynamic Expander.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Mushy Gate.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Noise Gate.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Reverse Attack Sim.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Traditional Gate.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Zippering Glitchy.fxp_rmx (216 b)
Graphic 7-Band EQ (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Bass Killer.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Car Radio.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Cleaning Shift.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Comb Filter.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file Hills and Valleys.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Sharp Mid Dipper.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Super Hi-Fi.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Ultra Transparent.fxp_rmx (255 b)
Graphic 12-Band EQ (13 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file AC-30 Amp.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Aggressive Hi-Fi.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Auratones.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Bass Killer.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Cleaning Comb.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Clear out the mud.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file E X T R E M E.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Guitar Cabinet -2X12s.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Microizer.fxp_rmx (228 b)
file Ringer Comb.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Sweet and Smooth.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Uberdipper.fxp_rmx (284 b)
Imager (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (223 b)
file Auto Panner Mono.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Auto Panner Stereo.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Center Mono.fxp_rmx (216 b)
file Full Mono Left.fxp_rmx (209 b)
file Full Mono Right.fxp_rmx (216 b)
file Phase Flipper Sum.fxp_rmx (223 b)
file SloMove Gain+.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Stereo Phase Invert.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Swap Stereo Perspective.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Ultra Wide.fxp_rmx (223 b)
Modern Compressor (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Aggressive SSL.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file DBX 160X Comp.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Drum Slammer.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Exteme Popping Attack.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Heavy Mastering.fxp_rmx (269 b)
file Hi-Fi Compression.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Kill The Peaks.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Mild Presence Booster.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file No Reverb.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Tightener.fxp_rmx (234 b)
Parametric 2-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Aging.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Broad Midrange FX.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Doubling the Ring.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Midrange Cleaner.fxp_rmx (293 b)
file Octave Ringer.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Sweepable Mid Boost.fxp_rmx (293 b)
Parametric 3-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Heavy Cuts.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Make it an 808.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Parametric HiFi.fxp_rmx (293 b)
file Strong Tones.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Throw a Blanket on it.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Whistling Wind.fxp_rmx (293 b)
Power Filter (20 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Aggressive BPF.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Audio Mod Res.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Bandpass Cleaner.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Bandpass Phaser.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Cheesy UFO sweep.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Dark Ringer.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Fat Sonar.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Frankenstein.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Frequency Shifted.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Growling Ringer.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Midrange Filter.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Phase Philter.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Radiophonic.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Sizzling Bacon.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Sloshy Vox.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Slow Sweeper.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Sonar Ping HPF.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Subsonic Heartbeat.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file test.fxp_rmx (257 b)
PRO-Phaser (14 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Bending Ringer.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Drone Probe.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Electro Chirpers.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Envelope Phaser.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Glass Pipes.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Liquid Psych Envelope.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Liquid Psych Sweep.fxp_rmx (297 b)
file Mono DirtTone sweep.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Ring mod Blipperz.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Rough Machine.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Slow Phaser Stereo.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Sophistaphaser.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Watery Panner.fxp_rmx (283 b)
PRO-Verb (4 файла)
01-Long Reverbs (16 файлов)
file AMS Ambience.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Ambience.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file BladeRunner 1.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file BladeRunner 2.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Canyon Blast.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Cave Slapoid brite.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Cave Slapoid long.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Cave Slapoid mid.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Concert Hall.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Handball Court.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file High Quality Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Nice Low CPU Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Parking Structure.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Rich Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Smooth Plate.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Steam Flutter.fxp_rmx (260 b)
02-Room Simulations (23 файла)
file Boom Room mono.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Bright Perc Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Brite Early Reflections.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Corridor.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Dark Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Diffuse Reflections.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Drum Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Expensive Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Fat Little Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Kalimba Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Kick Fattner Ambience.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Lively Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Medium Room.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Mirrored Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Nice Long Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Simple Clear Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Smallish Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file String Chamber.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Studio Chamber.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Tight Bright Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Tiled Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Warm Low CPU Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Wide Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
03-Special FX (27 файлов)
file Bad Acoustic Buzz.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Bouncing Baby.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Brite Granulations.fxp_rmx (260 b)
file Cheesy Echo Machine.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Close Range Flanges.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Discreet Echo Flanges.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Evaporating Steam.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Fizzy Lifting Drink.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Flangoid Deep.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Flangoid Echo.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Glitch Slapback.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Horrible Flangetank.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Inside the Well.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Long Cylinder.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Metal Slapback.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Metallic Clockshaft.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Mettalix.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Oil Filled Barrel.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Pre Slapper.fxp_rmx (260 b)
file Resonatorz Low.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Resonatorz Up.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Resonatorz klunk.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Roboeko.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Spring Tank Flutter.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file The Rafters.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Ultrawide Granules.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Wavedrum Resonance.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (288 b)
Racks (6 файлов)
01-Ambient Spaces (28 файлов)
file Ambient Guitar.fxr_rmx (813 b)
file Cheap Mics+Bad Room.fxr_rmx (797 b)
file Cheeseball Spring.fxr_rmx (838 b)
file Chorus Delay Room.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Clear n Wide Space.fxr_rmx (833 b)
file Closet Recording.fxr_rmx (772 b)
file Dub Surf rig.fxr_rmx (791 b)
file EP Uber-rich Hall.fxr_rmx (694 b)
file Filtered Ambience 1.fxr_rmx (839 b)
file Filtered Ambience 2.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Filtered Ambience 3.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Filtered Ambience 4.fxr_rmx (838 b)
file Gated Eighties.fxr_rmx (778 b)
file Gianormous.fxr_rmx (854 b)
file Harpy Delays.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Mid-Mono Ambience.fxr_rmx (819 b)
file Mono Lo-Fi Chamber.fxr_rmx (790 b)
file Mono Metal Chamber.fxr_rmx (783 b)
file Scott's Rack of Love.fxr_rmx (1,06 Kb)
file Snare Resonator.fxr_rmx (853 b)
file Space Echo Modern.fxr_rmx (836 b)
file Space Echo Retro.fxr_rmx (765 b)
file Superphaser Plate.fxr_rmx (821 b)
file Tape Chamber.fxr_rmx (753 b)
file Ultrawide Granules.fxr_rmx (840 b)
file Vintage Reverb Tank.fxr_rmx (699 b)
file Wah-Wah Springs.fxr_rmx (805 b)
file Warm Chorus Delay.fxr_rmx (795 b)
02-Colorizers (17 файлов)
file AM Radio.fxr_rmx (781 b)
file Analog Tape Wamth.fxr_rmx (692 b)
file Analogizer.fxr_rmx (644 b)
file Freakish Stereo Comp.fxr_rmx (760 b)
file Guitar Rack (Dry).fxr_rmx (889 b)
file High End Widener.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Lo-Fi Loopizer.fxr_rmx (753 b)
file Mono Phase Flipper.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Old Mono Mic.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Percussion Sweetner.fxr_rmx (724 b)
file Public Address System.fxr_rmx (872 b)
file Retroizer.fxr_rmx (785 b)
file S Q U A S H.fxr_rmx (766 b)
file Small Boom Box.fxr_rmx (736 b)
file String Machine Amplifier.fxr_rmx (1,03 Kb)
file Trashy Little Speakers.fxr_rmx (761 b)
file Tube Mastering.fxr_rmx (685 b)
03-FX oriented (25 файлов)
file Acid Wonderland.fxr_rmx (863 b)
file BT Tron Bikes.fxr_rmx (839 b)
file Clock Towers.fxr_rmx (855 b)
file Crackling Stones.fxr_rmx (816 b)
file Digeridont.fxr_rmx (880 b)
file Dual Chorus.fxr_rmx (792 b)
file Dual Twirling Phasers.fxr_rmx (837 b)
file Electro Tamboura Drone.fxr_rmx (826 b)
file Enveloper Room Sweep.fxr_rmx (856 b)
file Glass Menagerie.fxr_rmx (856 b)
file Granulatio.fxr_rmx (800 b)
file Infinite Bees.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Metallaphonik.fxr_rmx (810 b)
file Motorcycle Earthquake.fxr_rmx (896 b)
file Panning Granules.fxr_rmx (807 b)
file Phaseflange.fxr_rmx (786 b)
file Phaser Groove Drone.fxr_rmx (879 b)
file Sci-Fi Echo Cheese.fxr_rmx (809 b)
file Shifting Resonators.fxr_rmx (808 b)
file Shimmering Droneshifter.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Shortwave Grains.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Singing Drones.fxr_rmx (808 b)
file Supertension.fxr_rmx (858 b)
file Uber Tonizer.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Vertigo.fxr_rmx (867 b)
04-Overdriven (10 файлов)
file Ampy.fxr_rmx (781 b)
file Distorto Gateverb.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Funkerator.fxr_rmx (792 b)
file Goth Chick.fxr_rmx (777 b)
file Larynx.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Panning Comb Fuzz.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Primal Screamer.fxr_rmx (819 b)
file Talking Bass Fuzz.fxr_rmx (787 b)
file Talking Overdrive.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Underground Zweepz.fxr_rmx (879 b)
05 Utility (1 файл)
file Make it Mono.fxr_rmx (471 b)
file 00-Empty Rack.fxr_rmx (716 b)
Radio Delay (17 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file 16x8 Delays.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Beautiful Radio.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Bee Larvae.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Brite Slapper.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Eight Bar Delay.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Lennonish Echo.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Low Cut Delays.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Megaphone Echo.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Mildy Distorted.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Old Radio Delay.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Siren Delay.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Slap Echo.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Stereo Resonator.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Tile Slapper.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Treble 16x8.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Tunable Tempo Tone.fxp_rmx (277 b)
Retro-Flanger (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Analog Voice.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Dark PCM 42s.fxp_rmx (258 b)
file Life in the Fast Lane.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Medium Wobble.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Mono Wiggler.fxp_rmx (258 b)
file Slow Flanger.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Think of Bob.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Trash My Signal.fxp_rmx (272 b)
Retro-Phaser (6 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Mono Six Pole Phaser.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Quarter Note Wobbling.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Resonant Dirty Phaser.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Slow Phase Motion.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Vintage Four Pole Phaser.fxp_rmx (278 b)
Retroplex (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Ancient Echobox.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Bicentenial.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Breakup.fxp_rmx (282 b)
file Flutterface.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Long Darkness.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Maximum Length Clone.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file My Undoing.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Old Chorus.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Retro Slappy.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Self Mutilation.fxp_rmx (268 b)
Smoke Amp Simulator (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file British Amp Meltdown.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Flaming Mids.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Knopfler Vibe.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Lo-Fi Rectify.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Mild Plexi Fuzz.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Pretty Much Eleven.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file USA Top Killed.fxp_rmx (271 b)
Spring Verb (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file 1950s Echo Chamber.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Fake Stereo Spring.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Flat Stereo Spring.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Lo-Fi Mono Tank.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Low Budget Reverb.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Poor Acoustics.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Reflectorater.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Stereophonic Spring.fxp_rmx (235 b)
Tape Slammer (16 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Analog Tape Softener.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Concrete Wall Limiter.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Even Out Loud.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Extra Juice.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Extreme RMS Comp.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Half inch at 16ips.fxp_rmx (236 b)
file Lo-Fi Tape Saturation.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Magnetic Slammer.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Metal Boots.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Mild Ampex 499.fxp_rmx (236 b)
file Need New Speakers.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Neve plus Tape.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Ouch.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file SSL Talkback Mic Comp.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Tape Warmth.fxp_rmx (236 b)
Tube Limiter (6 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (229 b)
file Big Hard Attack.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file Heavy Compression.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file RMS Compression.fxp_rmx (229 b)
file Tube Mastering.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file Vintage Limiting.fxp_rmx (236 b)
Ultra Chorus (15 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file 00.Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Analog Chorus Wide.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble I.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble II.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble III.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Fast Wiggle.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file I Need Service.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Lush Euro Chorus.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Old DOD Like Chorus.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file SciFi Effector.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Simple and Bright.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Twisted.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Vintage Chorus.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Warm Detuner.fxp_rmx (285 b)
Valve Radio (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Blown Radio Tubes.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Dual Filtering.fxp_rmx (228 b)
file Fat n Nasty.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Machine Blew Up.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Mean Little Bugs.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Pure Low Cut Filter.fxp_rmx (221 b)
file Radio Overdrive.fxp_rmx (242 b)
Vintage 2-Band EQ (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file 20hz Filter.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file 75hz Filter.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Analog Fattener.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Focus Low-End.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Lo-Fi Dual Filter.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Retro EQ.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Smooth Treble Boost.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Sweet Mastering Smile.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Tube Warmer.fxp_rmx (241 b)
Vintage 3-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Bass Box.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Boom Box Megabass.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Hi-Fi EQ.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Mid Cut.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Midrangey.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Triple Cutter.fxp_rmx (255 b)
Vintage Compressor (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Basic Trilian Comp.fxp_rmx (295 b)
file Gentle Boost.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Loudness Maximizer.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Peak Limiting.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Pump it Up.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file RCA Limiter.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Radical RMS Compression.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Retro Hard Limiter.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Tasty RMS Comp.fxp_rmx (249 b)
Wah-Wah (14 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Asyncronous Stereo Wah.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Asyncronous Tremolo.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Cross-Pan Filter.fxp_rmx (245 b)
file Dotted Wah.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Envelope Wah 1.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Envelope Wah 2.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Grungey Wah-non sync.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Grungey Wah-sync.fxp_rmx (287 b)
file Inverted Envelope.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Stereo Bubblez.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Stereo Frenzy.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Stereo Sync Wah.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Tight Envelope Lows.fxp_rmx (259 b)
Envelope (6 файлов)
Complex Envelopes (7 файлов)
file Bouncing Ball.env (1,21 Kb)
file Clav Filter Release.env (270 b)
file Reversing effect 1.env (1,43 Kb)
file Reversing effect 2.env (1,43 Kb)
file Sfz Whoosh.env (324 b)
file TB-303 Bender env.env (1,04 Kb)
file Woodpecker.env (1008 b)
LFO-style Envelopes (3 файла)
file LFO.env (445 b)
file UpThenDrop.env (261 b)
file UpperLFO.env (520 b)
Rhythmic Envelopes (76 файлов)
file Accent and Swell 1.env (1,01 Kb)
file Accent and Swell 2.env (1,06 Kb)
file Accented Groove.env (954 b)
file Acid House Groove.env (1,1 Kb)
file Bolero.env (776 b)
file Chop Suey.env (1,27 Kb)
file Classic Trancegate.env (1,52 Kb)
file Dancer1.env (759 b)
file Darth Groove.env (783 b)
file Dingo Groove.env (783 b)
file Disco Theremin 1.env (1,75 Kb)
file Disco Theremin 2.env (1,88 Kb)
file Disco Theremin 3.env (976 b)
file Disco Theremin 4.env (962 b)
file Double Strokes.env (979 b)
file Downbeat and Reversing 1.env (731 b)
file Eighth note delay.env (1021 b)
file Fancy Groove.env (2,62 Kb)
file Flam.env (328 b)
file Flourishing Groove.env (1,14 Kb)
file Fly Orch.env (1,48 Kb)
file Groove Patrol1.env (1,08 Kb)
file Groove Patrol2.env (1,08 Kb)
file Groovealiscious.env (767 b)
file Groover Boy.env (783 b)
file Hangover.env (1,08 Kb)
file Hangover2.env (1,07 Kb)
file Hipster Groove.env (1,83 Kb)
file Hipster Simple.env (1,1 Kb)
file Imaginary Garden.env (786 b)
file Infrared Groove.env (2,91 Kb)
file Kinetic.env (1,96 Kb)
file Kites 1.env (1,61 Kb)
file Kites 2.env (1,3 Kb)
file Kites 3.env (1,81 Kb)
file Long Distance.env (1,06 Kb)
file Minimal pulze.env (552 b)
file Minimal pulze2.env (553 b)
file Monster Seq.env (2,2 Kb)
file New York Sky 2.env (2,28 Kb)
file New York Sky.env (1,98 Kb)
file Offbeat Spikes.env (707 b)
file Onbeat Spikes.env (707 b)
file One AND 1.env (493 b)
file Pacifier.env (1,03 Kb)
file Pickup Groove.env (891 b)
file Plastic Boy Groove.env (1,59 Kb)
file Plastic Cat.env (1,15 Kb)
file Plastic Spaceship 2.env (1,19 Kb)
file Plastic Spaceship.env (1,09 Kb)
file Pulsating Groove.env (1,42 Kb)
file Reversing and Beat 3.env (602 b)
file Robot Voltage.env (1,48 Kb)
file Rudiments.env (1,12 Kb)
file Sforzando 1 bar.env (277 b)
file Siren Groove.env (1,06 Kb)
file Spit Bop.env (1,12 Kb)
file Stampede.env (590 b)
file Step n Pulse.env (920 b)
file Stepford Wives.env (1,15 Kb)
file Stylopattern.env (1,12 Kb)
file Sucker2.env (1,08 Kb)
file Swedish Groove.env (1,17 Kb)
file Syncope1.env (707 b)
file Tango.env (1,07 Kb)
file Tarnce.env (540 b)
file Tarnce2.env (539 b)
file Thriller.env (532 b)
file Two Beat Pulse Simple.env (317 b)
file Two cool.env (1,76 Kb)
file UK Undergroove.env (906 b)
file VL Tone pattern.env (1,29 Kb)
file battledrums.env (820 b)
file prog1.env (597 b)
file seven8.env (616 b)
file snare roll1.env (1,11 Kb)
Simple Envelopes (2 файла)
file Just One Spike.env (256 b)
file Sharper Filter ADSR.env (263 b)
file 00. Default ADSR.env (263 b)
file 01. Default Step Envelope.env (640 b)
Factory (10 файлов)
Effects (34 файла)
Impulse Data (1 файл)
file Smoke.db (289,37 Kb)
file BPM Delay X2.db (3,34 Kb)
file BPM Delay X3.db (3,71 Kb)
file BPM Delay.db (4,08 Kb)
file Chorus Echo.db (3,04 Kb)
file EZ-Phaser.db (3,64 Kb)
file EZ-Verb.db (2,64 Kb)
file Flame Distortion.db (10,51 Kb)
file Flanger.db (5,63 Kb)
file Formant Filter.db (2,32 Kb)
file Gate Expander.db (2,05 Kb)
file Graphic 12-Band EQ.db (4,4 Kb)
file Graphic 7-Band EQ.db (2,75 Kb)
file Imager.db (3,13 Kb)
file PRO-Phaser.db (4,77 Kb)
file PRO-Verb.db (22,52 Kb)
file Parametric 2-Band EQ.db (2,42 Kb)
file Parametric 3-Band EQ.db (2,43 Kb)
file Power Filter.db (6,2 Kb)
file Racks.db (75,79 Kb)
file Radio Delay.db (5,51 Kb)
file Retro-Flanger.db (2,92 Kb)
file Retro-Phaser.db (2,03 Kb)
file Retroplex.db (3,46 Kb)
file Smoke Amp.db (2,73 Kb)
file Spring Verb.db (2,77 Kb)
file Tape Slammer.db (4,9 Kb)
file Tube Limiter.db (1,73 Kb)
file Ultra Chorus.db (5,5 Kb)
file Valve Radio.db (2,46 Kb)
file Vintage 2-Band EQ.db (2,98 Kb)
file Vintage 3-Band EQ.db (2,16 Kb)
file Vintage Compressor.db (2,76 Kb)
file Wah-Wah.db (4,51 Kb)
file Arpeggiator.db (507,64 Kb)
file Envelope.db (102,24 Kb)
file Filters.db (121,13 Kb)
file Harmonia.db (19,63 Kb)
file LFO.db (3,51 Kb)
file MIDI Learn.db (77 b)
file Stack.db (2,26 Kb)
file Velocity Curve.db (11,63 Kb)
file Wave Shaper.db (5,39 Kb)
Filter (3 файла)
Highpass Filters (2 файла)
file HPF Crisp.filter (1006 b)
file HPF UVI.filter (1004 b)
Lowpass Filters (24 файла)
file Dual Self-Osc.filter (1,03 Kb)
file FATBOY.filter (1 Kb)
file Fat Resonance.filter (1,01 Kb)
file LPF Colorful 24db.filter (1014 b)
file LPF Crisp 12db.filter (1011 b)
file LPF Edge 24db.filter (1010 b)
file LPF Gentle 6db.filter (1011 b)
file LPF Power Filter 24db.filter (1018 b)
file LPF Smooth 24db.filter (1012 b)
file LPF UVI 1.filter (1006 b)
file LPF UVI 2.filter (1020 b)
file LPF UVI 3.filter (1006 b)
file LPF Warm 12db.filter (1010 b)
file LPF Warm 24db.filter (1017 b)
file Parallel Wide LP12s.filter (1,04 Kb)
file Rich and Moogie1.filter (1 Kb)
file Rich and Moogie2.filter (1017 b)
file Rich and Moogie3.filter (1 Kb)
file Series Throaty LP12s.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Steep and Smooth.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Stereo 2 poles.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Super Resonant.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Super Wide Res.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Techno Dual Reso.filter (1,02 Kb)
Specialty Filters (13 файлов)
file Allpass.filter (1004 b)
file Bandpass+Allpass.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Bandpass.filter (1005 b)
file Colorful Resophaser.filter (1,03 Kb)
file Dual Hipass.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Dual Stereo Bandpass.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Gain only.filter (999 b)
file Metal Pipe+.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Metal Pipe-.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Notch+Bandpass.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Notch.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Power LP24.filter (1007 b)
file Stereo Phase Filter.filter (1,03 Kb)
LFO (12 файлов)
file 4X Positive Sweep.lfo (274 b)
file Delayed Vibrato.lfo (260 b)
file Eighth Ramps.lfo (281 b)
file FM.lfo (260 b)
file Fast Vibrato.lfo (253 b)
file Modular Effect.lfo (274 b)
file Noise.lfo (260 b)
file Sample & Hold 16ths.lfo (281 b)
file Slow Positive Sweep.lfo (260 b)
file Smooth Square Tremolo.lfo (260 b)
file Trilian Vibrato.lfo (266 b)
file Trill.lfo (274 b)
Stack (2 файла)
file 4-way split.stack (447 b)
file All 8 Parts.stack (839 b)
Tuning File (8 файлов)
African (10 файлов)
file Amadinda 240cent.tun (2,36 Kb)
file Amadinda AD.tun (2,47 Kb)
file Balafon 7-Tone.tun (4 Kb)
file Charimba AD.tun (2,44 Kb)
file Kunaka 7-Tone.tun (4,01 Kb)
file Likembe 14-Note.tun (2,47 Kb)
file Matepe Tuning AD.tun (2,44 Kb)
file Matepe Tuning.tun (2,5 Kb)
file Sanza 7-Tone.tun (4,03 Kb)
file Sanza 8-Tone.tun (4,01 Kb)
Arabic (5 файлов)
file Al-Farabi 17-tone.tun (5,28 Kb)
file Al-Farabi 19-tone.tun (4,41 Kb)
file Al-Farabi 22-tone.tun (4,4 Kb)
file Sabbagh 7-tone.tun (4,5 Kb)
file Turkish 24-tone.tun (4,42 Kb)
Gamelan (8 файлов)
file Degung 5-tone.tun (4,51 Kb)
file Javanese Pelog.tun (4,68 Kb)
file Javanese Slendro.tun (4,71 Kb)
file Jemblung 5-tone.tun (4,56 Kb)
file Pelog 7-tone.tun (4,68 Kb)
file Pelog and Slendro.tun (4,43 Kb)
file Slendro 5-tone.tun (4,71 Kb)
file Udan 12-tone.tun (4,99 Kb)
Historical (8 файлов)
file Kirnberger II.tun (5,22 Kb)
file Meantone Half.tun (4,88 Kb)
file Olympos 5-tone.tun (4,54 Kb)
file Pythagorean 17-tone I.tun (4,39 Kb)
file Pythagorean 17-tone II.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Pythagorean.tun (5,25 Kb)
file Silbermann.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Werkmeister.tun (5,25 Kb)
Kalimba (20 файлов)
file Blue Nile Alimba.tun (2,48 Kb)
file Bottlecap Zimbira.tun (2,31 Kb)
file Bright Marimbula.tun (2,46 Kb)
file Ceramic Kalimbadrum.tun (2,59 Kb)
file Coffee Can Kalimba.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Dark Zimbira.tun (2,33 Kb)
file Double Gourde Kalimba.tun (2,52 Kb)
file Electric MBira.tun (2,82 Kb)
file Guitaralimba.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Hohner Guitaret.tun (2,62 Kb)
file Kalimba-African AD.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Kalimba-Western AD.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Purple Rain Alimba.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Resonator Zimbira.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Rhumba Box.tun (2,63 Kb)
file Ruby Moon Bass Alimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Sizzle Gourd Kalimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Small Gourd Kalimba.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Tanzanian Bird Kalimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Wood Key Marimbula.tun (2,6 Kb)
Microtonal (7 файлов)
file 11-tone Scale.tun (4,63 Kb)
file 13-tone Scale.tun (4,63 Kb)
file 17-tone Scale.tun (4,62 Kb)
file 19-tone Scale.tun (4,61 Kb)
file 24-tone Scale.tun (4,6 Kb)
file 31-tone Scale.tun (4,6 Kb)
file 48-tone Scale.tun (4,38 Kb)
Modern (14 файлов)
file Bohlen 13-tone.tun (4,49 Kb)
file Bohlen-Pierce.tun (4,67 Kb)
file Carlos Alpha 18-tone.tun (4,47 Kb)
file Carlos Alpha.tun (3,88 Kb)
file Carlos Beta 22-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Carlos Beta.tun (4,08 Kb)
file Carlos Gamma 35-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Carlos Gamma.tun (4,36 Kb)
file Carlos Harmonic C.tun (5,35 Kb)
file Carlos Super Just C.tun (5,25 Kb)
file Carlos Super Just.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Darreg Genus.tun (4,65 Kb)
file Ellis 24-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Partch 29-tone.tun (4,43 Kb)
Western (1 файл)
file Equal Temperament.tun (4,41 Kb)
Soundsources (1 файл)
Factory (3 файла)
Trilian Library (6 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file Trilian Acoustic.db (7,38 Gb)
Electric Bass (3 файла)
file Trilian Electric 01.db (5,76 Gb)
file Trilian Electric 02.db (5,28 Gb)
file Trilian Electric 03.db (6,27 Gb)
Synth Bass (2 файла)
file Trilian Synth 01.db (2,36 Gb)
file Trilian Synth 02.db (10,33 Mb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
txt version.txt (5 b)
file zmap.index (1,44 Mb)
Trilogy Library (5 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Acoustic.db (621,25 Mb)
Electric Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Electric 01.db (3,32 Gb)
Synth Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Synth 01.db (1,34 Gb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
file zmap.index (752,03 Kb)
XTRAS - Bass Legends (6 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file XTRAS - Bass Legends 01.db (64,25 Mb)
Electric Bass (1 файл)
file XTRAS - Bass Legends 02.db (579,85 Mb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
jpg default.jpg (101,65 Kb)
jpg default_thumb.jpg (32,95 Kb)
file zmap.index (118,35 Kb)
Spectrasonics - Trilian v1.6.3d (2 файла)
VST (2 файла)
file Trilian.dll (57,3 Mb)
file Trilian.vst3 (57,55 Mb)
exe Trilian Software Update.exe (80 Mb)

Быстрый и удобный!

Разработчики MediaGet придумали свой алгоритм выбора источников контента,
поэтому файлы на компьютер скачиваются быстрее.

● Microsoft Windows 7 or higher
● 2.0 GHz or higher processor
● 8GB of RAM or more recommended
● Работает как в Standalone(.exe), так и в кач-ве VST 2/3, AAX плагина

Загрузил: Superadmin (25 сентября 2022 13:31)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 126 | Размер: 33.37 Gb
Последняя активность: 15 апреля 2024 19:07
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 122
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Spectrasonics Trilian 1.6.3d + Library (832 файла)
Spectrasonics (1 файл)
STEAM (1 файл)
Trilian (4 файла)
Defaults (5 файлов)
Factory (4 файла)
file User Settings Factory.xml (1,63 Kb)
file default factory.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file default multi.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file initial multi.mlt_trl (190,1 Kb)
images (9 файлов)
jpg Empty_125.jpg (25,35 Kb)
jpg Empty_300.jpg (37,78 Kb)
jpg default multi image.jpg (96,03 Kb)
jpg default multi image_thumb.jpg (40,04 Kb)
jpg default part image.jpg (42,7 Kb)
jpg default part image2.jpg (54 Kb)
jpg default part image_thumb.jpg (39,66 Kb)
jpg default sound source image.jpg (56,98 Kb)
jpg default sound source image_thumb.jpg (33,48 Kb)
file default multi.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file default.mlt_trl (194,78 Kb)
file initial multi.mlt_trl (190,1 Kb)
Documentation (1 файл)
Soundsource Legal Info (3 файла)
file index.html (6,1 Kb)
png p16s.png (920 b)
png spectralogo small.png (30,48 Kb)
Settings Library (3 файла)
Multis (1 файл)
Factory (2 файла)
file Trilian Library.db (13,32 Mb)
file Trilogy Library.db (613,96 Kb)
Patches (1 файл)
Factory (5 файлов)
file Trilian Creative.db (9,47 Mb)
file Trilian Library.db (142,8 Mb)
file Trilian VIP.db (0 b)
file Trilogy Library.db (45,87 Mb)
file XTRA - Bass Legends.db (15,25 Mb)
Presets (8 файлов)
Arpeggiator (10 файлов)
file 00. Blank.arpeg (3,2 Kb)
file 32nd trick.arpeg (2,95 Kb)
file Abe Hip Hop Feel.arpeg (6,85 Kb)
file As Played, 1 Oct, Your Velocity.arpeg (3,29 Kb)
file Chord test.arpeg (2,95 Kb)
file Foster In The 90's.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
file Lone Arranger.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
file News Going Down.arpeg (3,25 Kb)
file Simple.arp (2,96 Kb)
file Triplet Chords.arpeg (3,27 Kb)
Effects (34 файла)
BPM Delay (13 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Beat Offset Delay.fxp_rmx (233 b)
file Clean Bouncer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Dot Eighth Feedback.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Dot Quarter Bouncer.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Left Echo.fxp_rmx (240 b)
file Mellow Bouncer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Nasty High Res.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Oscillation.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Rezonator Ekos.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Right Echo.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Sixteenth Hype.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Sonar Ping-Pong.fxp_rmx (261 b)
BPM Delay X2 (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Brite Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Clean Dual Delays.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Disappearing Triplets.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Dual Filtering Delays.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Filter Trash Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Infinity Fizzle.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Long Echos.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Slow Bouncer.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Tapeness.fxp_rmx (271 b)
BPM Delay X3 (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Beating Hearts.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Boondocks.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Buzz Bomb.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Clean Triple Dots.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Dark Delays.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Distorted Bouncer.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Drone Tones.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Stun.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Thripling.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Tikitita Tikitita.fxp_rmx (285 b)
Chorus Echo (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Dirty Sixteenth Notes.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file EP's Fav 8ths.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Lush and Clean.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Mild Vintage Chorusing.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Sci-Fi Modulation.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Slapping Echoes.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Spacey Echoes.fxp_rmx (284 b)
file Watery Chorus.fxp_rmx (263 b)
EZ-Phaser (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Asyncronous Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Extremely Long Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Four Pole Wah.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Log Drum.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file One Bar Phase.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Radical Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Resonant 8 pole ping.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Retro Phaser.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Trash Ringer.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Wah Phaser.fxp_rmx (282 b)
EZ-Verb (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (287 b)
file Bright Room.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Dark Tank.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Lo-Fi Chamber.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Long Verb.fxp_rmx (280 b)
file Medium Room.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Tiled Room.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Transparent Verb.fxp_rmx (280 b)
Flame Distortion (33 файла)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Badazz Drumz.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Bits On Fire.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Blues Tubes.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Burning Lows.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Death Dealer.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Fat Tube Boost.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Fat Tube Warmth.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Filtered Valves.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Full Meltdown.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Fuzzy Logic.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Glowing Cymbals.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Hardcore Trashhead.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file HarshBurn S-H.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Heavy Valve Distortion.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file HeavyQ S-H squirt.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Highly Flammable.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Hot Kick Chop.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Kick Waveshaper.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Lo-Fi Slow Burn.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Loudness Button.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Mid Flambe.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Nasty Breakup.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file On The Edge.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Oven Warm Up.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Psycho Electro.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Roasting The Mids.fxp_rmx (275 b)
file Roasting Weenies.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Screaming Beast.fxp_rmx (282 b)
file Small Speakers.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Smoky Flames.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Trashy Highs.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Waveshaper Fuzz.fxp_rmx (254 b)
Flanger (18 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (280 b)
file 70s Comb.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Bot.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Chorus Flanger.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Classic Flanging.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Ensemble Vibrato.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Extreme Dopplering.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Glitching Gaps.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file In The Wash.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Pipe Dream.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Sci-Fi Cheeser.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file SloSweep Ringer.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Spring Lazers.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Tron.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Unstable Drone.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Vibrato Wire.fxp_rmx (252 b)
file Wide Doubling.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Zork Welcomes U.fxp_rmx (245 b)
Formant Filter (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Blended Big Head Ees.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Deep Oos.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Mod My Head and Vowel.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Muted Ees.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Small Head Iis.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Talking Ahs.fxp_rmx (280 b)
Gate Expander (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Dynamic Expander.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Mushy Gate.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Noise Gate.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Reverse Attack Sim.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Traditional Gate.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Zippering Glitchy.fxp_rmx (216 b)
Graphic 7-Band EQ (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Bass Killer.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Car Radio.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Cleaning Shift.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Comb Filter.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file Hills and Valleys.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Sharp Mid Dipper.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Super Hi-Fi.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Ultra Transparent.fxp_rmx (255 b)
Graphic 12-Band EQ (13 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file AC-30 Amp.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Aggressive Hi-Fi.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Auratones.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Bass Killer.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Cleaning Comb.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Clear out the mud.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file E X T R E M E.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Guitar Cabinet -2X12s.fxp_rmx (291 b)
file Microizer.fxp_rmx (228 b)
file Ringer Comb.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Sweet and Smooth.fxp_rmx (298 b)
file Uberdipper.fxp_rmx (284 b)
Imager (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (223 b)
file Auto Panner Mono.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Auto Panner Stereo.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Center Mono.fxp_rmx (216 b)
file Full Mono Left.fxp_rmx (209 b)
file Full Mono Right.fxp_rmx (216 b)
file Phase Flipper Sum.fxp_rmx (223 b)
file SloMove Gain+.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Stereo Phase Invert.fxp_rmx (237 b)
file Swap Stereo Perspective.fxp_rmx (230 b)
file Ultra Wide.fxp_rmx (223 b)
Modern Compressor (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Aggressive SSL.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file DBX 160X Comp.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Drum Slammer.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Exteme Popping Attack.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Heavy Mastering.fxp_rmx (269 b)
file Hi-Fi Compression.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Kill The Peaks.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Mild Presence Booster.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file No Reverb.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Tightener.fxp_rmx (234 b)
Parametric 2-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Aging.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Broad Midrange FX.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Doubling the Ring.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Midrange Cleaner.fxp_rmx (293 b)
file Octave Ringer.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Sweepable Mid Boost.fxp_rmx (293 b)
Parametric 3-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Heavy Cuts.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Make it an 808.fxp_rmx (300 b)
file Parametric HiFi.fxp_rmx (293 b)
file Strong Tones.fxp_rmx (286 b)
file Throw a Blanket on it.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Whistling Wind.fxp_rmx (293 b)
Power Filter (20 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Aggressive BPF.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Audio Mod Res.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Bandpass Cleaner.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Bandpass Phaser.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Cheesy UFO sweep.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Dark Ringer.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Fat Sonar.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Frankenstein.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Frequency Shifted.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Growling Ringer.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Midrange Filter.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Phase Philter.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Radiophonic.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Sizzling Bacon.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Sloshy Vox.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Slow Sweeper.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file Sonar Ping HPF.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Subsonic Heartbeat.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file test.fxp_rmx (257 b)
PRO-Phaser (14 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Bending Ringer.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Drone Probe.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Electro Chirpers.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Envelope Phaser.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Glass Pipes.fxp_rmx (283 b)
file Liquid Psych Envelope.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Liquid Psych Sweep.fxp_rmx (297 b)
file Mono DirtTone sweep.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Ring mod Blipperz.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Rough Machine.fxp_rmx (276 b)
file Slow Phaser Stereo.fxp_rmx (262 b)
file Sophistaphaser.fxp_rmx (290 b)
file Watery Panner.fxp_rmx (283 b)
PRO-Verb (4 файла)
01-Long Reverbs (16 файлов)
file AMS Ambience.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Ambience.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file BladeRunner 1.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file BladeRunner 2.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Canyon Blast.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Cave Slapoid brite.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Cave Slapoid long.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Cave Slapoid mid.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Concert Hall.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Handball Court.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file High Quality Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Nice Low CPU Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Parking Structure.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Rich Hall.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Smooth Plate.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Steam Flutter.fxp_rmx (260 b)
02-Room Simulations (23 файла)
file Boom Room mono.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Bright Perc Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Brite Early Reflections.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Corridor.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Dark Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Diffuse Reflections.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Drum Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Expensive Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Fat Little Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Kalimba Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Kick Fattner Ambience.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Lively Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Medium Room.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Mirrored Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Nice Long Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Simple Clear Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Smallish Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file String Chamber.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Studio Chamber.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Tight Bright Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Tiled Room.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Warm Low CPU Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Wide Room.fxp_rmx (274 b)
03-Special FX (27 файлов)
file Bad Acoustic Buzz.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Bouncing Baby.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Brite Granulations.fxp_rmx (260 b)
file Cheesy Echo Machine.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Close Range Flanges.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Discreet Echo Flanges.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Evaporating Steam.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Fizzy Lifting Drink.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Flangoid Deep.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Flangoid Echo.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file Glitch Slapback.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Horrible Flangetank.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Inside the Well.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Long Cylinder.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Metal Slapback.fxp_rmx (288 b)
file Metallic Clockshaft.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Mettalix.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Oil Filled Barrel.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Pre Slapper.fxp_rmx (260 b)
file Resonatorz Low.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Resonatorz Up.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Resonatorz klunk.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Roboeko.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Spring Tank Flutter.fxp_rmx (267 b)
file The Rafters.fxp_rmx (281 b)
file Ultrawide Granules.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file Wavedrum Resonance.fxp_rmx (274 b)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (288 b)
Racks (6 файлов)
01-Ambient Spaces (28 файлов)
file Ambient Guitar.fxr_rmx (813 b)
file Cheap Mics+Bad Room.fxr_rmx (797 b)
file Cheeseball Spring.fxr_rmx (838 b)
file Chorus Delay Room.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Clear n Wide Space.fxr_rmx (833 b)
file Closet Recording.fxr_rmx (772 b)
file Dub Surf rig.fxr_rmx (791 b)
file EP Uber-rich Hall.fxr_rmx (694 b)
file Filtered Ambience 1.fxr_rmx (839 b)
file Filtered Ambience 2.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Filtered Ambience 3.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Filtered Ambience 4.fxr_rmx (838 b)
file Gated Eighties.fxr_rmx (778 b)
file Gianormous.fxr_rmx (854 b)
file Harpy Delays.fxr_rmx (846 b)
file Mid-Mono Ambience.fxr_rmx (819 b)
file Mono Lo-Fi Chamber.fxr_rmx (790 b)
file Mono Metal Chamber.fxr_rmx (783 b)
file Scott's Rack of Love.fxr_rmx (1,06 Kb)
file Snare Resonator.fxr_rmx (853 b)
file Space Echo Modern.fxr_rmx (836 b)
file Space Echo Retro.fxr_rmx (765 b)
file Superphaser Plate.fxr_rmx (821 b)
file Tape Chamber.fxr_rmx (753 b)
file Ultrawide Granules.fxr_rmx (840 b)
file Vintage Reverb Tank.fxr_rmx (699 b)
file Wah-Wah Springs.fxr_rmx (805 b)
file Warm Chorus Delay.fxr_rmx (795 b)
02-Colorizers (17 файлов)
file AM Radio.fxr_rmx (781 b)
file Analog Tape Wamth.fxr_rmx (692 b)
file Analogizer.fxr_rmx (644 b)
file Freakish Stereo Comp.fxr_rmx (760 b)
file Guitar Rack (Dry).fxr_rmx (889 b)
file High End Widener.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Lo-Fi Loopizer.fxr_rmx (753 b)
file Mono Phase Flipper.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Old Mono Mic.fxr_rmx (725 b)
file Percussion Sweetner.fxr_rmx (724 b)
file Public Address System.fxr_rmx (872 b)
file Retroizer.fxr_rmx (785 b)
file S Q U A S H.fxr_rmx (766 b)
file Small Boom Box.fxr_rmx (736 b)
file String Machine Amplifier.fxr_rmx (1,03 Kb)
file Trashy Little Speakers.fxr_rmx (761 b)
file Tube Mastering.fxr_rmx (685 b)
03-FX oriented (25 файлов)
file Acid Wonderland.fxr_rmx (863 b)
file BT Tron Bikes.fxr_rmx (839 b)
file Clock Towers.fxr_rmx (855 b)
file Crackling Stones.fxr_rmx (816 b)
file Digeridont.fxr_rmx (880 b)
file Dual Chorus.fxr_rmx (792 b)
file Dual Twirling Phasers.fxr_rmx (837 b)
file Electro Tamboura Drone.fxr_rmx (826 b)
file Enveloper Room Sweep.fxr_rmx (856 b)
file Glass Menagerie.fxr_rmx (856 b)
file Granulatio.fxr_rmx (800 b)
file Infinite Bees.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Metallaphonik.fxr_rmx (810 b)
file Motorcycle Earthquake.fxr_rmx (896 b)
file Panning Granules.fxr_rmx (807 b)
file Phaseflange.fxr_rmx (786 b)
file Phaser Groove Drone.fxr_rmx (879 b)
file Sci-Fi Echo Cheese.fxr_rmx (809 b)
file Shifting Resonators.fxr_rmx (808 b)
file Shimmering Droneshifter.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Shortwave Grains.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Singing Drones.fxr_rmx (808 b)
file Supertension.fxr_rmx (858 b)
file Uber Tonizer.fxr_rmx (823 b)
file Vertigo.fxr_rmx (867 b)
04-Overdriven (10 файлов)
file Ampy.fxr_rmx (781 b)
file Distorto Gateverb.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Funkerator.fxr_rmx (792 b)
file Goth Chick.fxr_rmx (777 b)
file Larynx.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Panning Comb Fuzz.fxr_rmx (815 b)
file Primal Screamer.fxr_rmx (819 b)
file Talking Bass Fuzz.fxr_rmx (787 b)
file Talking Overdrive.fxr_rmx (829 b)
file Underground Zweepz.fxr_rmx (879 b)
05 Utility (1 файл)
file Make it Mono.fxr_rmx (471 b)
file 00-Empty Rack.fxr_rmx (716 b)
Radio Delay (17 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file 16x8 Delays.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Beautiful Radio.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Bee Larvae.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Brite Slapper.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Eight Bar Delay.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Lennonish Echo.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Low Cut Delays.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Megaphone Echo.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Mildy Distorted.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Old Radio Delay.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Siren Delay.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Slap Echo.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Stereo Resonator.fxp_rmx (277 b)
file Tile Slapper.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Treble 16x8.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Tunable Tempo Tone.fxp_rmx (277 b)
Retro-Flanger (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (279 b)
file Analog Voice.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Dark PCM 42s.fxp_rmx (258 b)
file Life in the Fast Lane.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Medium Wobble.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Mono Wiggler.fxp_rmx (258 b)
file Slow Flanger.fxp_rmx (272 b)
file Think of Bob.fxp_rmx (265 b)
file Trash My Signal.fxp_rmx (272 b)
Retro-Phaser (6 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Mono Six Pole Phaser.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Quarter Note Wobbling.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Resonant Dirty Phaser.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Slow Phase Motion.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Vintage Four Pole Phaser.fxp_rmx (278 b)
Retroplex (11 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Ancient Echobox.fxp_rmx (268 b)
file Bicentenial.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Breakup.fxp_rmx (282 b)
file Flutterface.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Long Darkness.fxp_rmx (254 b)
file Maximum Length Clone.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file My Undoing.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Old Chorus.fxp_rmx (247 b)
file Retro Slappy.fxp_rmx (261 b)
file Self Mutilation.fxp_rmx (268 b)
Smoke Amp Simulator (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file British Amp Meltdown.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Flaming Mids.fxp_rmx (292 b)
file Knopfler Vibe.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Lo-Fi Rectify.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Mild Plexi Fuzz.fxp_rmx (299 b)
file Pretty Much Eleven.fxp_rmx (285 b)
file USA Top Killed.fxp_rmx (271 b)
Spring Verb (9 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file 1950s Echo Chamber.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Fake Stereo Spring.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Flat Stereo Spring.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Lo-Fi Mono Tank.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Low Budget Reverb.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Poor Acoustics.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Reflectorater.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Stereophonic Spring.fxp_rmx (235 b)
Tape Slammer (16 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Analog Tape Softener.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Concrete Wall Limiter.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Even Out Loud.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Extra Juice.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Extreme RMS Comp.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Half inch at 16ips.fxp_rmx (236 b)
file Lo-Fi Tape Saturation.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Magnetic Slammer.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Metal Boots.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file Mild Ampex 499.fxp_rmx (236 b)
file Need New Speakers.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Neve plus Tape.fxp_rmx (250 b)
file Ouch.fxp_rmx (257 b)
file SSL Talkback Mic Comp.fxp_rmx (243 b)
file Tape Warmth.fxp_rmx (236 b)
Tube Limiter (6 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (229 b)
file Big Hard Attack.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file Heavy Compression.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file RMS Compression.fxp_rmx (229 b)
file Tube Mastering.fxp_rmx (222 b)
file Vintage Limiting.fxp_rmx (236 b)
Ultra Chorus (15 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file 00.Default Preset.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Analog Chorus Wide.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble I.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble II.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Ensemble III.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Fast Wiggle.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file I Need Service.fxp_rmx (278 b)
file Lush Euro Chorus.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file Old DOD Like Chorus.fxp_rmx (264 b)
file SciFi Effector.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Simple and Bright.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Twisted.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Vintage Chorus.fxp_rmx (271 b)
file Warm Detuner.fxp_rmx (285 b)
Valve Radio (8 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Blown Radio Tubes.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Dual Filtering.fxp_rmx (228 b)
file Fat n Nasty.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Machine Blew Up.fxp_rmx (263 b)
file Mean Little Bugs.fxp_rmx (270 b)
file Pure Low Cut Filter.fxp_rmx (221 b)
file Radio Overdrive.fxp_rmx (242 b)
Vintage 2-Band EQ (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file 20hz Filter.fxp_rmx (227 b)
file 75hz Filter.fxp_rmx (234 b)
file Analog Fattener.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Focus Low-End.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Lo-Fi Dual Filter.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Retro EQ.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Smooth Treble Boost.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Sweet Mastering Smile.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Tube Warmer.fxp_rmx (241 b)
Vintage 3-Band EQ (7 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Bass Box.fxp_rmx (241 b)
file Boom Box Megabass.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Hi-Fi EQ.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Mid Cut.fxp_rmx (255 b)
file Midrangey.fxp_rmx (248 b)
file Triple Cutter.fxp_rmx (255 b)
Vintage Compressor (10 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Basic Trilian Comp.fxp_rmx (295 b)
file Gentle Boost.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file Loudness Maximizer.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Peak Limiting.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Pump it Up.fxp_rmx (242 b)
file RCA Limiter.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Radical RMS Compression.fxp_rmx (256 b)
file Retro Hard Limiter.fxp_rmx (249 b)
file Tasty RMS Comp.fxp_rmx (249 b)
Wah-Wah (14 файлов)
file 00. Default Preset.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Asyncronous Stereo Wah.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Asyncronous Tremolo.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Cross-Pan Filter.fxp_rmx (245 b)
file Dotted Wah.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Envelope Wah 1.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Envelope Wah 2.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Grungey Wah-non sync.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Grungey Wah-sync.fxp_rmx (287 b)
file Inverted Envelope.fxp_rmx (273 b)
file Stereo Bubblez.fxp_rmx (259 b)
file Stereo Frenzy.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Stereo Sync Wah.fxp_rmx (266 b)
file Tight Envelope Lows.fxp_rmx (259 b)
Envelope (6 файлов)
Complex Envelopes (7 файлов)
file Bouncing Ball.env (1,21 Kb)
file Clav Filter Release.env (270 b)
file Reversing effect 1.env (1,43 Kb)
file Reversing effect 2.env (1,43 Kb)
file Sfz Whoosh.env (324 b)
file TB-303 Bender env.env (1,04 Kb)
file Woodpecker.env (1008 b)
LFO-style Envelopes (3 файла)
file LFO.env (445 b)
file UpThenDrop.env (261 b)
file UpperLFO.env (520 b)
Rhythmic Envelopes (76 файлов)
file Accent and Swell 1.env (1,01 Kb)
file Accent and Swell 2.env (1,06 Kb)
file Accented Groove.env (954 b)
file Acid House Groove.env (1,1 Kb)
file Bolero.env (776 b)
file Chop Suey.env (1,27 Kb)
file Classic Trancegate.env (1,52 Kb)
file Dancer1.env (759 b)
file Darth Groove.env (783 b)
file Dingo Groove.env (783 b)
file Disco Theremin 1.env (1,75 Kb)
file Disco Theremin 2.env (1,88 Kb)
file Disco Theremin 3.env (976 b)
file Disco Theremin 4.env (962 b)
file Double Strokes.env (979 b)
file Downbeat and Reversing 1.env (731 b)
file Eighth note delay.env (1021 b)
file Fancy Groove.env (2,62 Kb)
file Flam.env (328 b)
file Flourishing Groove.env (1,14 Kb)
file Fly Orch.env (1,48 Kb)
file Groove Patrol1.env (1,08 Kb)
file Groove Patrol2.env (1,08 Kb)
file Groovealiscious.env (767 b)
file Groover Boy.env (783 b)
file Hangover.env (1,08 Kb)
file Hangover2.env (1,07 Kb)
file Hipster Groove.env (1,83 Kb)
file Hipster Simple.env (1,1 Kb)
file Imaginary Garden.env (786 b)
file Infrared Groove.env (2,91 Kb)
file Kinetic.env (1,96 Kb)
file Kites 1.env (1,61 Kb)
file Kites 2.env (1,3 Kb)
file Kites 3.env (1,81 Kb)
file Long Distance.env (1,06 Kb)
file Minimal pulze.env (552 b)
file Minimal pulze2.env (553 b)
file Monster Seq.env (2,2 Kb)
file New York Sky 2.env (2,28 Kb)
file New York Sky.env (1,98 Kb)
file Offbeat Spikes.env (707 b)
file Onbeat Spikes.env (707 b)
file One AND 1.env (493 b)
file Pacifier.env (1,03 Kb)
file Pickup Groove.env (891 b)
file Plastic Boy Groove.env (1,59 Kb)
file Plastic Cat.env (1,15 Kb)
file Plastic Spaceship 2.env (1,19 Kb)
file Plastic Spaceship.env (1,09 Kb)
file Pulsating Groove.env (1,42 Kb)
file Reversing and Beat 3.env (602 b)
file Robot Voltage.env (1,48 Kb)
file Rudiments.env (1,12 Kb)
file Sforzando 1 bar.env (277 b)
file Siren Groove.env (1,06 Kb)
file Spit Bop.env (1,12 Kb)
file Stampede.env (590 b)
file Step n Pulse.env (920 b)
file Stepford Wives.env (1,15 Kb)
file Stylopattern.env (1,12 Kb)
file Sucker2.env (1,08 Kb)
file Swedish Groove.env (1,17 Kb)
file Syncope1.env (707 b)
file Tango.env (1,07 Kb)
file Tarnce.env (540 b)
file Tarnce2.env (539 b)
file Thriller.env (532 b)
file Two Beat Pulse Simple.env (317 b)
file Two cool.env (1,76 Kb)
file UK Undergroove.env (906 b)
file VL Tone pattern.env (1,29 Kb)
file battledrums.env (820 b)
file prog1.env (597 b)
file seven8.env (616 b)
file snare roll1.env (1,11 Kb)
Simple Envelopes (2 файла)
file Just One Spike.env (256 b)
file Sharper Filter ADSR.env (263 b)
file 00. Default ADSR.env (263 b)
file 01. Default Step Envelope.env (640 b)
Factory (10 файлов)
Effects (34 файла)
Impulse Data (1 файл)
file Smoke.db (289,37 Kb)
file BPM Delay X2.db (3,34 Kb)
file BPM Delay X3.db (3,71 Kb)
file BPM Delay.db (4,08 Kb)
file Chorus Echo.db (3,04 Kb)
file EZ-Phaser.db (3,64 Kb)
file EZ-Verb.db (2,64 Kb)
file Flame Distortion.db (10,51 Kb)
file Flanger.db (5,63 Kb)
file Formant Filter.db (2,32 Kb)
file Gate Expander.db (2,05 Kb)
file Graphic 12-Band EQ.db (4,4 Kb)
file Graphic 7-Band EQ.db (2,75 Kb)
file Imager.db (3,13 Kb)
file PRO-Phaser.db (4,77 Kb)
file PRO-Verb.db (22,52 Kb)
file Parametric 2-Band EQ.db (2,42 Kb)
file Parametric 3-Band EQ.db (2,43 Kb)
file Power Filter.db (6,2 Kb)
file Racks.db (75,79 Kb)
file Radio Delay.db (5,51 Kb)
file Retro-Flanger.db (2,92 Kb)
file Retro-Phaser.db (2,03 Kb)
file Retroplex.db (3,46 Kb)
file Smoke Amp.db (2,73 Kb)
file Spring Verb.db (2,77 Kb)
file Tape Slammer.db (4,9 Kb)
file Tube Limiter.db (1,73 Kb)
file Ultra Chorus.db (5,5 Kb)
file Valve Radio.db (2,46 Kb)
file Vintage 2-Band EQ.db (2,98 Kb)
file Vintage 3-Band EQ.db (2,16 Kb)
file Vintage Compressor.db (2,76 Kb)
file Wah-Wah.db (4,51 Kb)
file Arpeggiator.db (507,64 Kb)
file Envelope.db (102,24 Kb)
file Filters.db (121,13 Kb)
file Harmonia.db (19,63 Kb)
file LFO.db (3,51 Kb)
file MIDI Learn.db (77 b)
file Stack.db (2,26 Kb)
file Velocity Curve.db (11,63 Kb)
file Wave Shaper.db (5,39 Kb)
Filter (3 файла)
Highpass Filters (2 файла)
file HPF Crisp.filter (1006 b)
file HPF UVI.filter (1004 b)
Lowpass Filters (24 файла)
file Dual Self-Osc.filter (1,03 Kb)
file FATBOY.filter (1 Kb)
file Fat Resonance.filter (1,01 Kb)
file LPF Colorful 24db.filter (1014 b)
file LPF Crisp 12db.filter (1011 b)
file LPF Edge 24db.filter (1010 b)
file LPF Gentle 6db.filter (1011 b)
file LPF Power Filter 24db.filter (1018 b)
file LPF Smooth 24db.filter (1012 b)
file LPF UVI 1.filter (1006 b)
file LPF UVI 2.filter (1020 b)
file LPF UVI 3.filter (1006 b)
file LPF Warm 12db.filter (1010 b)
file LPF Warm 24db.filter (1017 b)
file Parallel Wide LP12s.filter (1,04 Kb)
file Rich and Moogie1.filter (1 Kb)
file Rich and Moogie2.filter (1017 b)
file Rich and Moogie3.filter (1 Kb)
file Series Throaty LP12s.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Steep and Smooth.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Stereo 2 poles.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Super Resonant.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Super Wide Res.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Techno Dual Reso.filter (1,02 Kb)
Specialty Filters (13 файлов)
file Allpass.filter (1004 b)
file Bandpass+Allpass.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Bandpass.filter (1005 b)
file Colorful Resophaser.filter (1,03 Kb)
file Dual Hipass.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Dual Stereo Bandpass.filter (1,02 Kb)
file Gain only.filter (999 b)
file Metal Pipe+.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Metal Pipe-.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Notch+Bandpass.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Notch.filter (1,01 Kb)
file Power LP24.filter (1007 b)
file Stereo Phase Filter.filter (1,03 Kb)
LFO (12 файлов)
file 4X Positive Sweep.lfo (274 b)
file Delayed Vibrato.lfo (260 b)
file Eighth Ramps.lfo (281 b)
file FM.lfo (260 b)
file Fast Vibrato.lfo (253 b)
file Modular Effect.lfo (274 b)
file Noise.lfo (260 b)
file Sample & Hold 16ths.lfo (281 b)
file Slow Positive Sweep.lfo (260 b)
file Smooth Square Tremolo.lfo (260 b)
file Trilian Vibrato.lfo (266 b)
file Trill.lfo (274 b)
Stack (2 файла)
file 4-way split.stack (447 b)
file All 8 Parts.stack (839 b)
Tuning File (8 файлов)
African (10 файлов)
file Amadinda 240cent.tun (2,36 Kb)
file Amadinda AD.tun (2,47 Kb)
file Balafon 7-Tone.tun (4 Kb)
file Charimba AD.tun (2,44 Kb)
file Kunaka 7-Tone.tun (4,01 Kb)
file Likembe 14-Note.tun (2,47 Kb)
file Matepe Tuning AD.tun (2,44 Kb)
file Matepe Tuning.tun (2,5 Kb)
file Sanza 7-Tone.tun (4,03 Kb)
file Sanza 8-Tone.tun (4,01 Kb)
Arabic (5 файлов)
file Al-Farabi 17-tone.tun (5,28 Kb)
file Al-Farabi 19-tone.tun (4,41 Kb)
file Al-Farabi 22-tone.tun (4,4 Kb)
file Sabbagh 7-tone.tun (4,5 Kb)
file Turkish 24-tone.tun (4,42 Kb)
Gamelan (8 файлов)
file Degung 5-tone.tun (4,51 Kb)
file Javanese Pelog.tun (4,68 Kb)
file Javanese Slendro.tun (4,71 Kb)
file Jemblung 5-tone.tun (4,56 Kb)
file Pelog 7-tone.tun (4,68 Kb)
file Pelog and Slendro.tun (4,43 Kb)
file Slendro 5-tone.tun (4,71 Kb)
file Udan 12-tone.tun (4,99 Kb)
Historical (8 файлов)
file Kirnberger II.tun (5,22 Kb)
file Meantone Half.tun (4,88 Kb)
file Olympos 5-tone.tun (4,54 Kb)
file Pythagorean 17-tone I.tun (4,39 Kb)
file Pythagorean 17-tone II.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Pythagorean.tun (5,25 Kb)
file Silbermann.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Werkmeister.tun (5,25 Kb)
Kalimba (20 файлов)
file Blue Nile Alimba.tun (2,48 Kb)
file Bottlecap Zimbira.tun (2,31 Kb)
file Bright Marimbula.tun (2,46 Kb)
file Ceramic Kalimbadrum.tun (2,59 Kb)
file Coffee Can Kalimba.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Dark Zimbira.tun (2,33 Kb)
file Double Gourde Kalimba.tun (2,52 Kb)
file Electric MBira.tun (2,82 Kb)
file Guitaralimba.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Hohner Guitaret.tun (2,62 Kb)
file Kalimba-African AD.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Kalimba-Western AD.tun (2,61 Kb)
file Purple Rain Alimba.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Resonator Zimbira.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Rhumba Box.tun (2,63 Kb)
file Ruby Moon Bass Alimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Sizzle Gourd Kalimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Small Gourd Kalimba.tun (2,75 Kb)
file Tanzanian Bird Kalimba.tun (2,74 Kb)
file Wood Key Marimbula.tun (2,6 Kb)
Microtonal (7 файлов)
file 11-tone Scale.tun (4,63 Kb)
file 13-tone Scale.tun (4,63 Kb)
file 17-tone Scale.tun (4,62 Kb)
file 19-tone Scale.tun (4,61 Kb)
file 24-tone Scale.tun (4,6 Kb)
file 31-tone Scale.tun (4,6 Kb)
file 48-tone Scale.tun (4,38 Kb)
Modern (14 файлов)
file Bohlen 13-tone.tun (4,49 Kb)
file Bohlen-Pierce.tun (4,67 Kb)
file Carlos Alpha 18-tone.tun (4,47 Kb)
file Carlos Alpha.tun (3,88 Kb)
file Carlos Beta 22-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Carlos Beta.tun (4,08 Kb)
file Carlos Gamma 35-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Carlos Gamma.tun (4,36 Kb)
file Carlos Harmonic C.tun (5,35 Kb)
file Carlos Super Just C.tun (5,25 Kb)
file Carlos Super Just.tun (4,42 Kb)
file Darreg Genus.tun (4,65 Kb)
file Ellis 24-tone.tun (4,45 Kb)
file Partch 29-tone.tun (4,43 Kb)
Western (1 файл)
file Equal Temperament.tun (4,41 Kb)
Soundsources (1 файл)
Factory (3 файла)
Trilian Library (6 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file Trilian Acoustic.db (7,38 Gb)
Electric Bass (3 файла)
file Trilian Electric 01.db (5,76 Gb)
file Trilian Electric 02.db (5,28 Gb)
file Trilian Electric 03.db (6,27 Gb)
Synth Bass (2 файла)
file Trilian Synth 01.db (2,36 Gb)
file Trilian Synth 02.db (10,33 Mb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
txt version.txt (5 b)
file zmap.index (1,44 Mb)
Trilogy Library (5 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Acoustic.db (621,25 Mb)
Electric Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Electric 01.db (3,32 Gb)
Synth Bass (1 файл)
file Trilogy Synth 01.db (1,34 Gb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
file zmap.index (752,03 Kb)
XTRAS - Bass Legends (6 файлов)
Acoustic Bass (1 файл)
file XTRAS - Bass Legends 01.db (64,25 Mb)
Electric Bass (1 файл)
file XTRAS - Bass Legends 02.db (579,85 Mb)
file Preferences.xml (1,33 Kb)
jpg default.jpg (101,65 Kb)
jpg default_thumb.jpg (32,95 Kb)
file zmap.index (118,35 Kb)
Spectrasonics - Trilian v1.6.3d (2 файла)
VST (2 файла)
file Trilian.dll (57,3 Mb)
file Trilian.vst3 (57,55 Mb)
exe Trilian Software Update.exe (80 Mb)

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